13x16 - Boom

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x16 - Boom

Post by bunniefuu »

# S.P.D. Emergency! #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Heroes on your side
Heroes for all time #

# Out to save the universe #

# No matter where you are
if it's near or far #

# You can always call out #

# Space Patrol
Space Patrol #

# Space Patrol
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go
Go, go #

# Power Rangers, go #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Go, go, S.P.D. #

( Screaming )

- Brutal.
- No kidding.

Hang on, guys! Yah!

( Squealing Tyres )

Could use some help here.

Let's do it!

- Hyah!
- Hyah!

- ( g*n Blasting )
- Whoa!

( Grunting )

( Screaming )

- ( Chuckling )
- Hyah!

S.P.D. Orange Ranger.

All right!


- Hyah!
- Yeah! Get 'em!

Whoa, check out those moves.

- Incredible.
- Hyah!


He's so fabulous.

- JACK: Thanks, Orange Ranger.
- Z: You rock!

- SKY: You did it.
- SYD: My hero.

No problem.

- Boom!
- Boom!

- Yeah!
- Boom!

FEMALE: Boom, Boom.

( Muttering )

- Mail call.
- Oh, thanks.

( Groaning )

( Exhaling )

Boom, honey. This is so exciting.

Your father and I have finally decided
to make a trip to S.P.D.

We'll be catching the late...

Oh, boy.

( Humming )

( Growling )

- Huh?
- Hmmm.


- Mora?
- It's Morgana now.

Sweet Saturn's rings!
What did Gruumm do to you?

You're... hideous.

Tell me about it!

- ( Sighing )
- ( Man Groaning )

Piggy, I need to dispose of
the Power Rangers once and for all,

and I need your help.

You help me, and Gruumm
returns me to being Mora.

Oh, I get it. Then you help me?

No! The I don't vaporise you!

Uh... Follow me.

Uh, Tomars, Morgana.

- Morgana, Tomars.
- Tell me how you can help me destroy

- the Power Rangers, or I'll have you...
- Vaporised?

TOMARS: You do
have a reputation, you know.

It just so happens I can help you,

with a little help from this.

- A laptop computer?
- TOMARS: Yes.

This laptop is an inter-dimensional
hyper-speed relocator.

It can take anyone
and instantly transport them

wherever you'd like,
this dimension or any of the others.

- Prove it.
- Prove?

On him!

- Huh? Me?
- You got it.

( Piggy Screaming )

- ( Sheep's Bleating )
- Huh?

What are you looking at?

- Get a haircut.
- ( Morgana Laughing )


Where can I find the Power Rangers?

With the amount of energy
this thing put out, they'll find you.

- KAT: We have a problem.
- ( Alarm )

The computer picked up an anomaly
in the local energy grid.

I've never seen anything like this.

- That's off the charts. Massive.
- Landors and Tate, check it out.

- Sir!
- Sir!

- Hyah!
- ( Grunting )

Here they are, ma'am.

Excuse me. Maybe you could help us.

We're looking for our son, Boom.

- Yeah, sure.
- R.I.C., pause.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hello. I'm Bridge.
- Hey.

Nice to meet you,
Mr and Mrs... Boom.

Oh, no, please, call me Phil,
and this is my wife Louise.

( Giggles )

I'm Z. This is Syd.

We'll take you to Boom.

Oh! I know our boy.

He's probably in the weight room!

( Parents Exclaiming )

- Boom?
- ( Laughing )

- R.I.C., find Boom.
- ( Barking )

This way, guys.

- ( Barking )
- BRIDGE: What is it, R.I.C?


PHIL: Son?

- LOUISE: Boom?
- BOOM: Mom, Dad.

What are you guys doing here?

- I was... practicing.
- PHIL: Uh-huh.

Urban tactical closet surveillance.

- Oh!
- ( Both Chuckling )

PHIL: We are so proud
of our little Power Ranger.

( Laughing and Kissing )

SKY: According to Kat's coordinates,

this is the location
of the energy source.

JACK: What energy? I don't think
the lights work in here.

SKY: Kat's never wrong.

Just look for something really big.

Or really small.

( Exhaling ) No ordinary laptop
triggers S.P.D. alarms.

It's far from ordinary.


( Both Scream )

- SKY: Whoa! Where are we going?
- JACK: No idea.

( Laughing ) Have a nice trip, boys.

SYD: You told them you were a Ranger?

I didn't think it would hurt anyone.

When I was dropped by S.P.D.,

I didn't have the heart
to tell my parents I'd failed.

You saw their faces.

Proud of me.

Orange Ranger?


Uh... He's squad commander.

( Scoffing ) Ooh, boy.

( Groaning )

There doesn't seem to be a way out.

Enjoying your visit?

I knew my relocator would make me rich.

Gruumm will pay handsomely
for S.P.D. cadets.

We're not your ordinary cadets.

- Ready?
- Ready!

BOTH: S.P.D. Emergency!

Power Rangers.

- Hyah!
- Hyah!

( Groaning )

( Chuckling )

( Straining ) This guy is
seriously starting to bug me.

ALL: Hyah!


JACK: Now where are we going?


- ( Cars Honking )
- Sky!

Back off, freak!


- Just hanging out?
- Very funny.

Now get me up.


( All Groan )

You're going down!

Try it!

- Let's get him!
- Whoa!

Z: You know what, guys?

I mean, it wasn't a big lie.
It was a little white lie.

Boom didn't hurt anybody.
I'd actually like to help him.

You're right.
Boom does everything for us.

The least we could do
is do something for him.

OK, guys, I'm thinking
what you're thinking,

but I'm also thinking,
what if Cruger finds out?

He doesn't have to.

( Stuttering ) That's the lab, but
you can't go in there. It's restricted.

That's Command,
but you can't go in there either.

That's off-limits.

This is so exciting, being here
and not being able to go anywhere.


The Rangers are looking
for a squad commander.

It's training time.

( Chuckling ) That's me.

( Cheering )

( Straining )

OK. You got it, you got it,
you got it! Push, Boom! Push!

( Moaning )

LOUISE: Careful!

- SYD: All right.
- Cruger.

- Good morning.
- Hello.

PHIL: It was so exciting.

Well, that's how we do it
'round the old S.P.D.

I didn't go real hard on them, you see.

Every once in a while I like
to give the kids a break.

- Rangers, report to Command Centre.
- Oh, how exciting.

We finally get to see
the Orange Ranger in action.

OK, Boom, maybe it's time that
you told your parents the truth.

The truth?

The truth is...

Boom promised that we could do
the next assignment ourselves.

I did?

Yeah, I did.

- Oh.
- Oh.

Yeah, sure. You guys... do it.

SYD: Thanks, commander.

Big day.

- ( Cruger Groans )
- What's wrong, sir?

Cadets Landors and Tate
have vanished off the grid.

CRUGER: We have been unable
to establish contact.

- Search their last known location.
- Don't worry, sir. We'll find them.

BRIDGE: I wonder
where they could've gone.

Look, their bikes.

They're cold. They've been here a while.

It's a Blue Head.

- Ready?
- Ready!

S.P.D. Emergency!

You will never find your friends
without this.

- Hand it over.
- Yeah.

I don't think so!

- Hey!
- Look out!

Ah! ( Chuckling )

- Ready?
- Always.

Split up.

Hyah! Yah!


BOOM: Oh, yeah.

Every street corner is a chapter
in the history of Rangerness.

- Oh, yes.
- Yeah.

I could almost taste the action now.

You're right, son. There it is.

The Rangers, they're in trouble.

- Fire!
- Look out!

It's a good thing you're here, son.

Go help your team-mates.

S.P.D. Emergency.

I forgot my morpher.

Excuse me.

Out of my way, Rangers!

We've gotta get our hands
on that laptop.

Clear me a path. I'll get it.


Got it!

GIRLS: Hey, ugly!

( Groaning )

- That did it.
- Good work, Bridge.

( Boom Screaming )

- What the...?
- No way!

Good boy, R.I.C.

I'll help you.

- Boom?
- Whoa.

That's mine!

( Yelling )

Look at our son, honey!

The superhero!

- BRIDGE: Boom.
- Hi.

Boom! Stay back!


( Gasping )

- ( Struggling )
- ( Screaming )

Z: Look out!

Come on!

Why, thank you.
Back where it belongs.

What were you thinking?

You messed up big time.

We may never see Jack and Sky again.


CRUGER: So you believe this laptop
is the key to everything?

Yes, sir.

I think it's a control unit
for a inter-dimensional relocator.

Logical, yes, but improbable.

We don't have the technology for...

Remember, Kat,

we're dealing with Gruumm.

We cannot underestimate
his capabilities or his resources.

And you had it

- but lost it to the Troobians?
- We can explain.

- See, what happened...
- I lost it, sir.

Yes, sir.

My inexcusable actions allowed
the Troobians to get the laptop back.

I pretended I was a Ranger, sir.

You what?

Trying to impress my parents.

Do you have anything else to say?

This is my letter of resignation.

- BRIDGE: What?
- SYD: No!

Please, Boom.

Resignation accepted.

( Z Gasps )

- Now where are we?
- Don't ask.

( Yelling )

- Hang on!
- ( Tomars Laughing )

Oh, man, this is getting ridiculous.

( Chuckling )

- That device has got to be the key.
- Right.

Say goodbye, Rangers.

Let's get it!

- Lasers!
- ( Tomars Groaning )

( Both Laughing )

- Our little hero.
- Not now, Mom.

- Boom the Orange Power Ranger.
- Cut it out, Dad.

We're just so proud of you.

Mom, Dad...


- ( Groaning )
- LOUISE: What's the matter, honey?

I'm an imposter.

I'm also a liar.

- No, Boom...
- Yes, Mom, I am.

I'm not the Orange Ranger.

BOOM: There is no Orange Ranger.

I was dismissed from the Academy
three days after I arrived.

Couldn't cut it.

But you've been here
for over five years.

I work in the S.P.D. lab.

I didn't want to disappoint you guys.

I wanted you to be proud of me.

I've resigned from S.P.D.

I need to gather my things
from the lab,

then I need to leave.

- Nothing is coming up.
- Keep trying, Kat.

Z: Hey.

Sorry. I just wanted to clean up
some of my stuff.

KAT: Boom. Thank goodness
you're still here.

I've been studying the data
from the energy peak anomalies.

I thought if we used your analyser,

we could detect the laptop's energy
signal and locate Jack and Sky.

It might help...

...if you have a look around here

and plugged some of these cables
in the right ports.

ALL: Ah!

- BOOM: Like that.
- SYD: We got it.

- Status report.
- Boom just got the analyser online.

Once coordinates are locked
we have a limited window of time

to send a controller
in order to reverse the signal.

That's it. We got them.

This controller needs to be
activated on the other side.

- Someone has to take it.
- I'll take it.

- We'll all go.
- No.

This smells of Gruumm.

He's already got the A Squad,
and you three are Earth's last defence.

I'll go.

Sir, I may be a liar,

but I'm a good gadget tester.

It's what I do.

Kat, prepare Boom for deployment.

- Ah!
- Get up. We have one more trip.

Gruumm is very anxious to meet you.

Did I mention what a lousy
tour guide you are?

Oh, now, you've hurt my feelings.

( Boom Screaming )
- ( Both Groaning )

- TOMARS: Get off me!
- Hey, guys.

- Boom?
- What are you doing here?

- Hey, guys, I'm here to bring you home.
- Great.

- ( Screaming )
- What is it?

Oh, no.

( Chuckling ) Looking for this?

- Oh, boy.
- Gotta hand it to you, Tomars.

You're the first one to ever defeat us.

And may I add, the last.


Boom, grab the controller.

- I'm on it.

- Ha!
- Hyah!

( Laughing ) Yes!

( Groaning ) Ow!

- TOMARS: It's mine.
- Give it to me.

- SKY: Over here.
- JACK: Get it.

I'm open.

( All Yelling )

- ( Groaning )
- Huh?

( Chuckling )

- I got it!
- Yes!

- Do it!
- ( Yelling )

It's mine!

Yes! Jack!

- I'm so happy to see you.
- Good to be home, guys.

You can't get rid of me that easily.

He's gone.

Yes. But I have a feeling
that one will be back.

Thanks, Boom.

Boom, you forgot to sign
your letter of resignation.

Therefore, I cannot
and will not accept it.

- Yeah!
- All right!

Goob job, Boom.

OK, so if you're not a Ranger,

what is it that you do around here?

- The truth?
- The truth, sweetie?

We will always love you
no matter what.

The truth.

Well, I work here.

And as chief gadget tester,

I get thrown off things,
thrown into things,

thrown under things,

battered, rammed, electrified,

dropped, popped, jettisoned,
creamed and toasted.

BOOM: But it's cool

because if it wasn't for me
and what I do,

well, then, the Rangers wouldn't have
such cool stuff to use in the field.

Like this hover pack.

I worked out all the bugs,

so now, this is rock-solid technology.

- Whoa!
- ( Louise Screams )

Mommy! Daddy!

BOOM: See you later! Maybe!
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