24x10 - The Ranger Ribbon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x10 - The Ranger Ribbon

Post by bunniefuu »

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When Galvanax, cruel champion
of Galaxy Warriors,

claimed the mighty Power Stars,

earth's greatest ninja
sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later,
a new generation of warriors

rises up to protect
the Ninja Power Stars.

It's Morphin Time!


They are Power Rangers
Ninja Steel.

Where are you taking us,

You'll see.

Isn't that
the ribbon tree?


Oh, man!

I remember it from
when I was a kid.

Look at it!
Thousands of ribbons.

But I don't--
I don't get it.

Yeah, what's the deal?

It's so great.

You tie a ribbon
to symbolize important moments,

like family, friends.

Cal and I put one up
on our anniversary.

Well, now we'll all
be on the tree together.


Brody, Preston, Calvin,
Haley, Sarah, Levi.

A ranger ribbon.

That's a great idea.

Well, let's put it up.
Yeah, cool, yeah.

How about right here?

Who's that?

What's going on?


Let's go, boys.

Clear the way, kids.

This tree is coming down
to make way for a new building.

They're cutting down
the ribbon tree?

They can't do that.

Can they?
Well, we won't let 'em.

Unless you want
to put a ribbon on it,

you can't touch this tree.

Oh, really?


The boss is here.


What's the holdup?

I want this tree down

or I'll use your Christmas
bonuses to buy a new jet.

Sorry, Mr. Tien,
but those kids are in the way.

What kids?

Follow me, interns.


Oh, hi... Dad.

That's your dad?


♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with
all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without
a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what
is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back
day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪


Oh, hi... Dad.

That's your dad?

Don't tell me you have something
to do with this.

What do you think you're doing?

Well, we were just
gonna put a ribbon on...

(Mr. Tien)
A ribbon?
Don't be silly.

All these ribbons
are gonna be trashed.

This tree
is coming down today.

You can't do that.

These ribbons represent
important memories
to so many people.

Young lady, the skyscraper
I'm gonna build here
is also important--

important to my bank account.

But Dad...
Enough. Wait in the car.

The car. Now.

Yes, sir.

You can either leave quietly,

or my new assistant
will remove you.

We're not going anywhere.


You boys want to be like me
someday, huh?

Then show me what you got.

Get them off my property.

Yes, sirree.

Now's our chance.

Show Mr. Tien
what we're made of.

Give me that hose.

Watch the master at work.

What's happening?

Everything's under control,
Mr. Tien!

What's going on?


I don't have time
for this nonsense.

Mark my words, this tree
is gonna be cut down today.

Enough with the magic tricks.

Preston, get in the car.
Yes, sir.


How can his dad be so cold?

We have to stop him.

But how?

He won't even
listen to his own son.

Why would he listen to us?

Tons of people
put those ribbons up.

Maybe he'll
listen to them.

Yeah, but how are we
gonna find them?

I know.
We'll make flyers.

Put them all over town.

Great idea.

You guys go and we'll stay here
and start posting online.

Come on, guys.
Let's get busy.

All right.

Please welcome
our new contestant,

a mastermind of destruction,


It's great to be here.


Where's the audience?


Oh, there's everybody!

Hi, Mom!

We know your brother Ripper Rat
fought on the show.

Now tell us about you.

Well, I love traps.

Just step on that "X."

Now, hold very still..

Is something
supposed to happen?





That could have been me!

I hate when that happens!


What a headache.

I hope he's more successful
with the Rangers.

That contestant
seems like a dunce.

Oh, don't worry, champ.

He just needs to work out
the kinks.

You better be right, Ripcon!

For your sake...

Tell him I don't want excuses.

I want it done, period.

This little stunt
you and your friends are pulling

is costing me a lot of money.

Dad, I think
that the tree
is important.

Trees are cut down
every day.

Where do you think
firewood comes from?

I'm just glad your mother's
not around to see this.

She helped me
build this business

and I'm not about to let a bunch
of teenagers shut me down.


I need you to get your friends
out of that tree.



Okay, Dad.

I'll tell them.

See you at the ribbon tree.

There's a restaurant
just ahead.

It'll be a great place
to put up our flyers.


Where's the restaurant?

I don't know, Levi.

The building looks like it's
been here a pretty long time.

No way.

This was a restaurant.

I came here on my last tour.
The hot dogs were great.

Maybe your memory's
getting a little rusty, huh?

Come on, we got a lot of flyers
to put up.

I swear, it was right here.

This ought to
bring people out.



He's walking right into my trap.

It didn't work!


Get back here!


I messed it up again!


Was that some kind of trap?

Obviously, my name is Trapsaw!

You're making me look bad,
you fool!

Now go deal with
the rest of the rangers.

Yes, sir.

I'll come up with another
brilliant trap.

It's finally time for me
to finish you myself.

It's finally time for me
to finish you myself.

I should have done this
ten years ago.

You may have beaten me
when I was only eight, but now,

you don't stand a chance.

Ninja spin!


Remember when I cut off
your horn!

I've only gotten better
since then!




Got him!


Yes, you have grown stronger...

But not strong enough!

You'll never beat me!

Say goodbye,
rat bait,

or beg me for mercy.

It's your choice.

I'll never beg.

Then you will be destroyed.

Double Sword Dome Strike!

Steel Slash!

Ninja Spin!

Ripcon's tougher than I thought.

I'll need to train more
before I can take him on again.

I gotta tell the others
about that monster.

Darn it!
That red rat escaped!


Cool, let's jump down.

Where is everybody?

No one showed up?

How could that be?

We put up
a couple hundred flyers.

Hey, guys?

I just ran into Ripcon.

Oh, no!
Are you okay?

Yeah, but we have to be careful.

He sent a monster.

Just what we need
right now.

Uh... Did you guys
put up flyers?

Uh, yeah, lots of them,
but no luck yet.

How'd it go with your dad?


Acutally, we should just
give up on the tree.

Preston, that's your
dad talking, not you.


But my dad's
never gonna change his mind.

The only person he ever
listened to was... my mom.

I can't believe
he doesn't understand

what makes this tree so special.

Well, others do.

Save our tree!

Save our tree!

Save our tree!

Save our tree!

Save our tree!

Save our tree!

Save our tree!

They care.

They really do care.
Save our tree!

Save our tree!

Save our tree!

Save our tree!

Save our tree!

Save our tree!

So, you found
some other troublemakers.

I don't care.

This tree is still coming down.

I'm very disappointed, Preston.

Your friends will have to learn
their lesson the hard way.

Cut it down!

But, Boss,
look at all these people.

Maybe those kids are right.

Give me that saw!

I'll cut it down myself.

Dad, you can't do this!

Preston, get out of my way
this instant.

No, Dad, I won't.

All these people came here

because the tree isn't just
a part of the city,

it's a part
of their lives.

Look at all of them, Dad.

This is absurd.

If it isn't me, it's gonna be
someone else who chops it down.

That's progress, son.

You can't save every tree.
I understand, Dad.

But we have to save this tree.

"January rd.

"Marcus and Ellen Tien
love their new son.


That's you and Mom.

Oh, my...

I'd forgotten.

We tied this ribbon on the way
home from the hospital,

after you were born.

I must have buried a lot
of memories when we--

when we lost your mom.

I should have
listened to you, son.

You have so much of your mom
in you.

I've always admired that.

I love you, son.

I love you too, Dad.


The ribbon tree
isn't going anywhere.

It's staying right here.
With every last ribbon!

You did it,

What is happening?

Monty, Monty!?

I set a trap nearby
but nobody's falling into it!

It's got something to do with
this stupid tree.

Maybe I'll just cut it down.

You better not touch a single
leaf on this tree.

Maybe I'll cut you down, too!

If people won't
fall into my trap

because of this stupid tree,

I'll just have to
cut it down!

You better not touch
a single leaf on this tree.

Maybe I'll cut you down, too!

I'll slice you
and dice you!

Back off!

You're all so brave.

Keep your tree.
I'm outta here!

You're not getting away
that easy.


Are you okay, Dad?
Couldn't be better.

You saved me
and the ribbon tree today.

I'm so proud of you, son.

I'm gonna make sure
everyone's okay.

I'll see you later.

I forgot where I put my trap!

Ripcon is gonna roast me
for this!


Uh, any last words, rangers?

I've got three.

It's Morphin Time!

Power stars!

Lock in!


Ninja spin!


Ninja rangers,
fear no danger!

I'll cut you down to size!


Let's do this!

Well, well...

Looks like Trapsaw
isn't such a dummy after all.

Stand still
so I can get you!

No can do, rat face!

Ninja Star,
Wire Strike!

I'm coming up!

And you're going down!

Mind if I cut in?

Coming in red hot!

Ninja Star,
Blast Strike!

Take that!


Element Star,
Ninja Earth Attack!

Bon voyage.



Nice try, boys.

I'm outta here!

You won't get away
that easy.


Help me up!

Now, where were we?

Let's finish this
chainsaw chump

and his little friends.

Battle Morpher,
Hyper Mode.


Hyper Arrow Blast!

Rock Storm Blast!

Final Attack!

Oh, yeah!

Good job!

Have we had enough of Trapsaw?

Or do we give him
one last chance?

Let me hear it!

You asked for it, folks!


Everything's finally
coming up Trapsaw!

We've got trouble.

Big trouble.

We need to summon our zords.

Ninja Spin!

Robo Red Zord!



Nitro Zord!

Zoom Zord!

Kodiak Zord!

Ninja Steel Zords,
out of the shadows!

Ninja Steel Megazord, combine!

Ninja Spin!


Ninja Steel Megazord, ready!

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Master Mode, ready!

I'm definitely ready!

Let's pop this weasel!

Let me handle this.

Robo Red Solo Strike!

Quit it!

I'm getting dizzy!

Let's shut his trap!



Ninja Master Blade, activate.

Ninja Spin!


Ninja Steel Megazord
Master Slash!

Final Attack!

But you never fell into
my final trap!

Show's over!
Ninjas win!



Come on!

That's pretty good.

Trapsaw just needs to
work out the kinks, huh?

He was a fool!

Was Trapsaw the fool...

Or was Ripcon?

You're right, Odious.

One more stunt like that and
I'll break off your last horn.

So what do you think, son?
Do you like it?

Ribbon Tree Park.

I've dedicated it to the city
so the tree will be here

for everyone to enjoy
for a long, long time.

Your mother would be
very proud.

She would have been proud
of both of us, Dad.

Let's put our family ribbon
back where it belongs.


Uh, hey.

I'll see you guys
back at school.

Okay, see ya.

Gee, I wonder what happened
to that monster's trap.

Firing me is one thing,

but I can't believe
the boss fired you.

It defies logic.


...At least nothing else
can go wrong.



Good thing
you landed on me, Victor,

or you really could have
gotten hurt.

Wow, who knew a dad could go
from being so cold

to being so cool?


Yeah, that's my name.

Do I know you?

Do you know me?

I'm Aiden.

Your brother.

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