13x25 - Reflection pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x25 - Reflection pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[humming] Cleaning... Cleaning...


A file on Mirloc.

Uh, planetay mayhem,

theft, blah blah blah,

life in prison, blah blah blah,

believed to be responsible for the...


Oh, no.

Hey, Sky.

l'm real sory to hear
about Mirloc escaping.

l'm sure you'll catch him,
which is good.

After all, he is responsible
for your father's...

He didn't know!

How could l be so stupid?

- Don't be so hard on yourself.
- Mirloc!

l iust stopped by to thank you
for providing me with my escape.

l'd love to stay and chat,
but l have a lot of crimes to commit.


- [screaming]
- [groaning]

- Hello.
- Piggy, your time has come.

- You're going to vaporise me?
- Ooh, can l do it?

Perhaps later.

Piggy, you are a lowlife, selfish,

- worthless excuse for a life-form.
- Thank you, Emperor.

Flattey goes a long way with me.

- Silence!
- l'm silent. Zip the lip.

Good. Now here's my proposal.

l know you work
both sides of the fence.

You've helped me,
and you've helped S.P.D.

Well, help S.P.D?

Not exactly the words l'd choose.

How about treason?

- l can explain.
- Don't bother.

The next hours you will spend

in my unholiest, vilest, pit of doom.

Oh. Well, you don't have
to go all-out for me.

[Gruumm grunts]

Then, if you survive,

you can decide which side you choose.

S.P.D., or mine.

Uh... Well
l already choose your!s, Emperor.

- Morgana, prepare the vaporisation.
- Wrong answer?

No, wait. l choose S.P.D.?

Morgana, commence with vaporisation.

[Piggy] Wait.

l have an idea.

l'll go to the pit of doom
for hours and, uh, think about it.

l've issued
an all-points bulletin for Mirloc.

With his ability to transport
through reflective surFaces,

- he'll be tough to find.
- He can't hide forever.

[Bridge] Well, technically, he can.

Like in a puddle of water,

or tin foil, or like a belt buckle.

- A glass of water...
- We got it, Bridge.

Sky feels horrible about this.
l'm sure he thinks it's all his fault.

Mirloc is cram,

but playing on Cadet Tate's emotions
was particularly underhanded.

l didn't think he had emotions.

Commander, you should have
told me about Mirloc and my father.

l didn't say anything.

l didn't feel it was in
your best interests, at the time.

You're probably right.

The fact is, l blew it.

l let my feelings get the best of me,
and Mirloc got away.

l should be demoted back to D Squad.

That's the decision
for your team leader.

You told me your father
fought till the end,

and now you wanna quit
because you messed up once?

l guess you're not
much like your father after all.

l say we split up, hit the streets.

All right.

You and Syd take the city plaza.
Bridge, Z, check out New Tech Centre.

[Sam] l'd like to help too.

Sam, you're back!

l sent for him. You're going
to need all the help you can get.

[Sam] Kat debriefed me about Mirloc.
l'm ready to go.

Good timing.
Sam and l'll take the west side.

[Cruger] Excellent.

- Be careful, all of you.
- Yes, sir!

Emperor Gruumm. It's a true honour.

Of course it is.

Mirloc escaped maximum security.
Isn't that cool?

lt is impressive.

And with your permission,
l'll continue my work where l left off.

Ah! Your pe_ crimes don't interest me.
l have much bigger plans.

But it seems we have a common enemy
in the Power Rangers.

Let me take care of the Rangers,
and then we will both get what we want.

Keep your eyes peeled
for anything weird.

Like that?



This isn't a taxi, get out!

Hello, kiddies. Looking for me?

As a matter of fact, we are.

Then l'm pleased
l've made your search a short one.

- Come along, little Rangers.
- [both screaming]

Commander, l've lost the signal
on Carson and Delgado.

Something's wrong.
l'll check with the others.

[electronic beeping]

- [Cruger] Anything suspicious?
- No. It's all quiet on this end, sir.

We've lost contact with Bridge and Z.

Do you think l should go brunette?

No, l'll take you the way you are.

- Look out!
- [groans]

We meet again, Ranger.

l see you're always on the iob,
just like your daddy.

That's right. You'll pay for your
crimes, including my father!

Oh, l wouldn't count on that.

Sky? Syd?
What's happening? Come in!

Commander, they're gone.

Nothing around here either.

l don't even know
where to start looking.

- Let me save you some time.
- What?


- This is too easy.
- [Cruger] Freeze.

- What?
- S.P.D.

[Sam] Commander!

[groans] Get out of here!

- But we can help.
- Now!


Come back.

lt's only a matter of time, Rangers.

- [Cruger] Report.
- [Kat] No trace.

- No response from their morphers.
- l'm certain Mirloc's got 'em but how?

l've gotta go back out.

No, we can't afford
to lose you as well.

Sam, he will have a hard time
detecting you in your light form.

Continue your search.

- Yes, sir.
- Kat, keep looking.

Back so soon, Mirloc?

l told you l'd take care of the Rangers.

They'll be trapped in
my reflective dimension forever.

Hold on.
There are only four Rangers here.

Yeah, you forgot the Red Ranger
and the Omega Ranger.

l told you l will deal
with Cruger in my own way,

but to complete our deal,

you have to bring me
the last mo Rangers.

- But Emperor...
- l said, bring them to me!

As you wish.

give our friend a little help.

Not a problem.

And it will only cost you...

l've given you enough! Hmm!

This one is on the house.

[sighs] Of course.

The city is under attack.

We can't send Megazord
without the other Rangers.

l bet Sam wouldn't mind if l
borrowed his Omegamax Cycle.

- Do it.
- l'll bring it online.

S.P.D. Emergency!

Sam, we've got trouble.

Need you to cover Jack
for backup assistance.

S.P.D. Emergency!

All over it. Uniforce Cycle!

All right, let's go.

Careful, Jack.
You're not used to that kind of speed.

l think l can handle it.

Megazord Mode!

Oh, no!

A Blue Head.
No surprise Gruumm's in on this.


Looks like l'm gonna
have to get in on the action.

That's enough!

All right!

Omegamax, spinout!

l'm glad that's over.

- Hmm.
- What? Whoa!



lt's time your joined your friends.


What's happening?




- No!
- [laughs]

l get it!

His mo mirrors make an infinite
reflection that traps people inside.

l've got to break them out! Hit it!

- Welcome.
- All right, Mirloc. Let them go.

You seem to know who l am,
but l've never met you.

Then let me introduce myself.

l'm the one who's going
to send you back to prison.

And iust who is this new Ranger
that thinks he can fight me?


l'm the force from the future!

S.P.D. Omega Ranger!

A Ranger from the future?

What a prize. No wonder Gruumm
wants me to capture you.

You've got it wrong.

lt's you who is coming with me!

Now let my friends go!

Why don't you come and get them?

No problem.

You're nothing special.

lt's over, Ranger.


The future doesn't look good for you.

Omega Morpher, Electro Mode.



[chuckling] Nice ty.

Mirloc! You're a coward.

- Show yourself!
- Look.


Look at your fate.

- Guys!
- [groaning]

Oh, no.
l gotta get them out ofthere.

How? Think!

lt's time for you to join your friends.

That's not gonna happen.
Come and face me!

Come on!

Now, to complete my set of Rangers
to present to the Emperor.

Tell Gruumm the Rangers
are not going anywhere!

- Sam!
- Hold on!

[electronic bleeping]

- You got him!
- l'm through playing!

Come on!


[all gasping]

[Sky] Come on, Omega, you can do it!

Sory, Rangers.

He put up a good fight.

Now, he'll be joining you.

- [chuckling]
- [gasps]


...on this!



lt's all over.


[all groaning]

All right! Hmm?

- You guys OK?
- Yeah.


Let's capture this clown.

Foolish Rangers!

Don't you realise, if you catch me,
l'll only escape again.

Ask him.

He's worthless,
just like his father was.

That's iust the lowest.
Sky's dad was an amazing Ranger.

Yeah, and so is he. He's the best.

Right. We're all proud
to fight by his side.

How touching.

But he still doesn't have
what it takes to defeat me.

We'll see about that.


- Take it.
- What?

lt only seems right
that you bring him in.

Do it for your father.

- You sure?
- Go for it.

This one's for you, Dad.

S.P.D. Emergency!

l don't care what colour you are,
you're going down!

l don't think so.

S.P.D. Battleizer!



Cybermode, activate!


Give it your best shot.


Battleizer Sonic Mode. Yaaa!

Battleizer mode mo, complete.





- l will escape again.
- Power down.

- Yeah!
- Oh, yeah!

- That was brilliant!
- All right!

[Z] Awesome, Sky, it was awesome.

[Morgana] Did you enjoy that, Piggy?

Well, l see you've survived the pit.

Oh, it was amul.

The spiders, the snakes, the smell,

the horrors l saw.

But enough of the good stuff.

Emperor, l realise that
you are the one true leader.

l hand you my life, my allegiance.

l will do evemhing in my power

to help you bring down S.P.D.


Morgana, this is the birth
of our new as*ault

on planet Earth! [laughs]

Mirloc's being iettisoned to the
containment facility on Varinox .

PerFect. There's not
a ray of sunlight on that planet.

- Hence, no reflections.
- So no chance for him to escape.

Good work, Rangers!

And... Sky,

l... l...

l apologise for not
filling you in on all the details.

You are a fine Ranger,

and l will not make
that mistake again.

Thank you, sir.

ls that...?

My dad's.

He would've been proud of you,
if he could've seen you in action today.

ln a weird way,
l felt he was with me.


- l owe you one.
- It's all good man.

So, how did it feel to finally
become the Red Ranger?

[sighs] Being Red was great,

but l'm proud to be the Blue Ranger.


Yeah. You know, Jack,
heroes come in all colours.
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