24x14 - The Royal Rival

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x14 - The Royal Rival

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) When Galvanax, cruel champion of "Galaxy Warriors,"

claimed the mighty Power Stars...

Earth's greatest ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later, a new generation of warriors rises up

to protect the ninja Power Stars.

It's Morphin' Time!

They are Power Rangers Ninja Steel.

(Mrs. Finch) Now for Sara's presentation.

(students murmuring)

(sighs) Okay.

(clears throat)

Are you sick of cookies being a "sometimes" food?

Do you want to eat them for every meal

without your mom getting mad?

Well... tah-dah!

My business project is Sarah's Cookie Creator.

You can put any food you want in here,

and a delicious, healthy cookie

will come out of here.

Who wants to give it a try?

Victor... of course.


Delicious cookies from any food?

I highly doubt that.

Give me your lunch, Monty.

Uh... unh-unh.

Uh, my mom made it.

Let's see what's on the menu today.


(students grimacing)


And yummy... a liver sandwich.


Let's see your contraption make that delicious.


(creator beeping, chugging)

Here you go.

Here you go.

Hey, that's kind of good.

It's really good.

(Mrs. Finch) Sarah, I think that the public

will really love your business idea.

Thank you, hmm.

And now for Victor and Monty. Hmm?

Where's your business invention?

(both loudly stammering)

(school bell ringing)

I want to see your business project results tomorrow.

Or you both get an F.

(both groaning)



♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪

Ladies and gentlemen monsters!

Prepare yourselves for a royal surprise!

Please welcome to the stage

the new ruler of Lion Galaxy,

Princess Viera!

(cheering and applause)


(roars) Bow to the princess!

Uh, yes, Drillion, so sorry.

Yikes! Hello, Your Majesty.


In the name of the Lion Galaxy,

Lord Drillion and I will destroy the Power Rangers

as I will all enemies of my kingdom.

(crowd cheering) I will not fail!

People say she's a weak ruler.

Do you really think she can destroy the Rangers?

Her guard, Drillion, is as tough as they come.

If she fails, I'll just order him to destroy the Rangers.


(Sarah) Welcome to Sarah's Cookie Creator.


Wow, those look amazing.

Okay, carrot and chicken cookies to go.

That'll be $ , thanks.


Hey, what are Victor and Monty up to now?

What fools!

Don't they know that man cannot survive

on cookies alone?

He needs...

Fresh milk!

(cow mooing)

A cow?!

So, where exactly does the milk come from?

Uh, well, I'll find out.

Maybe here?

Come on, Bessie, give it up.

Maybe back here?

(Monty) Oh, no...

(Bessie mooing) Not really?


Victor, you have to, uh-- Don't touch those!

Ohh! Aah! Ahh!


(groaning) Thank you.

You're welcome.


We have reports of a stolen cow.

(Bessie mooing)

Black... white, four hooves.

Uh... (Bessie moos louder)

I think you boys better come downtown with me.

I just found her grazing next to a fence, I...

I thought she was a wild cow, I swear.

(Monty) Oh, Victor!

(Sarah) I'll take those.

Next, please. Thank you.

Whoa, uh, that line is long and getting longer.

Oh, well, let's speed things up a bit.

Auto chop.

(communicator beeping) Cancel.

Brody, I've detected buzz cams very close to you.

We're on it.

Go on.

I'll man the cookies.

Thanks, Mick.

Welcome to Sarah's Cookies.

I'm Mick, I'll be your server.

Time to scream!

You know the drill!


Lay everything to waste!

When the pitiful Rangers arrive,

deliver them to their doom!

Watch this! Hyah!


Head's up!

I bet that got their attention!

(Princess Viera) Yes!

Like moths to a flame.

Hold it right there, creep.

Rangers, finally.

So, you think you can beat us and win "Galaxy Warriors", huh?

Well, we've got news for you.

It ain't gonna happen.

On behalf of the Lion Galaxy,

may I invite you to... your destruction.

(Rangers grunting)

Let's go!

Oh, it's on!

(grunting throughout)

(Viera chuckles)

Gotcha! Whoa!


Rargh! You're all even weaker than I thought.

Unh! Preston, are you okay?

I'll end you all!

Deflect his blast!


Let's get him!

Huh? Aah!

Oh, no, that person's falling!

I'll end you all!

Deflect his blast!


Let's get him!

Huh? Aah!

Oh, no, that person's falling!


Are you okay?

Who are you?

You saved me?

Of course, that's what Power Rangers do.

(loud crash) Oh!

I'll crush you one-by-one!

(Drillion laughing)

Uh, what are you doing?

Enough playing! Time to finish this.

Drillion, stop the battle!

Not now, Princess Viera.

The Rangers are at my mercy!

You will obey me, stop!

But, Princess!

Yes, Your Majesty.

Who was that?

The monster called her Princess Viera.

I saved her from falling,

and I didn't even know she was an enemy.

Let's just be glad she stopped the Drillion dude.

He was kicking out butts.

We'd better be on guard. Hmm.

(Viera) Hurry up, Drillion!

What were you thinking stopping that fight?!

How dare you question me.

Half of the Lion Galaxy believes you're too weak to rule.

Destroy the Rangers or the other half will think so too.

I'm not weak. I'm smart.

I study my enemies, and when I know enough about them,

I will crush them.

Wait, if she studies the Rangers

and chooses not to destroy them,

then maybe you would like to be

the new ruler of the Lion Galaxy.

Huh, sounds good to me.

(Sarah) Here are you cookies.

Hope you enjoy.

I'd say your project was a big success.


Except the help keeps eating up all your profit.

(Calvin) Hey, they're healthy.

I've only eaten two. Dozen.

Let's get this stuff to the car.

Thank you, guys.


(Viera) Hmm... a cookie machine.

Sorry, we're closed.

But I do have... one last box of cookies.

Oh, I'm just looking. I have no money.

You can try one. No charge.

Oh, my, it's delicious.

Do I know you? You look so familiar.

Hey! I'll get him!

Stop, you thief! Ugh!

Whoa! Whoa!

How did that happen?

I have you now!

Ow, let me go! Not a chance!

How should we punish this thief?

Whoa, whoa, hold on.

Let him go, you're hurting him.

But he stole from you.

Let him go.

Hey, why'd you do that?

You must want these cookies pretty bad, huh?

They're for my sister.

We don't have anything to eat.

What? Why not? We're on our own.

I had to drop out of school to look after her.

I see. What's your name?


Billy, I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you.

Can I?

Look, you are your sister can't eat these.

Come with me.

Come on, don't worry.

This is my healthy cookie creator.

I made it to get an "A" in class,

but you need it more than I do.

So, I'm giving it to you.

You're giving it to me?

Mm-hmm. Why?

So, you can sell cookies.

That way you'll be able to buy food

for you and your sister.

But no more stealing... swear?

Really? Mm-hmm.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Of course.

Come on, I'll show you how it works later.

Thanks again!

Why would you reward a thief instead of punishing him?

Because sometimes people don't need punishment.

They need help.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

Where I come from, might makes right.

I was taught to crush anyone who opposed me.

But deep inside, I always knew that was wrong.

You forgave that boy.

Even though you could've used your strength

as a Power Ranger to crush him.

How did you know I was a Power Ranger?

Wait a minute, I knew you looked familiar.

You and your monster tried to destroy us.

You're that princess.

Yes, I-- I'm Princess Viera.

I was sent here to prove my strength

by destroying you and your fellow Rangers.

But you've shown me that kindness

can be just as powerful.

Forgive me if I don't just jump in

and believe every word you say.

Oh, you can believe her.

She's weak. I've always known it.

And today she's finished. Rargh!

I'll prove I'm worthy of ruling the Lion Galaxy

by destroying you both!


I'll start with you.


I'll prove I'm worthy of ruling the Lion Galaxy

by destroying you both!

(laughing) I'll start with you.


No! Unh!

Ahh! Oh!

(Power Rangers) Ninja Blast!

Ahh! No!

Viera, you okay?


You saved me.

Just as you saved me.

Ahh! Sarah!

Get to safety.


There's no place that's safe from me.

It's Morphin' Time. Power Stars...

(all) Lock in!


Ninja Spin!

Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

Well, let's see if Drillion has what it takes

to rule the Lion Galaxy, oh!

(all grunting)

Ahh! This is going to be fun!

Don't count on it.

Ahh! Ahh!

(both) Element Star!

Storm Star, lightning mode!

(both) Battle Morpher, arrow blast!

Ninja Lightning Attack! Ninja Water Attack!

I saw this coming. (laughing)

What? No!

Oh, gee, I can't believe it.

He's so powerful.

Now who's next? You!

Hyah! Eat this!

Oh! Whoa, they're fast.

Look out!

Oh, no. Oh, yes!

Look! Our Element Stars! He's broken them. Oh, no!

And I'll break you, too.

(Viera) Sarah! No!

Drillion's too powerful, you need help.

So, ready to give up, Rangers?

Keep fighting as long as you can. I have an idea.

Great. Thank you, Viera.

Let's go.


(both grunting)

How can you beat me if you can't even hit me?


Now meet my claw!

(laughing) No!


Oh, goody, there's more.

Get him!

Hyah! Take this!

No, thanks.

Aah! You can't beat all of us!

Watch me.

(grunting throughout)


He's too strong.

Viera's gonna help us,

but we need to buy her more time.

Come on, all together.

(Madam Odius) Warning, be on the lookout

for Princess Viera.

She may be on the ship.

The Princess escaped!

Gigantify Drillion now!

You got it, Champ!

What a treat!

Drillion's on such a roll

that we've decided to... Gigantify!

Let's seal the deal with a pair of Skullgators, too!

(cheering wildly)

Oh, yeah!

Play time's over!

(all gasp)

We can't wait for Viera.

It's time to call in our Zords.

Zord Stars!

(all) Lock in! Activate!

Ninja Spin!

Zords, attack!

Nice try!

Ninja Fusion Zord, combine!

Ninja Master Mode.

Ninja Fusion Zord, ready!

Ninja Fusion Zord... (all) Lock!

Fusion Slash!

(Skullgators screeching)

Bye-bye, Skullgators!

But here comes Drillion.

Time to crush a Megazord. (roars)

(all shouting)

Remember my claw?

It's full of surprises... like this!

Whoa! Whoa!

The Fusion Zord is becoming unstable.

It's breaking apart!

(all grunting)

Four Zords down, two to go.


And again!

Ahh! Unh!

Brody, Levi? You okay?

Yeah, but we're in trouble.

Goodbye, Rangers.

It's been fun, but now it's time to destroy you!

(thunder crashes) What?!

Look! Whoa!

That must be her.

Viera's ship is amazing!

You'll never rule the Lion Galaxy!

Not her! Not now! No!

(Lion ship roars)

She kept her promise.

This is epic!

Oh, no!

The ship's drawing power

from the atmosphere!

No, Princess, don't!

Ah! She's too powerful!

(Rangers gasp) I'm out of here!

Ha! He teleported away!

Yeah! Like a scaredy cat.

(Lion ship roaring)

(all cheering)

She really scared him off.

She really is good at heart.

Come on, let's get our broken weapons to Mick.

(Galvanax) Ugh!

That backstabbing Princess thinks she can get away?

Fire the laser cannons!

You can't destroy the Lion ship!

Okay, class, you've completed day one

of your business assignment.

So, any problems to report before we start day two?

Uh, actually, Mrs. Finch,

I'm so sorry, but I'm not gonna

be able to continue with my project.

Sarah, I'm going to have to give you a failing grade.

This isn't like you. What's happened?

It's not important, it's just--

Excuse me.


Yes, young man? How can we help?

There's something you should know.

Sarah can't complete her assignment

because she gave her invention to me.

I needed food for me and my sister,

and she helped us out so I could earn money.

I came here to say thank you.

I'm glad I could help.

Because of you, I've re-enrolled at school.

Well, in that case...

Sarah, I'm changing your grade to an A-plus.

(Brody) Yeah, go Sarah!


Okay, next up, Victor and Monty.

Where are Victor and Monty?

(police radio dispatch)

Take your time.

Tell me if you recognize

any of these guys as the thief.

(voice) Mmmm!

So, that's them, huh?

(Bessie mooing)

(both crying)
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