18x03 - The Team Unites

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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18x03 - The Team Unites

Post by bunniefuu »

[Both grunt]

- The life of a samurai

Must be one of discipline
and order.

Samurai must constantly improve
their skills

To ready themselves for battle.

- Ah!

- Are you okay?

- Of course.

- Get into your opponent's head.

Use your instincts

To sense their next move
and feel their attack coming.

- Wow, kevin that's amazing.

- Aah.

- Mike, always keep
your guard up.

- Mike, let me ask you...

- Hey, that's not fair.

You distracted me.

Okay, I get it.

Let me try again.

One more time.


- Now watch this.


- Huh?



- Oh.

- Hey, where did mike go?

- Hmm.


[Lively rock music]

¶ ¶

All: samurai forever!

- Jayden.

- Mia.

- Mike.

- Kevin.

- Emily.

- ¶ Go, go, power rangers ¶

¶ ¶

- ¶ Go, go, power rangers ¶

¶ ¶

¶ Rangers together ¶

¶ Samurai forever ¶

¶ ¶

¶ Go, go, power rangers ¶

¶ ¶

¶ Go, go, power rangers ¶

¶ ¶

¶ Rangers together ¶

¶ Samurai forever ¶

¶ ¶

- With a water level this low,

We'll never flood earth.

- Ooh, ah, ooh!
You're a downer, dayu.

If we just frighten
those human crybabies,

The water will rise
and we can sail out of here.

- Then quit flapping
your noodles

And start scaring some humans.

In case you've forgotten what
scared looks like, take note.

- You're in a violent mood
today, boss.

- Oh, rofer, I'd ask you
to lend a hand,

But why not lend us two?

- How about I lend you

Two of the finest fists
any world has ever seen.

- I hope you don't
brag like that

In front of
the samurai rangers.

- Huh-huh.

better watch what you say.

If it wasn't for master xandred,
where would you be?


- It's actually you.

you should watch
what you say to me.

You have no right
to even talk to me,

You big-fisted,
little-brained nitwit.

- Hey, I like my big fists,
and my brain is, uh...

- Oh, nitwit.

- [Snarls]

That's enough.

Both of you,
stop bickering.

- The sanzu river can't rise
with you standing here.

Rofer, you get down
to the business

Of getting those humans
to cry me a river.

- That's exactly what
I came here to do,

And I won't let

Any goody-two-shoes
power ranger stop me.

[Door clangs shut]

- Yo, uncle bulk,
what is this place?

- This is our new clubhouse.

I just finished fixing it up.

Here, you will learn the ways
of the samurai.

- Huh?

- But it's not going to be easy.

It's gonna be lots
of hard work.

- Uncle bulk, you got--

- I'm not finished.
- But...

- The path of the samurai
is full of sacrifice,

Full of discipline,
full of many hours of training.

- Uncle bulk--
- I'm not finished.

- But I'm trying to tell you...

- And by the way,
when we're training,

I'm not your uncle bulk.

- Huh?

Well, then who are you?

- Call me...


- Sens--who?

- Sensei.
It means "teacher."

- Huh. What about
when we're not training?

- Then you can call me
uncle bulk.

- Oh, okay, but....

- Anyway, this is where we eat,
where we train.

It's also our sanctuary,
a sacred place.


- [Giggling]


- Have you seen mike?

- No. What's going on?

- No one's seen him since
he left practice this morning.

- Where did he go?

- Ah, yeah!

Ha! That's awesome.

- That's what I call
sensing an attack.

- Hey, mike,
where you been anyway?

You're not at school.

You're never home.

You didn't even come
to graduation.

- It's kind of a long story.

- Come on, dude.
Tell us.

- How can I explain?

I joined this great team.

But they're all so talented.

It's intimidating.

- Oh, come on.
Don't sweat it.

You're the best gamer around.

You always read
the game's moves,

And then you drop some--

Some creative smack-down
on them.

- I can't sense
an attack like kevin.

- Who's kevin?

- I won't go back until I've
mastered this technique.

- [Slurping]

- I won't let my team down.

- I've never seen you
this serious before.

- Oh, it takes
some getting used to,

But protecting the entire world
from evil is a big deal.

- Protecting the world
from evil?

Well, what video game's that?

- [Screams]

- Hold on to your seats.
This is gonna get wild.

- [Yells]

- Care for some punch?

- This'll really grab ya.

- What is that?

- Nighlok.

- Hunh!

- Nigh-what?

- Nighlok--the monsters
I was telling you about.

- Let's get out of here!

- I'll be right back.
- Mike!

- If you like rap,
you'll love this move.

- I'm gonna take care
of this guy alone.

- Mike!

- You're running the wrong way.

Get back!

[Both yelling]

- I know I can do it.


Go, go, samurai.


You're through here, nighlok.

- Oh, yeah?

I won't be through
till I clobber you.

[Both grunting]

Hey, if you want
to hold my hand,

Try buying me
some flowers first,

You broccoli-colored bum!

- How about I buy you
a one-way ticket back to--


What just happened?

- I just served you
a knuckle sandwich.

You still hungry?

'Cause here comes
a second helping!

- Second helping?

What's that mean?



Aah! Aah.

- I'm as cool as an iceberg,
but I sting like a bee.

It's tough to stop
what you can't see.

- How's he going to...


- When it comes to my fists,
you're all thumbs.

- You're calling me
all thumbs?

- Hey.

Tired of my underground
fight-club trick?

Then I better take it
to new heights.

- You can't reach me!

Ahh, ahh, ahh.



I may be down,
but I'm not out.

- Now all that's left to do
is putting you in the dumpster.

Oh, yeah!

- That's enough!

You've worn out your welcome.


- Arm stretch!

- Unh! Aah!

- Jayden!

- Even the red ranger can't see
what's going on underground.

- Oh, wow.
Are you guys okay?

- Sure.
Now let's take this creep.

- Uh-oh, it feels like
I'm starting to dry up.

Guess I'd better punch out
for now.

Later, rangers.

- Thank goodness you were there.

You prevented that nighlok
from injuring lots of people.

- We came as soon as we heard.

- I thought I could
take him alone.

- That was brave of you,

But imagine
what could have happened.

- I know.

- Mike,

Being a samurai
is the ultimate sacrifice.

Since we're fighting evil,

You must stay away
from your family

And friends in order
to keep them safe.

- I realize that now,

But I at least got to go
check on my friends.

- Mike.

- I won't be able to hang out
with you guys for a long time.


But it's for your own good.

- The water replenished my evil.

- Ooh, ah, ooh.

The river level's gone up.

By scaring up the human world,

Rofer's got
their tear ducts flowing.

- That's good.

- I was dried out,

But after a nice soak
in the sanzu river,

I'm gonna go pound
those samurai rangers

Into chopped liver.

- With your frightening fists
fully functional,

You'll be pestering people
in no time.

That means our sanzu river
could be flooding

The human world soon.

This'll easy peasy!

- Those samurai rangers
won't know what hit 'em!

- Mike, being a samurai
is the ultimate sacrifice.

Since we're fighting evil,
you must stay away

From your family and friends
in order to keep them safe.

- Hunh!

Both: aah!

- Unh! Aah!


Unh. Aah.

I wish I could explain things
to my friends.

But beating this nighlok
comes first.

There's got to be a way
to stop this thing.

I have to figure out
how to sense

A nighlok's attack
before it comes.

- If we could only read
the enemy's next move...

- Then I can outsmart him.


[Wind howls]



[Triumphant music]

¶ ¶




- Run!

- What's going on?

- [Laughs]

Ah, yes.

You think you can run away,
but I got ya.

Believe me,

You're better off dealing
with me than master xandred.

Come on, group hug.



What fun.

- Hey, nighlok!
- Huh?

Punching bags, you're back.

- Samuraizer!


All: go, go, samurai!

All: go, go, samurai!

All: go, go, samurai!

All: go, go, samurai!

[Lively rock music]

Samurai ranger ready.

Rangers together.


Samurai forever!

- Hey!

- Hey!

Where's your green
ranger buddy?

Now that it's crunch time,
broccoli boy went bye-bye?

- Hey! You looking for me?

Hunh. Hiyah!

- Mike, you're back!

- Look out.

- You can't.

- I'm gonna try.

It's payback time.


Go, go, samurai!



Samurai ranger ready.

- Attack, moogers!

Go get your daily greens.

- I got some new moves

To go with my samurai groove.

- Mike, what are you doing?

- Come on. Let's help him.

- Right.
- You got it.

- Yeah!

- Spin sword, fire smasher!


- Spin sword, dragon splash!


- Spin sword, airway!


- Spin sword, seismic swing!


- Huh! Ha!

Spin sword, lightning fury!


- You're about to develop

A bad case
of fist-aphobia, ranger!

- Aah!

- Did you have a nice flight?

- Bring it on, long arms.

- You? Asking for it?

Arm stretch!

- So go for it!

- [Grunting]

- Anticipate his next move.


- Your arms aren't fast enough
to get me, are they?

- So your strategy
is running away?

As if that'd work.

- Looks like it's working
so far!


[Car horn honks]

- You should never play
in traffic.

But go ahead and run.

You can't hide
from my long-distance fists.


It's just a matter of time
before I clock ya!

- Aah!


Your attack's losing its punch.

All you're doing
is wrecking some concrete.


- Hey!
- Did you miss me?

- Maybe, but I won't
miss you this time.

- Wh--whoa!

- I got it.

- Jayden!

- So he stopped one punch,
but I've got two arms!

- Unh!

Jayden, are you okay?

I'll take him out.


- Hey, what kind
of move was that?

- Kind of tricky, wasn't it?

- Once I reel my arms back in,
you're gonna be toast.

Huh? What's up with my arms?

They're all tangled up.

- Time to give you
a taste of my spin sword.

- Spin sword, forest vortex!


- If I could get
my hands on you...

- Aah!

- [Groans]

- How does that grab you?

- Hiyah!

- Ha!
- Huh!

- You were amazing!

So great!

- I guess you did okay.

- Hey!

- Lighten up, kevin.

After all, mike did defeat
that nighlok.

- Yeah.
- Nice job.

- Thanks.

- Time for round two.

He's coming back
as a mega-monster.

- Let me try and take
this knucklehead down myself.


[Lively rock music]

¶ ¶

Bear foldingzord.

Mega-mode power!


All right, let's do this.

- Your bear's not worth my spit.


- You'll never hurt
my friends again.

Time to go into mauling mode.

- [Groaning]

- Aw, he shouldn't be
doing this on his own.

- Come on. Let's help him.

- Wait for me.


[Lively rock music]

- Lion foldingzord.
- Ape foldingzord.

- Turtle foldingzord.
- Dragon foldingzord.

All: mega-mode power!



¶ ¶

- I think it's time
for me to kick back.


- Thanks for having
my back, guys.

- Rangers, we need
to combine--now!

Zords combine!

- Here we go.

[Triumphant music]

¶ ¶

All: samurai megazord.

We are united.

- I've taken this as far
as I can on my own.

Let's finish
this nighlok off together!

- Right!

- Right!
- Yeah!

- Let's do this thing!

- Mike, you've come a long way.

- Here's the attack.

- You look mega hungry
for a big-time battle,

So have a punchy portion
of my tasty titanic trick!

Arm stretch!

[All gasp]
- huh?

- Just follow my lead.

- Jayden, what's up?

We're not just going to stand
here waiting, are we?

- Just use your instincts
to sense his attack.

- Are you sure?

- If we concentrate hard enough,

We'll be able to read
his next move.

- I'm with ya.

- Okay. Just focus.


Wait for it.

- Hey! Did you fall asleep?

Well, here comes
your wake-up call.

- Now!

- What? How did you...

I'm all tied up!

- We did it!
- Fantastic!

- Let's finish this!

- Oh!

No way!

[All grunt]

[Lively rock music]

¶ ¶

- Hiyah!

Katana power!

Bye-bye, nighlok!

- Oh, no!

I'm all punched out!

All: samurai slash.


- Uh-oh!


- We knocked him out!

- Amazing!

- Sure was!

- [Sighs]

- Good work, mike.

- Yeah, you were great.

- The way you tricked that
nighlok was beyond creative.

- It was so cool how you used
those wacky arms against him.

- Yeah, couldn't have done it
better myself.


- Well, the truth is...

I did trick him,

But it wasn't enough.

Actually, it was jayden
who helped me defeat him.

I only anticipated the attack
of one of his arms.

Jayden got the other one.

I couldn't have done it
without him.

- We can do anything as a team.

All: rangers together!
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