13x31 - History

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x31 - History

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah, Professor Cerebros.
Thank you for meeting with me.

Oh, this is highly dangerous, Broodwing!

Gruumm wouldn't like it if he
knew I was working for you.

That's why I am paying you top-dollar
for your skill, and your silence.

- Let us proceed. Do you have them?
- Right here.

I procured them on the planet
Onyx for a considerable sum.

Ethan! Hey, man, wait up!

Conner McKnight,
my ex-partner in crimefighting!

- I didn't think I'd see you at the reunion.
- Well,

my class schedule at Reefside Tech is
brutal, but there's no way I'd miss this!

- What've you been up to?
- I'm trying to start a soccer program for kids,

y'know, give them somewhere
fun and safe to go after school.

But it's been tough
raising the money, though.

Hey, man, that sounds cool!
Keep at it.

- Hey, do you think Kira's coming?
- I doubt it.

I heard she moved to New York
to try and get a recording contract.

- “Trying” being the key word!
- Kira!

So, when can we expect
to hear your first big single?

Oh, I'm already all over the radio…
singing a cat litter jingle!

- Shall we?
- We shall!

Welcome to the future! Now,
you will help me destroy the planet!

Let's get out of here!

- This is strange…
- Troobian energy reading?

No, a Ranger energy reading.

An intense surge in the Morphing
Grid is spiking in the downtown sector.

But I didn't deploy the Rangers.
I thought they were here in the base!

What's new in the S.P.D.
Zoo, Commander?

- Narrow in on the energy reading.
- I'm on it!

- What's going on, Kat?
- What energy reading, sir?

I'm detecting an ultimate
Ranger energy downtown.

But we're not downtown.
I mean… I'm not downtown.

- I don't think I am.
- Don't look at me. I'm all here.

- Then it's gotta be the A-Squad!
- They made it back!

Come on! Down here!

Any thoughts on
what these things are?

They're not Tyrannodrones

but they're definitely up there
in the creepy department.

- Any ideas on how to get out of this?
- I'm still trying to figure out how we got in it.

It's a robot!

Check out the crazy circuitry.
Way advanced.

Fools! Do you think you can
get away from me that easy?

We've run away from a
lot worse than you, buddy.

- Oh, that didn't come out right at all.
- Who are you?

- What do you want with us?
- Your power is legendary throughout the galaxy!

Fight alongside me and we'll
bring down this wretched planet!

Maybe you're suffering from a lack
of oxygen from being in that

punchbowl too long, but in case you
didn't notice, we're the good guys.

Yeah, we're not exactly about
destroying our own planet.

Oh, I think you'll come around
to my way of thinking…

with a little persuasion…


- Back off, Broodwing.
- Fly back to where you came from.

S.P.D., always getting in my way!
I'm not through with any of you!

- You guys OK?
- A little confused, but we're okay.

Broodwing is bad news.
But attacking innocent civilians?

- That's just low.
- You've fought this freak before?

Oh yeah. All in a day's work.
We're Power Rangers.

Space Patrol Delta.

Wait a minute,
you can't be the Power Rangers.

- Why not?
- Because we are.

So, wait, let me see
if I've got this straight.

Somehow we've been
transported years into the future?

And this is a state-of-the-art
command center

that trains elite fighters
to become Power Rangers.

And Earth is under attack by
an army of aliens and giant robots?

Yup, that's about it.

It's good to know that there'll
still be beautiful girls in the future.

Would you give it a rest?
We've got to keep focused here.

OK, I'm not complaining, but our
command center was a cave.

Hey, hey, guys, it's okay.
That's our Commander, Anubis Cruger.

And our lovely technical expert,
Dr. Kat Manx.

- Welcome to our base, Rangers.
- But he's a dog… sort of…

Pets as authority figures.
You get used to it.

Aliens and humans
live in harmony here.

Well… for the most part.
Broodwing is after them.

I can see why. The archives show
that the Dino Thunder team have

faced off against some of the most
treacherous villains in all of history.

Ahhh… memories…

But that was years ago. What I
don't get is, how did you guys get here?

Well, things are a little fuzzy but

we were on our way to the
reunion at Reefside High.

I'm sure that Broodwing went to
a lot of expense to bring you here.

He won't give up on you so easily.

We'll take him on, and
anyone else that gives us trouble.

You haven't met Broodwing's boss.
Gruumm? Is as nasty as they get.

Well, I say bring it on.
We're Rangers. We can deal with it.

Correction- you were Rangers.

We've been specially trained
to take on Gruumm's army.

And no offense,
but fighting dinosaurs is so over.

Weren't you guys taught
to respect your elders?

We don't want you guys to
get into any more trouble.

We have enough problems to deal with.

The quarry is under attack!

My hunch is that Broodwing
is trying to draw you out.

Just because we're not Rangers
anymore doesn't mean that we can't fight!

Okay, you guys chill until we get back.

- Ready!
- Ready!

S.P.D. Emergency!

S.W.A.T. Mode!

Delta Enforcers!

Let's do it!


I got him! Fire!

- You okay, Jack?
- Yeah. Now, all together. Aim!



- Where'd he go?
- We've lost him!

I didn't order a Dragoul
to destroy the Rangers!

That insolent bat continues
to go against my orders!

You'd be the laughingstock
of the galaxy

if Broodwing destroyed
the Rangers instead of you.

That'll never happen. I want to
initiate a full-scale ground attack.

I want every robot in
our arsenal down there!

It's about time the Rangers, and
Broodwing, find out who has the true power.

Let's get back to the base and see
if Kat can run a trace on that thing.

- Uh-oh…
- Something tells me that's gonna have to wait.

Looks like Gruumm's 'bot factory
has been working overtime.

I could be wrong, but it looks
like they're in a lot of trouble.

They've never encountered
this many troops at once.

- You've gotta let us in on this.
- No. I won't put your lives in danger.

If anything happened to you in this
time, the results could be catastrophic.

Yeah, but if your cadets lose,
none of that matters anyway.

- I see some things never change.
- I wish we had our Megazord.

Kat, dispatch Omega Ranger to the
scene. This is not your battle.

I'm going to help the others. You are
to stay there, that's an order!

S.P.D. Emergency!

- S.P.D. Shadow!
- Woo-hoo!

Punch it!

Go, Commander!

Hang on, Rangers!

- Commander, are you alright?
- Yes, but we've got trouble.

- How could I let my soldiers have all the fun?
- We want to play, too!

Let's play.

Cruger! You and your precious S.P.D.
have stood in my way long enough!

It ends… now!

- Let me guess, that's Gruumm.
- This is serious.

That's it. I say it's time to get
prehistoric on Gruumm and his g*ons.

Cruger ordered us to stay here.

I don't care what happens
in the past or the future.

The others need us now.

- He's right.
- Let's do it.

If you're gonna go out there,
at least go prepared.

Give me your Dino Gems.

Unreal! Whoa!

Ready. Fire!

Time to Battlize these 'bots.


At last… no more Power Rangers.

Think again, bonehead.


- This is not a good idea.
- Get out of here!

You have no idea how
much power Gruumm has.

We've brought a
little power of our own.

Kat's the coolest.

She pulled our morphers out of
the archives and regenerated them.

Don't get mad at us, Commander-
you would've done the same thing.

You have a point. Now let's show
Gruumm what we can do together!

Power Rangers, suit up!

- Power Rangers… you guys ready?
- Ready!

- Dino Thunder…
- S.P.D. Emergency!

Power up!

Super Dino Mode!

S.W.A.T. Mode!


Okay, everybody.
Let's give it all we've got.

- Together, we can do it!
- Yeah!

- Okay, Ethan, do your thing!
- Yeah!

Let's show them some
girl power! Ready?

- Yeah!
- Yeah! You know it!



- You with me?
- Oh, yeah!


Come on!

You're mine, Cruger!

Get off my truck!

- Nice work.
- You too.

Good job, Rangers.
We'll take it from here.

- Omega Ranger needs your help.
- You've got it. Let's go, B-Squad.

This guy's a lot tougher than he looks!

- You OK?
- Yeah, but I'm glad to see you!

Let's double-team this freak.

Come on!

Cruger. Using Rangers from the
past may have won this battle,

but I have a surprise
of my own in store!

- Come on!
- Let's put it together.

Z-Rex Blaster!

- Do it!
- Fire!

He's gone! Yes, we sent him running.

Gather 'round, Rangers.

- Great job, guys.
- That was awesome!

Conner… Jack…

Kira… Z…

Ethan… Sky...

Syd… Bridge…

and Sam.
That was great teamwork.



I still think you guys need
us here to deal with Gruumm.

- He's gonna be madder than ever.
- Yeah, and what about Broodwing?

He's still around flapping
about somewhere.

It's obvious we should stay.
We work great together.

Nice try. But I don't date older guys.


We appreciate your offer to stay,
Rangers. But that's not possible.

Besides, Kira, if you don't get back,
you'll never start your recording career.

- My recording career?
- Of course!

You become a huge singing sensation.
I grew up listening to your songs!

Yeah, and everyone knows about
the Conner McKnight soccer camps.

- They're all over the country!
- For real? Wow!

And Ethan… you have to go back.

You've developed some software
that we still use here at S.P.D.

You mean, I'm a genius? Sweet!

Your lives as Rangers
have made a difference.

But you all go on
to lead exciting and

significant lives after you
hang up your helmets.

- Awesome.
- That's amazing.

I think we're ready
to go back, Commander.

Your courage and dedication will
live on in Ranger legend. Thank you all.

Goodbye, Dino Rangers.
Your memory of us will be erased…

but we won't forget you. Thank you.

- Do you think Dr. Oliver's in there?
- Come on.

You destroyed the first Dragoul, Rangers.

But what you don't know is there
is an even more powerful one,

waiting to strike!

You may have won today,
but tomorrow will be mine!
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