13x35 - Wormhole

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x35 - Wormhole

Post by bunniefuu »

# SPD Emergency! #

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Go, go, go, go #

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue #

# Go, go, go, go #

# Heroes on your side
Heroes for all time #

# Out to save the universe #

# No matter where you are
If it's near or far #

# You can always call out #

# Space Patrol! Space Patrol! #

# Space Patrol!
Space Patrol Delta! #

# Go, go, go, go #

# Go, go #

# Power Rangers, go! #

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue #

# Go, go, SPD! #

I do not know why they fight
for such a worthless planet.

Or their inevitable fate.

But the fact remains that they do.

Aaah! Aaah!

I do not question our supremacy
or that we will be victorious.

( Sighs )

Preparations are in place.
We are ready to leave.

Yes, we have undertaken a plan that
will ensure us the conquest of Earth!

KAT: Power Rangers, report to Delta
Command Centre immediately.

- What's going on?
- Gruumm is gone and so is his ship.

Yes! He's retreated.

We won!


- Enough!
- Hello? Hello?

It's celebration time. You said it
yourself. Gruumm is gone!

Yes, he's gone, but I know my enemy.
He does not retreat.

Commander, I found something.

I was scanning the Turnerian Nebula
when I found this.

CRUGER: A wormhole?

A temporal wormhole. There are
traces of Troobian energy inside the rim.

- Sounds like retreating to me.
- What he wants us to think.

- Then here is he going?
- A more important question.

What time is he going to?

( School Bell Rings )

( Electronic Bleeping )

Great! I'm just about to defeat
the dreaded Maxidrum,

when his evil ship comes by
and destroys all that I've done.

- It's just a game, Ethan.
- Yeah, you're acting as if it's real.

What if it is real? What if this game is
really an ancient diary telling me about

a real event that happened
in a distant galaxy, far, far away?

Ethan, your mind is the only thing
that is far, far away.


Hey, guys, what's up?

Ethan's giving us a history lesson on
something he learned on his Geekboy.

All right. You're right. This is not
ancient galactic history.

- Finally.
- But it could be... the future.

Remember, it's just a game.

( Roaring )

( Students Scream )

GRUUMM: Earth, .

We defeat her now

and, then, when we return
to the future,

there will be no resistance
to our conquest.

If there is anyone left, at all.

( Laughing )

Show me what you've drawn, Mora.

Just... this.

At your service, Master.


Yeah, yeah.
I'm going to go play now.


I want you to draw
more monsters, Mora.


Make sure, this time, we prevail.

A wormhole is a tube of space time
connecting distant regions of the universe,

that could provide the possibility
of time travel.

- Einstein's theory of relativity.
- Correct.


I believe Gruumm has become frustrated
with the resistance SPD has shown

and has decided to take his battle into
the past, where victory will be certain.

We can't just let him do that.
We won't. We will go after him.

- Into the wormhole?
- Yes.

But I am sending
just the three of you.

I can't leave the present unprotected.

Say your goodbyes and report
to Delta Launch in five minutes.

Sir, when you say,
"Say your goodbyes",

do you mean "say goodbye"
as in "see you later"

or do you mean,
"say goodbye", as in...



Don't answer that.

OK. The next time you predict
the future like this,

could you make me a pop star?

I didn't know it was going to come
true. We gotta find Dr O.

Well, you've found me, instead.

- At least it's a familiar face.
- ETHAN: Yeah, great.

Last chance.

Anyone want to turn back?

All right.

Let's go.

( Growling )

Rangers, we fight again!

Now, that's something
you don't see every day.

I wonder what they wanted
with Zeltrax.

Does it really matter? Hopefully,
they'll sell him for scrap metal.

The point is, Zeltrax is gone
and so are they.

Yeah, but they aren't.

Connor. Kira. Ethan.
Nice to see you guys again.

You must be Trent.

So, you are the one
they call Zeltrax.

You know my name.
And now you will know my wrath.

- ( Laughs )
- ( Groans )

I have a proposition for you.

You and your troops will help me
strike down the Power Rangers

or I will...


No need to go on.

Eliminating the Power Rangers?

It would be my pleasure.

GRUUMM: Excellent!

My warriors will help you.

( All Laugh )

OK. Let me see
if I got this straight.

You guys are from the future
and you're Power Rangers?

You're chasing Emperor Gruumm, who's
trying to conquer the future Earth?

Gruumm came to defeat the Earth now,

so, in the future,
he'll already have conquered Earth?

You know these guys because
they were brought to the future?

Let's say you're telling us the truth.
Why don't we remember any of this?

Oh, I know.

We erased your memory, because
a knowledge of the future

would have a detrimental effect,
causing it not to happen in the manner

that it's supposed to happen
without you interacting with it.

- What did he say?
- We were hoping you'd tell us.

- We've given up trying.
- ( Beeping )

I've got three separate readings.

We gotta split up. Stay here.
This is our fight.

Excuse me! Not any more. Your Grumm
probably just teamed up with Zeltrax.

- Right. Your fight is now our fight.
- ALL: Yeah.

- KAT: Oh, no.
- CRUGER: What is it?

This isn't good, Doggie.

The wormhole. It's closing.

If they're not back
within three hours,

they won't be coming back.

( Screaming )

( Laughing )

I claim this area in the name
of the Troobian Empire!

Not so fast, pumpkin head!

The signal is getting stronger.
They've gotta be around here.

Yep. I think I've found them.

Any last words, Ranger?

SPD Emergency!


Is that all you got?

I guess not.

Prepare for the inevitable, Ranger.

- Just give up.
- Now I'm mad.

- ( Laughing )
- Now I'm really mad!

Time to get serious.

Well, thanks for playing.


Time to say goodbye!


( Groaning )

The wormhole is closing. I need to
go after the Rangers and warn them.

- I'll go with you, sir.
- I'll go, too.

No. I need you here, in case
the unthinkable happens.

Sir, if you go back and we stay here
and Gruumm wins,

then being here will be unnecessary.

There won't be a here.

- He's right, sir.
- Hmm...

All right, then. We will all go.

JACK: Hey, guys, wait up!

Any luck?

Just ran into a couple of Krybots.
We took care of them. You?

No. Nothing.

Which doesn't make sense. The Troobian
energy around here is off the charts.

( Screaming )


Black Ranger.

Time to take it to the next level.

Guys, I think we've got
some more company.

OK. What are those?


Well, let's look on the bright side.
It couldn't get any worse.

There's our enemy, comrades!

Guys, I think it just got worse.


Come on.

This'll be easy.

Better late than never.

You guys ready?

Black Ranger!
I've read all about you.

- Time to go to work!
- ( Growling )

Prepare to be defeated!

- Let's go!
- You don't stand a chance.

Nice touch, using the T-drones
along with the Krybots.

Yes. ( Chuckles )

( All Laugh )

- Ready!
- Ready!

ALL: SPD Emergency!

ALL: Space Patrol Delta!

Not bad. Check this out.

- Ready!
- ALL: Ready!

ALL: Dino Thunder! Power up!

ALL: Dino Power!


Let's do it!

OK. Give it all you've got!

- You're toast, Zeltrax!
- Oh, really?

Don't bother getting up.

- We thought you might need some help.
- Let's do it!

Sorry we're late. Someone forgot
to send us an invitation to the party.

- A pleasure to meet you.
- Likewise.

This is better than I could
have hoped for.

Victory is ours!

Surround them!

This is your end, Power Rangers.

You are outnumbered.
Look at the size of my army.

It is true. You have us outnumbered.

But, remember, it is not the size
of the dog in the fight.

It is the size of the fight
in the dog!

- No-one gets inside our circle!
- No-one gets inside!

- No-one gets inside!
- No-one gets inside!

No-one gets inside!

- No-one gets inside!
- No-one gets inside!

- No-one gets inside!
- No-one gets inside!

- No-one gets inside!
- You got it, Commander!


( All Growling )

- Are you OK?
- Let's get 'em!

Let's blast this clown! Fire!

Oh, yeah!

- Not bad.
- Thanks. Check this out.

How about this?

Omega Morpher! Electro Mode!

Ha! That did it!



( Groans )

OK. All together!


( Gasping )


He's mine!

Great teamwork.

This is no longer my battle.

But I will see you again,
Black Ranger!


- We're taking you down!
- I don't think so. Let's Battlise!

SPD. Battliser!

Shield of Triumph!

( Barking )

Cyber mode!

Triassic Ranger!

Get them! Attack!

Get up, you fool!

Oh, no!


Battliser sonic mode!

Battliser cannon!


All right!

No! I'll go down there
and finish them off, myself!

Not such a good idea, Your Hornship.

It looks like the wormhole
is closing.

If we don't go back,

we're never going back.

No matter. I'll defeat Earth now.


But then you're also going
to have to reconquer

all the other galaxies and planets
you've already defeated,

because, since it's ,

none of that happened yet.

- So, if I were you...
- Ha!

- maybe...
- Very well.

This is it, Rangers!


ALL: Canine cannon!

ALL: Z-Rex Blaster! Ready!

Aim. Fire!

( All Groan )

ALL: Rangers!

- Blue!
- Green!

- Yellow!
- Pink!

- Omega!
- Shadow!

- Tyranno!
- Tricera!

- Ptera!
- Brachio!


ALL: Power Rangers!

ALL: Defenders of Earth!

Well, guys, it's time to say goodbye.

So soon?

What's the rush?
You're time travellers.

No matter how long you stay,
you get back at the same time.

Not true. The wormhole is closing.
We gotta go.

I really wish I could stay.
I was born last week.

I could meet myself, become
my own best friend... Wait.

What if I met myself
and I didn't like me?

- Or...
- TRENT: We understand. You've got to go.

Thanks. This has been
something I'll always remember.

We can't let you do that.

You're going to erase our memories.

Yeah. We have to.

Knowledge of the future changes
what's meant to be.

For better or worse.
It's got to be like this.

Say cheese.

School's over. Go home.

- Did that dog just talk?
- I think so.

It doesn't seem fair that they're
not gonna remember any of this.

I agree. It is not fair.

Say cheese.

Uh, Commander, excuse me,
I don't mean to sound confused.

- But where are we?
- We're on a mission, Jack.

Now, get in the shuttle
and buckle up.

We have preset coordinates
to take us home.

Sounds good.

Now one last detail.


Are you coming, Commander?



I think I'd better.

GRUUMM: Yes, I have failed.

I have underestimated the enemy.

It will not happen again.

That is not necessary. I can do this.

Yes, Your Magnificence.

I will prepare

for your arrival.
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