18x18 - Boxed In

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x18 - Boxed In

Post by bunniefuu »

- Last time
on power rangers samurai...

- The black box?

- The most powerful
samurai w*apon ever conceived.

- [Gagging]

The drink--
it's poisoned.

- What?

- I'll take care of
the red ranger from here.

- No!

Mike, em, mia, kevin!

Oh, what am I supposed
to do now?

Boy, man,
they're pretty banged-up

After that run-in
with arachnitor, huh?

- Yes, now that the sanzu river
is seeping into our world,

The nighlok
are getting stronger.

Soon they will be too powerful
for even our team to stop.

It's crucial
that you fill this black box

With all the rangers'
symbol powers.

- Once we rescue jayden,

He and I will get it running
in no time.

- Antonio, you must focus
on the job at hand.

- But jayden is out there.

- Jayden would be
the first to tell you,

The black box is the priority.

- [Laughs]

But even the original red ranger
couldn't finish this.

- You're lack of formal
symbol power training

Will make this very difficult,

But you did build
your own samurai morpher.

- This is ultimate hack job,

My kind of challenge.

- I have faith
that your high-tech skills

Will enable you to succeed
where others have failed.

- All right.
I'm on it.

With the others down, I know
I have to pick up the slack.

- There's no time to rest.

It's our sworn duty
to keep the world safe.


We're samurai.

Nothing can stop us.


- Kevin!

- Huh, rescuing you has become
a bit of a bad habit,

But one I intend
to soon break...permanently.


- [Gagging]


- Stay under.

The water will purge
the poison from your system.

- [Grunting]

- Just do as I say.

Trust me,

There's nothing I want more
than you in top form.

The sooner you recover,

The sooner I'll be able to duel
you and finally bring you down.

[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- Antonio.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

- It was all a misunderstanding.

I was trying to get rid
of the red ranger,

But I think you're thinking that
I was thinking of betraying you.

Ooh, ah, ooh,
I hate all this thinking.

- That's enough.

You know better
than to think for yourself.

It gives us all a headache.

What really upsets me
is that we lost a chance

To crush the red ranger.

Next time, see that you succeed,
or my vengeance will be swift.


There's another one we need to
rid ourselves of, right, dayu?


I'm speaking of that
meddling deker, of course.

Take him down.

- Ooh, ah, ooh,
deker's too tough.

He'll mash her
into tiny little dayu bits.

- Fine.

- Ooh, ah, ooh.
Your cruelty is boundless.

- Speaking of cruelty, how's
arachnitor's punishment coming?

- He's about to transform.

Soon he'll be
under your full control.

- He wanted power.

Now he has so much,
it'll destroy him.

Keep an eye on him, octoroo.

Once he mutates,

Send him straight to the human
world so he can create misery.

- You know what, spike?

We've got to get out
in the field.

We've had too much training,
and not enough doing.

- You're right.

- We got to get out there,

Tackle real problems,
help real people.

That's what true samurai do.

- Ready, uncle bulk.

- Spike, samurai rule
number one, pack light.

- Maybe we could start
by helping me?

- [Sighs]

- Okay, I've hacked in.

Now I just have to format it
to absorb our symbol powers.


- Antonio!

- I'm okay.

- You must pace yourself.

Using symbol power
is incredibly draining.

Don't overdo it.

- And who told me the whole
world was at stake here?

I have to do everything I can.

Let's try again.

- Just be careful, antonio.

What you're trying to do
is dangerous work.

Keep in mind, if there's
another nighlok attack,

You're the only ranger that's
healthy enough to respond.

- Kevin, what are you doing?

You need to rest.

- I have to find some way
to help.

- No, you don't have
to do this, not alone.

Let's help each other.

That's the best way
we can help jayden.

- [Moaning]

- The purity of the lake
has healed you,

But you'll still be weak
for a while.

- [Straining]

Why are you doing all this?

- I'm searching
for the ultimate duel,

The duel
that you and I will have.

- I don't fight just to fight.

I fight to protect people.

- Hmm.

Well, we'll see.

We're patient,
my sword uramasa and i,

But eventually, we will battle.

I have quite the incentive
to convince you.

After all,
I was once fully human.

All I know now is constant
craving for battle.

The nighlok in me gives me
no choice about it.

- You always have a choice.

You don't have to give in
to the nighlok's cravings.

- Hmm.

It's easy for you to say.

- Doing the right thing
is always worth the effort,

No matter how hard it is.

That's why I won't fight
just to fight.

- You will give me
the ultimate battle,

Whether you like it or not.

It's the only way I'll ever be
free from this terrible curse.

- Oh, deker,
if you only knew the truth.

- It's happening.

Arachnitor is finally mutating
into a super-powerful nighlok

Under the master's control.

Time to go scare those humans
like never before.

- There, formatting's done.

- Now comes
the really dangerous part,

Infusing the black box
with everyone's symbol powers.

- That's where we come in.

- You shouldn't be out of bed.

- Antonio can't
take this all on himself.

We need to help each other,
especially since jayden's gone.

[Alarm blaring]

- So what do we do now?

- Well, I know
what jayden would say.

- At all cost,
protect the innocent.

- That's golden.

You guys go take care
of the nighlok,

And I'll go find jayden.

- No, you must finish
the black box first.

- I can't.

I need their power discs,

And they're taking them
into battle.

- Here.

It's yours.

- Are you guys serious?

How can you defeat
the nighlok without these?

- We'll make do,
but without the black box,

The whole world's in danger,

And you're the only one
that can program it.

- It's true.

No one else can match the skills
you bring to the team.

- But my best friend needs me.

- I know what he'd say
to that too.

- One person
is insignificant

Compared to the fate
of the world.

- Dude, you have
that impression down.

- Okay, and I wish you guys
weren't right, but you are.

This has to come first.

Well, go on.

Get out of here.

I've got work to do.

- We're on it.

- And be careful.

- Don't worry about us.

- This is dangerous.

[All screaming]


- [Whimpering]

- Ho.
Ho, ho, ho, ho.


You go help her out.

- [Laughs]


Excuse me, ma'am.


May I help you across
the street?

- Well, aren't you sweet?

Yes, of course you may.

- Right, left. Right, left.

Right, left.


[All screaming]

- Oh, let go, slowpoke!

I'm out of here.

So long, sonny.

- That is one fast granny.

- She should help us
across the road.



[All screaming]

- [Roaring]

- Fighting buildings?
Wow, you're tough.

Fight someone that fights back.

- [Roars]

[All screaming]


- Wait, does this creep
look familiar?

It's like he's mutated
or something.

- Guys, stay on your toes.

- [Roars]

[All screaming]

[All moaning]

- So much for staying
on our toes.

Come on, let's get him.

- That's it.


Just a little bit more.



I can do this.

[Touch tones beeping]

That's it.


- So far, so good.

- Now let's keep it going
with a little yellow.

Come on.


I just don't have enough symbol
energy to finish it fast enough.


I'm sorry.

It's just that the whole
planet's counting on me.


The whole planet.

That's it.

I'll piggyback on
a global satellite system

And use my light symbol power

To triangulate
with jayden's samuraizer.


I found him.

Look, I can't finish
the black box now,

But I can help jayden.

- Go.

- You should be
fully recovered by now.

- Why do you want to fight me?

There are plenty of good
warriors in the world.

- Yes, but like me, you have
a secret festering inside you.

We' b both warped, twisted.

- What do you mean?

- You'd have
sacrificed everything

Before giving octoroo
the sealing power.

There is a spirit inside you

I've never found before
in any other samurai,

A warrior spirit.

And that's why you're
the perfect opponent.


Come on!

Go ahead.

The first move is yours.

- Hold on.

This isn't gonna happen
on my watch.

Jayden, you're in no shape
to fight.

- Out of my way, fisherman.

- How can you want to duel him
when he's like this, nighlok?

- [Grunts]

- Me and my friend
are walking out of here,

And you're gonna let us,
you got it?

- Hmm.


But know this, red ranger:

The next time we meet,
we will battle.

- Hey, the nice creepy guy's
letting us go, jayden.


See ya.


- [Sighs]

I'm sorry for what I've done
to you, deker.

- You know, you moogers need
to get a lot better at this.



- So far, fighting without
our power discs...


Is working out just fine.


- [Grunting]

- [Grunting]

- [Growling]

[All moaning]




- Much more of this,
and we're toast.

[All moaning]

- Back off, nighlok.

Hey guys, now we're all here.

- Jayden, you're okay.

- What is that thing?

- [Roaring]

- [Laughs]

Sorry, I don't speak snarl.

- [Roaring]

- Well, allow me
to introduce myself.

I am...


Antonio garcia!


The gold ranger.


Hey, guys, I didn't have time
to finish the black box,

But I promise to try again.

Here, have your discs back.

- Thanks.
- We could sure use them.

- Yeah.

Let's show these moogers
how we really roll.

All: spin sword,
quadruple slash!

[All grunt]


- [Roaring]

- Spin sword, fire smasher!

This has got a lot tougher.

I'd better backpedal.



Hey, this mutant nighlok's
got a lot of energy.


- We're all too exhausted
to put up much of a fight.

- But if we combine
all our strength...

- Yeah, but we don't have
a ton of it.

We need something that doesn't
need much symbol power.

- Quintuple slash?
- Right.

All: spin sword,
quintuple slash!


- [Roaring]

- We got him.

- [Gasps]
- what?

- It's still not enough.

- Do it again, but this time,
I'll help it on its wa

- But we'll hit you.

- Oh, no, you won't.
Trust me.

- [Roaring]

- I've got a golden move

That will keep me safe
and power up our attack.

- All right.

- I hope you know
what you're doing.

- Go for it!

All: spin sword,
quintuple slash!

[All grunt]

- Now let's put a super spin
on that slash.


- [Screams]


- Hey, he's getting away.

Come on, let's get him.

- Oh, this isn't good.

- Yeah, we've got
a bigger problem here.

- This time,
we're not gonna chicken out.

We are gonna save
all these people.

- Right. Let's do it.
- Yeah.


[Both whimpering]

You know, we'd better go

Make sure that little old lady
is okay.

- Time to go mega.
- Right.

- Let's do it.

[All grunting]

- Lion foldingzord!
- Dragon foldingzord!

- Bear foldingzord!
- Ape foldingzord!

- Turtle foldingzord!

All: megamode power!

[All grunting]

Zords combine!

Samurai megazord!
We are united!

- Antonio, join us.

- All right, I'm on it.

Samurai morpher!

Clawzord, I need you.

Gold power!


Megamode power!


Let's go for a spin!

Clawzord transformation!

Claw battlezord east ready!

I've got a theory about
these guys, a big bang theory.

- Guys, incoming.


- You go take care
of arachnitor.

I can smack these guys down
without even breaking a sweat.

- Right. You got it.

- Hold up, look.

- Whoa.

[All gasping]

- Man, they're not kidding
around today.

- No way.
More moogers?

- We're sitting ducks out here.

[All moaning]

- Amigos, we got
to take action now.

- Right.
We must control the sky.

Air strike combination.

- Swordfish zord!
- Tiger zord!

- Beetle zord!

All: samurai battlewing.
We are united!

- Hoo, that was golden.


- [Grunting]

- We did it.

They're heading home.

- Oh, you want some more, huh?

Then bring it.

These claws can handle you.

Mega blade activate!


Claw battlezord east ready!

Claw to shreds.

Want some more, huh?

I've got the goods
to handle all y'all.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪


- Adios, moogers.

Now let's get spider breath.

- That mutant must have
given us the slip.

- Great.

- Antonio, wait.

Arachnitor is long gone by now.

- Like me, you have a secret
festering inside you.

We're both warped, twisted.

- Uh, this a bad time?

- Oh, uh, no.
What's up?

- Well, first, we wanted
to make sure you're okay

After all
that you've been through.

- And we're gonna chow down
on some pizza and figure out

A new strategy for these
more powerful nighlok.

- Want to join us?

- Thanks, guys.
I'm doing fine.

But why don't you
go ahead without me?

- Oh, are you sure?

- Yeah, thanks.

- Okay. No problem.

Your choice.

- My choice.

- All I know now is constant
craving for battle.

The nighlok in me gives me
no choice about it.

- Deker's wrong.

We're all free to choose
who we want to be.

You guys.

I changed my mind.
I will join you.

- Hey.
- Yeah.

- Cool. Come on.

- Hey, it's good
to have you back.

- Thanks.

Might not have been back
at all if it weren't for you.

- Well, I do have
my golden moments.
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