24x03 - Live and Learn

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x03 - Live and Learn

Post by bunniefuu »

When champion Galvanax,

cruel champion
of galaxy warriors,

claimed the mighty
power stars...

Earth's greatest ninja
sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later,

a new generation
of warriors rises up

to protect the Ninja
power stars.


It's morphing time!

They are Power Rangers:
Ninja Steel!

Get me those power stars
or I'll snuff out your flames.

Got it?

They'll be toast, boss.

Hold on to your horns, everyone!

It's time to meet
this week's contestant.

He's fiery, he's fast,
he's furious, he--

Move aside, slowpoke!

I'm Spinferno!

Wait till you see what
I'm gonna do to the Rangers!

Hey! Get your own show, buddy.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Hold still!
You're making me dizzy!

Forging new Ninja stars
from Ninja steel

is really heating up
my circuits.

The star is done.

Let's hope the legends
are true.


My goodness!

That's amazing!

It worked.



♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil
with all our might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up
without a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers,
free from danger ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up
for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching out
at day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers,
free from danger ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪


♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪♪


They're called Element stars.

Galvanax is sending
more powerful monsters,

so, uh, you're gonna need them.

Thanks, Mick.
Happy to help.

My dad always said

that a Ninja is at one
with their surroundings.



The forest.


The basic elements of nature...
are our weapons.

Let's give this a go.

You can do it, Calvin.

Element star.

Ninja water attack.

Uh... it's not working?

I'm okay.

So much for water mode.

So, who wants to try
fire mode?


(hub cap rattles)


Hey, we need to get
to class early

so we can practice
for the quiz.

You want to do well
on your first day
of high school.

You guys go ahead.
I'll catch up.


Here. You need a bag
for your first day.

My rabbit chewed a hole in it,
but should be fine.

It's perfect.



Your datacom.

It's still connected
to the ship's computer.

So, we'll begin at : a.m.

Spinferno to attack
at Summer Cover Plaza.

Spinferno, eh?

That monster will be here
in eight minutes.

I'll take care of it.

But shouldn't you get
the other Rangers to help you?

No, they're studying
for the quiz.

Don't worry.
I've got my datacom.

Oh, my.

Uh, wait...


Spinferno laughing)

Now I'll just find
the Rangers

and spring a surprise attack
on them.


I have a surprise for you.

How did you know
I was here?

That's for me to know
and you to never find out.


You're going down,
Earth twerp.

Bring it on.

Missed me!

I'm too fast for you.

He is quick.


Computer, Spinferno's too fast.

Hold him with chains.


Element star, lock in.

Ninja spin.
Metal attack.

Quick thinking,
but not quick enough!

He broke free?


Computer, what countermeasures
can I use?

Decrease its temperature.

Of course.

Ninja spin.

Water attack!

You haven't seen
the last of me!

I gotta get to class.


Look at him fight.

He's so cool!

Guys, that fight just happened
and Brody didn't even tell us?

Shh! Preston,
someone might here.

Talk about it later.

That million has
, , views.

That's one million
more than mine.

And I'm the one
that watched yours.

Those Power Rangers
are stealing my popularity.

We have to find a way to compete
with those rotten Rangers.

Sorry I'm late.

Brody, we just watched
a video of the fight.

You fought a monster
and didn't ask us to help?

No, you guys had to study.

Don't worry, my datacom
and I handled it.

Quiet down, everybody!

Good morning.

Take your seats.

We have a lot to get through,

so try to, uh,
well, keep up.

First of all, we have
a new student with us today.

Would you tell us a little bit
about yourself, um, Brody?

Hi. My name is Brody.


Now let's get on
to the quick fire quiz.

Quiz question one...

if Mark has .
and he gives $ . to Liz

and two other friends
a quarter each,

how much does he have left?

Okay, Preston...


. .

$ . .

One point to the green team.

Stupid question.

No one gives money
to their friends.

Brody, you can't use
your datacom.

Well, why not?

Because you can't.

Quiz question two...

if I ran for minutes,
skipped for minutes

and jumped for three,

how long did I work out for?

Oh! Uh...

Earth minutes.

Another point for green.

So much for teamwork, huh?

Question ten...


- / .



Washington, D.C.


. miles.

Hold it!

Mister smarty pants
over there is...


Mrs. Finch, I saw
the new kid use that...

thing on his wrist.

Is that true, Brody?

What is that...

thingamajig you have there?

It's my datacom.

It gives me answers
to everything.

(Sarah groans)

You hear that?

Answers to everything.

Well, I don't know
about your last school,

but around here,
that's against the rules.

I don't want to see
that again, okay?



Answers to everything.
I never heard such nonsense.

(bell rings)

What's this?

That's the new kid's
data thingamajiggy.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

That your hair
looks spectacular today?

No. Well, yes.
But not that.

Let me show you.

Monty. Oh.

Excuse me.
I have a life or death question.

How do I become more popular
than the Power Rangers?

You must defeat
a monster in battle.

If the datacom just gives you
the answer,

you'll never figure out
how to do things on your own.

If you have a tool,
you should use it.

That's all I'm saying.

Guys, bad news.

The monster Brody fought...
he's back.

Come on, guys.

Now you'll see how useful
my datacom really is.

Oh, no. My datacom must have
fallen out of the hole.

We have to find it before
we go up against that monster.

What? No, Brody, we fought
without your datacom before.

We can do it again.
Come on.

Don't worry.
I'll be right behind you guys.

Let's go.


Not so fast,
evil space creature.

Uhh! What?

You're not Rangers, I'll--

Uh, cut!

Just one eensy second.

What are you doing?

I forgot to hit the button.


And action!

Watch the master at work.

Now, Monty!


Just keep going.


What the...

Take this!



Ugh, give me a break!

Monty, what do I do?



Computer thing,
what do we do?


Hey, I've seen that before.

That's the Red Ranger's

That's how he knew
all my moves.


Have a good trip.
Bring me back something nice.

There he is!


Stop right there, flame face!

Stop? I don't know
the meaning of the word.

Let's take this
far-away freak down.

Bring it!

Say hello to the ground!

Okay, time to hit
the brakes.

I won't hit the brakes.
I'll hit you.


(zapping sound)

Where could it be?



Are you sure
you really need it?

Of course.

That datacom knows how
to beat every monster.


And sharing that Ninja knowledge
with the team this morning,

that was the datacom, right?

No, that was me,
not my datacom.

Huh. And escaping the ship
to save the Ninja steel,

who was that?

You know that was me, Mick.

Look, the datacom may give you
an answer every now and then,

but never once, never did it
give you the courage to lead.

That, my friend...
that was all you.

You're right.

I don't need a datacom.

I already have
everything I need.

Including a great team.

Thanks, Mick.

Speaking of my team.

Coming through!
Move it!

Get off the road!
Hey! I'm skating here!

You can't keep up.
Look out!

(all yelling)

(coughing and groaning)

Red ninja a blast.


Are you guys okay?

Missing your datacom?
You're in trouble now.

I don't need my datacom.

What it takes to be a Ranger
isn't in a computer.

It's right here.
And here.

And here.

Oh, yuck!

It's morphing time.

Power star, lock in.


Ninja spin.


Power of the Ninja.


Ninja steel, Red.

Stealth from the Ninja.

Ninja steel Blue!

Strength of the Ninja.

Ninja steel Yellow.

Spirit on the Ninja!

Hyah! Ninja steel White.

Speed of the Ninja.
Ninja steel Pink.

Power Rangers!

Ninja Steel!


All right, team,
let's do this.

Ha ha!
These kudabots go down easy!

Yeah, they're real pushovers!

Brody and Preston,
get the monster!

Not so fast!

Fast is all I know!

Does this guy
ever burn out?

It's hard to burn out
when you're literally on fire.


Time to roast some Rangers!

Time to roast some Rangers!


Guys! Oh, no!

More Rangers.
Catch me if you can.



He's getting away.

Calvin, catch up with Spinferno

and lure him back
to Conifer Park.

We'll have a trap waiting.

Got it. I'll give
water mode another shot.

How can we trap him?

He's too powerful
for our weapons.

No monster is more powerful
than the five elements.

Hey! Why aren't
they following me?

I am!

Yo, spin guy!

How 'bout you and I
have a little race?

You think you can race me?

I'm done wasting
my time with you.

Well, how 'bout
we put something on the line.

Oh, yeah? What?

Uh, first one to Conifer Park
gets my power star.

A Ninja power star?

Let's do it.

On your marks, get set, go!

And we're off.

Ninja spin!

Element star, water attack.


Here I come!


Is that all you got?

Wait and see, buddy.

East my dust, loser!


I can see the park entrance.

I'm gonna win!


Oh, no, you don't.

Ninja spin!

Element star, forest attack!



You tricked me!

Looks like this race
is over.

Element star, fire attack.

Final strike!

Oh, no!
Spinferno burnt out.

Shall we light him back up?

What do you say?


Guess not.
I'd hate to be the Rangers

'cause I'll gonna release
a skullgator!



That thing looks crazy.

Yeah, well, Zords
are pretty crazy too.

Zord stars.

Lock in.

Ninja spin!

Ninja Steel Zords,
out of the shadows.

Let's do this.

Dragon Zord, fire breath.

You like that,

How about this?

Heads up.

Got some presents
from my Zord.

Rock 'em!

Nitro Zord, boulder launch!

Whoa! Whoa!

Hey, I think you've got
something on your face.

My star blade.


All right, Cal!
Nice move, Calvin!



I just made him angrier.

Follow me, I have an idea
how to beat him.

Roger that! Let's go!

Just like we've
come together as a team,

I think our Zords can too.

Into a mega Zord?

You know it.

Ninja steal mega Zord,

Lock in.
Ninja spin!

Robo red Zord.
Dragon Zord.

Nitro Zord.
Kodiak Zord.

Zoom Zord.

Ninja Steel mega Zord, ready.


This is unbelievable.

But it doesn't seem
to be energized.

Hey, look.

I wonder what
this Ninja star does.

These stars have Ninja masters
on them.

They must activate
our new powers.

Ninja master mode stars!

Lock in!

Ninja spin!

Ninja master mode, ready!

The Ninja master blade
is ready to rock.

This new mode
is exactly what we need.

Being a Ranger keeps
getting better and better.

That thing has no hope now.

Let's teach this bad boy
a lesson.

Ninja slash!

The mega Zord
has awesome strength!

Let's finish this.

Ninja master blade,


(engine revving)

Ninja Steel mega Zord,
master slash!

Final attack!

(monster screams)

(Power Rangers)
Show's over! Ninjas win!


All right!
We did it, team.

We sure did.

Right on!

The Rangers destroyed
a skullgator too?


Galvanax, don't be mad.

The crowd loved the Rangers'
new mega Zord.

Of course they did.
It's amazing.

But it also defeated us,
you fool.

If you send me another loser,
you'll all be fired.

Into the sun!
Get out!

Of course.

Guys, guys.
I've got a surprise for you.

Mick and I made these
and they're my way of saying...

I'm sorry
for relying on my datacom

instead of my friends.

Together, we'll face a lot
of different problems.

The solution's
always the same. Teamwork.


Galvanax cut my datacom link
to the Warrior Dome

and Mick couldn't reconnect it.

But... he made these Ninjacoms.



We can communicate
with each other.


So, now they connect
to something

even more powerful
than the Warrior Dome.

The Ranger team.


Not so fast, evil space...

That sounds like me.


Not so fast,
evil space creature.

And action!

Watch the master at work.

Take this!

Monty, what do I do?

How could you
do this, Monty?

Victor, I am so sorry.

Take this!

You're a genius.
Now, Monty!

I finally have more views
than the Power Rangers.

They love me.

They really love me!

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