18x16 - Team Spirit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x16 - Team Spirit

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed down
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

- Hello?


Where is everybody?

Did they go out without me?


- This is going to be tough
to pull off.

- Have a little faith, kev.

Once we get this stuff ready,

All we have to do is hide it.

- Tomorrow's going to be great.

It's emily's first birthday
without her sister,

But it's so cool we're doing
something special for her.

[Knock on door]

[All gasp]

You should have seen your faces.

It looked like master xandred
was at the door.

- Ha ha.

We just didn't want emily
to find us.

- The coast is clear.
Emily went outside.

What about the cake?

- I've got all the ingredients
for an awesome cake.

I just need to bake it
without her noticing.

[Together] no!

- I mean, we don't want
to risk it.

Antonio already ordered the cake
from the bakery.

- Oh.

[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

- Ooh-ah-ooh.

Something's up with the boss,

And I'm getting worried.

What about you?

- Huh?

- Ooh-ah-ooh.

He's like a stick of dynamite
with a really short fuse.

We need to be careful
not to upset the big guy.

That's why what you've been
doing is such a bad idea.

- What are you babbling about
now, noodle face?

- I know you've been talking
to deker

Behind master xandred's back.

- So what?
- I'm just saying, be careful.

The boss wouldn't like
the little game of

"You save me
and I'll save you"

Between you and deker.

For both our sakes,

I'll pretend like I don't know
anything about it.

- [Sighs]
just leave me alone.

- [Humming]

♪ ♪

Come on, fish.

Of all the days for the bass
to be hiding.

They're emily's favorite.

She was so cool,

And she accepted right into
the group from the start.

I just want to catch her
an awesome gift

For her birthday tomorrow.

- [Tittering]

- Aww.
That's right, little buddy.

I'll get you up and running
at full speed in no time.


Can come to her
birthday party too!


- Ooh-ah-ooh.

These waves sure are rough.

The sanzu river's
almost as wild

As the way master xandred's
been acting lately.

Look--he's even angry
at his own medicine.

You think he'd be happy.

After all, the nighlok are
getting stronger and stronger

As the river rises.

- And I'll go scare
those human crybabies

To raise it even higher.

- Split face, I have no doubt

That you'll cause
tons of misery.

I know I'm miserable
every time I see you.

- Ha ha ha!

- Master xandred's binds
can't hold me.

But my cursed


Still imprisons me.

My fate is sealed.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪


- You--

I know what you got there.

It's fishing rods,

And there's a good stream
that way.

They weren't biting
this morning,

But just now caught a bunch.

- I'm no fisherman.

- Oh...
But I bet you're hungry.

How about some lunch?

There's a secret baby barracuda
recipe I'm working on.

Do you want to challenge
your taste buds?

- Maybe next time.

[Phone beeping]

- Hey.
- Antonio, get here fast.

We have a nighlok attack.

- [Screaming]

- Now, now.
There's no need to panic.

All I want is your spirit.

- Ahh!

- [Gulps]

Nighty night.

What a spirit smorgasbord.

And I've still got room
for a little dessert.

I have such a sweet tooth
for spirited snacks.

Oh, talk about fast food.

Ha ha!


- Snack time is over for you,

- The samurai rangers?

- Ha!
You're done!

- Ha!

Body swarm!

- It's like dodgeball
with teeth.


- Mmm.
You'll make a fine dessert.

- Wait, no!

Both: emily!

- What did you do to her?

- Emily!

Emily, are you okay?

Wake up.

- Mmm-mmm.
I have to say it--

Her spirit was delicious,

And in hours,

It'll be mine forever.

- Huh?
- What?

- Forever?

- Of course,
ifif you defeat me,

You could have
all their spirits back.

But you won't have the chance

Because I'm heading back
to the netherworld

Where no mortal can follow.

- What?
- Huh?

- Guys, we've got to stop
this creep.

- All of you try to enjoy your
one last day with your friend,

Because I'm leaving
and I won't be coming back.

- No.
We won't let that happen.

- Yeah!
- No way!

- Yes way!
See ya.

- Wait.
Get back here.

- You're not going anywhere.

- Yah!

- Ha ha!
- Watch out!

- It's time to take you out.

- Body swarm!

Have a nice day.

- He's gone.

- What do we do now?

- Oh, no.
Poor emily.

The sun's already setting.

By this time tomorrow,

She may never wake up.

- People, including emily,
had their spirits stolen.

- Paging dr. Smith.
Dr. Smith.

- Wake up.

What's wrong?

- Official hospital reports

Say that the patients
are resting comfortably,

But we know better.

- I can't believe
by tomorrow night,

Emily and all those people
could stay asleep forever.

We have to defeat that nighlok
before that happens.

- But he said he won't leave
the netherworld.

What can we do?

- We have to do something.

No matter what it takes,
we have to save her.

- I won't let this happen
to emily.

- [Tittering]


- Summarize symbol--

Oh, man.

So close.

- [Tittering]

- I told you I'd fill the river
with more tears.

And just think,
who will suffer more--

Those who sleep forever

Or those who watch over them?

Ha ha ha!

- Emily.
- Em.

Emily's awake!

- Sorry, guys.

I let him get me.

- Don't be silly.

We're just glad you're okay.


- Thanks for putting on
the brave face for me,

But I know I'm not okay.

I feel empty.

- Don't worry.
We'll figure it out.

- We're not going
to let you down.

We'll save you.

Just hold on till then.

- No!
She's falling back to sleep.

- Emily!

- Mike!

- Look after her.

- Nighlok!

Come out, you coward!

You can't do this to emily.

Do you hear me?

- Stop!

- Calm down!
That won't do anything.

- Then what should we do?

Tell me.
What should we do?

- Mike!

[Lightning crackles]


- It seems I have bad timing.

I thought we could finally duel,

But you were obviously

- If you know that,
then go away.

I don't have time
for your games, stranger.

- There is one way
for humans like you

To enter the netherworld.

- Really?

- Simply trade
your human existence

To become a nighlok.

Willingly give yourself
over to them

And pass through the gap.

- Wait.

Are you saying you made
that choice?

- I don't remember
how it happened to me,

But I'm living proof
it can be done.

I welcome you to do it.

You can then fight in ways
no living human can.

It'll make our impending duel
even more glorious.


- Become a nighlok?

- Hang on, emily.

- I'll do it.

- Wait--it's our mission
to save the entire world.

We can't just--

- Then you stay behind.

Emily's the best of us.

She has the sweetest
most caring spirit,

And I won't let that nighlok
keep it.

- Mike, I know how much
you care about emily,

We all do,

But remember it's our duty
to protect and save the many--

- What I want to save right now
is emily,

And I'll do whatever it takes.

- We also need to save all those
other poor people in hospital.

I'll go with you, mike.

- No.
We're a team.

We'll all go.

- Wait, stop!

Mentor told me you guys
were here.

- Antonio?

- I think I may be able
to draw that nighlok back

Through the gap.

- For real?

- It will take a lot
of symbol power--

And the clawzord.


- [Laughing]

Just a little longer

And the humans' grief
and suffering

Will reach their peak.


- Let's do this, guys!

symbol power--live!

- Again!

[Together] ha!

- More!

We need more symbol power

For it to fully activate.

[Together] hmm.

- Live!
- Live!

- Live!
- Live!

- Ha!

- What's going on?

I feel something.

A power symbol?

- Now!

- Ugh!

- Hyah!

- Ugh!

- Hyah!

[Together] live!


- Oh, no!


Whoa, whoa.
What kind of a ride is this?



What's going on?

What--what is that?

- That's my buddy clawzord.

And he's new in town.

- But I was in the netherworld.

How'd you get me here?

- It's simple.

When we came in contact,

I marked you with the symbol--

The same symbol
I've been working with

To program the clawzord.

- What?
You marked me?

- Yeah!

And after I finish programming
the clawzord,

I just needed the other rangers
to help me activate him.

Once we did that,

I knew you'd be drawn out
of the netherworld

Just like a magnet.

And it worked like a charm.

- This is outrageous.

I refuse to believe
you can beat me like this.

No, no, no.

- Shut your mouths.

You're going to pay
for what you did to emily.

- It's time to end this.

- We're going to take back
every spirit you've stolen.

- Enough talk.

- It's time to light you up.

- Like this.


- Barracuda blade!

- Body swarm!

What's going on?

Why can't I do the body swarm?

- Get with the program.
You've been marked.

- Well, I'm marking all of you
for demolition.

- It's time to pay.

- No, it's not.


- You won't get away this time.

Hydro bow.

- Sky fan!

- Ah!

- Forest spear.



- Alley...oop?


- Fire smasher.


- Yeah!
Burst his bubbles.

- Golden!
We got him.

- Think again!

I'm going to delete
your programs.

- Huh?

- Without emily, we can't
combine into a megazord.

- no problemo, mia.

Leave this to me.

Clawzord and I will close
this deal.

Samurai morpher!

- Megamode power.


- Clawzord,
time to cook.

Let's find out what
this clawness can really do.

I wan to put the pinch
on this guy.

All right!


- Hey, crabby!

Did you like getting cooked?

- Time to try out
these pincher claws.


- Ah!



- Whoo.
That lobster really boils.

- Enough fooling around,
crab cakes.

Rise up, giant moogers!

- This will be
a golden opportunity

For some target practice.

Claw spinners!


Now for our big trick...

Clawzord transformation!


[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Time to call
the beast of the east.

Claw battlezord east.

♪ ♪

Oh, you want some more?

Check this out.


Go west, young lobster.

Claw battlezord west.

♪ ♪


- Looks like antonio
needs our help.

Mike, kevin, come on.

I've got a plan.

♪ ♪

- Lion foldingzord.

- Dragon foldingzord.

- Bear foldingzord.

megamode power!



- Swordfish zord.

- Tiger zord.
- Beetle zord.

zords combine.

Samurai battle wing.

We are united.


- Huh?

- [Screaming]

- Thanks, mi amigos!

- You're all clear.

Now take this battle
in a new direction.

- You got it!

Why don't we go down south?


Claw battlezord south.


- Come on.

What's with all
the costume changes?

Pick one.

- Deal with it, nighlok.

That's just the way we roll.

♪ ♪

- Oh, big deal.

- I've got a special combo
just for you.

- [Grunting]

- Did you really think
you could get away with this?

We'll beat you like a drum
every time,

Until every single nighlok
is defeated.

- Whoa!

- Hey, I want those spirits

And I want 'em now!


Double katana strike!

- Ah!

Oh, you crabby crustacean.

Cut it out!

- Not cuts.
Just slashes.

Let's mix things up.

Megablade activate.


Claw battlezord east.

- Uh-oh.

- Claw battlezord east.

Claw pincher slash.

♪ ♪

That should do it.

- Oh!


- fantastico.

- [Inhales deeply]

- Welcome back.

[Ethereal music]

♪ ♪

- Ooh!
That was golden.

And just in the nick of time.

- Samurai rangers,
victory is ours.

- Come on.

- Mia, what's up?

I'm fine now.

- I know, but you're about
to get even better.

- What is all this?

[Together] surprise!

- Happy birthday!


- Are you surprised?

- Mm-hmm.

- It's from your sister.

- "Happy birthday,
my darling sister.

Miss you heaps.
All my love, serena."

- And what's a birthday

Without a cake?

- [Laughs]

- Clawzord?

- It's his birthday, too.

- [Tittering]

- Okay.

Yoyou guys are the best.

- No, emily.
Mike was right--

You're the best.

We're just so happy
to see that you're okay.

Today victory really is ours.

- Who wants cake?

- Oh, ah...

You baked me a cake?

- No, sorry.

We got this cake
at the bakery.

- I understand.
You were busy.

Let's dig in.

- Blow out your candles.
- Make a wish first.

[Together] yeah!

- Now op m my present.
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