18x14 - Room for One More

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x14 - Room for One More

Post by bunniefuu »

Male narrator:
centuries ago in japan,

Nighlok monsters
invaded our world,

But samurai warriors
defeated them with power symbols

Passed down
from parent to child.

Today the evil nighlok
have risen once again

And plan to flood the earth.

Luckily, a new generation
of heroes stand in their way.

They are
the power rangers samurai.

- He's so fast
when he's the gold ranger.

I'm surprised
he's not here already.

- [Sighs]
just because antonio showed off

When we beat that nighlok

Doesn't mean
he's fast at everything.

- It's true.

We really don't know
much about him.

But at least
jayden can vouch for him.

- Yeah.

We were friends
from the moment we met.

[Dreamy trill]

- Hot, fresh bread here.

- His father
owned the local fish market.

The times we played together
were really the only times

I got to feel like a normal kid.

- Aha, we saved the world again.

- Yeah, all right!

- Jayden,
are you practicing or playing?

- But it did drive mentor crazy,

Because it distracted me
from my training.

That was before antonio
had to move away.

- So if he moved away,

How did he become
the gold ranger?

- Wait.

He's definitely got some skills,
but he's not a true samurai.

It doesn't run in his family,

And he hasn't
any formal training.


Plus, we have no idea
what this guy is up to.

[Funky music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, buddy, how do I look?

- [Rattling and squeaking]

- It's time for me
to go to the shiba house

And join the samurai rangers.

[Lively rock music]

♪ ♪

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- Antonio.

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

♪ ♪

- Antonio's late.

Can't say I'm surprised.

Did he say he was bringing
the octozord with him?

- I don't know. Why?

- Well...

When jayden was a boy,

He gave it to antonio
when I wasn't looking.

- What?
You gave him a zord?

- Look, I was a little kid.

I didn't know any better.

- By the time I found out,
antonio had moved away,

And I didn't think he'd actually
figure out a way to activate it.

Jayden threatened
he'd quit being a samurai

If I tried to get it back.

- Like I said:
I was a little kid.

- Wow, such a rebel.

- Sounds like you guys
were really good friends.

I bet you missed him
when he moved away.

- Yeah.

[Shoes squeaking]

- Huh?


- [Grunts]

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to introduce to you
the sixth samurai,

The gold ranger,


Antonio garcia.

- And you thought I was cocky.

- Mm.

- Jayden, please,

Allow me to join you
and your team

In the fight
against the nighlok.

[Fabric ripping]
- [laughs]

- Ooh, that's not good.


- [Laughs awkwardly]

It's no big deal, really.

It's happened before.

Not a lot or anything.


- [Chuckling]
can you guys help him?


- I'll just be a moment.

- [Chuckles]

He hasn't changed a bit.

- Heh.
He's as energetic as ever.

He clearly
still looks up to you.

- He always wanted
to be a samurai.

I remember
like it was yesterday.


- Nice swordplay.

- Thanks, but it doesn't matter.

My father's not a samurai.

I couldn't be a real samurai
like you.

- Sure, you can.
I'll make you a samurai.

- [Gasps]

You can do that, for real?

- Why not?
I'm a samurai, right?

[Dreamy trill]

- I don't know what to do, ji.

- You're too close to this.

Let me handle it.

- Octoroo!

- Ow!

- You study
but never give me answers

About the sealing power!

There are others
in the netherworld

Who could use it against me,
you noodle face.

[Creatures squeaking]

- Ow!

I'm researching and spying
on the red ranger constantly.

But, boss,
we have another problem.

The samurai rangers--
there's six of them now.

- What?

- Round and round I go!

- What is this?

- Say hello
to steeleto.

- Why are you on the ceiling?

You're not a bat.

- Since those rangers cut down
my nighlok buddy volpez,

I plan to cut them down to size.

I won't rest until those rangers
get a taste of my blades.



- He's so batty,
he belonged on the ceiling.

- [Giggles]

[Whimsical music]

[Dreamy trill]

- [Snoring]

- [Whimpers]

[Moogers garbling]

- [Chuffs]


- [Gasps]

Help me, samurai warrior.

You're my only hope.

- [Squawking]

- [Whimpering]

[Moogers garbling]

- [Sucking in air]


[Moogers screeching]

- Oh, my hero.

[Blender whirring]

- Oh, man.

I almost met her.

- Eh, sleepyhead,

About time you woke up.

I'm making--

[Blender whirring]



- [Laughs shrilly]


- You were able to make this
from what jayden taught you

In studying
the octozord systems?

- It really wasn't that hard.

- So what are you,
some kind of techie?

- I don't know.

I-i've just always
been good with gadgets.




I have always just wanted
to be a samurai.


I know I wasn't born into it
like you guys,

But I just kept practicing
what jayden had taught me.

I was trying to take things
to a higher level,

But I was really stuck.

[Dreamy trill]

But when I figured out how to
talk to octozord with texting,

Everything fell into place.

And now I am finally ready
to join you

In the fight
against the nighlok.

- Yeah!

- Yeah, it'd be great
to have you along.

- The more, the merrier.

- Right!

- No.

I'm afraid
that's simply not possible.

- No?
What do you mean?

- Antonio, it's just too
dangerous to put you out there

Without the necessary
formal training.

- But I don't understand.

Didn't I help you all win

- You did, but not all battles
will be that simple.

If you don't have the training--

- But I do!

Look, sure, I did it by myself,

But I can hold my own out there,
and you saw it.

- Antonio, I'll hold on to this,

- No, give it back!

- Antonio, stop!

[Alarm buzzing]

[Intense music]

♪ ♪

- It's at benton street,
the underpass.

- Let's go.

- Wait!


I can come with you, right?

Tell ji
how you made me a samurai,

That I'm supposed to fight
by your side.

- Ji is right.

This isn't little kid stuff

I'm so sorry,
but you're not really a samurai,

And we don't need
a sixth ranger.

- But...

- I'm sorry.

Let's go.

[Somber string music]

♪ ♪

- Yeah, I'm sorry too.

- [Grunting and yelling]

[Women screaming]

[Swords chinking]

[Cackling evilly]

Yawn. Too easy.

Well, your time's up.



- Nighlok, stop right there.

Well, hello, rangers.

Better late than never.

Time to pay you back

For destroying my fellow
nighlok friend volpez.

- Good luck with that.

- I won't need luck.

[All grunting]

[Swords clashing]

- [Grunting]

- Now!

- Don't worry.
I've got my own back.



- Emily! Mia!

- I've never seen that before.

- Watch out.

- That's right. Watch this!



- Mike! Kevin!

- Don't feel left out.

I haven't forgotten you.

- Really?

Well, soon you'll be nothing
but a memory.

[Swords clashing]

- [Growling]

[Both grunting]

- Can you take the heat?


- Uh!

- Full body blades!

[Blades chinking]


Oh, man.

Lucky for you,
I'm dried out.

You won't be so lucky
next time.

Hate to cut this short,
but got to go.


- Is everyone okay?

- Yeah, we're all right.

- That nighlok
had some nasty moves.

- Yeah, we'll have to come up
with a new strategy.

- Maybe the best new strategy
for us is an extra ranger.

- [Sighs]
you might be right.

- Mentor and jayden
said they don't need me,

And they took away
my samurai morpher.

What was I thinking anyway?

I could never be a real samurai.

- - Hey, antonio.

- What do you guys want?

- Came to talk to you, dude.

- Must have been hard for you,

Having to send your friend away
like that.

- I had no choice.

He's not a real samurai.

Like ji said, having him around
could be dangerous,

Not just for him
but for us too.

- You've known antonio forever.

The idea of him getting hurt
must bother you.

- Of course. He's my friend.


[Both grunting]

- Leading us on dangerous
missions is hard on you,

But putting an old friend
like him at risk too?

That's too much pressure, huh?

[Both grunt]

I hit the nail on the head,
didn't i?

- Think what you want.

[Birds chirping]

- She is right,
and you know it.

Why do you have to be
so stubborn, jayden?

I know the risks.

And you need my help.

- Antonio,
we've already talked about it.

There just isn't--

- We're saving the world here.

How could an extra ranger
not help?

- Look, guys...

- Jayden, antonio accepts
the risk, just like all of us.

You're our leader, but that
doesn't make you responsible

For what we choose to do.

- Well said, pretty lady.

- I'm not sure that I can risk--

- Jayden,
he doesn't have the training,

But I have to admit,
we can use the help.

I say we give him a chance.

- That's right.


I have trained myself quite--

[Alarm buzzing]

- The attack is at the northern
peninsula construction site.

- Please, let me have
my samurai morpher.

- Remember,
we'll always be friends,

No matter how far away we are
from each other.

- All right, I'll keep training,
and when you become red ranger,

I'll come back
and be a samurai too, okay?

- Okay.

- I won't let you down.

This has been my dream.

It always has been.

- Antonio...

You are the sixth
samurai ranger.

- All right.

You won't regret this.

[Inspiring music]

♪ ♪

- Let's go.

[Dramatic music]

- Get out of my way, mortals.

The rangers I'm gonna shred
should be here any second.

[People yelling frantically]

Oh, here they are now.

[Moogers garbling]

- Can you guys move down
just a bit?

[Barrels crashing]

All: samuraizers!

Go, go, samurai!

[Lasers zapping]

- Samurai morpher!

Gold power!

[Dramatic rock music]

♪ ♪



All: ha!

Samurai ranger ready!


- Huh!

Samurai ranger ready!


Huh! Huh!

All: rangers together!

[All grunting]

Ha! Huh!

Samurai forever!

- You know, rangers,
forever is a long time.

Moogers, attack!

[Moogers garbling]

[All grunt]

- So cool.

[Swords clashing]

- Yeah, at last, I've done it!

I'm a true samurai.

Oh, I better go help.

Barracuda blade.

Huh! Ha! Ha! Ha!

[Blade zapping]

[Electricity zapping]



If that was too fast for you,

Here's an instant replay.

[Tape rewinding]

Huh! Ha! Ha! Ha!


As you can see,
the barracuda blade

Has quite a bonita bite.


- Fire smasher.



- [Chuckles]

Good one, jayden.

That was unreal.

- You want to see
something unreal?

Steel blade scatter shot!

[Blades chinking]


[Both grunting]

- Take cover, guys.

Antonio, we need to handle
this creep ourselves.

- Yeah, just like
when we were kids.


Leave it to me.

Swordplay is my specialty.

[Both grunt]

- [Growls]

[All grunting]

Is this your backup plan?

'Cause I won't be backing up
for long.


[Blades clashing]

Nice try.

Full body blade!

- Here it comes.


[Blades clashing]

- That's...a lot...of blades.


- Keep going. We've got this.


[Blades shattering]

- No way!


- Spin sword.

- Barracuda blade.

Barracuda bite.

- Blazing strike.

- Uh-oh!


You don't have to be so snippy.

- ♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪


- Whoo, one nighlok down.

- That was epic.

We did it, mi hermano.

Did you guys see that?

- Everybody did.

- Good job.

- Don't forget the mega monster.

- Time to mow you rangers down.

- Sorry, antonio, we've got
to mega morph without you.

All: megamode power.

Zords combine!

Samurai megazord.

We are united.

- Time to shred rangers.





Full body blades!


[Blades clashing]

[All grunting]


- No way.

You can't treat my friends
like that.

Octozord, I need you.

- [Squeaking]

- Time to finish you all.

- [Whirring]

- Hey!

- [Squeaking]

- Guess you forgot about me,


I have mega power too!

I'm ready.

- Wait a second.

Jayden, if the octozord

Originally belonged
to your family...

- Of course.
Good thinking.

Did you hear that, antonio?

- I know. I know.

Samurai armament!


[Steam hissing]

[Dramatic rock music]

♪ ♪

Ultra spear megazord
armed for battle.

- Wow, what an awesome combo.

- Thanks, amigo.

- Yeah, welcome.

- Wow, so this is what
a megazord cockpit looks like.

- Yeah.
- Nice.

- Welcome wagon's over.

Here he comes.

- Full body blades.

- Take this.

Spear thrust.

- [Yells]


- Ice breath!

- Ahh! Now, that's cold.


[Ice crackling]

[All grunting]

All: mega blade activate.

- Mega blade activate.

Man, this is magnifico.

[Blades chinking]

- Katana power.

[All grunting]

[Blade chinking]

- Nice!

Let's take him out.

[Electricity zapping]

All: samurai strike!

[All grunting]

- ♪ Go, go, power rangers ♪

- Ahh!


- ♪ Rangers together ♪

♪ Samurai forever ♪

- Samurai rangers--

- This calls for a fish fiesta
when we get home.

Dude, I did it!

Did you guys see that?


- Come on, guys.

- Yeah!

- You're right.

- Let's celebrate.

- Samurai rangers,

Victory is ours.

[Grill sizzling]

- vamos a comer.


- This looks almost as good

As my baked beans, mustard,
and mint fish casserole I make.

- [Chuckles]

- Thank you.

- Jayden, I may have been wrong
to exclude antonio so quickly.

- I think we both were.

Things keep changing on me
so fast.

First taking on the team,

Now antonio.

It's not like
when it was just us.

- Yes, but that's what
being a leader is all about.

It's not all on you.

They have chosen their path.

You did not choose it for them.

- Thanks, ji.

You're right.

- Hey, are you two wallflowers
gonna join us?

- Yeah, hurry up
before I wolf it all down.

- You do not need
to ask us twice.

- It's good to have you back,

You're worth your weight
in gold.

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