23x18 - Worgworld

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x18 - Worgworld

Post by bunniefuu »

(announcer) Long ago, an alien named Keeper

entrusted the greatest power in the universe

to dinosaurs.

(Keeper) You must keep the Energems safe.

(announcer) Millions of years later, the Energems were found,

and the evil Sledge fought ruthlessly to steal them

until the Rangers finally defeated him.

But from the ashes, a new threat arose.

Only one team of heroes can stop him.

Dino Charger! Ready! Ready!

(announcer) Power Rangers

Dino Super Charge!


One last visit to solitary,

where I can finally destroy Heckyl.


Hold it right there, buster! Yeah!

We had a deal.

I helped you and Heckyl escape solitary.

Now you owe me that big secret.

I'm not supposed to talk to you.

We could both get in lots of trouble. What?

Help me get out of here and I'll tell you something

that will knock your socks off.

(gasps) Really?

What do I have to do?

Fine! (whispers)

Speak up!


Are you serious?

I can't believe it!

Come on, Curio, let's go!


(alarm blaring)

What now?!

Hurry, Heckyl got loos!

No! Aah!

Oh, no!

Where is Heckyl, you bumbling boneheads?

(both groaning)

We couldn't stop him.

He was just too powerful.


Yaah! Aah! Aah!

Oh! Oh!


Master Snide, should I go after him?

You? A bucket of bolts?!

Ha! Aah!

Let him go.

He'll never stop Lord Arcanon's plan

to destroy those rotten Rangers. What plan?




♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight, keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge all together ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪


Be sure to visit Worg the caveman.


(mechanical voice) Worg...

(Kendall) Koda, you're the biggest fan

of our robotic caveman.

Or... the only fan.

Worg... Worg very exciting.

Yes, about as exciting as...

watching the paint dry.






Ah, young man.

Could you get a photo of us with the caveman?

Sure. (chuckles)


(Koda) See?

People love Worg.




Aah! Where's my hair?

Give that back, you...

Uh, sir, I, I wouldn't.


You look great.


I take it all back.

Worg puts on quite a good show.

Koda, I'm sorry,

but this is not working.

Uh, Worg just...


Please, try different mode.


Worg, attack.


Worg... serve.

Ah, now Worg work perfectly.

Worg... attack!

(all gasping) What?

My hat!

Worg, turn off.


Koda, get Worg out of there.

But he... (sighs)


(frustrated groan)

I sorry, Worg.


Your every wish is my command.


All right, two Bronto Burgers for the damsels...

You already finished my last order!

Koda, you are quite efficient today.

You're doing good work, Worg.


Right, and a tuna melt on rye...

Worg... Aah!


Yes. Worg like cooking.

Yes, well, Worg almost gave me a heart attack.

Shh... not say "attack."

Worg... attack!

What? (grunts)

Koda! (gasps)



Ha, missed me!



(Ivan) Koda, stop this madness!

(screaming and shouting)


Worg... attack.


Worg, turn off!

Worg... (Kendall) Koda...


Did you order more tomato?

Put... Worg... in... storage.

(rip, clatter)


Even Worg's sign's broken.

(laughing) What happened to you?

Worg happened. (laughs)

I have to go buy some more tomatoes.

All right, good luck, my friend.


(Tyler) Hey, uh, who are those guys?

Huh... it isn't Halloween, is it?

No. Maybe they're street performers.

Begin, Screech.

Oh, no. Hate trumpet music.

(distorted music and zapping)

What the...?

Zombies, attack!

(Riley) They're monsters!

Guys, quick, cover your ears!

Make him listen to the music!

Guys, come on!

Cover your ears! It's the music! The music!


(all groaning)

I am very sorry, Worg.

I tried to find good job for you but... I failed.

(music echoing, zombies groaning)

What you doing?

No... please...

Aah! You scaring me.



Hey, Koda, what's up?


What happened to them?

(music continues)

And that music.

It's t...

Oh, no, Chase.

Aah! Music very bad.

Shelby... Tyler...

You guys scaring me, stop!

Make him listen to my music!

Stay back.

I no want to hurt you.

When I have all the Rangers' Energems,

it'll be music to Arcanon's ears!

Please, stop!

(music continues, zombies groaning)


(music continues)

Cover ears! Keep music out!


(stops groaning)

Stop that! They must listen to my music!

I get Shelby! Don't hurt people!

(Chase) I'll cover their ears!

(Conductro) They're ruining our plan!

The Rangers are normal again! Play louder!

Get them!

That music stop now!

You can't stop the music!

(Ivan) Oh, dear. Swarm them!

We have to get trumpet!

Quick, get the trumpet! Aah! Right!

(grunting and yelling)

(Chase) Grab his trumpet!

Got it!

They broke our spell!

Our zombies are leaving!

But we not going anywhere.

It's... morphing time!

Dino Charger! Ready! Ready!

(all shout)

(mecha voice) Dino Chargers, engage!

(all) Energize, hah!

Unleash the power!


(all) Hyah!

Vivix, rise!

(all) Let's go!

(shouting and grunting)

(Conductro) My trumpet!

Riley, catch!

Got it! Chase!

Hah! You can fight,

but you can't hold a tone...!

Guys, I lost it!

Time for an intermission!

Koda, you okay?

(Screech laughing)

Yes. Hurry, we must get trumpet!

(Tyler) They're getting away!

They so fast. Where'd they go?

They'll be back.


Give us another chance.

Our debut wasn't a total fiasco.

Explain yourself.

We learned the Rangers

won't attack the zombies.

Perfect! Huh?

That's how I'll destroy them.

Hmm... you want to fight the Rangers,

but you couldn't even keep Heckyl from escaping!


You're useless, Snide! Get out!


We need to play your evil music over the whole city!

Then your zombies will overwhelm the Rangers!



(Kendall) Gather round, everyone.

Listen to this.

(distorted music plays, all gasp)

It's okay.

It, it won't affect you.

I filtered out the frequency

that was making you obey Conductro.

(Tyler) But why didn't the trumpet music affect Koda?

Well, the headset that controls Worg

just happens to transmit at the same frequency.

And mine blocked out all the music.

I couldn't hear a thing.

In other word, Koda, Chase, you were lucky.

We need to construct a new headset like Koda's

before they return, correct?

And then at least we can hear each other.

Sounds like we've got some work to do.


(Koda) I not like to do this.

You remind me of my old friends.

Do not feel bad, Worg.

This world not easy to live in.

When I first get here, I make many mistakes.

Just like you.


(cell phone ringing)


I want to tell you more caveman stories.

Like the time me and Taku and pet sloth Grog

were on mammoth hunt.

But I drop my spear!


Oh, I already tell you that story before.

You such good listener.


Me very sorry.

But now you have to go to storage.

I will miss you, my friend.



Four pairs down, two to go.

So, how do these work?

They'll filter out the evil music

but still allow you to communicate.


(alarm beeping)

Looks like we're out of time.

The evil music is being played downtown.

It's being heard over the whole city.

That means the entire city

is filled with zombies?

Okay... Riley, Shelby, Chase, Koda...

We'll head to the center of the music.

Ivan, Zenowing, join us

as soon as Miss Morgan finishes your headsets.

Yes, as fast as we can, Sir Tyler.


(music playing, zombies groaning)

Don't hurt them,

they're just innocent civilians.

Come on!

(music and groaning continue)

Follow me! I know another way!

(Tyler) We're getting closer.

(louder music, zapping)

Over here!

The source of the music is just past those zombies.

Yeah, we have to get through them.

But we can't hurt them.

(Koda) What we do?


We need to figure out a way to distract them.

I know who can help. Wait.

But, Koda...!

Worg, turn on!


Worg... run.


(music playing, zombies groaning)

We're gonna have to fight them.

No, we can't!

There's no other choice.

They're after our Energems.

(music continues)

(zombies groaning)


Let's fight.


What's Koda doing?

That not me.

That Worg.


Worg, run.

Worg... run.

(Tyler) Duck!

(Chase) Yes!

(Shelby) Amazing!

Worg saves the day.

Good work, Koda.

(Chase) Vivix!

Now... we fight.

It's... morphing time!

Dino Charger! Ready! Ready!

(mecha voice) Dino Chargers, engage!

(all) Energize, hah!

Unleash the power!


Let's do this!

(Chase) Our headsets

are still protecting us.

We can take care of these guys!

Shelby, come on!

Right behind you!

The music's coming from over here!

(Conductro) Yes! Yes!

This truly is my masterpiece!


(Riley) I think it's time to turn up the volume on this fight.

Dino Steel, now!

(Rangers) Armor on!

In here!

(Tyler) Hold it right there, you composers of cruelty!

(Conductro) Quiet in the cheap seats!

Tyler, the music, it's coming out of that machine!

Mind if we join you?

The more the merrier!

Let's mute these musicians!

(Tyler) Dino Steel, armor on!

Let's finish this!

Dino Charger, ready!

Weapons, combine!

(mecha voice) Dino Spike Charger, engage!

(others) Red Ranger launch!

(Tyler) Dino Spike, final strike!

Not so fast!

I can conduct anything!

Huh, he stopped the Dino Spike!



My turn.

Time to end this malicious melody.

(Tyler) Good timing, buddy!

(shouting and grunting)

Got you!

Now's your chance, Zenowing.

Indeed! (grunting)

(crackling, music stops)

Nice one, Zenowing!

Let's scratch this record...

for good!


The monsters disappeared!

(Arcanon) Foolish Rangers!

You think you've won? Ha!

I have you right where

I wanted you all along.


What's that?

Transform me with your power!

That the Dark Energem!

How observant!

Now you will experience

its true purpose.

There is no way of stopping me,

and soon your Energems shall be mine!

Careful, guys.


Prepare to witness real power!

(Rangers gasp)

Rain down the Fires of Chaos!

(zapping, thunder)

(Arcanon laughing)

(Rangers shouting)

It's over.

On the contrary, fiend!

My apologies for the delay.

Let's hit this oaf with all we've got!

You got it!


Ptera Super Bolt! Hyah!

(zapping, all groaning)


T-Rex Super Charge, ready!

All together, Ptera Lightning!

Silver Prism Slash!

(mecha voice) Dino Victory Charger, engaged!

T-Rex Super Charge Victory!

(all) Final... strike!

(Arcanon) Aah...!


(Tyler) What?! No!

Nice try.

That's not possible!

Magna Beam!

(beeping, whooshing, zapping)

This will be amusing!

(Koda) Arcanon big trouble.

(Tyler) We need Ultrazord power, now!

Dino Charger, ready!

Summon Titano Zord!

(mecha voice) Dino Chargers, engage!

Zords, combine!

Dino Charge Ultrazord, ready!

(Koda) Dino Charger, ready!

Dino Super Drive Saber.

Hah... hah!

(mecha voice) Dino Super Drive Charger, engage!

Dino Super Drive, activate!

You and your green face going down, Arcanon!

I am unstoppable!

Your one Energem cannot defeat the power of ten!


Take this!


Dino Head Spike!


Not even a scratch!

He's too strong!


I'm going to enjoy this.

(roaring, zapping)

(all shouting)

My victory is now certain!

Not as certain as you think.


What are you thinking, Zenowing?

Time to quit playing games

and use our most powerful attack.

You read my mind.

Yeah, let's do this! Hah!

Plasma Blast!

Dino Super Drive Saber, activate!

(mecha voice) Dino Chargers, engage!

Dino Super Drive Saber!

(all) Ultra Plasma Final Blast!

What?! No...!

(Zenowing) We did it, Rangers.

Monster extinct!



The Dark Energem...

Where is it?



When I'm... done with... the Rangers...

they'll be... history!

Speaking of history...

Guess who's back...?

Sledge? I thought you were destroyed.

It's a relief to see you, my friend.

We aren't friends.

I've caught outlaws for you for millennia.

Now it's time to collect the bounty.

Of course!

I'll gladly pay you in space bullion.

No, thanks.

I'll take the Dark Energem instead.

That wasn't our deal!

And besides, four against one is bad odds.

Good thing I got the band back together.


You betrayed me, Snide?

I've always been two-faced.

(all laughing)

(all screaming)

(Wrench laughing)

That'll show him!

(Sledge laughing)

It's good to be back, Poisy.

(Sledge laughing)


(woman) Let's check out Worg.

(man) Yeah.


Everyone thought Worg was useless except Koda.

I guess everybody has a purpose.

Maybe we should try a little harder

to find something for Worg to do around here.


(upbeat music playing)


What in the world...?

(Shelby) A Caveman Fitness class?


(music continues)

(all grunting)

Looks like somebody found Worg

the right job.

(music continues)


(all) Worg...!

Worg...! (laughs)

(music continues)


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