13x22 - Messenger pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x22 - Messenger pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Kat, they need our help.
Let's get in this.

All cadets to the safely zone.
Activating Delta Command Megazord.

- ( Alarm Sounds )
- Hmmm.

S.P.D. Emergency!

Shadow Ranger,
Delta Command Megazord.

Command bridge, online!

Rangers in position. Morphers locked.

Delta Command Megazord ready!

You may be bigger,
but you're still not better.

Our base can't keep up with him!

He's too fast!

We're in big trouble!
We need help!

- VOICE: That's what I'm here for.
- Who said that?

Stand back, Rangers,
I'll take it from here.

Stand back? Who are you?

What's that?

Look out.

- No way!
- Check it out!


S.P.D. You're under arrest!

- CRUGER: It's from S.P.D.!
- But who's driving it?

Two against one? I still like my odds.


Nice try.

He's good.

Come on!


Ahh! Hey!

Oh, no!

( Screaming )

Shorty! They've got your brother.

It's time to show them
what real power is.

JACK: Look, there he is!

Whoa! Incredible!

First five Rangers.
Then six, and now seven.

It's only gonna to take
one Ranger to stop you!

And that'd be me!

S.P.D. Omega Ranger!

And I've travelled
a long way just for you.

Like his style.

Oh, really?
Let's get this party started.

Thought you'd never ask!

- No!
- Oh, man!

( Chuckling )

He's OK!

- But how?
- Pay attention and I'll show you!

By transforming energy waves
I'm slowing down time.

So catching your laser pellets was easy.

- Whoa, amazing!
- Glad he's on our side!

You don't scare us.

My apologies. Maybe this will.

Omega Morpher.

Blast Mode!


( Growling )

And to think,
I'm not even warmed up yet.

We'll be back, Mystery Ranger.


- Unbelievable!
- That was crazy!

Who are you?

- I am Omega Ranger.
- Power down.

- Yeah, I think we got that part.
- ( Laughing )

I'm Jack.
This is Sky, Bridge, Z and Syd.

It's nice to meet you.

This isn't the first time we've met,
and it won't be the last.

Who is this Ranger that dares
to interfere with my victory?

I never saw him before.
He must be the newest model.

( Groans ) And you
the mighty Devastation.

Running away like a coward.

- Pitiful!
- I run from no one!

Omega Ranger will pay for destroying
my brother and humiliating me!

Then I suggest
you get back there and do it.

I've made enquiries
into all S.P.D. bases.

No reports of an Omega Ranger.

There was a reference to Omega Ranger.

He was here. We saw him.

And what did he mean by this isn't
the first time we met, of the last?

Yeah, and what's with
being here one minute

and then being like this
teeny, tiny little sparkle the next?

- Did you just say sparkle?
- Maybe more like a twinkle.

Well, like this?

Yeah, that's it!

He's been here since the Samurai
came through the time portal.

OMEGA RANGER: Well, actually, I came
through the temporal portal with him.

My ID. Omega Ranger C- B.
You look surprised.

Yes. I have a lot of questions.

Sir, it will be an honour to brief you.

Wonder how long it takes
to write his name on underwear.

I was able to stop this attack,
but you're not out of danger yet.

OK, this is all very interesting,

but what's with that glowy
sparkly thing?

He's not human.
I'm getting a huge energy reading.

( Chuckling ) Oh, I'm human.

Passing through the time portal has
crystallised my being into light energy.

If you're human,
tell us where you came from.

The future.

When you heard that the Rangers
has lost the battle against Morgana,

you came from the future to change it?


S.P.D. Code dictates
that a Ranger will not stand by

when another Ranger is in trouble.

That's why I came, to save you.

And for that we all owe you
a debt of gratitude.

Your vehicle and Zord will be safe
in our bay while you're here.

JACK: With you on our team,

when Morgana and her g*ons attack,
we'll get rid of them for good.

You don't get it.

It's my duty to defeat
Morgana and Devastation.

Your outdated technology
will only get in my way.

You won't be needed.

Wait a minute.
We weren't exactly helpless out there.

( Laughs ) Didn't look that way to me.
- Listen, Sparky.

Our gear is state of the art,
the best in the world.

For its time, yes.

But your weapons and vehicles
can't compare to those of the future.

It takes more than that to win a battle.

Takes heart and guts to keep fighting,

even when you think
you don't have a chance.

That sounds good,
but it's not very realistic.

( Alarm Sounds )

CRUGER: Report.

- Morgana and Devastation are back.
- No!

I said I'll handle it.

On your order, sir.


I say let him go.

If he thinks he can
do it himself, perfect.

- For once, we agree.
- Totally.

Yeah, go for it.

Then go, Omega Ranger. And good luck.

Thank you, sir.

Uniforce Cycle, power up.

Hit it!

Time to show them what I'm made of.

I hate being an adult!

I want this Ranger destroyed now!

Don't worry, you will get your
childhood, and I'll get my revenge.

Looking for me?

I guess you didn't learn the first time.

- Ha!
- Force from the future.

S.P.D. Omega!

Let's make this quick and easy.


( Bleeping )

This should be fun.

Come on, give it your best shot.

Krybots? These rusty old things.

At least give me a challenge.

Muscle Mode!

And this time, stay down.


Silly boy.

- ( Growling )
- What!


- Show off!
- I'll show him!

Omega Ranger, Hyper Mode!


Blast Mode!

Power up!

Had enough?

Not nearly.

- Devastation!
- What?

What are you doing?

- Fury Circle!
- No!

He's really having a tough time.

Well, that's what you get
for being so stubborn.

- A trait many Rangers seem to share.
- Hey, he didn't want our help.

He called us old and busted.

CRUGER: All true.

But I seem to recall
something about an S.P.D. Code.

Oh, that wasn't the plan.

So I see.

You are finished!

- Bring it!
- JACK: No!

- What are you doing?
- We're S.P.D.!

We have a code. Haven't you heard?

- A Ranger will not stand by.
- When another Ranger is in trouble.

- But you can't beat this guy.
- Sorry, but a code is a code.

Wait, no!

Come on, Rangers!


Jack, look out!

See you later.

( Laughing )

This wasn't supposed to happen!

( Moaning )

You guys, stand down.
It's me he's after.

That may be true, but he's
gonna have to get through us first!

Foolish humans.

Don't you know the power
in my fingertips?!

- What's happening?
- I don't know.

Rangers, get out of there!

Fury Circle!


- Hang on, guys!
- It's draining my energy!

We've got to keep fighting!

They were right.

It's heart and courage
that are the strongest weapons. Whoa!

You can do it, Rangers.
I believe in you!

Do it now!


ALL: Oh, yeah!

- Yeah!
- Come on!

All right!

Wow! That was amazing!

- Never a doubt.
- Never.

You will pay dearly for that!

- Take it from here?
- Yes, sir!


You're accused of wanton-destruction,
and disrupting the peace.

Judgment mode!

No fair, what about Morgana?

( Electronic Bleeps )


Lightbeam Mode!

- Ready!
- But... No!


ALL: Yeah!

- I'm back.
- ALL: Whoa!

( Laughing )

- Look out.
- No way!

Kat, we need the Runners!

OK, team, game's on!

- I'll take the Omegamax Cycle.
- On the way!

Let's get him.

- Hey!
- Beat you there!

I don't think so!

Hey, no free rides!

Be quiet and drive!

They won't give up.

Z: S.P.D. Pull over!

Why don't they ever listen?

Let me try.

Punch it!



Let's kick it up a gear.

You'll regret that!


We're at full charge!

Lasers, fire now!

You're going down.

( Groaning )

I couldn't have done it without you.

Now I understand what teamwork is about.

Ah! Finally he gives us some props.

Now let's go contain this fool.

Hey, hold on. You couldn't
have done it without me either.

Aw, man! Ow!

( Laughing )

( Laughing ) Get up, Morgana.
No rest for the wicked.

But I gave all my energy to Devastation.

You will recover, and when you do,
there is much work to be done.

The Omega Ranger
must have a weakness.

I want you to find it.

I hate that Omega Ranger!


- Hey, what's up?
- Everyone! Now! Listen.

- What now, Boom?
- You guys have to hear this.

It's a transmission from July , .

( Static )

( Elevator Music )

Good news,
the end of the world message is gone.

Bad news, they still have
elevator music in the future.

Then it's true.

History has changed,
and we survived because of you.

Because of all of us.

Hey, he's learning!

You still have no way
to get back to your own time.

- I'll try to locate another portal.
- Thanks.

Meanwhile, there's plenty of room here.

- Yeah, he can stay in our quarters.
- I don't take up much space.

OK, that's gonna take
some getting used to.

Come on, I'll show you around.

Actually, I know this place.
I used to live here a long time ago.

- Really?
- Yeah, as a little boy.

Before I made
the transformation to light being,

you guys knew me
by my human name, Sam.


I'm gonna be like you,
I'm gonna be a Power Ranger.

I told you someday
I'd be a Power Ranger.

- See you around, guys!
- Hey, wait!

- Wait!
- Wait! Sam!

BOOM: Sam!

( Cruger Laughing )
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