13x03 - Confronted

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x03 - Confronted

Post by bunniefuu »

[laughing] This car is as good as ours.

Squad Leader? Do we move in?

Come on, Squad Leader. Answer.

Squad Leader, come in.

Do we move in? Squad Leader?

Freeze, S.P.D.!


What's going on?


- Nice iob.
- You know what? Forget it!


l can't believe this.

[Jack] This is just great.

l could have been in on the arrest

if Squad Leader
would have done their job.

For once, l agree with you.

Thank you.

Now who is Squad Leader?

That'd be you.

[siren sounding]

[Gruumm] Fly, my warriors.
Victoy is near.

lf l know Cruger, he will send
his best and brightest

to stop the attack,

leaving Earth completely defenceless.

- [alarm sounding]
- [Z] What's going on?

- It's code five.
- Is that bad?

Put it this way. Code three is bad.

- Where's the A Squad?
- What's happening?

A full-scale attack has been launched
against our federation in Helix Nebula.

Emperor Gruumm,
the leader of the Troobian Empire.

E_. A serious contender
for one of those makeover shows.

He's merciless and will stop at
nothing to conquer what he sets out to.

The Helix Nebula?

That is iust the beginning.
He's after this galay.

You sound like you know him?

Our paths have crossed before.

l've sent the A Squad to the frontline
of the Helix Nebula.

- A Squad's gone?
- Who's gonna protect Earth?

You. With Cadet Landors
as your leader.

And where is he?


- What's with all the alarms?
- Oh, nothing much,

iust an alien invasion
of galactic proportions.


[Cruger] Now that A Squad is on mission,
you have to take the responsibility

of leading the B Squad vey seriously.
Do you understand?

Yeah, OK, l get it.

Cary on.

Uh, later, guys.

This is so not what l signed up for.

Why are you bummed out?

l would be psyched to be Red Ranger.

You'd be psyched
if you were the Pink Ranger.

True. But Red is the big cheese.

Head honcho. Large and in charge.

Why, you get to tell the others
what to do.

And then they do it.


Oh, my bad. Wrong room.

This is my room.

My bed. You've moved my bed.

What have you done with my stuff?

Oh, no! Peanuts!

Excuse me.

Excuse me!

Excuse me, l want an explanation.

Can't hear you.
Chill till the song's over, K?

Not K.

Get your lace-less, taste-less,
trash-dumpster boots out of my room.

OK, here's a news flash for you, missy.

The big blue dog says
it's not just your room anymore.

- What?
- [Jack] What's going on here?

Just a little discussion
bemeen roomies.

[chuckling] l am not your roomie.

You mo can work out your little spat
while you clean up this mess...

...on the double!

- Vey funny, Jack.
- He's not smiling.

According to the Ranger Academy
Handbook, Section , Article . ,

when the Red Ranger gives a command,
that command shall be unquestioned

and obeyed by all other Rangers.

That is what the Handbook says.

Oh, come on.
You're not buying into this whole

''Red Ranger is the boss
of all of us'' thing, are you?

l want it done before training.

Have a nice day.

What a jerk.

[both laughing]

[Gruumm] The Power Rangers
have fallen into my trap.

Cruger is now alone,

and Earth is ours for the taking.

[maniacal laughter]


Who disturbs me?

Mora, l thought l told you never
to enter my private chamber!

Sory, l forgot.

Gruumm, l don't understand.

Why are we attacking Earth?

lt's puny, and the people are ugly.

- [laughing]
- Gruumm, answer my question.

- l've told you, l have my reasons.
- But why?

- Because.
- Because why?

Because l said so!

Now leave me alone!

Somebody's leather shorts
are on too tight.


Cadet, l may be wrong,

but isn't there a training exercise
with B Squad right now?

Yes, sir.

l sent them on a five-mile run
through the mud swamp.

Thought it would get them in shape.

The mud swamp is a tough course.

And you're getting in shape by...
reading a comic book?

Well, as Red Ranger,

l made the executive decision
that l needed some me time.

Thank you, cadet.

Uh, cadet.

Next time, could you wash them
in cold water, please.

- It keeps the reds nice and bright.
- Yes, sir.

Thank you.

l see you've discovered
that being a leader has its privileges.

Yeah, who knew?

Oh, thank you, cadet.
Right here will do.

Don't forget, sir.

You promised to go over those
close contact defensive drills later.

A promise is a promise.

Tough being boss, eh, DC?

Don't wory, Cindy Sunshine.

When we take over Earth,

l'm gonna buy you a new dress and
shoes and maybe even another hair.


- Hello, Mora.
- Broodwing! You're not nice.

Silence, child!
l'm here to see Gruumm.

- Emperor Gruumm.
- My apologies, sire.

And how is the emperor
of the entire galay?

Not the entire galay quite yet.
l may need your help.

Like you need another horn on your head.

- Go to your room, Mora.
- But this is my room.

- Then go to my room!
- You told me never to go...



She's so... so cute.

l could have her relocated
on an abandoned meteor if you like.

As tempting as that sounds,

l need her services as l need yours.

Of course, sire.
l can provide evemhing you need.

Foot soldiers, robots, weapons,
for a price, of course.

Your reputation
as a self-serving, greedy mercenay...

[laughing] ...is well-deserved.

This... is... not... fun!

- [groaning]
- E_.

Hey, welcome back.

l didn't think you guys
would be done so soon.

- How did it go?
- How does it look like it went?

A little mud never hurt anyone.

[Bridge] Actually, that's not true.

My Uncle Bernie got a serious infection
by sticking mud clumps up his nose.

[Z] He stuck mud up his... Never mind.

You said you were
going to meet us out there.

Hello. Red Ranger here.

You think l was laying around
reading comic books all day?

Wouldn't surprise me.

You already missed weapons class
and a surveillance seminar.

[man] Move it! Come on!

l didn't realise
it was Blue Ranger's job

to keep tabs on my whereabouts.

OK. OK, l get that the mud run
wasn't vey fun,

and, as expected,
you guys are a little edgy.

Tell you what,

take five minutes and get cleaned
up before martial arts class.


What? Go!

Hey, l'm tying to cut
you guys some slack.

Fine. We'll do it the other way.

l'm Red Ranger, and that's an order!

He's got no business
being the Red Ranger.

l heard that.

- Think you could do a better iob?
- Yeah. But Cruger picked you.

You may be wearing red,
but you're not a leader.

[Gruumm] l'm waiting.

Will you chill? Art cannot be rushed.

- Unbelievable.
- l do not want art. l want a...



- Your orders, emperor?
- Excellent, Mora.

Total destruction of New Tech City.

l have the perFect machine
for the job, sire.

A little pricey, but worth evey dime.

[Cruger] Rangers, you must use
the Delta Runners.

lt's time you moved
to active Zord status.

Zords? Like, actual Zords?

- OK, l'm a little freaked.
- You've been trained.

- You can do it, Rangers.
- No sweat, guys, just follow me.

Wait. Before you go,

do you have full confidence
in Jack Landors as your leader?

lf you have reservations, speak now.

- Sir...
- Figures.

He's iust iealous
cos he's not the Red Ranger.

Nothing personal, Jack.

l like you as a friend and all,
but as a leader...

Hey, did l ever tell you
that l really like your dreads?

This is unreal.

l can be a good leader. Tell them, Z.

lt's the truth, Jack. Sory.

The team has spoken.

You're relieved of command
and Ranger status.

- But Jack...
- Commander, don't you think...?

l've made my decision.


lnitiating robot assembly.

Activating Mega Drill.

Robot, advance.

- [alarm sounding]
- [Cruger] Go, Rangers!

[all] S.P.D. Emergency!

- Space Patrol Delta!
- [woman] Opening Zord Bay tubes.

- Whoo!
- Yeah!

[Sky] Morphers in ignition mode.

- Nice.
- Let's roll 'em out!

Hit it!

He's headed
for the northern district. Stop him.

[all] Yes, sir.

[Syd] We're there now.

[Syd over speaker]
S.P.D. l order you to halt!

OK. We'll do this the hard way.

l'll get him.

Don't make me laugh.

They're getting schooled!

With no one to lead them,
they are at a strategical disadvantage.

But l was their leader.

A true leader earns respect by example.

Did you set that example?


No, l was too busy
taking advantage of my position.

- You are going down!
- Ty it!

[Z] Whoa! Whoa!

l'm going in!


No offence, sir,
but l don't belong here with you.

- Where is it that you belong, cadet?
- With my team, sir.

l am their leader.
l should be leading them.

Well, you can't
vey well lead them from in here.

No, sir. l can't. Thank you, sir.

[Cruger] Cadet Landors!
You might be needing this.

S.P.D. Emergency!

S.P.D. Red Ranger.


Now let's see
how much juice this thing's got.


Time to punch it.

Delta Runner One is on-line.

Hold on, guys!

lt's not working.
We don't have a plan!

l do!

- What is he doing?
- Leading!


- Go, Jack!
- What're they up to?

Let's get in there, Sky!

l'm all over it!

- They need more power.
- Rangers, you must work as a team.

Combine the Delta Runners
to form the Delta Squad Megazord.

Ready, team?

[all] Yes, sir.


Are you sure this'll work?

Knowing Jack, he'll make it work.

Let's show 'em how it's done.

- Ready, Jack?
- Oh, yeah!

Here goes.

Delta Squad Megazord!

Well done, Rangers.

- Come on!
- [growls]

Hang on!



Hey, where'd they go?

[grunts] You won't catch me!

OK, let's ty the sword!

Go for it!

Ahh! l'm out of here.


- Let's get him!
- Right!

[siren sounding]

- Five!
- Four!

- Three!
- Two!

- One!
- [all] Fire!

[all] Shut down!

[sirens stop]

l got away. Huh?

- Ya!
- Ya!

- Ya!
- Ya!

Think again!

Who's gonna stop me?

One, S.P.D. Red Ranger!

Two, S.P.D. Blue Ranger!

Three, S.P.D. Green Ranger!

Four, S.P.D. Yellow Ranger!

Five, S.P.D. Pink Ranger!

Rangers, ready! Ya!





Space Patrol Delta!

Defenders of Earth.

You don't scare me.

Let me do this, guys. l owe you.

Delta Blasters!

Let's give him a hand.

- Yeah!
- l think he's learned his lesson.

l hope so!

My turn.

All right, listen up.

lf Gruumm wants this planet,

he's going to have to go through us.

S.P.D. Morpher, Judgment Mode.



- [Jack] Guilty!
- [growls]

[all] Ready!



We're taking you in.

Containment Mode!

You'll be sory for this!

So you're all sure you trust
Cadet Landors to lead your team?

l admit, his ego
got a little out of control,

but deep down, Jack's a good guy.

Plus, we couldn't
have made the Megazord without him.

That's true. Or we'd be
walking around without a head.

And what about you?

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