23x05 - Roar of the Red Ranger

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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23x05 - Roar of the Red Ranger

Post by bunniefuu »

entrusted the greatest power in the universe to dinosaurs.

(Keeper) You must keep the Energems safe.

(announcer) Millions of years later, the Energems were found,

and the evil Sledge fought ruthlessly to steal them

until the Rangers finally defeated him.

But from the ashes, a new threat arose.

Only one team of heroes can stop him.

Dino Charger! Ready! Ready!

(announcer) Power Rangers

Dino Super Charge!


And then the Rangers are blasted to smithereens!



Those Energems will finally be ours!

I can't say I'm entirely jazzed by your plan, but...

go on.

It's not like anyone's pitched anything better.

Oh, what are you doing here,

you walking birthday cake?

Hold on there, snizzle Fury.

Heckyl, I have a plan you will be jazzed about.

You were eavesdropping?

Yes, and I must say I was not impressed.


Cool down, kitty cat.

This contains a computer virus

that will disrupt the Rangers' weapons.

Oh, you'll never get it

on their computer systems, Einstein!


I don't have to.

I have Ninja.

At your service.

Give me that.

No one's faster than me.

I'll do it in a flash.

Speed isn't everything, Ninja.

No, but it's cool.

If it doesn't work, bring it back,

and I'll use it against you.


♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight to survive ♪

♪ Try to break the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight, keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge all together ♪


♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪

Is that supposed to be a map?

Looks like a kid drew it.

I was five, okay?

And besides, crayon is waterproof.

My dad used to say it is great for the outdoors.

And to eat. No, Koda.

Let's see.

I don't trust that map. Hmm.

Here it is!



Is it buried treasure? Sort of.

Guys, guys, look. Here it is.


My dad and I

used to come camping here all the time,

and each time we'd come,

we'd put something in this box.


and photos.

And I...

continued the tradition ever since.

Oh, no way! (chuckles)

I got this baseball when I turned eight.

I was so excited.

Dad told me he would be leaving an expedition

just to be at my birthday party.

He never made it to the party.

And I haven't seen him since.

That is a sad tale indeed, my friend.

But, hey, um,

we know you're gonna find your dad.

Hear, hear, Sir Tyler.

Yeah, man.

This year's memento is a...

a hat...

from the Dino Bite Cafe.

It's not the hat that's important.

It's all the friends that I made at the cafe.


Thanks for sharing this with us, Tyler.

It's very special.

But seriously, you need to work

on your map-drawing skills because--

I-- I was five!

Let's see if you're any better at target practice.



Okay, we're done. Let's debrief.

(Tyler laughing)

So, how'd I do?

(Shelby) Oh, not too bad.

What do you mean? I hit every one, right?


but last time, you hit six bull's-eyes.

This time... only four.

Huh, I did miss.

Don't worry.

Four out of six isn't bad.

You just lost a little focus.

Something else must be on your mind.


Maybe you're losing focus.


I'm gonna hold on to your red Energem

and download the data I need.

It should help me make your T-Rex Super Charger.

So, what is on your mind?



Okay, I've been thinking.

This is a map of the cave where my dad disappeared.

His friend Rusty said the cave-in occurred

right... uh, here.


There have been several new cave-ins since,

and this area right here is now flooded with water,

but I could hold my breath and swim from here to here.

All that way?

Tyler, that's crazy.


You have to face the possibility that...

your dad might not have survived.

You think I should stop looking?

All I'm saying is that your dad

wouldn't want you risking your life.

just for a clue.

Shelby, you never knew my dad,

and I'm starting to wonder if you even know me.





(laughing maniacally)

Don't worry,

it'll be over quickly.

Kendall has my Energem.


Time's up. (laughing maniacally)


Huh? (grunting)

I'll be back. You'll see.



So, this new Dino Charger

will only respond to the red energy signature?

It relies on the Tyrannosaurus Rex energy.

Only Tyler will be able to access T-Rex Super Charge mode.


Activate the weapons program.

(Tyler) Unh! Guys!


What happened? (grunts)

A monster att*cked me in the woods.

He was fast, and I didn't have my Energem.

Out of nowhere, a Ranger saved me.

I think it was the Aqua Ranger.

I had hoped this day would come.

Do you know his identity?


He was there, and then he was gone.

He didn't stick around to chat.

I wonder...

That, my friend, is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of find.


When I went to see Rusty in the cave,

he asked about my Energem.

It seemed like maybe he'd seen an Energem before.

Whoever it is,

we must convince them to join us.

The added strength could give us the edge we need

to destroy Heckyl. (beeping)

Speaking of strength...

let's go test your new T-Rex Super Charge mode.

Ah, cool, a new mode! Yeah.

Hey, can we talk?

There is nothing to talk about.


Okay, moment of truth.

You ready to go?

Yup, I can't wait to see what this thing can do.

You guys are gonna love this.

Stego Shield, ha!

Dino Charger, ready!


(voice) T-Rex Super Charger, engage!


(cries out)

Tyler! This isn't right.

(cries out)

No! There something wrong with the charger.

Tyler, you okay?


(roars) Ahh!


Tyler, it's okay.

We'll help you. (roars)

He's acting just like a T-Rex.



Tyler, stop, you're hurting me!

Please, don't attack, it's me, Ms. Morgan.

Sir, Tyler! Calm down, Tyler!

What's going on?



Are you guys okay?

This not good.

He's getting away.


Look at him,

it's like he thinks he's a real Tyrannosaurus Rex.

I don't why it malfunctioned.

You guys find Tyler, I'll meet you back at the base.


So that's how they did it.

Somehow Heckyl put a virus on my laptop.

It caused the T-Rex spirit to take over Tyler's mind.

So logically, we need to continue searching at sunrise.

Yes, we need to cover every inch of that forest.

I have an idea for a new Dino Charger

that may help us capture Tyler.


Nice, work with the virus, Singe.

But now what?!

I don't have a lot of patience.

The Red Ranger is on the run.

I need help to find him fast.

I can hunt down anything, let me help him, Master Snide.

Heckyl likes you, Singe, but I don't.

Fail me and you'll find out how much.


Ooh, yeah. A huntin' we will go!

We have to hurry.

Remember, Tyler doesn't know he's your friend.

In his mind he's a ferocious T-Rex.

I created this new hypnotize charger

to help control him.

And this is a clean version of the T-Rex Super Charger.

Thanks. Hey.

Ms. Morgan.

Is there any chance that even a part

of the real Tyler is still in there?

It's possible.

If there's even a glimmer

of the real Tyler left in that wild animal,

I know where he'll be.

(Chase) Of course, the treasure.

You're a genius.

(Shelby) You're just figuring that out.

I'm hot on your trail, Red Ranger.


He must be after Tyler.

We not alone.




We'll destroy your Dino friend right after we destroy you!



Don't call home about it just yet.

It's Morphing time!

You mean losing time.

Dino Charger!

(all) Ready!


(all) Dinosaur might ready to fight!

(Shelby) Power Rangers...

(all) Dino Super Charge!


Head to the campsite and find Tyler.

We'll deal with these guys.

Okay, Shelby, I'm on in.

The hunt is on!

Take them down, guys!

I'm twice as fast you.

Doesn't matter, you know why?

'Cause you only have half a brain.


This is my favorite part of the hunt,

catching the prey.


Ninja Shadow Attack!

Crossbow Dart Storm!

(both grunting)

They very strong.

We have to take them out,

for Tyler!

(Ivan) Onward!

Tyler, are you there?

Hey, what's that?

Hmm. His box of memories has been dug up.

Hey, huh?

That's Tyler and his dad back when he was little.

(T-Rex growling)


That's not my stomach growling.


Hey, mate, how's it going?

Uh, now stay calm.

I was dropping by to say...

(voice) Dino hypnotize charger.


...sleep well.

Hypno Blast!


Great, I hypnotized him.


Oh, or "anger-tised" him.

This doesn't look good.


Tyler, stop!

I'm your friend!


You're not a T-Rex. (roars)

And I'm not your lunch.


Tyler, I'm begging you, please stop.

It's him, the Aqua Ranger.

Stay back, I got this.


I'm not gonna hurt you.

Be careful, he's my friend.


Think, you know you're not an animal, Tyler.

I'm not your enemy.


It's me.

I'm your dad.

What? He looks just like his picture.

The Aqua Energem must've stopped him aging.


This was your present when you turned eight.

I should've been at that birthday party, Tyler.

I should've been to all of them.

I'm so sorry.



Dad? Dad! You're alive!


And you're-- you're a Ranger?

I guess we both are.


Chase, did you find Tyler?

We need a hand back here.

I've found more than just Tyler.

We're on our way.

Sorry to break up the reunion, but they need us.

Thanks for finding me.

Don't thank me, Shelby was the one

who know you'd be here.

It's time we meet the rest of my friends.

Come on!

(Riley) Let's slice him up nice, Ivan.

Ha! Too slow.

There they are.

Come on.

It's Morphing Time!

(both) Dino Morpher Blast!

Uh-oh. Pair of trouble.


Whoa, you can finish this hunt on your own, speedy.


Seven live Rangers, soon to be none!

Ms. Morgan made the new T-Rex Super Charger.

You shouldn't have any problems with this one.


Let me handle this guy.

He's gonna get "T-Wrecked"!

Dino Charger, ready!

Summon T-Rex Super Charge Zord!

(voice) Dino Charger, engage!

T-Rex Super Charge Morphed...

(voice) Dino Charger, engage!


(all awe)

Nice one. Awesome!

Speaking of awesome, check it out!


T-Rex Super Charge Blast!


I like this.

Ninja Throwing Stars!

Too slow.

I'll make you see stars.

T-Rex Super Charge Blast!


Third times a charm.

T-Rex Super Charge Zord, attack!

What is that? Get off, you little rat!

I'm done yet.

T-Rex Super Charge Kick!

You wretched Ranger!

T-Rex Super Charge Chomp!

Now to double your trouble.

Weapons combine!

T-Rex Super Charge Morph Blaster Final Strike!

Wait, just slow down a minute.

(cries out)


Magna Beam!

Who needs speed?

Super Charge worked great.

Now, it's your turn, Rexy.


Ready, guys?

Let's form a Megazord.

T-Rex Zord, ha!

Dino Charges, ready.


Summon Zords.

You have to do better than that.

What?! That Zord is riding a Zord!


(voice) Dino Chargers, engage.

Zords combine.

Plesio Charge Zord Megazord Pachy-Rex Formation, ready!

(all) Dino Drive, activate!

Dino Charger, ready.

Dino Super Drive Saber.

(voice) Dino Super Drive Charger, engage!

Dino Super Drive, activate.

Whoa! This is awesome, Tyler.

You said it, Dad, now follow my lead in.

Let's do this.

Have some more Ninja Throwing Stars.

(all straining)

This guy means business.

Let's use the T-Rex Zord.

Great idea.

(all) T-Rex Zord Power Blast!


(cries out)

Dino Super Drive Saber, activate.

(voice) Dino Charger, engage.

Dino Super Drive Saber...

(all) Galactic Blast!

No! I'm on the fast track to destruction!

(Tyler) Monster extinct!

You should be happy.

Thanks to me, we know where the Aqua Energem is.

Thanks to you,

there's one more Ranger fighting against the great Master Heckyl.

He as a point.


Good bye.

No! Hold it.

I have a new plan.

And I need Hunter for bait.

Bait you say?

Tell me more.

So you found the Aqua Energem ten years ago?

Yeah, when a cave collapsed.

Now, that's a story in itself.

Chase told me

how you found my map and knew I'd be at the campsite.


I was wrong, you really do know me.

I was wrong too.

You should never give up hope.

Especially for the ones you love.

I've know Tyler's dad was a Ranger for like ten years.

But neither of us knew that there were other Energems.

(Tyler) Until you saw mine.

Yeah, yeah, when I saw your Energem,

I was like blown away.

Suddenly, I had hoped that I could quit running

and tell you I was alive.

I hide and saw you testing out your Super Charge Mod.

I was so relived when I saw you morph into the Red Ranger.

But then you went wild and took off.

I had a feeling where to look.

Never giving up seems to run in your family.


Oh, guys, it's getting late.

We should probably start heading back.

Tyler and I will catch up with you later.

No worries, mate.

How about it?

Better ten years late than never.


Awesome! Let's do it.
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