23x10 - Gone Fishin

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x10 - Gone Fishin

Post by bunniefuu »

(announcer) Long ago, an alien named Keeper

entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs.

(Keeper) You must keep the Energems safe.

(announcer) Millions of years later,

the Energems were found,

and the evil Sledge fought ruthlessly to steal them,

until the Rangers finally defeated him.

But from the ashes, a new threat arose.

Only one team of heroes can stop him.

Dino Charger! (all) Ready!

(announcer) Power Rangers Dino Super Charge!

(Shelby) Man, this place is beautiful.



I got a nibble!

Must be my lucky hat.

Another boot fish?

How many is that?


I am a lover, not a fisherman.

Ha ha!


And dinner.

Wow. Tyler and Ivan have got to see this.

Smile, Koda!

Bring him over. I gotta measure him.

Sorry, bud. Just wanted to meet you.

Ah-ah, not so fast.

We gotta measure first, bro.

Hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey!

Did you not hear me?

We have to figure out who catches the biggest fish.

That's the whole point. Relax, Riley.

I didn't invite you and your friends out here

to have a big competition.

Just chill out and have fun, okay?

Fine. Guys!

Guys, I think I really got one this time!


Catch of the day, mate.

(laughing) Nice catch!

You call that a fish?

Back in my day, a fish could eat an entire ship!

They're fishing for trout, not whales.

I kinda wish we'd gone with them.

Thank you. Please keep it confidential.

The Zendarian Science Academy have just informed me

they've found no trace of the silver energem,

and they've searched the entire Earth.

If the silver energem is not on Earth...

where could it be?

(alarm sounding)

That's not a good sign.

What is it?

There's a small object entering our atmosphere.

Its trajectory has it heading for...

Amber Beach. It's coming here.


♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight, keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge altogether ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪

There it is!

Whoa! What do you think it is?

Don't get too close.

We have no idea who might--

What? Greetings.

I am the Silver Ranger.

I send you this message from the far reaches of space.

Although I am bonded to the silver energem,

the vast distance between myself and my Titano Zord

has caused the zord to be deactivated.

The silver energem's been in space this whole time.

The location of the Titano Zord is--

No! Ha ha ha ha ha!

That was a real blast!

I told you not to damage it, fool!

Gimme that blaster!

You've given me another headache.

Trust me for a change.

Let's just destroy them.

Not gonna happen, fire freak!

It's Morphin time!

Dino Charger!

(all) Ready!

(man) Dino Chargers, engaged!

(all) Energize! Hyah!

Unleash the power!

Time to take them out!


Hold still!

You're making me dizzy!

That's just your brain getting rusty!


Coming over!

I'm gonna get a kick out of this!

I've got you now! Oh, really?

Looks like you got a mouth full of dirt to me!

Enough! Hyah! Ha ha!

The pod is mine!


You won't be laying a claw on it!


Oh! Master Fury!

Let's give them a saber sendoff!

Power Slash!


Oh, man. The message pod is really messed up.

It's bad, but I think I can fix it.

Let's get it back to the lab.

Yes, before Fury and his flunkies recover.

Okay, guys. Let me show you how a pro does it.

Oh, man!

Hey, I think that's a new record.

Sorry, bro, but you don't stand a chance against me.

My turn!


Did I win?

Not exactly.

Okay. I'll give it a shot.


My lucky hat!

Well. Yay.

Look at that.

Oh, man! Didn't count.

You didn't mean to hook his hat.

So what? So what?

This game is about skill, not luck.

It's about having fun, not competing.

Competing is fun.

You mean, was fun.

Hey, where are you going?

I'm going out in the boat,

away from my little brother.

Anyone see my worms?


Here are your worms.

(both retching)

Worms?! Yeech!

(Shelby) We thought they were noodles!


Singe! You fiery fool!

You ruined our chances of finding the Titano Zord!


Singe has told me exactly where it is.

What? That's impossible!

The message was cut off!

Don't be jealous, furball.

When it comes to finding things, I have my ways.

Aarrgh! But how?


Take Hookbeard and go zap that zord

'til it turns to dino dust!

Fine! Ha ha!

That's a job for my electro rod.

So, the silver energem found its way into space.

Truly surprising.

Well, once we have it, we'll have all ten energems,

and our work shall be complete.

Have you found the location of the Titano Zord?

The attack completely destroyed the memory drive.

There's no way of knowing where the zord is.

Maybe we can send a message to the Silver Ranger?

Perhaps. I'm trying to isolate its broadcast frequency now.

If we can't reach the Silver Ranger,

we'll never find the Titano Zord.

So that's why Snide picked you, Hookbeard.

The Titano Zord is underwater!

Time to zap it to smithereens!


It's a human!

(sinister laugh)

He's in for a nasty shock!

Hey, what the--

Uhh! Uhh!

Man overboard!

(sinister laugh)

Great! Now zap the Titano Zord!

Keep a lookout while I charge up.

You okay, Riley?

I'm worried.

You guys seen Matt?

He should be back by now.

Riley! Huh?

Come here!

What's up?

Look what I found.

That's Matt's boat.

Have you seen him? No.

But I found this.







Where am I?


Anyone there?

(rumbling) Oh!

How did I get here?

It's still working.


Matt, where are you?

(phone ringing) It's him!

Matt, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

What happened?

I was in the boat, and...

then suddenly, I was...

I don't know. Maybe hit by lightning.


Electro rod, zap!



They must have att*cked Matt's boat!

We can't let them see us.

Come on!

(Matt) I don't know where I am.

I remember being knocked in the water and then woke up here.

It's dark...

and it's shaking.


There's something--

(lightning flash)

(shutter clicking)

I'm sending a photo.

I got the pic.

Is that...

(Shelby) He found the Titano Zord?

It must have saved him!

And it's underwater?

Hang in there, Matt.

It's getting harder to breathe.

Hey, slow breaths, man.

Remember what you told me.

Just relax, okay?

This is a little different, bro.


Yep, you've definitely found the Titano Zord.

Riley's brother is trapped inside.

The monsters are here, too.

They're trying to destroy it.

Hang in there, guys. We're on our way.

I'll create a Titano Charger and be right behind you.

Perfect. Let's go!


Breathing is getting harder.


He's running out of air.

Guys, we're here!

Good timing.

Matt, you're not gonna believe this, bro,

but the Power Rangers are here to save you.

They're gonna come rescue you, okay?


Hurry, Riley.


His phone died. We gotta move. Come on.

Zap, zap! Ha ha!

Stop him!

Oh, no, you don't, Rangers!

You'll pay for this.

In your dreams!

It's Morphin time! Dino Charger!

(all) Ready!

(man) Dino Chargers, engage!

(all) Energize! Hyah!

Unleash the power!

Let's get 'em! Hyah!


Relax! Hookbeard's just destroying your zord!

No Mr. Zord power for you!



Your fighting's awful!

And so is your breath!

Watch out, Hookbeard! You're about to see red!

Reel it in, Hookbeard! It's over!

Dino Steel! Armor on!

Ha! Time to practice my casting!

Hyah! Huh? By putting you in a cast!

Ha ha ha!

Quit splashing! Time for slashing!

You're all wet, and all done!


Prepare to be obliterated!

Prepare to be obliterated!


Whoa! Thanks, Keeper!

Fury, leave now or feel my wrath.


I don't have time for your games!

That was awesome!

Now that we know the location of the Titano Zord,

work can begin.

Look at that!

(yelling, shouting)

I don't think it's monsters doing that.

Arggh! My electro rod has lost its zap!

Join the others.

I will clear the water from the lake.

Got it!

Waters rise!


I'm gonna get rusty.


You guys okay?

What happened?

They've uncovered the Titano Zord!

Let's get out of here!

(all) Whoa! Whoa! Awesome!

(Riley) With the water gone, Matt can breathe again!

Titano Zord, awaken!

Soon, you will reactivate, my friend.

If I can't destroy your zord,

I'll destroy you!

We'll see about that!

Dino Charger! Ready!



T-Rex Supercharge, ready!

(all) Dinosaur might, ready to fight!

Power Rangers...

Dino Super Charge!

I'm gonna grind you into chum.

It's about to get wild! Hyah!

Time to tackle these small fish!

Take him down!

The Titano Zord is starting to wake up!


Time for a royal headbutt!

What? Uhh!


My turn! Weapons combine!

Super Charge...

More blast!

You son of a sea biscuit!


Ha ha!

No way! He survived!

You missed the boat on that one, Red Ranger!

Better bring out the big fish!

Dino Victory Charger, ready!

Great idea!

Dino X Charger, ready!

(all) Combine!


Dinosaur might, ready to fight!


(man) Dino Victory Charger, engage!

Dino X Charger, engage!


T-Rex Super Charge!

Victory Maximum Final Strike!

Looks like I'm going under!

(all) Yay! Yeah!

Awesome! Fantastic!


Snide, make me bigger than a blue whale!

The Titano Zord's getting up!

You can do it, buddy!

Yes! I hope Matt's okay.

Yeah! Huh?

And it's going right back down!

Looks like we got bigger fish to fry.


Oh! Matt!

I think it's okay!


Still got some fight in ya, eh?

Huh. I can't believe my eyes.

It's really the Titano Zord.

Matt's trapped inside and the monsters are still attacking.

Don't worry, the Titano Charger is ready,

but this zord is very special.

It needs all our Dino Chargers to unlock its powers.

We'll take it from here, Riley.

You need to de-morph now and be ready for when Matt's released.

Okay. I'll pretend I don't know you.

You can trust us.

We got this.

(all) Dino Chargers, ready!

(all) Hyah!

(man) Titano Charger, engage!

Dino Chargers, engage!

Bring it, lame-a-saurus!


Riley! There's your brother!

It worked!


Matt! Are you okay?


Can you stand up?

You had me worried, bro.

Looks like he's okay. Yep.

Whoa. The Power Rangers.

(clearing throat) We're very grateful to you, Matt.

Without you, we wouldn't have found the Titano Zord.

Now we have a job to do.

Go get those monsters, Rangers.

We'll be fine.

Okay, guys!

It's time to throw back this rotten fish!

I'll sink my hooks into you!

And we'll sink your boat!

Dino Charger, ready!

Dino Drive, activate!

Dino Charger, ready!

Dino Super Drive Saber! Hyah!

(man) Dino Super Drive Charger, engage!

Dino Super Drive...


Look at this!

The Titano Zord cockpit is amazing.

And it feels so powerful.

Time for some laser spear fishing!




Wow, it's using our Dino Chargers to make new moves!

I can't get up!

It controlled gravity to crush the spike ball!

What is this, a fish fry?

He's tough. We need to amp things up.

You've got me steamed!

(all) Activate Titano Charge Mega Zord!


(man) Titano Charge Mega Zord, engage!

Titano Charge Mega Zord, ready!

This is fantastic. Let's do this!

You're no match for my spear, you titanic trash heap?

Huh? Did I forget to sharpen it this morning?

Get him! Hyah!

(Tyler) Time to give our Titano Axe a swing!

(all) Hyah!

Not my eggs of steel!

(all) Hyah!


For that, I'm gonna destroy you, hook, line and sinker!

Think again!

Titano Axe!

Now what?

Dino Super Drive Saber, activate!

(man) Dino Chargers, engage!

Dino Super Drive Saber...

(all) ...final colossal crush!


The tide has turned on me!


Monster extinct!

You can fool Snide,

but you can't fool me.

How did you know the location of the Titano Zord?

Call it intuition.

I'll ask one more time.


Who told you where to find the Titano Zord?


Hyah! Uhh!

Compared to my boss,

you don't know the meaning of the word evil.


Out of my way, litter box!

Master Heckyl, what happened?

I finally confirmed my intuition.

If you ever see Singe again...

destroy him.

With pleasure.

Ugh! These fools have no idea who they're messing with.

Let the waters return!

Now that we know the silver energem is safe,

it's time to consider our final task.

Defeating Heckyl.

Step one is finding his base.

I'm gonna make that my mission.

I'm getting really close, Tyler.

Pretty soon, this will all be over

and we can be together again.

Be safe, then.

I'm gonna miss you.

Sorry I ruined the fishing trip.

You didn't ruin it.

We just have fun in different ways.

Fact is, I wouldn't even be here if you hadn't saved me.

We may fight now and again,

but at the end of the day, we're always brothers,

and that's what really matters.


This baby is going on my wall.

Never caught one this big.

A size wide.

So, Koda...

I thought you caught all those fish using your bare hands.

I didn't realize you used worms for bait.

Oh, this not bait.

It's snack!

(gasps) Oh!

(all groaning)
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