24x13 - Ace and the Race

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x13 - Ace and the Race

Post by bunniefuu »

claimed the mighty power stars,

Earth's greatest ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later, a new generation of warriors

rises up to protect the Ninja Power Stars.

It's Morphin time!

They are "Power Rangers: Ninja Steel"!

(man) As mayor, I am delighted to welcome you

to the Lake Sunshine Fun-athalon!

The winner of the most events

will get this beautiful trophy!

And don't forget to say hello to Bubbles, the lake's mascot.

Hello, Bubbles.

Sarah and Hayley. Yeah.

You're on the green team with me. Oh, cool!

Calvin and Levi, we're on the orange team.

(Calvin) Thanks.

And I got each team a baton.

Thank you.

Oh, what?

Hey, where are you going? The race starts soon.

That's Ace and his crew.

(Brody) Who's Ace?

He only has the coolest car in town, and he...

(together) ...totally rebuilt the engine himself.

Yeah, I remember. Awesome Ace.

Don't worry, I'll be right back.

Let's get ready.

(Cosmo Royale) Welcome to the show!

Racing to the finish line is this week's contestant,


Victory is mine!

Ha-ha! In your face, losers!

Do you know what happens when people lose the race to me?


(both) Huh?

(cheers and applause)

Ah, when I beat the Rangers, I'm going to add them

to my trophy case!

(cheers and applause)

But how will you make the Rangers race against you?

I have the perfect disguise!

(shudders) Now, that's scary!

Once they touch my evil baton,

they'll be begging to race me!

Ha-ha! Ha!


♪ Go! Go! ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪


Calvin, my man. How are you doing?

Good, Ace!

Man, your ride is looking sweet.

Finished rebuilding the engine.

Wanna look at the goods? Yeah.


That NOS kit is off the chain! Mmm.

Sure is, I put a lot of elbow grease

into those mounts.

Hey, Ace, you got an oil leak.

Should be a cinch to fix. I mean, a pro like you.

Uh, well, yeah, sure.

I could fix it, but, uh...

hey, maybe you'd like to take a crack at it, huh?

Me? Yeah, that'd be great, Ace!

The school workshop isn't too far from here.


Maybe we better push it there just to be safe.

Yeah, no worries.

We can push it, right, guys?

Um... okay.

Well, uh, you guys relax. I got it.


Gather your teams, the relay race is about to start.

Remember, your three-man team

has to take turns carrying the baton.

Did you find Calvin?

Nick said that he saw him

pushing Ace's car into shop class.

(Levi) Well, without Calvin, we don't have a three-man team.

Well... don't stress.

Remember, we're here to have fun.

Looks like you're short a runner.

Name's Bob Shoespike, but you can call me Shoespike.

And I even have my own baton.

What do you say? Can I run with you?

Well, uh... that's mighty lucky.

I'm Levi, this is Brody.

Hey, I'm Brody. Welcome to the team.

Time to get pumped up, brothers. Okay.

Team huddle. Here, hands on the baton.

One, two, three.

(all) Go team!

(Sarah) Okay, everybody to their relay positions.

And remember, like Brody said,

we're here to have fun.

Yep, whatever.

You're gonna eat our dust.




Mm, Victor, I brought your baton.

Hey, where's the rest of your relay team?

Don't be ridiculous, Monty. I'm a one-man team.

When I win that trophy, I'm not sharing it with anyone.


And I'm gonna look good.

Watch the master at work.

On your mark... get set...


Like Brody said, it's all about fun.

And winning is more fun if I give you a head start.




Okay, go, go, go, Preston!

Woo-hoo! Nice!

Nice, nice, nice!

Go, go, go!

Isn't this fun? Huh?

Aah! (grunts)

Come on, come on. Here you go.

See ya.

Preston? What happened to you?



(mocking) Oh, I fell in the bushes!


I'm catching up to you, slowpoke!

You know what's even more fun than running?

What? Swimming!


(crowd cheering)


Yee-haw! We won!

We won! Yes!

You're a loser! Woo-hoo!

In your face! Oh, is someone sad?


All right. Yeah, showed them.

Good job. Oh, man, that was a good race.

(Levi) They're horrible.

(guys chattering)

What is up with those guys?

(spitting) I'm gonna find out.

Hey! That was totally uncool!

Yeah, why are you guys being such jerks?

Because we're winners.

You are losers!


And you know what happens to losers.



Guys! Guys?

Whoa! Levi! Brody!

I-- I can't move!

What happened to us?

We've been turned into trophies!



(gasps) We've been turned into trophies!


(man) Oh my gosh!



Come on, you can do it!


I did it! I finished!

But you're still a loser.



Monty! I'm a trophy!

Aah! Bad dog.

You come back here!


I turned them into trophies because they're losers.


Aah! There's a monster!

You're a monster?

Yeah, and your friends will remain trophies forever,

unless you can beat me.

I can beat you.

And you too. I'm stronger and smarter.

No way.

I could beat you and Shoespike any day.

Easy there, brothers.

You have to beat me, not each other.

How 'bout we have a three-legged race?

And if you lose, I get your power stars!

We'll kick your monster butt.

(both) Ninja Spin!

Let's race.

Yeah! Come on, brother!

(laughing maniacally)

Ow! (wincing)


You nearly finished, Melvin? We've got places to be.

It's Calvin.

Anyway, yeah, I'm almost finished.

Can you give me a hand topping off the oil?



Good job.

You're a real jack of all trades.


Hold still.

Oh! Watch it!

I hate it when I get oil on my hands.


Then how did you rebuild your entire engine?

Well, very carefully, that's how.

Give me a rag.


Oh, you dropped this.

Oh, what the...

This is a receipt.

You paid someone to rebuild your engine?

You didn't do any of the work yourself.

So what?

Big deal.

My only mistake was paying them to do it,

when dweebs like you will do it for free.

You're nothing but a fraud.

I can't believe I ever looked up to you.

You're not an ace... you're a joker.

And you're just a jerk of all trades.


Ace, I wouldn't do that.

You shouldn't run the engine until you--

Yeah, don't tell me what to do, Marvin.


(engine starting up)



(Ace) Oh, man, my engine!

I tried to tell you!

So, that's your cool friend who built his own car, huh?

Yeah, it turns out he's not so cool,

and he didn't rebuild his car.

He was just using me to fix it.

Really? But I...

I thought you guys were friends.

(scoffs) Yeah, I thought so too.

But friendship is a two-way street, you know?

And Ace was just there for himself.

Real friends are there for each other.

Yes. I know that, Calvin.

Question is, do you?

What do you mean? I'm nothing like Ace.

I would never...

The relay race! I did let my friends down!

Oh, sh**t. Oh, man.

I gotta go. I gotta go.

Thanks, Mick.

(Victor) Monty, help!

Drop that trophy, you mutt!

(Victor) Down, dog! Bad boy!

(Victor shouting)

Drop me, dog!


No, stop!

No, no, no, no!


Here I come!

(Victor screaming)

Help! Ah!

Monty, I'm in here! (gasps)

Well, hello.

What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?

Hi, Hayley, you didn't pick up, so I'm leaving you a message.

I'm so sorry...

Now, that's a stretch.

Yeah, oo-aah!

Let's kick this monster's butt.

Whoa, what in the...

A monster?

(Shoespike vocalizing)

(Hayley) Calvin! (gasps)

Help us!

Whoa, what happened to you guys?

You weren't here, so that monster

joined Brody and Levi's relay team.

When we lost to him, we all turned into trophies.

I think he put Brody and Levi under a spell

that made 'em crazy competitive.

They're about to race that monster.

Calvin, you have to stop them

before they're turned to trophies too!

Please, hurry!

(Levi) Okay, I'm the leader.

Wrong, you're a loser.

You're the loser! No, you are.

They'll never beat me if they act like that!

Maybe not on their own.

Hey! What?

But with me on their team, they've got a shot.

Calvin? Ha!

Whoa! Another Ranger!


Then I can beat you all at once!


You do know that if I win,

I get your Ninja Power Stars, right?

And if we win, we get our friends back, right?

Ha! Deal! But you'll never win.

Yeah? We'll see about that.

Ninja Spin!


Prepare to lose your power stars, Rangers!


Oh yeah. I'm ready!


Ah! Eat my dust, Ranger bros!

(all grunting)

Get up! We gotta beat Shoespike!

We only fell because you slowpokes

were holding me back!

See, this is more like-- aah!

(laughing) You guys look like fools!

Yeah, well it takes one to know--

Guys, look!

He's cheating!

Those aren't basher bots!

They turned into dummies!

See you at the finish line!

Come on, we gotta catch that creep-- aah!

I know what to do. Let me lead.

I'll see you later, alligators!

We have to work as a team.

Step in time.

Ready? Okay.

Right and left, and right and left, and right and left.

We're doing it! Yeah!

See, guys? Working together is always better.

We're coming for you, Shoespike!

And you better watch out, because we're a team!

Teamwork is epic!


Let's see how they like my booby traps!

We're gonna get you, shoelace-face!

(all gasp)

It's a trap!

(all screaming)

Nice try! But you can't stop us.

We're hot on your heels!

You'll never catch me!

We can do this, guys! We can do this!

Close, but no cigar!

(all grunting)

Oh, my golly gosh! This is it!

They're neck and neck!

Who will win this race?

Shoespike, you cycloptic pink cauliflower!

Win me those power stars!

We're right behind you, shoestink!

Ah! No! I can't lose!

Almost there!

Run, Shoespike! Run like the wind!

(laughing, cheers and applause)

Yes, I'm gonna win!

Think again! Aah!

(all grunting)



Can you believe it? We won!

We won!



Impossible! They beat me!

I broke my spell with them!

(sighs) Oh, man, I feel weird.

It's okay, you guys are back to normal.

Can you believe it, fight fans?

Shoespike's first loss!

No! Turn it off!

Why do they always win?

(Brody) Look, that basher bot has the others!

(growls) What?!

(Preston) Something's happening!




Sorry about earlier, we were under a spell.

Are you okay? Yeah!


You're okay! Hey!

(man) What just happened? (man ) What's going on?

(man ) That was so strange. (man ) That was weird!

(overlapping chatter)

Aah! You know what?

You're all sore winners!

Well, soon, you are just gonna be sore.

It's Morphin time! Power stars...

(all) Lock in!


Ninja Spin!

Ninja Rangers, fear no danger!

Aah! Basher bots!

It's on!

Crush them!

(all grunting)

Coming through!

Time for some target practice.

Rockstorm blast!

Eat my fist!

Time for some shot put!

(both gasp, grunt)

End of the line, brothers.

That's enough!

The only person who can call me "brother" is right here.

We're family, and you are finished.

Steel slash! Ninja lightning!

(together) Final attack, Ninja Spin!

(shouting and grunting)

Looks like I'm gonna be a very sore loser.


That was epic! That was awesome!

Okay, a little more!

Yes! You all have spoken!

Let's see him compete again.


Looks like I'm making gains!

(all) Wha...? He's gigantified!

Let Levi and I handle this creep.

We owe him one.

We'll join you if you need a hand.

(together) Zord stars!

Lock in!

Activate! Ninja Spin!

Robo Red Zord, out of the shadows!


Let's go, Robo Red.

Bull Rider Zord, out of the shadows!

Yeah! Yee-haw! I'm ready to ride.

Now that I'm all warmed up,

I'm ready to really put you through your places.


Ooh! Ah! Whoa!

Hold on there, partner!

He's too fast for us!

I knew you couldn't keep up with me!

Calvin! A little help?

Hey, meathead, you've run out of time.

Ow! Ouch! My athlete's foot!

(shouting) Ouch, my butt!

Got him! Let's finish this.

Ninja Fusion Zord, combine!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Fusion Zord, ready!

Master mode, ready!

What?! This is totally bogus!

Let's tread on this shoe.

(all) Yeah!

Ninja Master Blade, activate!

(all) Ninja Fusion Zord Master Slash!

Final attack, hyah!


I thought I was a shoe-in to beat you!

Show's over. Ninjas win.

Okay, I think all the trophies have turned back to people.

I'm really sorry about today, guys.

Turns out Ace was all talk.

But even if he wasn't,

you guys are the coolest friends ever.

(all chuckling)

I-- I should have never ditched you.

I hope you can forgive me.

We all make mistakes.

What matters is what you do to correct them.

And helping us work together in that race, that was epic.

(Levi) Yeah.

Victor! Victor!

Where are you?!

And I'm a class president at my high school.

Hey, back off, Goldie, the mermaid's with me.


Oh! Oh!


(Calvin) Cool.

(glass breaking)

Ah! I just stepped on my mermaid!


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