13x36 - Resurrection

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x36 - Resurrection

Post by bunniefuu »

# SPD Emergency!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Her_s on your side
heroes for all time

# Out to save the universe

# Wo matter where you are
If it's near or far

# You can always call out

# Space Patrol! Space Patrol!

# Space Patrol!
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go, go, go

# Go, go

# Power Rangers, go!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, SPD! #

Does anyone want any toast?

lt's really buttey.

Extra buttey.

Bridge, why do you always wiggle
your fingers when you say ''buttey''?

He can't help himself.
It's ingrained in his cellular make-up.

That's ridiculous.

l can say ''buttey'' without...

- Buttey.
- Ha!


Maybe l can't.

[Cruger clears throat]

At ease.

Rangers, these last few days
have been uneventFul.

But l caution you,
do not let your guard down.

Something is brewing, l can feel it.
Be at the ready.

- Yes, sir.
- Where's Jack?

He's in the city. He got bored
and decided to go out.

Vey well. Cary on.

ls that all yours, Carson?

Uh... Uh... No, sir.

Uh... well, yeah.

l made some for eveyone,
but nobody wants any.

Do you want some toast?
It's really butt...

- [laughs]
- l'll pass.


SPD. You're under arrest.

- You're a...
- A girl?

No... No.

l was gonna say, you're a thief.

Well, then l guess we're even,
because l'm surprised you're a cop.

Are you undercover, or is that the
Iatest spring uniform you're sporting?

l don't like to wear the...
l don't have to answer your questions.

You're under arrest
for stealing clothing.

Would you arrest me if l told you these
clothes were to be given out to poor?

Even if l believe that
to be true, which l don't, yeah,

l'd still arrest you.
It's against the law.

A cop with principles. Nice.

OK, would you arrest me if l told you
l wasn't stealing these?

My dad owns the company.
We give clothing to the needy.

Yeah. Yeah, l would still arrest you.

l'm gonna have to admit,
it is a good stoy.

Well, l hate to burst
your inflated badge, buck-o.

But it happens to be the truth.

The name's Ally Samuels.

My dad owns Samuel's Clothing.

lf you take a look behind
that prejudging brain of yours,

you'll see our name
on the side of the van.

[laughs] My bad.

Yes. Yes, it was.

Now, if you'll excuse me
l have to get back to work.


Hey, uh...

You don't need any help, do you?

[Gruumm] Mora?


There you are.

l found this lying out
in the corridor.

Thank you.

Playtime's over, Cindy.

What terrible things
shall we do today, Emperor?

Today will be unlike any other day

seen by the unsuspecting Rangers.

You know, l think
Jack had the right idea

- about getting away from the academy.
- [laughs]

The way you're loosening up, Sky,

you're almost becoming human.


Just what l'm looking for.


You're mine!


l knew this was too good to last.

- Ready!
- Ready!

[both] SPD Emergency!

[both yell]

Hey, thanks.

Thank you.

Look, Jack, l feel like l...

- l owe you an apology.
- No. No way.

l, uh...

l want to thank you for giving me
the chance to do what l love again.

Um... Look, l don't know
if you're busy after,

but l make
a mean macaroni cheese. So...

[communicator beeps]

Jack, we need backup. Sector O.

l gotta go. My friends
are in trouble. Rain cheque?

[both grunt]

Welcome, Rangers.

But you're no match for me.

Let's see if squashing
yellow and blue together

makes one squashed green Ranger!

Already have a Green Ranger,
thank you.

- Hiyah!
- [grunts]



- [shouts]
- [grunts]

You all right, Sky?

l'm tired of this game. Hiyah!



- Back off!
- [grunts]

[gasps] Sky!

[laughs, yells]

- [Elizabeth grunts]
- He's gone.

Let's iust hope it's for good.

[Broodwing] Yes.

Batteries charged with human cells
are exactly what l need.

But l will need many more
for my ultimate plan.

No problem, Broodwing.

But how do l know l can trust you?
You could turn on me.

l could. But then,
why would l give you this?

An energy accelerator.

Yes. No doubt the Power Rangers
will ty and stop you.

They must not succeed.

Ha! They are of no wory to me.
l already beat them.

Don't let your small victoy today
mislead you.

Nothing must get in my way
of taking control of Earth.

[both laugh]

His name is Delex. He's already
been judged guilty in ten galaxies

for draining the life force
from innocent beings.

He's now believed
to be working for Broodwing.

Rangers, l need you out
on the streets looking for him.

Team up. l want no Ranger
out there alone.

Hmm. And where is Jack?

He left us after the last attack.

- He said he had some...
- Well, find him.




Retrieve batteries.

l'm fully charged.

- l need more batteries.
- [clanks]

This is too easy.

Kybots, reload!

- Excellent.
- [screams]


My plan is going perFectly.

Helpless humans.

lt is your wasted energy

that will fuel my takeover
of your puny planet!

[grunting] More energy!


Hold it right there! SPD!

- You're coming with us.
- Really? [laughs]



Jack's not with you?

We haven't found him anywhere.

Jack or no Jack, we're gonna
have to stop this guy.

Let's get him.

- [Kat] Sir?
- Wait for us!

The Rangers have found Delex.

And Jack?

Well, find him.

- You're doing great.
- [laughs]

[communicator beeps]

[Kat] Jack, come in, Jack.

The Rangers are under attack.

[both yell]

- [both] Fire!
- [grunts]

[both scream]

[both groaning]

l cannot tell you the last time
l had so much fun.

No, tell me! [laughs]

[communicator beeps]

- Yeah?
- [Cruger] Yeah?

l don't know what you're doing,
but stop it immediately.

Your fellow Rangers
are under attack.

- Look, l...
- Yeah, l know.

You've gotta go.

l'm real sory.


- [scoffs]
- [blasts]

- You're like pesky ants!
- And you're our picnic!

You're under arrest, Delex.

Don't make me laugh.




[grunts] No!

- Huh?
- Sory l'm late!

- Jack!
- You're here!

- Yep!
- You ready, Z?

- l'm ready. Let's do it, Sky!
- Yeah.

l want in on this.

- [yells]
- [grunts]


- Give up!
- Never!

[all grunt]

- No!
- Do it!


- [grunts]
- Good work, guys.

[groans] You think you have power?

l'll show you real power!


Now what are you going to do?

[all gasp]

- Kat?
- Sending flyers.



Kick it!



Let's finish this.



You're wanted in ten galaxies.

Prepare for containment.

Ready, fire!



[Cruger] Excellent iob, Rangers.

Once again, you have helped
make the galay a safer place.

Good work. Dismissed.


Jack, l would like a word with you.

Someone's in trouble.

l knew this was coming.

Yes, sir?

What happened out there today?

Not sure what you mean, sir.

l showed up, we kicked butt,
end of stoy.

lt may be the end of your stoy,
but it's not the end of mine.

You were late, didn't answer
your calls, your fellow Rangers...

- All right!
- Hmm.

- l get it. l messed up, l'm sory.
- Sory is not gonna cut it.

l want to know what happened
and who you were with.

Then l want your word
that this will never happen again.

What l was doing out there
and who l was doing it with

is none of your business.

And as far as my word goes,
l can't give you my word.

Maybe l'll mess up again,
maybe l won't.

You have an obligation
to me as one of my Rangers.

l have done evemhing
you've asked of me and more!

You may not have a life outside
of here, but l sure am going to.

ls there anything else, sir?

No. Dismissed.

Can you believe him, Kat?

Quite frankly, sir...


lt took a lot of guts for him
to stand up to you like that.

And what he said,
he does deserve to have a life.

Whether all of this ends tomorrow...
He deserves a life.

What about the other Rangers?
What about the safety of Earth?

His loyalty is not in question.

But l would look at
what's going on with you.

- [growls]
- Growl as much as you like,

but don't ask me if you don't
want to hear what's true for me.

l know, l know.


- [alarm sounds]
- Kat?

Sir, the sensors are picking up
an SOS signal from Gamma Orion.

Send the C-Squad to investigate.

But it's coming over
the restricted SPD channel.

We have got to find them, Kat.

- Send the Power Rangers.
- l'm on it.

[Kat via radio]
Rangers, the last reported signal

came from due west of your position.

You should have contact
in seconds.

Stay alert, eveyone.


What is it?

- A crashed spaceship.
- Anyone survive?

- [howling]
- l heard something. This way.

Stay focused.

All clear. Come on.



l'm getting life readings.

OK. Let's move in.

- [yelling]
- [grunting]

l can't get a clear shot.



You guys get 'em,
l'll handle this one.

OK, let's do it.

- [yells]
- [grunts]


- [groans]
- You're under arrest, buddy. [grunts]

Any more questions
about his loyalty?

His loyalty was never in question.

- [grunts]
- You stay there.


[Jack] OK, Sky. Let's take a look.

We'll have to blast our way in.


Look, there's someone in there!

No way!


- A-Squad!
- They're alive!

- Yeah!
- Whoa!


Let's give them a hand.

- [grunts]
- You OK?

- It's gonna be all right.
- [groans]

[Sydney] Thank goodness!

Power down.

- You're a girl!
- Red's a girl?

[both] Right on!

You got a problem with that?

No, l'm cool.

[Cruger] A ioyous day for SPD.

Well done, B-Squad.

[Kat] Welcome back, A-Squad.

l need to prepare your post medicals.
l will see you shortly.

Nice iob, guys. Thank you.

Thank you again, cadets.
You have filled in nicely.

But now l need
to speak to the A-Squad.

B-Squad, you are dismissed.

Uh... But, sir...

l said, you are dismissed.

Yes, sir.

A-Squad, so much
has happened in your absence.

We'll begin your debriefing
right away.

You've got to be kidding me!

''B-Squad''? When was the last time
Cruger called us ''B-Squad''?

We work our butts off all year,
then are ordered

to leave like we're some
D-Squad newcomer?

l don't like it any better
than you. None of us do.

But we knew that if A-Squad
returned, this would happen.

That doesn't mean
we have to like it.

Bridge, how are you feeling?


Uh... Sory. l was iust thinking.

l have a really bad feeling, guys,
kinda like the feeling l had before.

Their energy, their colours.
Something's off.

And after being gone all that time,

wasn't it a little too easy the way
we just happened to find them?

[Jack] Well, that's not our problem.

Our problem is that we're B-Squad,
the reserves.

Zord clean-up detail.

We do all the work,
and they're in the command centre

getting all these medals
from Cruger.

lt is good to have you back,

l had feared the worst.

l have many questions for you.

And you may have as many for me.

But for now, welcome back.

[woman] You'll be coming with us,
Commander Cruger.

You have an appointment
with Emperor Gruumm.
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