13x26 - S.W.A.T.

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x26 - S.W.A.T.

Post by bunniefuu »

# SPD Emergency!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Her_s on your side
Heroes for all time

# Out to save the universe

# Wo matter where you are
If it's near or far

# You can always call out

# Space Patrol! Space Patrol!

# Space Patrol!
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go, go, go

# Go, go

# Power Rangers, go!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, SPD! #

[man] This is Gamma . Come in, HQ.

You gotta do something.

Please help us. We need your help.
They're not the...

- [computer buzzing]
- They're not the what?

We have to be prepared for the worst.

- Are the new upgrades ready?
- Not yet.

- [grunting]
- l'm doing the best l can.

Double your efforts.

[both grunting]

You keep wanting to spar, Bridge?

- Remember what happened last time?
- Yeah, l do.

Lucky blows that you landed.



Hey, Sky. Would you rather
have sausage links for fingers,

or sweat mayonnaise?

You shouldn't spar here.
You'll break something.

- Am not.
- You left your make-up all over.

That was for you.
You could use a little blush.

Besides, your sweat socks look like
part of the Green Ranger uniform.

Syd, those socks were always green!

- You're messy.
- l'm not messy.

- Your stuff is eveywhere.
- Honestly?

- Whoa!
- Ah!

l told you not to spar in here!

- Sory, Mom.
- It was an accident!

- Your CD?
- Yeah. l've heard it.

l can hear you from Kat's lab.

Could hear us all the way from there?

Of course, he's got those
super doggie ears that can...

[growling] Your pe_ bickering
has been a problem all year.

l thought you'd have resolved it
by now. l see l was wrong.

- OK, well, if he...
- Well, this guy...

[all arguing]

- Lord Gruumm, l can explain.
- Explain?

You have an explanation as to why
the Power Rangers defeat evemhing

- l graciously overpay you for?
- No. Uh...

- Morgana!
- My Lord,

l received word that the installation on
Gamma has been eliminated, as ordered.

Excellent. At least someone
knows how to take orders.

- Bring Piggy to me.
- Of course, Emperor.

He's calling for Piggy again. But why?

- l'm going as fast as l can.
- l didn't say anything.

Yeah, well, you were going to.

l was not.
l was thinking about the cadets.

Have you noticed
how they're bickering a lot?

Five teenagers protecting the world
and living in tight quarters?

l'm surprised they talk at all.

- [electricity crackling]
- Oh! Oh, no.

Tell me l didn't fy
the quantum enhancer.

Tell me l didn't fy
the quantum enhancer!

- What happened?
- Kat fried the quantum enhancer.

Where am l gonna get
another quantum enhancer?

- If l order one, it could take a month.
- l know where you can get one.

Whatever l did, sire,
l apologise profusely.

- On your feet.
- [shuddering]

You pledged allegiance to me,

yet you would rather work
at that disgusting slop cart,

than bring me information.

Well, if you ever need to feed your...

...crew, we make a great
banana slug pudding.

[growling] Bring me something
to defeat the Power Rangers...

...or you'll end up a special...

- ...On yOUf OWn MenU.
- Oh...

- It's worm stew. It's a delicacy.
- Uh... l've already eaten.

- What about you, Stench?
- Thanks, Piggy.

- [sneezes]
- [laughing]

- [chuckles]
- [sighs]


l'm iust not feeling myself today.

l'm supposed to undermine SPD.

And if l don't, l'm getting vaporised.

lf you get vaporised,
can l have this place?


- Hey, Piggy. Got a second?
- Sure, anything for SPD.

Looking for a quantum enhancer that can
handle sequences on a molecular level.

You don't, by any chance,
have one, do you?

Hmm. A quantum enhancer?

OK, but it's gonna cost you. Aah!

[laughs] You can have it for free.

What am l gonna do with such
a powerFul piece of hardware, anyway?

- l'll just go and get it for you.
- Interesting.

Here goes nothing.

Hmm. l see you fixed
your quantum enhancer.

Well, sir, not exactly.
l was able to locate another one.

Anyway, it's working perFectly. Look.

- Good.
- It should be done sequencing soon.

- OK, it's ready.
- Cool.

Are you sure this is going to work?

Of course. SPD doesn't know that
quantum enhancer had a virus in it

that will allow us
access to their files.

Within seconds, Stench will be
sucked into this computer,

sent over the Internet,
and into the main SPD database.

Once there, we can have
our pick of SPD technology.

- [sneezes]
- [exclaims]

- Is this gonna hurt?
- It could.

- Ohh!
- Activate.


- [alarm buzzing]
- [Cruger] Kat, report.

Let the fun begin.

- All right!
- [alarm continues]

- Ready!
- [all] Ready! SPD, emergency!

[all] Delta Squad Megazord!

[yells] Stench! Go!

[sighs] This attack feels suspicious.
Bring him in for interrogation.

l'm in. [chuckling]

This looks interesting. l'll take it.

[all] Megazord combination.

Deltamax Megazord!

Commander Cruger
wants to interrogate him.

Then let's bring him in.


Almost there.

[Cruger] Good.
The criminal has been captured.

- [Kat] They've got it under control.
- [sneezes]

- Huh?
- [Cruger] What?

- Hey, stop!
- l'm done. See you!

What did he get?

The schematics for SWAT Mode.

We're bringing in the criminal
for questioning, sir.

- [grunting]
- Just sit still.

- Oh, no!
- What's going on?

- Easy, now.
- Keep him surrounded.

OK, let's re-group.

- [chortling]
- Hey, Bridge!

- All right.
- Oh, man!

Who did that?

Where are you?

- [laughs]
- Got you!

- Fire!
- [continues laughing]

- Check it out, Thresher!
- Whoa!

Good iob, Stench.

This is my new power mode.
Pre_ cool-looking, huh?

- Surrender!
- Not without a fight, power losers.

Fine, you asked for it!

- Yah! Yah!
- [grunting]

Huh? l hardly even felt that
with my new armour.

How about this?

l'll get you for that.

- Let me go!
- OK.

- Come on.
- Hi-yah!

ls that all you got?

Oh, nice, Syd.
You really blew that one.

- Me? You were in my way.
- Oh, whatever!

[both grunting]

See you!

[laughing] Did l do good, Thresher?

Now, get me out of these things.


Cool! How'd you do that?

Simple. Evemhing is controlled
by these power bracelets.

Great. Let's go.

You're not going anywhere.
SPD Battlizer!


Cyber Mode.

- My armour is better than yours.
- Go, Stench!

Hey! Whoa!

You're the man! Yeah.

- l'm loving this.
- You rock!

Two new power players in Nemech City.

Battlizer, Sonic Mode.

- Hi-yah!
- Hey!

Battlizer, full power!


Let's bail!

- [both] Whoa!
- No!

l don't believe it.

PerFect. You let 'em get away.

- l didn't see you chasing after 'em.
- What did you say?

[all arguing]

Rangers. Ten-hut!

lt seems the enemy is using
our own technology against us.

Oh. Great, that's iust what we need.


l have never been more disappointed
in a team in all my years.

That's a lot of years when you consider
one of my years is seven of yours.


This pe_ bickering has not only
made the command centre unliveable,

it has compromised
our mission on the b*ttlefield.

The installation on Gamma was
recently att*cked by unknown assailants.

We have to be ready for the same.

- This is the next level in defence.
- [computer beeping]

- SWAT Mode.
- Sweet.

Enjoy the hologram.
That's as close as you're gonna get.

What about the imminent threat?

Good question. Unless you accept your
team-mates as Rangers and as people,

you will not be strong enough
to defeat Gruumm,

or anyone else, for that matter.
That goes for all of you.

- We'll do better, sir.
- You'll have to.

l'm sending all of you to planet
Zentor to meet a friend of mine.

Faster, Z, this recycled air
ages you. l don't want wrinkles.

Hey, Z, would you rather
have Piggy as your roommate,

or have morning breath
for the rest of your life?

- l already have Piggy as a roommate.
- You've got morning breath as well.

- [all] Oh!
- [both] Snap!

A-ha! l can't believe we pulled it off.

All right, give 'em up.

Where are the power bracelets?
l... l need to give them to Gruumm.

About that... We've realised we could
either help you, or help ourselves.

- So we're keeping them.
- What?

Sory, Piggy,
they're just too valuable.

You shouldn't cross me, Thresher.

- You don't know what l'm capable of.
- l'll take my chances. [laughs]


- Whoa!
- [computer beeping]

Do something!

Nothing l can do.
Prepare for a hard landing.

[all scream]

- l am not looking forward to this.
- Who is?


[all shouting]

- [Sky] Who's sh**ting at us?
- How should l know?


- [all shouting]
- Whoa.


[Jack] l think we're in trouble.

That's the understatement
of the year, hotshot. [hooting]

Where is the other power bracelet?

- l can't remember where l put it.
- You'd better figure it out quickly.

My patience is waning,
and you know how l get when l'm mad.

lt must be around here somewhere.

Find it! Think,
you smelly pile of rubbish.

Hey, here it is, right here.
l knew l put it in a safe place. See?

At last! Ha!

[growls] Check it out!

Now l'm in charge, and if Piggy
thinks l'm gonna give this up,

- he's got another think coming.
- Yeah!

l am Sergeant Silverback.

l am the hardest, meanest,
most fearsome teacher you ever had.

- Am l clear?
- [all] Yes, sir.

Good. By the time
l'm through with you,

l can promise you,
you will not like me.

l already don't.

l heard that. Drop and give me .

- But, sir...
- Make that .

Anyone else want to show me disrespect?

You'd better learn respect, in fact,
y'all had better learn some respect.

You are here to re-learn
how to accept one another.

And until you figure out how,
you belong to me.

- Say it!
- [Rangers] We belong to you.

Say it like your freedom
depends on it!

- [Rangers] We belong to you, sir!
- Good.

Now, let's get started.
[hooting] Oh, yeah!

He didn't seem so bad.

- Great, a planet full of Kybots.
- And a wild primate drill sergeant?

Come on. Let's wipe the floor
with these punks so we can go home.

[all shouting]

Sky, a little help?

Come on, Jack,
you can't handle a few Kybots?

Let's finish this, Syd.

Go ahead. l don't want
to clutter your fighting area.

[both scream]

[growls] Pathetic. What do you think?

[growling lightly]

They're not the...

They're not the...

- They're not the...
- Progress report.

Whatever happened at Gamma
shut down all communication.

l can't get anything through.

A rescue team is on its way from
headquarters. We'll know soon enough.

l can't stop thinking about this
transmission. ''They're not the...''

They're not the what?

More importantly, who are ''they''?

This is ridiculous. Silverback's
using extra-hard simulators.

Well, Sky, if you'd fight beside us,
instead of next to us,

- maybe we would do better.
- [Sky] If you can't handle yourself...



[whizzing sound approaching]

Look out!

[all shouting]

Ooh! Oh, thank goodness.

l thought you were
the Gruumm reaper. [chuckles]

- You wanted to see me?
- Yeah, Broodwing.

- l don't quite know how to say this.
- What do you want?

Help. Please, help me.

Gruumm's gonna
vaporise me and, well,

l'm not so good
at the whole evil thing.

Maybe we could help each other.
l'm as sick of Gruumm as you are.

Align yourself with me,
and we could destroy him together.

Destroy Gruumm?

Well, l think you've been
flapping your wings too hard.

Are you evil or not?

Well, OK, l'm evil.
But do you have a plan?

Yes. Tell me all about this SPD
technology your friends have stolen.

l've had it with you, Syd.

- Wanna do something about it?
- Yeah, l do. Let's go!




OK, would you guys rather
fight that thing, or run?

Personally, l would rather run.

- Ready?
- [all] Ready!

- Ready.
- [all] SPD emergency!

- He's... He's massive.
- Sure is. Get ready, guys.
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