13x11 - Shadow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x11 - Shadow

Post by bunniefuu »

# S.P.D. Emergency! #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Heroes on your side
Heroes for all time #

# Out to save the universe #

# No matter where you are
if it's near or far #

# You can always call out #

# Space Patrol
Space Patrol #

# Space Patrol
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go
Go, go #

# Power Rangers, go #

# Power Rangers S.P.D.
Power Rangers to the resuce #

# Go, go, S.P.D. #

( Growling )

Victory is ours.

- Take him down.
- No!

- ( Laughing )
- WOMAN: Doggie! Doggie, help!



You had the dream again.


( Both Grunting )


- Give up yet?
- No way.

- Should we call for backup?
- Nah. We got this one.

- How about now?
- Nah.

He's falling right into my trap.

- Syd?
- Yeah?

Maybe we need some backup.

You think?

- Rangers, we need some help.
- No can do, Syd.

We have our hands full.

In fact, we're gonna
ask you for Syd's help.

No problem. Go on, Syd.
I can handle this guy.

- Are you sure? Oh!
- ( Zapping )

- Jack!
- I'm sure.

Now get going.

Pink reporting in.
Now let's debug this city.

I'll get it.

You're through!

- Had enough?
- Yeah. Matter of fact, I have.

Delta Blaster Combo Mode!


Yes! I'm glad that's over.

- Got him!
- ( Sobs )

No! You are evil and invincible!

And monsters do not cry!

( Sobbing Continues )

- I see someone's upset.
- Silence!

And didn't brush his teeth, either.

Your foolish monster lost
to the Power Rangers.

They are not foolish!

They're creations
from my imagination.

They're horribly evil.

Ha! Your horriby evil monster cried!

He's sensitive, something
you might take a lesson from.

I am the Emperor
of the Troobian Military Force,

whic has conquered three galaxies,
two star systems,

and over planets!

And apparently a wee bit sensitive.

Do you want to know
how to defeat the Power Rangers?

- Yes.
- First, you have to say please.


you pint-sized,

whiny, intolerant little brat.

Either you tell me
how to defeat the Power Rangers,

or you will find yourself back
exactly the way I found you.

Not fair! Adults are not fair!

OK, fine. If you want to
defeat the Power Rangers...

...defeat their leader.

Excellent, Mora. Excellent.

( Laughing )

SYD: I've never seen anything
like that big old monster crying.

Maybe it was his birthday
and no one remembered.

( Laughing )

Are you laughing at me?

No, sir. We were just...

I remind you you're
in an S.P.D. Control Room,

and I expect you
to act accordingly.

Sir, we were just...

If you cannot comply
with my requests,

take your childish behaviour elsewhere.

Wait a minute.
You can't talk to us like that.

- Standing up for your squad?
- Yeah.

About time you took on leadership.

Now why don't you
lead your team out of my sight?


Yes, sir.

And not a word from you, either.

Is it just me or did Cruger
come totally uncorked?

He's been cranky all week.
I think it's too much stress.

I'm not agreeing
with how he handled it,

but technically
the Control Room is for...

You're right.
It was a little uncalled for.

It could be fleas. I remember
my bulldog had fleas.

He was grumpy for weeks.

All bulldogs look like that.

- Sorry, guys.
- Kat, what's going on?

Years ago, the Troobian Forces
invaded Sirius.

Commander Cruger...
He lost everything.

That's not an excuse
for his behaviour.

I just wanted
to let you all know.

( Radio ) The lottery ticket
is worth ten million bucks.

Again, the numbers are
five, ten, , and .

Five, ten, , , .

Ten million bucks!

Imagine all the valuable garbage
I could buy with that.

Huh? What is that?

Good as new!

Fits like a glove.
Must be my lucky day.

( Screams )

( Groaning )

You owe me $ .

The information I bought
was bad.

Who, me? Sell bad information?

Perhaps you are mistaken.

I'm not. Return the $ ,
or I will turn you inside out.

Oh. That happened to me once.
Very painful.

You have three hours.

How am I gonna get $ ?

Huh? Oh.

Five, ten, , , .

Ah, well... Oh!

I'm rich!

( Thunderclap )

( Laughs )

( Gasping )

You are under my command.


Your likeness will do.

MAN: Piggy's new cafe is great..

OK, , , .

Here's an extra ,

to get that fish bowl
of yours winterised.

You may be a millionaire,

but you're still
the same disgusting, filthy,

wretched piece of
worthless garbage to me.

Thank you.

It's nice to know
money hasn't changed me.

- Hey!
- What's going on?

Piece of junk!

( Gasping )

Emperor? Is that you?

Broodwing, we need to talk.

I am honoured by your presence
on my opening night.

Next time call for reservations.

There's been a cancellation. Sit.

Emperor, all you have to do
is summon me,

and like always
I would have come to you.

It was time I came to see this planet
I'm about to conquer.

I'm sending one
of my top generals to see you.

I want you to give him
everything he needs.

Why, of course.

( Beeping )

( Sneezes )

Sorry. Sorry.

- Sorry, sir.
- Commander.

- ( Grunts )
- I think you'll want to see this.

I was doing a scan

of the last -hour
energy levels in the city.

All looked normal. Then I took
off the gamma filter,

which registers
energy-cloaking activity.

- I found one.
- Perhaps it's a malfunction.

Not a chance. I designed
that program myself.

Whatever's out there,
it is big, and it is dangerous.

investigate those coordinates.

ALL: Yes, sir.

They're acting oddly.
I wonder what it is.

You are the... it.

( Growls )

He comes. ( Chuckles )

Ah, the infamous
General Benaag.

I have been sent here
to help you.

I need no help, especially
from the likes of you.

I beg to differ.

S.P.D. is a worthy opponent
led by a great commander.

Doggie Cruger. Huh!
I have defeated him before.

I have taken everything from him.

And I will do it again.

I like your style. ( Laughing )

MAN: Look!

ALL: Run, run, run!

Hey! Where's everybody going?

Oh, come back!

Hey! Huh? Ooh... Ah.

It's S.P.D.

What's going on, Pig man? We
heard about you good fortune.

Yes. And thanks for dropping by.

- What's the rush, Piggy?
- The rush?

If you didn't notice,
you're S.P.D.

Not exactly who my patrons
want to dine with.

Dine? This place
is a roach-infested germ farm.

Thanks. I've done my best.

Listen, just tell us
what we want to know,

and we'll get out of this dump.

Flattery won't work on me.

Looking for me?

- ( Laughing )
- Hey!

- Piggy's place has rats.
- Z AND SYD: I hate rats.

I am Benaag, Prime General
of the Troobian Force.

- Let's suit up.
- Don't bother.

Just get this
to Commander Cruger.

BEMAAG: I hope you enjoyed
your last sunrise, Doggie Cruger.

I've navigated three galaxies
to find you.

We meet this afternoon
for your final battle.

You have travelled in vain.
I do not battle any more.

Oh! ( Chuckles )

I will see to it that you do battle.
I promise you that.

( Growls )

What do you mean,
you won't fight, sir?

Don't you get it, Sky?
It's deception. It's got to be.

- Who is he?
- And how do you know him?

Yeah. You've got to
tell us something, sir.

( Sighs )

They have a right
to know the truth.

( Growls )

My home of Sirius
was invaded by Gruumm.

Sirius had assembled an elite squad
of galactic defenders.

Space Patrol Delta.

The first S.P.D.

We battled for months
without sleep.

Through our men fought valiantly...


...we were no match
for the Troobians.

Victory is mine!

While we fought their soldiers,

Gruumm turned his robots loose
on the defenceless cities.

General Benaag
led those troops against us.

- No!
- Fire!

We were overrun.
We were defeated.

When I awoke, I was alone.

My people were gone.

I was the land of my squad.

The last of my kind.


( Howls )

I'd failed my planet.

My squad.


I vowed never
to pick up my sword again.

That is my story.

Why? Why battle for
such a tiny, meaningless planet?

I do not understand. There can
be only one outcome for them.

Always only one outcome.

Time to begin.

( Rumbling )

- What is this? Earthquake?
- No. Energy tremors.

Rangers! Suit up!

- Ready!
- ALL: Ready!

ALL: S.P.D. Emergency!

ALL: Space Patrol Delta!

They're up against an enemy
they don't know. You do.

- What's your point?
- You know Benaag.

Yet you send a squad of heroic yet
inexperienced kids up against him?

- You should be with them.
- No! It is not my place.

Doggie, I know this brings up
a lot of memories for you.

- But running from them won't...
- I am not running!

Then why not tell
the Rangers everything?

You withheld
the most important part.

- This is my business.
- I think it's their business.

You're a team.
There shouldn't be any secrets.

- ( Sighs )
- Here. I made you something.


This is bordering
on insubordination.

- Leave my sight while you can.
- Stubborn old dog.

Resisting what you fear
brings it into existence.


( Laughs ) This city is mine.

- The road's blocked!
- Not you again!

Not for long. Coming through.

I'll get him, Z.



He's gone!

But he left those spikes.


Leave the spikes
and return to base immediately.

- But, sir, I...
- This is an order.

Look, I could have pulled
those spikes out of the ground.

Yes, you could have.

But yuo don't know what
they are or what they might do.

We don't do anything until
we find those things out. Kat?

Where's Kat? Kat!

We should be patrolling, not
waiting for something to happen.

You do not know this enemy.

You have not come up against
anything like him before.

- I have. We wait.
- Don't you mean, we wait?

- ( Growls )
- Sir!

Sir, Kat hasn't
returned to her post.

And she's not answering
her communicator.

Something's not right.

( Barks )

( Growls )

( Chuckles ) Huh?

( Barks )

( Barks )

R.I.C. Thank you.

( Laughs )

Here, puppy.

( Barks )

No, R.I.C.

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