13x38 - Endings

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x38 - Endings

Post by bunniefuu »

# SPD Emergency! #

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Go, go, go, go #

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue #

# Go, go, go, go #

# Heroes on your side
Heroes for all time #

# Out to save the universe #

# No matter where you are
If it's near or far #

# You can always call out #

# Space Patrol! Space Patrol! #

# Space Patrol!
Space Patrol Delta! #

# Go, go, go, go #

# Go, go #

# Power Rangers, go! #

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue #

# Go, go, SPD! #

SKY: Last time, on Power Rangers SPD:

- Doggie!
- Isinia!

I can't make it there today.

Sooner or later, you have to make up
your mind about what you want.

SYD: Can't believe it!
- Broodwing is finally gone.

Gruumm still has Cruger.
Have to find out where he is.

- I know! Just wait right here.
- Welcome, Rangers!

Piggy! How could you do this to us?!

This isn't the end, Gruumm!

You're right, Commander, the worst

is yet to come.

Jack, your genetic powers are
neutralised. You can't break out.

Well, you can't blame a guy
for trying.

- Jack...
- Yahh!

...we need to talk.

It's come to my attention
that you'll be leaving SPD.

What? Hey, I didn't say...

You know, why are we
talking about this now?

It doesn't look like we'll get
out of here any time soon.

Whether we leave here or not, it is
important that you follow your path.

You're wrong, sir. I love SPD.

Yes, I know that.
And you give it %.

But you and I
both know where your heart lies.

Who'd have thought Piggy
would send us to this trap?

Just goes to show you...
you can't trust reptiles.

- He's a reptile, right?
- He's history...

...if I ever get out of here. ( Groans )

He's probably laughing
at us right now.

What have I done?

I'm a filthy, slime-ridden,
lowlife, worm-eating vermin!

OK, so I was that
before I betrayed the Rangers.

But I had to!
Gruumm would have vaporised me!

Anyone else would have done
the same thing.

Tell me,
have I done the right thing?

Show me a sign
that I've done the right thing!

( Thunderclap )

Oh! My cafe!

Oh, no!

( Groans )

Commander Cruger and B-Squad have
been captured by Emperor Gruumm.

There is no one left
to protect Earth...

...but us. Omega Ranger
will lead those willing

to fight against
the inevitable Troobian invasion.

The odds of coming out
of this are slim.

( Murmuring )

If any of you want to leave...

...please do so now.

( Murmuring )

Hey... wait.

Before you go, I just want
to tell you that, well, I get it.

You know? I... I understand.

Outnumbered, outpowered.

Kat's probably exaggerating

when she says the odds are slim.

Hopeless would be more like it.

But even if all of you leave,
I'm staying.

I'm staying for Commander Cruger.

I'm staying for Jack,

for Sky, Bridge, Z, Syd.

I'm staying...
because they would stay for me.

I'd stay for you, too.

Now, we will probably
lose this fight.

But I am not giving up
without a fight.

So Gruumm,

bring it on!

Those of you who want to go...


I'm staying.

( Shouting )

GRUUMM: Finally!

( Chuckling )

We begin.

( Growling )

Commander Cruger!

Power Rangers!

Omni has decided your existence
is no longer needed.

We are here to carry out his orders.

( Laughs )

( Growling )

Rangers, it has been my honour
to serve with you.

Ready! Fire!

( Gasps )

OK. What just happened?

Hard to say. I was kind of covering
my eyes with my hands.

But from the look of things,

the last Krybot standing
is a really bad shot.

- Let's take 'em, sir!
- No! Wait!

- ( Groans )
- Piggy?

I know, I know.

You hate me.
And you have every right to.

There's no need to judge me.
I'm guilty.

You can send me straight to one
of those little confinement cards.

Oh! Well, the point is...

I'm... sorry.



- Rangers, we've got a planet to save.
- ALL: Yes, sir!

Uh, wait for me! ( Grunts )

- ( Growling )
- Uh-oh. Roadblock. Go!


Whoa! Yah!

Rangers, you must return to Earth.

Right. But how?

Would these help?

Kat. Kat.

- Rangers! I sending the flyers.
- Excellent.

Good luck, Rangers.

But sir, aren't you coming with us?

- No. I have things to finish.
- I'll stay and fight with you.

Much appreciated, Jack.
But your team needs you. Now go!

That is an order!

ALL: Yes sir!

Uh... wait for me! Again!

( Sighs ) Be swift. Be strong.

KAT: All cadets to battle stations.

( Electronic Buzzing )

OK, guys. Looks like it's showtime.


But how?

( Growls ) Out of my way!

( Growls )

SPD Emergency!



( Both Snarling )

( Grunts )

- Oh-oh.
- ( Growls )

What are you going to do to me?
I'm just a kid.

Use your imagination.

( Screams )

Hey! That's not fair!


( All Scream )

- Attack!
- Charge!

Get up!

This doesn't look good, Boom.

Kat, no it doesn't.

Look carefully, Isinia.

Not many have stood before
the Magnificence.

CRUGER: Isinia!

Doggie! I knew you'd come!

( Both Gasps )

GRUUMM: Cruger,
you have more lives than a cat.

But this one will be your last.

( Growls )

SPD Emergency!

Let's do this!



( Groans )

ISINIA: Look out!

It's too late, Cruger.
Omni is headed towards Earth.

I'm sure my Rangers
are right behind Omni.

Now give me my wife!

We're almost there!

- You won't get away with this!
- Watch me.


( Isinia Screams )

- Isinia!
- Doggie!

Do not come any closer, Cruger.

One more step, and I will let go.

Help me!

( Groaning )

( Groans )

- No!
- ( Growling )

( Screaming )

- Kat! What is that?
- It looks like a time portal.

All right!

Force from the future.

SPD Nova Ranger.

ALL: Charge!

Electro mode.

( Groans ) I am so glad to see you, Nova!

Yeah, well, I've been looking
all over the timeline for you.

- ( Blast )
- BOTH: What?

( Gruumm Growling )

- What's that?
- ( Laughing )

Omni is here.

I will claim this planet as mine!

- ( All Scream )
- ( Electronic Blaring )

Destruction to all
that try and stop me!

( Blaring Stops )

Oh, Doggie. What to do?

You couldn't help her on Sirius,

and there's nothing you can do
to stop me now.

( Growls )

- ( Growls )
- No!

- ( Screams )
- ( Laughs )

( Screams )

( Screams )


I got you!

All is still lost, Cruger.
Omni is complete.

He will destroy everything
on your planet.

Hold on!

As for me, you will not bring me in!

( Screams )

- ( Groans )
- Come on, Doggie!

( Isinia Groans )

CRUGER: He's gone.

ISINIA: We found each other at last!

Go! You can handle this! Go!

Earth is mine!

Rangers, this looks like
our last battle.

Let's give it everything we've got!

- KAT: Doggie? Where are you?
- Inside Omni.

- I can't shut it down from within.
- Maybe I can do it from here.

- Uplink any schematic you can find.
- I'm on it.

- This is it, Nova. Just you and me.
- Right.

BOTH: Hey!

And us!

SPD headquarters sent help!

( Howling )

Fire weapons!

( Growling )

- Hang in there, guys!
- Doggie. I found a weakness in Omni.

You need to open the panel
under the left arm.

Gruumm's locked the controls.
I'm going to have to do it manually.

There's still time
for you to get out, Isinia.

No. I just found you, Doggie.

I'm staying right by your side.

( Cruger Growls )

Rangers, if Doggie can...

It's when, Kat, when I can.

When Doggie opens up the panel,

max out your laser power
and all hit Omni at that position.

It'll penetrate his core
and cause a massive implosion.

- We're all over it!
- Yeah!

( Electronic Blaring )

( All Gasp )

( Omni Laughs )

We can't take another hit like that!

I've found the controls.

Any time you're ready, sir.

Sir... you know
you won't be able to...

I know, Kat.

We're ready, Kat.

Ready, Rangers!

- This one is for you, Commander.
- ALL: Ready!

Look out! ( Screams )

( All Gasp )

( Roaring )

ALL: Yeah! We did it!

( All Cheering )

- ( Sighs )
- Yes!

- Doggie's gone.
- I'm gonna miss that great blue dog.


They made it! They're alive!

( Both Laugh )

( All Cheer )

- You'll be OK.
- Help each other out.

- Report anyone who's missing.
- CRUGER: Congratulations!

Well, I'll be. Hmm.

( Growling ) SPD!



Today, Earth can celebrate.

None of us would be here today
if it wasn't for Piggy.

- ( Applause )
- Aw. ( Chuckling )

GRUUMM: Cruger!

Forgive me for being late

- to your celebration, Cruger.
- We're with you, Commander.

No. I will finish this.

( Both Growl )

- ( Gasp )
- ( Gruumm Groans )

( Growls )

Show me no mercy, Cruger.

( Growling )

No mercy!

( Cruger Howls )


Now they match.

You'll pay for this, Cruger!

Justice is served.

( All Cheering )

Well done, Doggie!

Rangers, I've called you together
to hear this.

Jack Landors has left SPD.

He resigned?

But why? He didn't even say goodbye.

Doesn't surprise me.
When something's over, he's gone.

Rangers, for your true courage,
heroism and valour

in the face
of seemingly insurmountable odds...

...I am elevating you to A-Squad.

Did you hear me?

I'm promoting you to A-Squad.

No, we heard you, sir. But...

Well, we talked it over,
and you know what?

We are B-Squad.

That's who we are.
That's who we want to be.

Very well. B-Squad it is.
There will be no A-Squad.

But there's still one problem.

You have no Red Ranger.
You have no leader.

Sky Tate, step forward.

If I was to appoint Syd
as Red Ranger,

would you follow her into battle?

Sir, I'd follow anyone into battle
you thought worthy of the red.

Congratulations, Sky.
You are the new Red Ranger.

Your father
would be very proud of you.

- ( Zapping )
- Hey!

That's our ride home.

Goodbye, everyone.

- Thank you for making our future safe.
- Yes. Goodbye.

Wait! ( Sighs )

Goodbye, Sam.
I'll see you in years.

OK. I'll be there, Z.

- Let's go, Nova. Goodbye, my friends.
- Right.

- NOVA: So long.
- ALL: Bye.

- Thanks.
- Hey!

( Laughs )

You guys need some clothes?

Guys, thanks.

Yeah, you might have left SPD,
but you're not leaving our lives.

Well, brother?

Guess we both
get to do something bigger.

( Clears Throat ) Hello there.

Piggy! What are you doing here?

Oh, didn't Jack tell you?

I've gone into business
with him and Ally.

( All Chuckle )
- ( Beeping )

Go for it.

- Ready!
- ALL: Ready!

SPD Emergency!
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