13x12 - Shadow pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x12 - Shadow pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »


Boom, I want you to analyse
the data in the computers

and tell me all about that robot
and those spikes.

But, sir, that's Kat's job.

- Kat's not here. Can you do that?
- I'm not sure.

- ( Growls )
- Yes, sir.


Sir, I may be out of line,

but you seem
to be losing it, sir.

Right. You are out of line.

Sir, I agree with Jack.

- ( Growls )
- I do too.

Me too.

Me three.

when I told you of my past,

I did not tell you everything.

Kat always says
a team has no secrets.

While the great battle
for Sirius was raging...

I was fighting at the front.

Benaag snuck in from the back
and captured my wife, Isinia.

- ( Isinia Screams )
- ( Growls )

Come and get your wife, Doggie.

ISINIA: Doggie, help!

- ( Laughs )
- Isinia!

CRUGER: I was overrun.
I couldn't save her.

I never saw Isinia again.

Sir, you can't blame yourself.

You were overrun
at your position.

- You had your squad to defend.
- Your planet was at stake.

Sir, he was clearly setting a trap.

Knowing all those things
does not stop my nightmares.

( Laughs )

Hey, Hose Head. When Cruger
gets here, you're gonna pay.

- Big time.
- Ha!

He didn't come for his wife.
He won't come for you.

Though he may send
the Power Rangers.

MAN: It's S.P.D.! Run!

PIGGY: Oh, no!

- You're k*lling my business.
- Sorry to hear that, Piggy.

Answer us a couple of questions,
and we'll be on our way.

- I'm out of that line of work.
- Of course you are, Piggy.

We thought you might have heard
something about a friend of ours.

Kat Manx.

No. Doesn't ring a bell.

You know, Syd,
I kind of like it here.

Nice and quiet.

I think I might
become a regular.

I don't know anything
about Kat Manx.

You've got to believe me.

You know, being the advisor
of the C and D-Level cadets,

and the editor
of the Academy newspaper

and just generally
being a big blabbermouth,

I could have this place bouncing
off the walls with S.P.D.

Oh, all right!

Grrumm is here on Earth.

Uh... this is what we know.

OK. We know that the robot

has been placing spikes
into the ground

and then activating them,

first downtown,
then the harbour,

west end, east end, north end.

And then the airport.

After analyzing these spikes,

I believe them
to be Proton Spikes.

By themselves harmless...

Ooh, unless pulled from the ground
without deactivating them first.

You were right, Commander.

But if a Mega Neutron Spike

is placed in the middle
and then activated,

we are talking seismic activity
on a Quasar level.

No doubt
that's why Gruumm has decided

to take a first-hand look
at the destruction himself.

I say we give Gruumm
a little destruction of his own.

Be patient.
Gruumm is a cunning adversary.

If we act too soon,
we may fall into his trap.

So we wait?

- That may be a trap as well.
- I was afraid you'd say that.


- Another message.
- Doggie Cruger.

Once again, I have taken
something of yours.

- Benaag, you will pay for this.
- Come alone.

I will be waiting for you
at Sector , Area .

- You have one hour.
- It's a trap, Doggie.

Yes. I assure you it is.

- Gruumm!
- One hour, Cruger.

Or her demolecularising belt
will activate,

her molecules will scatter,
and she will vanish.

- ( Gruumm Laughs )
- Doggie!

All right.
Now we go into action.

Sir, I think Z and I
should go after Kat

and Sky should lead the others

in stopping the seventh spike
from being planted.

- I agree, sir.
- A good plan.

But not the one we'll employ.

Jack, you and the others

make sure that seventh spike
is not secured.

- But sir, what about Kat?
- We can't just leave her.

Sir, we leave no man behind.
Even when the man's... a woman.

I appreciate your concern for her,
but I have given my orders.

Then send four of us to stop
the spike. Let me go after Kat.

Do not challenge my order! Go!

( Sighs )

( Sirens Sounding )

( Gasps ) Mm.

- Are you guys ready for this?
- Yeah!

- I'm in!
- Me too!

Go for it!

Hey! There he is!

- ALL: Whoa!
- Can't hold me!

( Beeping )

( Beeping Continues )

( Grunts )


At last.


I am here, General Benaag.

I have come alone,
as you have asked.

I have come to avenge
the spirit of my people!

The honour
of my fallen comrades!

My wife!

- Now show yourself!
- BENAAG: Doggie Cruger!

You disappoint me. I was certain
you would not show.

I have come for Kat.

And you.

Then we must start this party.
Her time is not long.

- ( Laughs )
- ( Growls )

You escaped me last time,
galaxy defender.

This time you will not.

( Laughs )

Cruger doesn't stand a chance.

I will fight you, Doggie Cruger.

But only if you can defeat
of my robotic soldiers first.

Then that is what I will do.

Krybots, attack!

Thank you, Kat.

S.P.D. Emergency!

Shadow Ranger!

You have taken
what was dearest to me, Benaag.

But that has only
made me stronger.

I am Shadow Ranger!

Shadow Sabre!

With this,
the truest sword in the galaxy,

I will right all wrongs.

Is this all you've got, Benaag?

( Electrical Crackling )

All right. Who wants to be next?

( Electrical Crackling )

Looks like it's just you and me.

( Laughs )

( Roaring )

- SKY: Hang on!
- BRIDGE: I'm trying!

GIRLS: Full power!

Let's do it!

Take this!

We've got to hold our position!

( All Grunting )

SKY: Holding position.

- Z: We can do it!
- SDY: Come on!

ALL: Battle cry!

You have lost
this battle, Benaag.

It's not over yet.

Take a look at that truck.

- Aah!
- ( Force Field Crackles )

- Kat!
- Get him, Doggie.

KAT: Go on, Doggie.
You can beat him.

BENAAG: An old wound, Commander?

( Gasps )

A new b*ttlefield, but the same
losing battle, Doggie Cruger.

You would think
that the leader of S.P.D.

would do better than this.


Aah! Aah!

- No, Doggie!
- Doggie Cruger has fallen!

Emperor Gruumm
will pay handsomely.

Just like before. You lose
the planet, and you lose the girl.

And your Rangers lose
to my robot.

Once again, you are at my feet.

This is not the end, Benaag.
Not while I can still breathe.

I can stop that too.

- This will be your last battle.
- Big words from a helpless dog

who can't save himself
or his friend.

( Beeping )

- I will not be defeated.
- We'll see about that.

- Beat that for firepower.
- Give it all you've got.

( Laughs )

- JACK: You can't beat us.
- ALL: Ahh!

( Kat Sobs )

( Beeping )


Uhh! ( Grunting )

( Force Field Turns Off )

( Sighs )

What? I don't believe it!


I call it justice.

See if you like this.

- ALL: Charge!
- SYD: Yeah!

ALL: Let's do it! Yeah!

( Fire Crackling )

You have destroyed
my planet of Sirius.

You have defeated my comrades.

You have taken my wife, Isinia.

But now your day
of reckoning has come.

- Who's that?
- His sword!

- It's Cruger!
- All right!

-Go DC!
- It's judgment time.

General Benaag, you are charged
with the obstruction of justice,

and you will be judged.

This can't be happening!

You are charged with
the destruction of five planets,

and for atrocities
throughout the galaxy.

You are charged
with the disappearance

of Isinia Cruger, my wife.


There is so much
you do not know, Doggie Cruger.

Perhaps. But I do know
where you are going.

Shadow Sabre.

Aaah! Aaah!

- JACK: Good job!
- Z: Nice one!

Justice prevails.

( Sighs ) Way to go, Doggie.

I vow from this day on
to crush evil wherever it hides.

- He's back in the fight.
- I knew it! Yeah!

- That rocks.
- That's our chief.

- Sure is. Hey. Where did he go?
- Huh?


There he is.

- Let's go home.
- Yeah.

Nice one, Commander!

We're glad you're OK, Kat.

What a great place!
That looks good!

- You might want to stir that.
- MAN: It's S.P.D.!


Let me guess who just pulled up.

- Hey, Piggy.
- Excuse me,

but what part of never, ever,
ever, ever, ever come here

- didn't you understand?
- Come on, it's all good.

Oh, yeah. It's swell.

I lose customers
and get all of you.

And that dog.

( Barking )

Easy. Easy, boy.

Yes, I have failed thus far.

I have underestimated
the Power Rangers.

I have underestimated
Doggie Cruger.

I swear it will not
happen again.

No. That won't be necessary.

I can do this. No more mistakes,
no more miscalculations.

I will be victorious.

I fear nothing!

( Gasping )

Except one...

A toast. To my comrades in arms.

- And comrades in friendship.
- Hmm.

And to you, Kat, my dear friend.

Thank you for calling me out
to be who I really am.

Thank you for being there
when I was not.


My loyalty is to all of you.

PIGGY: Enjoy.
It's my best gutter water.

( Gagging )
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