13x30 - Missing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x30 - Missing

Post by bunniefuu »

# SPD Emergency!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Her_s on your side
Heroes for all time

# Out to save the universe

# Wo matter where you are
If it's near or far

# You can always call out

# Space Patrol! Space Patrol!

# Space Patrol!
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go, go, go

# Go, go

# Power Rangers, go!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, SPD! #

Rangers, be careful.
Bork's a ruthless criminal.

lf he left Alpha Centauri in ruins,

he'd have no problem
with destroying Earth.

[all gasp]

Thanks for the warning.
We're closing in on him now.

Follow me!

Ya! Ya!


OK, we don't have to do that,
do we?

- Uh... No.
- Good. Let's go!

You know, l heard...

..that this Bork is wanted on,
like, a bagillion planets.

Oh, really? That many?

OK. Maybe only, like, ten planets.

No sign of Bork, Commander.

Keep searching. Bork's energy reading
still shows him at that location.

l'm now picking up
some additional energy forms.

And there's some Kybot energy, too.

[growls] Cadets, be careful.

lt looks like we have
Iots of uninvited guests.

[Jack] We're on it, Commander!

l've got nothing!
We keep looking!

Cruger said he was here,
and Troobians, too.

lf we split up,
we could cover more territoy.

Good idea. Split up
and meet back here in .

[all] Right.

lt's time to settle the score, Bork.

l don't think so, Herock.
You betrayed me.

l'm not playing games.

Surround him!


[chuckling] You made a big mistake,
Herock. Your last.

Yeah, right.


Ha! Haa!

There's no trouble on the West Docks,
but l'm still looking.


Hold on, there's Bork! l'm going in.

- Get him!
- Yes, get me!

Hey, what happened?

l gave them a warning.

But... you were surrounded
by Blueheads.

Troobians or not,

it is illegal to vaporise anything
without prior permission.

[Bork] Ha! Those laws
are for children.

l am the ultimate master.

Well, unfortunately
you are still under arrest.

Then, my new friend, l must
give you what l gave the others.




Now, that... that makes me mad.



Yes, a Power Ranger
will do quite nicely.


Goodbye, Ranger. Hi-yah!

This way, guys!

Bridge, where are you?

[Cruger] Someone please explain
what happened.

l take full responsibility.

l ordered that the team split up
and search individually.

l made the suggestion
that we split up.

lf l hadn't said anything,
he might not have given that order.

l appreciate you taking
responsibility, cadets.

But the suggestion and the order
were good ones.

The iob we do has many consequences.

And a Ranger missing in action
is one of those consequences.


l've scoured the area
within a mile radius.

Not picking up
on Bridge's communicator signal.

l'm worried about him.

We're all worried. But worying
doesn't help. We need to take action.

- l'll go.
- So will l.

Jack, l want you to search for Bridge.

Do not come back until you find him.
l don't plan on it, sir.

Sky, you will lead the others
on a search for Bork.

Do what you have to do to find him.

Yes, sir.

Time is of the essence, Rangers.
Your fellow cadet is counting on you.


Where am l?



Oh, you scared me!


Sory? You said you're sory?

You must want something.

Hey, how come Mr Snowball
always wears his costume?

He's beginning to freak me out!

We need to know
where we can find Bork.

Creamed Bork? Pickled Bork?

How about galactic felon Bork?

Uh... l don't know what
you're talking about.

Yes, you do! No games, Piggy.

Ooh, he talks!

Something big must be going down.

The well-being of the planet,
dare l say, the Galay is at stake?

So, what's in it for me?

- Nothing.
- [groans]

What l'm about to tell you
is top secret. You don't say a word.

- Moi?
- Piggy!

Bridge was taken by Bork, OK?
He's in a lot of danger.

Oh, no! Not Bridge!

He's the one of you
l dislike the least!

[grunts] Hello.

All right, word on the street is

Bork hangs out around Dock .

- Dock ?
- Yeah.

Got it.

- Thanks, Piggy.
- OK, no problem.

And l won't say a word.

Emperor, l just found out
some info that might come in handy.

Bork has captured the Green Ranger.



Good work, Piggy.

But you're not
to tell another soul about this.

Moi? You have my word, Emperor.

- Broodwing?
- Yes?

lt's Piggy. Here's some info
for your bat ears only.

The Rangers are on their way
to Dock to find Bork.

l see. Your loyalty
will be rewarded.

A source has iust informed me

that the Rangers know
your whereabouts

and are headed this way.

Let them come.

[Broodwing] l admire your confidence,

but do not underestimate
the Rangers, my friend.

Do not underestimate me, Broodwing.

[church bell rings]

No way out. Yet, somehow l got in.

But l got in.

- No way out.
- [train horn blows]

ln, out, in


You know, l'm beginning
to realise how l sound to other people.

- [sighs]
- [distant alarm blares]

Hey! l still have my communicator.
l'll just call for help.

After l fix it.

Bridge, where are you?

Activate thermal scan.

Nothing! Ha!

Gotta keep looking.


You want me, Rangers?

Well, here l am. Argh!

[all] Ya!

Can l help you, Rangers?

We're here for Bridge
and to bring you in!

l see. Then apparently,
you're going to end up disappointed.

And your friend's time
is almost through. Good luck!

We don't need luck!

That's where you're wrong. For,
you see, l am the ultimate master!

- What?
- Really?

l'll show you! Yah!

There's more! Yah!

[Rangers gasp]

There we go.

Well, actually, there l go.

[communicator chirps]

Jack? Jack?

Are you there?
Jack, can you read me?

Bridge, you're all right!
Where are you?

ln a room.

- Could you be a little more specific?
- l'm afraid not.

There's a small grill in the ceiling,
but no windows and no doors.

lf there was a door,
l could walk through it.

lf there was a window
l could just...

l get the point! You've gotta
give me something. Anything.

Let's see. l've heard a few sounds
since l've been here.

OK, there's a church bell

and the sound of a train.

Then another train, then
another train, then another train,

then another train, then...

Bridge! Nemech City
train station... near a church.

Jack, you are good.

Oh! l also heard a fog horn...

..and the sound of a buzzer.

Kind of like... [imitates buzzer]

Oh, wait.

l iust heard a growl.

Oh wait, that's just my stomach.
l'm a little bit hungy.

OK, train station, church bell

fog horn, buzzer.

That's a start. Hang in there,
buddy. l'm gonna find you.

l feel better.

Well, nothing to do now
than just sit back and relax.

[sighs] And take it easy.


Bork has one of the Rangers trapped
on Earth. l've located his position.

- l shall get him.
- No!

Just make sure no-one else does.


You see why l am
the ultimate master.

Now witness my ultimate power.

- Hey, what's he talking about?
- l have no idea.

Ha! Hee-yah!

lt is time.


You got lucky.

Oh, man!

Time to go SWAT!


[all] SPD SWAT mode!

[all] Delta enforcers!

Let's do it!





[horn blowing]

Getting close. l can feel it.

Almost there.

l don't believe it!

[all growling]

Scan for Bridge.

Oh, no!

l'm going to get you
out of there, buddy.

Looks like l'm going to have
to do this the hard way.

l need to deal with these freaks
and get to Bridge fast.

OK, l'm ready to roll.

- Attack!
- Go!

Firing lasers.



Come on, you!

lt's over. We have you now!

Ha! You have nothing! [groans]

You will pay for that!

As ultimate master, l am not accepting
of your laws. l have no laws!

Any luck finding Bridge?

l found him. l'm almost there.

Your green friend has
a pressing engagement right now.

You will be punished for
angering the ultimate master.

[Jack] Freeze!

- Hey, Bork!
- Aaah.

- Broodwing!
- How about a little help?

- [Rangers] Whoa!
- With my compliments.

You will be repaid handsomely,

Hi-yah! Hi-yaaah!

Destroy them! Ha!

Kat, Omegamax Cycle!

lt's on its way.

Omegamax Megazord!

Bridge, come in.

l'm coming to get you.

Good, 'cause l'd say
l've got seconds left.

Hang on!



Thanks, Jack.

Don't mention it. Are you all right?

l only have one problem.

My Morpher broke.

- [barking]
- R.l.C.!

What have you got, boy?

Good dog.

SPD Emergency!

SWAT mode!

[screams] Those pesky Rangers!

The flyers!


Hey, this one's all yours, Bridge.

Thanks, Sam. l got it.



Lucky for you, we do have laws.


And now, you'll have
to be accountable to them. Judgement!

No, l am the ultimate master!

l don't think that's gonna matter.

No! No, that's not fair!


[all] Guilty!

Prepare for containment.

[all] Ready, fire!


[all] Ultimate master, not!

Now that it's over, it's... over.

Reporting in.

Jack, your determination to find
your fellow Ranger was extraordinay.

Sky, your leadership
of the Rangers was exemplay.

Yes, l know.

There is a betrayer in our midst.

But they will pay dearly.

Bridge, your coolness
under duress was inspiring.

No, l have things under control.

There will be no more defeats,

no more mistakes.

Z, you have truly become
a selfless member of our team.

Syd, your fighting skills
are honed to perFection.

l have stolen technology
from the Rangers,

and will use it against them
evey chance l get.

Omega, your home
may be in the future,

but you have become a part
of our present.

l do not need them yet.

ln time, l will call upon them.

And when l do,
the Rangers will be destroyed...

..from within.

Good iob, Rangers.

We have come so far,

yet the real test still lies ahead.

For you are the power.

You are the only.
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