13x14 - Wired

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x14 - Wired

Post by bunniefuu »

l'm bored here. You said we'd
have control of Earth by now.

Maybe l would
have control of Earth

if l had someone other
than a child to assist me.

Look at this place! This is
a w*r ship, not a day-care!

lt's time you started earning
your keep around here.

No, no, no!
What if l find you a general?

l know a terrible,
horrible, ugly one.

Valko, from the Perterian Army.

l hear he's a heartless warrior.

Oh, yes.
He's almost as nasty as you.

lf he can prove himself worthy,
he might get you off the hook.

But if not,
your playtime will be over.

- l'll find him right away!
- [laughs]

So remember, you never know when
your enemy is going to strike.

Gruumm rarely gives
any advance notice.

Sky's right. You have to be
alert at all times.

Well, if any Kybots
mess with me, l'll be ready.

Do you think
we should help them out?

Maybe in a minute or mo.

Wow. At least
somebody's got game.

Yeah. She's kicking bot.

Not bad.

OK, D Squad.

Next time you might want to be
a little bit more prepared.

Let's group after lunch.

- Great reflexes out there, cadet.
- Thanks!

l guess l got some lucky hits in.

You keep that up, and you'll
make C Squad in no time.

[Jack] Of course Kybots are only

mindless piles
of nuts and bolts.

Some of the aliens
we encounter are a lot tougher.

l'm sure. But some cyborgs
can still be pre_ tough.

That's why all cyborgs
belong on the scrapheap,

where they can't
cause any trouble.

You sure are good
at destroying space rocks.

Of course,
they never fight back.

Mora. What a hideous surprise.

What are you doing
on my planet?

Looking for you. Emperor Gruumm
is taking over Earth.

He needs a second in command,
and you're on the short list.

l would be honoured.

Together we will bring down
entire galaxies. [laughs]

Cool your iets, mister.
You don't have the job yet.

- You've got to earn it.
- l know just the thing.

There is a creature on Earth

with legenday
destructive capabilities.

Once it's in my power,

the Emperor will
surely make me his general.

Sounds like a plan.

Welcome to the extremely cool
and high-tech Command Centre.

Notice the many buttons
and switches.

This must be the cadet
you suggested for our intern.

Yeah. Sophie,
l'm sure you've heard all about

our resident
brainiac, Dr. Manx.

And of course,
the big Dog, Commander Cruger.


l can't believe
l'm meeting you.

Sophie knows a ton
about computers.

l mean, maybe even more than me.

l'm so honoured to be here, sir.

lt's always been my dream
to be part of S.P.D.

l've heard you're off to a good start.

This looks like
a complicated system.

l'm not familiar with it.

lt's the upgrade program
for DBDS,

the Delta Base Defence System.

lt'll be amazing,

if l ever finish sequencing
the logarithms.

Keep at 'em, Miss Manx.
We know you can do it.

Where are you?


Rise up, Gorodon.

Rise up and destroy!


- What's happening?
- What is it, Kat?

Unidentified seismic activity
in Sector .

You and the other Rangers

Here we are.

This is the epicentre
of the disturbance.

This thing is massive.

An earthquake didn't cause it.

Maybe it's some sort
of excavation site.

lt'd take a massive machine

to dig a hole this big
into the ground.

Or dig out of it.

l'm thinking giant gophers.
Anyone else?

Whatever it is,
it's still out there.

[Mora] And here he is.

My Emperor, l am not worthy.

Who is this worm before me?

He's your new general, Valko.

- Hmm.
- Master.

And what makes you think you're
qualified to fight beside me?

l have awoken Gorodon
to serve at your will.

- Gorodon?
- No one can control that thing.

Gorodon is part robot,
therefore can be controlled.

A Series One Processor
Hyper Intelligent Encyptor

will enable me to do that.

l don't care what technological
rubbish you need. Find it.

And bring Gorodon back to me.

Any ideas
what came out of that hole?

Not yet. But whatever it was,
l hope it's far away from here.


Do you have a question
about the DBDS?

Um... l heard you were having
a hard time with the sequencing.

So l was gonna ty and help.

Thank you,
but for security reasons,

that computer
has top-level clearance only.

- l'm sure you understand.
- Yes. Of course.

Come on! Stupid thing.

Be gentle.

How did you...?
This thing never works for me.

lt's a machine, but you
should still treat it with respect.


So how are they treating you
at the Command Centre?

Cruger can be intimidating,
but his bark is worse than his bite.

l'm serious. It really hurts
your ears when he barks loud.

Eveyone's great. l iust hope
that l can, you know, fit in.

Of course you will.
Look at the Ranger team.

We're all different
from each other

but that's what makes it work.

- But what if l make a mistake?
- We all make mistakes.

lt's part of being
a human being.

OK. l can tell
ifyou have the right stuff.

- What are you doing?
- l'll read your aura.

l don't think
that's a good idea.

Why not?

l... l gotta get back to work.

- See you later.
- OK.

So you're the fool
who has awakened Gorodon.

You won't talk to me that way

when l'm Gruumm's
second in command.

l have only to gain control
of Gorodon

and the position
will be mine.

The power of Gorodon
cannot be contained.

There is no technology that's
ever been able to harness it.

Until now. As we speak,
the technology is close at hand.

But l need a robot
to help me get it.

Where? Where is this technology?

ln the Space Patrol Delta Base.

- What?
- Yes!

l'm going to attack the base
and retrieve it.

Ha! You're a bigger fool
than l thought.

You can't attack
the Delta Base.


- Will you help me or not?
- Ah. Of course.

Good luck, friend. [laughs]

Bad news, Commander.

l've examined the hole
and soil samples of the area.

There are fragments of
a rare subterranean alloy

that can only be
from one creature.

- Gorodon.
- [Kat] l'm afraid so.

lt's been dormant for years,
but now no one is safe.

Elevate alert status to level .

lf Gorodon att*cks,
we have to be ready.

ls the new defence system
online yet?

lt's not even close.
Some modifications are done,

but the rest
will take weeks to finish.


Access granted.

[Kat] Someone in there?



Anybody in here?

[Kat] l've iust run
a system analysis.

Someone definitely hacked in,

but the program
hasn't been corrupted.

l scared whoever it was away
before they did any harm.

Were there any fingerprints
or evidence?

- Nothing.
- Hmm.

On the streets
is where it all happens.

lt is up to us
to keep the peace and quiet.


l'm sory.
Was that disturbing the peace?

This is no test!
This is the real deal!

You have something l want,
and l'm here to get it.

What are you talking about?

Series One Processor
Hyper Intelligent Encyptor.

Surrender it to me
or pay the price!

No clue
what you're talking about.

But we're giving you nothing.

Except maybe years
in containment.

- Out of my way.
- l don't think so.

- Ready!
- [all] Ready!

[all] S.P.D. Emergency!

[all] Space Patrol Delta!


There you are!

No, you don't!





Go, Bridge!

Oh, man. It's getting
a little too haiy here.

Take the cadets into the base.
We'll handle this guy.

OK. Let's go.

No! Stop!

- We've gotta get you inside.
- Run from this!

[laughs] Fire!

- Didn't see that one coming.
- [laughs]

Finally, Broodwing sent
the robot l paid for.

- That's bad.
- No kidding!

- Now what?
- PerFect timing.

Now attack the Delta Base.

As you command.

- Sophie! Are you hurt?
- No. It's nothing.

OK. Let's go.

Come on.

We're under attack.
Initiate Code- alert.

That's right. Blast it good.

lt won't be able
to take much more.

Then l'll get what l came for.

We gotta stop 'em!
Kat, we need the Delta Runners!

But the exit doors
are getting blasted.

l won't sit
while my base is under attack.

- Initiate the defence system.
- It's not finished.

l don't care! Do it!

lnitiating DBDS Phase One.

Where did that come from?

You'll need more than that
to stop me.

We've got more.
Delta Command Crawler.

[alarm sounding]

Cross your paws, Commander?


Check it out!
The whole base is moving!

- Unbelievable!
- Kat's done it again!

Got that right. You rock, Kat.


Fire photon beams!

Yes, sir.

Ahh! No! Ahh!

You'll be safe here.
Are you sure you're OK?

l'm fine.
You better get back out there.

- How's it going?
- The bay doors are clear.

- You have access to the Zords.
- Sweet!


Delta Runners online.

- Hey, look! The Runners!
- All right!

Let's go.

[all] Megazord formation!

Come and get me.

- Fire!
- Roll!


l've got you now.


[all] Five, four,
three, mo, one, fire!



Got him! Uh-oh.

- No way!
- What?

- You're kidding!
- No!

Hey, where did he go?

You show yourself at last.

- So that was Gorodon.
- Yeah.

He'll use the energy
from the other robot

to make himself even stronger.

l iust want to see
how Sophie's doing.

- Huh?
- What?


Why didn't you tell us
you were a cyborg?

l couldn't. You would've kicked
me out of S.P.D. if you knew.

So instead you hid it from us?

Like we wouldn't
find out some day.

You all forget one thing.

The Command Centre computer
was hacked with no trace left.

Who wants to bet she did it?

All right, it was me.

But l was only tying to help.

And we're supposed to believe
you now? You're a security risk.

Bridge, tell them.

l'd never do anything
to hurt you guys.

l'm as loyal to S.P.D.
as any of you.

l don't know
what to believe, Sophie.

l guess it's a unanimous
decision. You're expelled.


Just who l've been looking for.

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