13x27 - S.W.A.T. pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x27 - S.W.A.T. pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

# SPD Emergency!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Her_s on your side
Heroes for all time

# Out to save the universe

# Wo matter where you are
If it's near or far

# You can always call out

# Space Patrol! Space Patrol!

# Space Patrol!
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go, go, go

# Go, go

# Power Rangers, go!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, SPD! #

Iman#Last time on Power Rangers SPD:

Bring me something
to defeat the Rangers.

- Where's another quantum enhancer?
- You can have it for free.

- [sneezes]
- Hey!

[Cruger] The enemy is using
our technology against us.

- [all talking]
- Enough.

Unless you accept and embrace your
team-mates as Rangers and people,

l'm sending you all to planet Zentor
to meet a friend of mine.

l think we're in trouble.

[all shouting]

- Brutal!
- No doubt.

- Come on, guys.
- [both gasp]


- Eh? Watch out!
- Tell me when it's over.

- Whoo!
- What?!

Rangers, ten-hut!

- What just happened here, cadets?
- We were preparing

- to battle that monster.
- Preparing?!

You prepare to go on a date.
You prepare dinner.

You prepare to go on vacation.

You do not prepare to go to battle.
You are already prepared.

You do not wait
for the enemy to come to you.

You go to your enemy.

- Do you understand me?
- [Rangers] Yes, sir.

[hooting] What was that?

You are the sorriest squad of
Rangers Cruger has ever sent me.

You have come to me full of yourselves.

But, at the first sign of disappointment,
you hang your head.

You are a disgrace to your uniform.

You are a disgrace
to those who fought for you.

You are a disgrace to SPD!
You have lost your colours.

- Hand over your morphers.
- Wait, just...

Do not question my orders,
Blue Boy. [barks]

Uh-huh. Ha!

Whoo! Huh.


D-level Cadets...

Welcome to SPD.

[all screaming]

- Let's rob that one over there.
- But what about SPD?

They can't stop us now that
we have their armour.

- [snarling]
- This is all my fault.

- l should never have gone to Piggy.
- l will not disagree with that.

However, l've never known you
to feel sory for yourself.

- l've never messed up this badly.
- l suggest you forgive yourself.

- Get over it and get on with your work.
- l can't.

The holographic virus has rendered
the quantum enhancer useless.

Well, l know you can do it.

As far as l know,
you can't fix it in here.

Yes, sir.

l gotta help, somehow.
Maybe Piggy knows something.

Oh, this is no good at all.

lf Gruumm finds out l had SPD
technology and didn't give it to him,

he'll vaporised me. If Broodwing finds out
l'm working for Gruumm, he'll vaporise me.

And if Gruumm finds out
l'm working for Broodwing,

well, then he'll vaporise me.

lf the Rangers find out
l'm working for Gruumm or Broodwing,

well, they'll vaporise me.
No, wait. They don't vaporise.

They stick guys like me
in those little teeny cards.

- Ugh! l'd rather be vaporised.
- That can be arranged.

Somebody should attach a bell
to that water-cooler head of yours.

You are going to help me get SPD
technology back from your friends.

And then we are going after Gruumm.

[all grunting]

[Silverback] Move it! Move it! Move it!
Come on! We don't have all day!

One, mo, three, four...

Come on, faster! Let's go!

D-level Cadets.
This is my worst nightmare.

[Silverback] Rangers, ten-hut!

l didn't say you could have a break.
Gruumm is not going to give you a break.

We did your course.
We played your game.

Drop and give me !

All of you!

- [sighs]
- On my count. And one, mo...

And what makes you think we need to
align ourselves with you, Broodwing?

We rule this city now.

Au contraire.
That is precisely why you need me.

l can give you an army to do your bidding.

So what are you proposing?

[all shouting]

- SPD. You're all under arrest.
- Big mistake.

- Stench, get him.
- OK.

No need for me to stay.

- What a loser!
- No one can beat us.

We'll see about that.
Omega Morpher, Electro Mode!



l gotta get outta here... Now!

- Hey!
- You better run.

- Ninety-five!
- One... Two...

[all grunting and groaning]

Four... What number was l on?

Enough. You five
cannot do anything together.

l'm sending you back to Earth
with the recommendation

- for dismissal from the Academy.
- No!

[all protesting]

- Sir, you gotta give us another chance.
- Another chance?!

- You've had plenty of chances.
- Please?

[buzzing, beeping]


l will think about it.
In the meanwhile, go for a little run.

Do the short course. It's only miles.

l know one thing.
He didn't say we have to run together.

[all] Fine.

lt was wise to retreat.

Clearly, we are being
overpowered at this time.

Well, this isn't over yet.

l can't wait to get my hands
on those mo again.

You know what's funny?

l was mere moments away
from calling you,

when Morgana came to get me.

- [both chuckle]
- Has that ever happened to you?

Silence! The only noise
to come out of your mouth

is an explanation to
why you haven't made good

- on your part of the bargain.
- l'm working on it, Your Massiveness.

l had some top-secret
SPD technology at my fingertips,

but some of my acquaintances stole it.

Hmm. Yes, betrayal seems
quite rampant around here.



[Syd in distance] Jack, help!

Syd! Syd!


[Syd in distance] Z! Help!

- S_?
- Z, l need help!


[Z in distance] Syd! Syd, help!


[Jack in distance] Help! Bridge!



[Bridge in distance] Sky! Help me!



l'm coming, buddy.

Syd! Syd, where are you?

- Jack, are you OK?
- Yes. Are you OK?

- l think so.
- OK.

l think Syd's in trouble.
l could use your help.

OK, good news. l have her trail.
Not so good news...

- Kybots followed her.
- Come on!


- [yelling]
- Whoa!

- Whoa! Nice save.
- Thanks.

l heard you call for help,
so l came running.

l didn't call for help.
It's Syd. She's in trouble.

Hey, has anyone seen Z?
l heard her call for help.


- Hey, l didn't call. Sky called for help.
- Hey, l don't call for help.

So we all came running here
because we all called for help, but...

We never called for help?!

Guys, this has gotta be
one of Silverback's plans.

He wanted us all to be together.

You know what?
When l was running l realised, so do l.

l want us to be together as Power Rangers.

And as friends.
So, l want to apologise.

- l'm sory.
- l'm sory.

- Me, too.
- Me, three.

[all screaming]

- More riches!
- This is a lot of stuff.

Yeah, but we need more.

And, with this armour,
it's ours for the taking.

- Yeah.
- Juice 'em up!

lt can't be! Doggie, l just
picked up the SWAT Energy Signature.

The Power Bracelets
have powered up again.

- Omega, it's up to you and me now.
- Yes, sir.

[grunting] We need to do something.

On it!


- [laughs] Nice one, Syd.
- Can't beat karat gold.

Let's go!

- [cackling]
- [Bridge] Great! We're surrounded.

- OK, simulation or not, this can't be good.
- We've taken on this many Kybots before.

Yeah, but we used to have our Morphers.

- And we used to be a team.
- We still are. At least, l still are.

l are, too.

- We are a team.
- Remember what Silverback said.

Let's not wait for the fight.
Let's bring the fight.

All together.

[all grunting]


With this new armour,
the whole city will be ours.

- Hey, you again!
- Yeah.

- OK, who wants to mess with me?
- Force from the future. Hi-yah!

SPD Omega Ranger.

Defender of the galay.

SPD Shadow Ranger.

You fools. l'll beat you
with your own technology.

No way! Hi-yah!

Ty this technology.

Omega Morpher, Hyper Mode.

My turn. Shadow Sabre.

Come on, commander.

Get the picture?
l'm in charge of this city now.


- Sam!
- There you are.

- Grab them!
- [both grunting]


We're unbeatable! [snarling]


So what do you have to say for yourselves?

Sir, we thank you for
giving us this opportunity,

and apologise for not
seeing it sooner, sir.

- And?
- We are Rangers, sir.

Our strength is in our team,
not as individuals, sir.

Excellent. Congratulations.

You have graduated from SWAT training.

Cruger, your team is ready to come home.

Sergeant, Cruger's not here.
He's in trouble. We need the Rangers now.

- [computer] Sequencing complete.
- At last.

Evemhing you need
is on the SWAT truck.

The truck is yours
to defend Earth. Dismissed!

[all] Sir, yes, sir.

This is a sight to behold. [laughs]

- Are you ready to give up?
- No!

- Never.
- Hey. Listen up. This city is mine.

l want you tin cans to surround
the building and find those other Rangers.

lf any more show up, smash 'em!

Hey, you have something
that belongs to us.

No! SPD?

Special Weapons and Tactics.

- It can't be! They have our gear!
- It's not just any gear.

SWAT Mode, Red.

SWAT Mode, Blue.

SWAT mode, Green.

SWAT Mode, Yellow.

SWAT Mode, Pink.

[all] SPD SWAT.

- Kybots, get 'em!
- [all shout]

That's the way you want it...
Delta Enforcers. Fire!

That did it.


- You can't get what you can't see.
- OK, team. Let's sweep the area.

[Rangers] Yes, sir.

Let's split up into three groups.

- Radio if you find anything. Go!
- [Rangers] Roger!

This area's secured.

Looks clear.

[Z] Looks dark. Let's ty some new toys.

Night vision. Kybots incoming.



l found them.

Can you change into life form
and get us out of here.

No, l can't. The energy of this grid
is keeping me in solid form.

Don't bother planning an escape.
No one can get out of that chamber.

Jack, l found Thresher. He's in
the lab at the top of the building.

Roger that, Bridge.

- Hey!
- Jack.

- Who invited you?
- l crashed.

l order you to remove that armour
at once. It's the propem of SPD.

Who's gonna make me?

Don't make it harder than it has to be.
You're in a lot of trouble.

l think you're the one who's in trouble.

- What?
- Nothing like teamwork.


Time for a quick getaway.

Nice ty. Thermal Detector.

- Run!
- OK...

- Sory, guys. Didn't mean to drop in.
- Yeah, just thought we'd swing by.

- Time to get you outta here.
- OK. Excellent work, Z.

- My pleasure.
- [Thresher snarling]

- You haven't finished us yet.
- Yeah!

- l'm outta here.
- Come on, team.

Let's finish the iob.

Hmm... [clears throat]

This should prevent me
from being vaporised.

Get up, Stench!

- You have nowhere to run.
- Oh, we're not running.

[all shouting]

You're charged
with hacking SPD computers,

breaking and entering and
theft of top-secret technology.

But it wasn't our idea.

You pay the price
for the choices you make.

- We'll give it back.
- Judgment.

- What's going on, Thresher?
- We've been had!

- No!
- Guilty.

Delta Enforcers, Confinement Mode.

- Power up.
- [Rangers] Ready!


- Where are we?
- l don't believe it.


Rangers, that's what teamwork is all about.

[all] Yeah!

- [Morgana] Piggy failed, didn't he?
- On the contray,

l now have SPD SWAT technology,

which l will use to defeat them. [cackling]

SPD technology for you, O dark one.

- Hmm.
- Excellent, Piggy. Excellent.

Smile! Vey nice. Vey, vey nice.

All right, Jack... One, mo, three.
Ooh, that was good.

OK, Syd.

- Cheese.
- Cheese.

Hmm. l'm glad to see
you all finally getting along.

Yeah, l think we just needed
some fresh air to clear our heads.

- Good call, D.C.
- Mmm.

Glad we pulled it together
before it was too late.

No telling what technology of ours
he was able to get.

Now we have to learn
more about that than ever.

The battle for Earth has only iust begun.
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