23x20 - Edge of Extinction

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x20 - Edge of Extinction

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) Millions of years ago,

Fire! the evil Sledge tried to steal

the greatest power in the universe.

Bring me the Energems.

But an alien named Keeper

entrusted them to dinosaurs.

(Keeper) You must keep the Energems safe.

(narrator) As for Sledge... It's a b*mb!

He was blasted deep into space.

Now the Energems have been found,

and Sledge returns to battle a new team of heroes.

Dino Charger! Ready! Ready!

(announcer) Power Rangers

Dino Super Charge!

My crazy supervisor

thinks it's a dinosaur egg.

Whoa... So I called the museum.

He watches too many movies.

(Shelby) What is that thing?

I have no idea.

Yeah, I'm not touching it.

I just want that creepy thing gone.

We'll take care of it. Thanks.

Let's get it back to the base.

(Riley) Maybe Kendall will know what it is.

(rat squeaking)

(rat squeals)

(Sledge) I can't believe what a dump

this place has become.

(Snide) All of the eggs are ready.

The moment they hatch, the Earth will be doomed.


The Energems will be ours

before I'm done saying "I do"!

Yes, sir.

(Poisandra) I love it!

Love it, love it!

My wedding ring is beautiful!

♪ Ta-da! ♪

The Dark Energem looks great on you, Poisy.

But remember, it's bad luck

to wear your wedding ring before the ceremony.


Snide is going to be so angry

that you're giving it to me.

Ha! Don't worry about Snide, 'cause, shh...

Shh... He won't be around much longer.

Yippee! (laughing)

How are you going to get rid of him?

Well, I'll send Snide down to Earth

and then he's gonna...

So, you want to get rid of me?

I knew I couldn't trust you, Sledge.

We'll see who survives and who doesn't!


♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight, keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge all together ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪


Has Miss Morgan figured out

what that eggy thing is?

She said it's definitely alive...

but it's not from Earth.

Hmm. (Shelby) Maybe that's why Heckyl

said to get off the planet fast.

We have to find out what he meant.

Who, Heckyl? Yeah.

Well, why don't you go and ask him

when you give him his sundae?

(Shelby gasps) What?

What are you doing here, Heckyl?


Thank you.

I know it's not good for me, but

a man should be able to enjoy his last meal,

shouldn't he?

What do you mean, "last meal"?

It's something to do

with that egg we found, isn't it?

If you must know, that egg you discovered,

it will hatch into a Greenzilla monster.

You know... big,

green, giant tentacles.

Yes, we fought one before and we were victorious.

Oh, well, have you beaten six before?

Sledge planted them

all around the Earth.

Tokyo, New York, Hawaii,

China, England and... Amber Beach.

He's going to crush the whole world.

Then we need your help to find and destroy them.


My help?

Oh, you must be kidding.

The Heckyl that tried so desperately

to save his own planet

is the Heckyl we need to help us save the Earth.

That Heckyl doesn't exist


I touched the Dark Energem.

There's no goodness left in me.

Then why did you help us against Badussa?

Let's do this!

Dino Morpher Blast!

My amulet!

The Dark Energem split you into Snide and Heckyl.

Snide is evil, but...

Heckyl isn't.

You've changed.

(Ivan) She's right.

It's over, Rangers.

Enjoy the last day of your lives.

I know I will.

Heckyl said Sledge planted five more,

all over the planet.

They're about to hatch

and destroy the Earth. Good heavens.

(alarm blaring)

It's started.

One's already hatched... in Tokyo.

Another Greenzilla

just hatched in England.

Seems like we're next.

Stand back! Aah!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

That was close.

(alarm sounding)

(Kendall) Oh, no.

China, New York, and Hawaii.

Three more Greenzillas.

Just like Heckyl say.

Rangers, this will be the greatest battle

you have ever faced.

No matter how hopeless it may seem,

you must never give up.

Don't worry, Keeper.

We didn't come this far to give up now.

(Chase) They may have five monsters,

but I've got news for them.

We've got five Megazords.

Rangers, join me.

All together, we must fight to survive

and save the universe.

(all) Rangers forever.

Keeper and I will oversee

the battles around the globe from here.

All five Megazords at once.

Let's go.


Summon Zords! Hah!

Summon Zords! Hah! Summon Zords! Hah!

(Mecha Voice) Engage!


(all) Summon Zords! Hah!



(Tyler) Dino Drive, activate!

Dino Super Drive Saber!

Dino Super Drive Charger, engage!

Hah! Dino Super Drive, activate!

(both) Dino Charge Megazord, ready!

(all) Ptera Charge Megazord, Para-Raptor Formation, ready!

(both) Plesio Charge Megazord, ready!

Titano Charge Megazord, ready!

Spino Charge Megazord, ready!

Time to destroy those Greenzillas!

Let's do it!


Let the fun begin!


My last day on Earth is gonna be a blast!




Aah... ha...!


All Megazords are in position.

Rangers, attack.

(Zenowing) Engaging the Greenzilla in China!

(Shelby) We're battling the New York Greenzilla!

(Ivan) Out of London, you green filth!


(James) You're done in Hawaii!

(roaring and snarling)


(all shouting)

Come on, Spino!

Oh, no!

We're stuck in its tentacles!

We can't escape!



We can't escape!

Gotta break into separate Zords!

(laughs) It worked!

Great job, Spino!

Now, let's get it!



Time to recombine!

(Mecha Voice) Zords, combine!

Ready for round two, Spino?


Pachy Wrecking Ball! Hyah!



Let's finish him!

Hah! Dino Super Drive Saber, activate!

Dino Chargers, engage!

Dino Super Drive Saber!

Spino Boomerang Whirlwind Finish!


Miss Morgan, the Tokyo Greenzilla is down!

Great job, Tyler.

I'm routing you and the Zords

to other battles.

We're on our way now.

Let's go! Hah!

(Wrench) Relax.

You look sharp, Master Sledge.

Oh, I think I'm gonna throw up.

Oh! There she is.

Waiting millions of years was worth it!

Oh! (groaning)

Easy! ♪ Here I come! ♪


What have I done? Aah...!

We'll be together... forever.

Yes, dear.

(rat squeaking)

Aah! A dungeon rat!

Aah! Where? Aah!

Whoa...! It's over there!

Aah! Poisy! Look out!

Whoa! Whoa!


Poisy! Oh!

At least things can't get any worse.

Master Sledge!

The, uh... ugh.

The Rangers have defeated the Greenzilla in Tokyo

and the egg at Amber Beach is missing!

An egg is missing?!

This wedding may be destroyed,

but my plan won't be!

Out of my way!

Wrench, trace the location of that last egg.

Snide, you get down to Earth and...

Me? Send Wrench.

Nobody cares if he gets left behind.

Hello! I can hear you!

I need someone I can trust to get that egg.

Good luck!


I'm not trustworthy?


Icing's an improvement on your face.

Shut your cakehole, Fury!

Now, help me up!

(Snide) Here we go...

Sledge won't be leaving me behind

if I have the Dark Energem.


Now to trace that egg's location

and destroy the Rangers!

It's too strong!

(both groaning)

Ptera Lightning Blitz!


Our att*cks aren't strong enough!

Then let's amp them up!

Koda, tell me what's happening in New York.

He very strong!

Stego Shield! Hah!

Tricera Drill!


Aah! Aah!

(all) Ptera Zord!

Fireball Finish!

(all) Hah!

What? It survived?

We've only defeated the Greenzilla in Tokyo.

Keep fighting, the world is relying on you.

(man on TV) All major cities are being evacuated.

Even with the beast in Tokyo destroyed,

the Power Rangers seem to be struggling

to beat these powerful monsters.

World leaders have declared a state of emergency.


(people screaming)


(woman) Becca?





(Heckyl) Excuse me, ma'am.

Is this your daughter?

Oh! Becca!


Thank you.

Thank you so much.




Snide is evil, but... Heckyl isn't.

You've changed.


I'm running out of power!

I need fresh Chargers!

Yah! Uhh!

Miss Morgan, it's going to destroy us!



Tyler send us Ankylo Zord!

Yes! That's what we needed!

Activate Dino Charge Megazord Tri-Ankylo Formation!

(Mecha Voice) Zords, combine!

Tri-Ankylo Formation, ready!

Ankylo Hammer! Ankylo Hammer!

Triceradrill! Triceradrill!

Ankylo Zord! Ankylo Zord!

Final Hammer... punch! Final Hammer... punch!

(laughing) Whoo-hoo!

We did it! Yes!

(Kendall) Don't celebrate too soon.

We've still got Greenzillas

in England, China and Hawaii to beat.

Ivan, Chase, Reilly.

How's it going in England?

His tentacles!

We can't get free!

Huh? Wh-what happened?

The Spino Zord!

Time for a new combination!

Just in time, Sir Tyler!

(Mecha Voice) Zords, combine!

Spino Charge Megazord, ready!

Hey, guys, sorry it took so long to get here,

but we thought you might need a hand.

Boy, are we glad to see you.

Let's finish this jolly green jerk.

Hah! Hah! Hah!


Ptera Zord Blast!

Ptera Lightning Blitz!

(Rangers) Monster extinct!

(both) Aah! Plesio Blast!

Hold on!

What's that?

The Pachy Zord!

Zords, combine!

(both) Pachy Zord... Wrecking Ball!

(both) Plesio Blast, Final Strike!

Your son came through again.

Monster extinct!

Come on! Zenowing needs

fresh Dino Chargers.

(all) Dino Chargers, ready!

Dino Chargers, engage!

Great! Now I have a chance against this beast.


Titano Zord, Final Colossal Crush!

All the Greenzillas are finally extinct.


(heavy footsteps)

Sorry, the museum is closed.



I don't think so!



Wrench tracked the location of the egg to here?

But this is the museum!

Of course!

Now it all makes sense!

Yah! Hah!

They've done it.

All the Greenzillas have been defeated.

(crashing and cracking)

What could that...

Watch out! Aah!



I'm okay.



So, your base has been under the museum

this whole time!

Allow me to provide the museum

with two new fossils!

Allow me to provide the museum

with two new fossils!

So, you destroyed the Greenzilla egg?

Ha! It doesn't matter now.

Once I finish you, I'll have something better.

The Purple Energem! (laughs)



No! The crystals!

And you're next!

I don't think so.


You're on my turf now, Snide!

Yah! Hah! Hyah!

Uhh! Yah! Hah!

Why can't you just stay still?


I will if you will.

(both grunting and shouting)


Kendall! No!

It's time you touched the Dark Energem

and felt all its evil power.

Your friends can't protect you now... huh?! What?!


I'll protect her.

Heckyl... How dare you interfere?

Aah... aah!

You've chosen the wrong side, Heckyl!


Thank you, Heckyl.

Yes, thank you.

I knew there was still good in you.

The Dark Energem must be destroyed.

This may be our last chance to get it.

Count me in.

Let's go.


Ah! Yes! There's the pod!

See you later, Rangers!

He's going to get away!

(Shelby) Don't think so!

Hah! Aah!

No! My pod!

Surprise! Huh?


(shouting and grunting)

You fools think you can stand up to me and Sledge?

Think again!

(shouting and grunting)

Are you okay, Miss Morgan?

I'm fine.

Ha-ha! Oh, no, you're not, Ranger.

Careful-- Snide has the Dark Energem.

Lucky we still have six Energems.

That's not enough power to destroy this.

(crashing and rumbling)

What was that?

The Ultrazord!

It's over, Snide!

We're taking the Dark Energem!

No, you're not!

You're in for a big surprise!

Magna Beam!

(all gasp)


Magna Beam!

Sledge! Fire the Magna Beam!

Aah, what do you want, Wrench?

I was busy.

Snide's calling for the Magna Beam.

Shall I fire it?

I don't think so.

Let the Rangers destroy him.

What? My backup plan

doesn't need him anyway.

Besides, Poisy is waiting for me.

Curse you, Sledge!

It's because of me you're in this world.

And I couldn't be happier to help you leave it.

Ready, everyone?

Keeper said it.

The Dark Energem must be destroyed.

(Rangers) Hah!

Last chance, Snide.

(Snide) I'll never give up!


Neither will we!

Titano Cannon!


(all) Hyah! Lock on target!

(Mecha Voice) Open Cannon Shield!

You'll never win, Rangers!

We'll see.

Dino Super Drive Saber... activate!

Dino Chargers, engage!

Titano Cannon...

Final Strike!

(all) Hah! Aah!



So long, Snide.

(Wrench) Do you take this monster

as your awfully wedded husband?

I do!

I do, too, my Poisy-poo-poo.

(both laughing) I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Yeah! (cheering and applause)

I'm the happiest girl in the universe!

Wait, my dear. I almost

forgot your ring.

(Wrench) Oh! Where is it?


Who stole the Dark Energem?

It must have been Snide!

No! Then the Rangers must have it now!

Find that Energem fast,

or my wife will be wearing your fur as a coat!

Yes, sir!

There's no way the Dark Energem

could survive that expl*si*n.


Over here, guys.

Don't touch it.

It's not even scratched.

If that blast didn't destroy it, what will?

(Heckyl) I can help you.

Luckily, Shelby was right.

I have changed.

And I want to help...

if... you'll let me.

Of course.

You're one of us now.

We'll finish this together.

(device beeping)

The Ranger base is under attack.

By Fury!

Keeper's there.

Let's go!


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