24x07 - Hack Attack

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x07 - Hack Attack

Post by bunniefuu »

When Galvanax, cruel champion
of "Galaxy Warriors",

claimed the mighty Power Stars,

Earth's greatest ninja
sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later, a new
generation of warriors rises up

to protect the Ninja
Power Stars.


It's Morphin' Time!

They are Power Rangers
Ninja Steel.

Okay, I have everything.

All right,
you got this, Sarah.

(startled grunt)

Oh, I'm so sorry, Mick.

I didn't see you.


Thank you.

Wait, so...

The rumors are true.

You actually signed up
for four different clubs.

I did.

It's gonna look good
on my college application.

Uh, but they all meet
at the same time.

So, how can you possibly
be in four places at once?


That's for me to know
and for you to find out.

Okay, bye.


(maniacal laughter)

To Macey's nickel.

(mechanism whirring)

How are you doing,
my little secret?


Ah, the transfer
is almost complete.

And then I will toss you away
like a piece of garbage.

(maniacal laughter)


♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with
all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without
a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what
is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back
day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪



Whoo, I am so glad we joined
the track club, Brody.

No what? Let's go
another mile.



Chess club rules.

I think you connect
the poles first.

No, you spread
out the tent first.

Ah, don't you just
love camping club?

(Sarah chuckling)


Oh, nice sh**ting,
archery club.

I'll be sh**ting my new
invention, the boomerang arrow.


Look, Victor, she missed
the whole target.

(Victor laughing)

Did I really?




Bravo, Sarah.

This arrow went
to the target and back.

You just broke the school
distance record.

She, she broke your
record, Victor.

Not for long!

Anyone can sh**t fruit.

Let me show you
some real skill.

I call this my angular...

dangular... arrow.

Watch the master at work.

(whooshing througout)


(bees buzzing)




Oh, oh!

I guess you still
hold the record.

Congratulations, Sarah.

Thank you.

Ninja Blaster...

power up.

Ninja Blaster...



Pretty cool attack, huh?

I just programmed it
into our Ninja Blasters.

When did you have
time to do that?

You were at camping
club with us.


She was beating me
at chess club.

No, she was at
track club with me.

Uh... um, well, actually...

Hello, Rangers!
I'm Hacktrack!

Hand over your
techno gadgets now!

We aren't handing
over anything.

Fine, then.
Kudabots, attack!

(grunting throughout)

Now, where's their cool
Ranger techno gadgets?

You like gadgets?

How do you like
my Star Blade?


Stand back! Back! Back...


Are you okay?

What's happening?


Oh, whoa!

Sarah, just disappeared!

But how?

This looks like the kind
of techno gadget I want.

This was fun, but, but,
but I've got to log off.

What, what happened to Sarah?

She's in trouble.

Let's get back
to the base.


Mick, something crazy
just happened to Sarah.

We were fighting and...


Sorry, guys.

That wasn't me
at training exactly.

What are you talking about?

I engineered this.

It's a Holo Projector.

It can project
a holographic clone

that looks and acts
just like me.



So, that's how
you managed to go

to all those clubs
at the same time?


Uh... there seems
to be a lot of...

Sarahs for you
to keep track of.

Oh, don't worry,
I've got it under control.

But Sarah,
when your clone disappeared,

that monster stole
the ball thing.

Your Holo Projector?

Yeah, could he do
something with it?


No, I really doubt that.

What-- what would
he use it for anyways?

I hope you're right.

(girl screams)
Now, for the next step
of my plan,

I'll absorb the
Rangers' technology.

(strange warbling)

I have made it
better than ever!

Now I can make
giant holo clones!


Ready, Galvanax?


I'm ready, Hacktrack!

(cheering continues)

Here we go!


(Galvanax laughing)

My giant clones
are working perfectly!

The Rangers will be helpless
as I crush their city!


(grunting throughout)

(alarm blaring)

Suffering circuits,
that doesn't sound good.

Whoa, there's a monster
attacking the city.

They're huge!

Eight Galvanaxes?

How is that
even possible?

Those are holo clones.

Somehow the monster
hacked my technology.

This is all my fault.

We need
to fix this-- fast.

You're the only one who
knows how these things work.

How can we stop him?

Maybe I can find a way
to shut it down?

Get started.

We'll go try
and hold 'em off.

Let's go, guys.


Come on, Sarah,
think, think.

You can find a solution to this,
I know you can.

We can.

(whirring and beeping

Now, activate.

Hello, girls.
Now, listen up.

I have some ideas about
how to stop that monster,

and you'll each have
one idea to work on.

As for me,
I'll help all of you.

Sarah clone number one,

look for bugs
in the programming.

Clone number two, see if you can
block Hacktrack's radio signals.

Number three, find out
how we can regain control.

And number four.

Try to stop the power source.


Plasma Blast!

Follow me, Preston.

Look, they're this way!


(maniacal laughter)

Oh, man, how are
we gonna stop these guys?

You'll never destroy
all eight of me!

You are doomed!

This isn't good.


Look out!

That was close!

Let's use
Sarah's upgrade.

Ninja Blaster, power up!



They're too strong.


I'll destroy you all!

(all growling)

Stay calm!
Get to safety!

Sarah, our weapons have no
effect against the holo clones.

How are you doing on a fix?

My clones and I are
working as fast as we can.

Brody, you need
to find Hacktrack.

Find him is the key
to stopping the giant clones.

You heard Sarah.

Let's focus on
finding Hacktrack.


Sarah? I need you to look at
this programming right away.

Here I come.

Uh, Sarah, I need your help
to jam Hacktrack's signal.

That jammer isn't gonna work.

Sarah, can you give
me a minute to--

I'm on the verge of a
breakthrough, but I need help.

Back off! I need her now!

(all shouting and arguing)

Suffering circuits!

Why isn't this working?

(playing loudly
and out of tune)


What are you doing?!

Oh, sorry,
did I interrupt?

Are you kidding?

I just thought
that I would learn to play
musical instruments!

But I can't quite
get it right.


Maybe you could spare
a moment to help me!

Of course not.
I am in the middle of a crisis!

Besides, you need to focus

on playing one instrument,
not four.

You know, it's better
to do one thing well

than to do four things...

Interesting, uh, aren't you...
doing four things at once?

Yeah, I guess I am.

Oh, oh...

And it's a disaster.




I need to concentrate

on one thing
at a time.

These clones
aren't helping me.

They are distracting me.


Ohh... thanks, Mick.

What would I do
without you?

Well, you don't have to know.

Because I will always
be here for you.

(drum booms, cymbal crashes)


Oh, okay... okay.

Sorry, ladies, but there's only
one person who can solve this.




Hacktrack likes
my technology, huh?

Maybe I'll tempt him
with some more.

(maniacal laughter)

Ninja Blasters!


Hey, guys, I've upgraded
my Holo Projector!

It'll create holo clones more
powerful than ever before.

So, we cannot let Hacktrack
get his hands on this one.


(Hacktrack laughing)

You're too late!

I'll absorb
this techno gadget too!

Oh, no!

You're so foolish,

Now, I'll make Galvanax clones

that are more powerful
than ever!


(rangers grunting)

We've gotta stop him.


I've absorbed your new device.

Rangers, do you think
I wouldn't hear you

parading around with
this new technology?

Actually, I was
counting on it.


What-what-what have
you done to me?

I knew you couldn't resist
more of my technology.

So, I loaded it
with a little virus.


So, that was your plan.

You even had me fooled.

Mmm... what is this?!
What's going on?!


The holo clones,
they shut down!

You did it, Sarah!

Now let's finish Hacktrack.


I need to reboot-boot!

I'm back online
and I'll make you pay

for wh-wh-what you did-- did.

Bring it on, you hack!


Ninja Rangers, real danger!

Power Rangers Ninja Steel!

Enjoy my hack trick.

Element Star!

Ninja Water Attack!

Whoa, wow,
I need one of those gadgets.

Whoa! Ah! Now!

The water reflected my attack.

I'm g-going on the f-f-f...

I'm going on the fritz again.

Element Star!

Element Star!

Ninja Earth Attack!


I f-f-fallen
and I can't get up!

Nice work!

Oh, yeah!
Time to finish him.


Power Ranger Ninja Strike!

Steel Slash, Ninja Spin!

(grunting throughout)

Final attack!


Good one, Sarah!

That was epic!


Oh, my,
what is this vision?



Let's find out.

Looks like a new zord.


Let's upgrade Hacktrack!

Way up!



Check out m-m-m-my
new hardware!

Summon Zords!

Ninja spin!

Robo Red Zord!


Nitro Zord!

Zoom Zord!

Kodiak Zord!

Ninja Steel Zords!

Out of the shadows!

Nice ride, but can they
f-f-follow me into the sky?!

Luckily, we have wings, too.

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Steel Megazord!

Dragon Formation!


Ninja Steel Megazord,
Dragon Formation ready!

Ninja spin!

Ninja Master Mode.

Let's catch this pile of junk.

Oh, you can fly.

But can you fly in space?


He's going into outer space.

We can't follow him there.
What do we do?

Guys, it's Mick.
One new Zord star.

Hot off the grill.

This one is for
the Astro Zord.


Thanks, Mick.

Let's unleash its power.

Astro Zord Star,
lock in!

Ninja spin!

Astro Zord!

Out of the shadows!


The Astro Zord is epic.

It's like a UFO!

We're gonna be able
to go into space!

Ninja Zord mode... activate!

Cool, it's got
a ninja mode, too!

Astro Ninja Steel Megazord...


Ninja Spin!

Dragon Zord, disengage.

Astro Ninja Steel Megazord,

Onward to space!


(Hacktrack laughing)

Let's settle this properly,


Monster against Megazord!

Fine by us.


Guys, I can't believe
we're on the moon!

This is one small
step for Megazords!

One giant leap towards
kicking this monster's butt!

Time to bite the
moon dust, hiyah!


(grunting throughout)

Yeah, and we're just
getting started.

Can you fools hack this?!

I'm gonna shut you down,

Ha-ha, missed me!



Let's unplug this bozo--


Oh, no!

Ninja Master Blade,



Astro Ninja Steel
Megazord, Cosmic Blast!

Final Attack!

I am Hacktrack,
over and out!

Show's over!

Ninjas win!

(Principal Hastings)
Which target is it?


Hitting that bull's-eye would
definitely break Sarah's record.

Prepare to write Victor Vincent
into the record books.

(bow creaking)

Principal Hastings?


Um, I realize I spread
myself too thin.

So, I've decided to drop
out of the archery club.


It's better to do
one thing well

than four things poorly.


Oh, yes!

So, looks like
Sarah doesn't have

what it takes for archery club.

Knowing your limitations

is one of the hardest lessons
to learn.

You're a sharp student.

Any college would
be lucky to have you.


Thank you.

That means a lot.

Yeah, whatever.



It's a new school record!

Good job.


I think Monty deserves
some kind of trophy.

Don't you, Victor?



We have a problem.

We have to go, now.


That's it.

What?! The Gold Ranger?!

How did you
get on this ship?!




Why would the Astro Zord
take off on its own?

I've tracked it
back to the Warrior Dome

where it seems to have
rescued... someone.

But I have no idea who.

Uh, guys?
Look at this.

The UFO just landed
here in the city plaza.


The hatch is opening.

Who is it?
Yeah, who is it?

It's a Gold Power Ranger.

The Gold Ranger?

Who is that?
I don't know.

But whoever it is,
he must be the one

who pulled out the gold
Power Star from the Prism.


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