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06x12 - Addicted

Posted: 04/13/23 06:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT

- Officer Luca?

- Yeah?

I'm your sister.

It's not news to me, man.

I've known about her for three years.

I don't know if she was there,

for an apology,

or that she wanted money

Okay, this was a mistake.

Sorry I ever reached out.


- Durant. Eva.

- Bye. Thanks.

My partner Gabe was still up there

when the whole cliff face gave way.

Climber died, Gabe might as well have.

Spinal cord injury.

Lives in a hospital now.

Hondo, if I can't be objective,

I'm not gonna be able to do the job.

I disagree.

I've seen the line you walk.

It's not easy,

and I know the toll it takes on you.

Trust yourself like I trust you.

Ginger tea, couple drops

of honey, just how you like it.

Thanks to this one, I'm gonna have to

struggle through without

a helping hand from caffeine.

Baby, you got up with the sun.

Doesn't the inspector

general know that my baby

needs some beauty sleep?

I just want to make sure

I'm not missing anything.

Today is my first

use of force investigation.

You seem a little anxious

about all this.

Nichelle, I told you,

OIG investigates


-related sh**t

all the time.

The majority are open and shut.

I know,

it's just a couple members on the panel

still see me as a cop's girlfriend.

I'm afraid they'll think I'm biased

if I rule in the officer's favor.

All you got to do is look at the facts.

You make your decision based on those.

Then all they can accuse you of

is doing your job.

And if I rule against the officer,

would you be upset?

No, of course not.

Whatever call you make

I know you're gonna make the right one.

I appreciate that.

I'll be in your neighborhood today.

If I get a chance I'll

stop by HQ and say hi.

Mmm, something to look forward to.


Hey, my name is Rich, and I'm an addict.

Hi, Rich.

Uh, started out with pills

here and there,

but once I stuck that needle in,

it was game over.

My life was in free


It just felt too good, you know?

It got so bad, at one time

I needed a hit, couldn't wait,

so I pull over, sh**t up, pass out.

My three



daughter's in the backseat.

Next thing I know,

cops are banging on the windows.

She's been screaming her

head off the last couple hours.

Still, all I can think

about is my next high.

But that's not where your story ends,

is it?

No. I came back down to Earth,

I realized I needed help.

Decided to go to rehab.

Lila, come on.

We're gonna be late.

Your brothers are already in the car.

Come on.

All right.

Where's your cleats?

You got soccer today.

I don't need them. I quit the team.

I didn't say you could quit.

Mom did.

Hey. I might be a little late tonight.

Got to stop by my professor's

office after class, okay?

Um, yeah, did you tell

Lila she could quit soccer?

Yeah, she didn't want to play.

You didn't want to discuss it with me?

I didn't think it was a big deal.

It's not like she's gonna play

for the U.S. Women's Team, David.

That's not the point.

She has games coming up.

She's gonna leave her team hanging.

What about the other kids?

Well, I imagine the other kids

want to play soccer. Lila doesn't.

Okay, I love you, sweetheart.

Have a great day at school.

I'm sorry, I can't deal

with this right now.

Uh, have a great day at work, okay?

- Okay.

- Bye.


Go grab your cleats.

You're not letting the other kids down.

But Mom said

No buts. Kays don't break commitments.

You know better.

It might not work the first time.

Don't get discouraged.

Two, three, even more stints

in rehab is not uncommon,

but hard work, dedication,

and the right rehab center,

uh, it can pay off.

You're looking at an example of

What a load of crap!

Please, you'll get your

turn, sir. Why don't

You make me sick.

Sitting there, lying to everybody,

pretending that you care.

These aren't people to you.

They're dollar signs.

Hey, man

I don't know who you are but

I can tell you're in a lot of

You might not know me,

but you knew my brother.

He's dead now.

They found him lying in a gutter,

needle still in his arm.

But I don't blame the dr*gs.

I blame you.

Among others.

And I'm gonna make you all pay.

Please, I got I got kids.

My brother was just a kid.

Call an ambulance!

She gonna be okay?

Paramedics say she'll make it.

No hope for the other victim, though.

We got an ID on the sh**t yet?

No. These meetings are anonymous.


the gunman's description

matches a suspect

from a sh**ting earlier this morning.

Driver for a van service

was shot in his vehicle while

he was stopped at a stoplight.

You got two murders

in the span of a few hours.

- Any connection between the victims?

- Nothing obvious,

but we're just now

starting to look into it.

What do we know about the victim here?

Rich Carter. He was in recovery himself.

Showed up to the morning meeting

that helps everyone

get through the day.

Apparently, the sh**t was ranting

about a brother who died recently.

He blamed Rich for his brother's

death, "among others."

Said he was gonna make them all pay.

You think our sh**t

could be on a rampage.

Yeah, that's why I called SWAT.

Worried he was just getting started.

Thanks for your help, man.

Hey, building owner's sending over

his security footage

from the parking lot.

I just talked to the meeting leader.

He said he's seen a lot of


-fueled outbursts before,

but this gunman didn't seem like

he was high when he was yelling.

It was like he knew what he was saying.

So we got a clear


k*ller out there, potentially

going after anyone he thinks had

a hand in his brother's death.

All right, we got to ID this guy

and figure out who else

could be on his hit list

before this turns into

an even bigger m*ssacre.

Any luck ID'ing the gunman

from the security footage?

Yeah, he wasn't exactly camera shy.

Facial recognition ID'd

him as Tim Spragg, 27.

Address on his license is out of date,

but his dad lives in Glendale.

Younger brother he

mentioned is Adrian Spragg.

Overdosed on heroin a month ago.

His body was found in an alley.

From his social media, it seems Tim

took Adrian's death pretty hard.

Heartbreaking to read.

Well, it confirms it was

the catalyst for this morning.

We figure out how the slain

van driver ties in to all this?

Haven't found the link

between the victims yet.

All right, keep looking.

We find a connection,

we might get a lock on

Tim Spragg's next target.

We should get ahold of

both victims' financials,

- see if there's anything in common.

- Already working on it.

I'll have their dad brought in to HQ.

He might be able to give us

some intel on the sh**t.

Hey, Hondo.

Hey, I got a favor to ask.

Sure. What's up?

I worked with this patrol cop

recently, Eva Durant.


She's awesome. In my opinion,

she's way above pounding

the streets as a beat cop.

Well, we all got to

start somewhere, Luca.

And being a patrol cop has

its own set of challenges.

Yeah, I know, but, look,

she's been in the field 16 years.

I looked up her record.

She gets stellar performance reviews,

but she's still working patrol.

It doesn't make sense.

There's got to be

someone standing in her way.

You know how that is.

Yeah, I sure do.

What's the favor you need?

I was hoping that you could

talk to her captain,

find out what the deal is, you know?

Maybe put in a good word.

Whatever obstacles are in her way,

maybe they get out of her way.

I trust your judgment, Luca.

If you say someone deserves it,

- then they must.

- Really?

So you'll make the call?

Listen, I'm not sure

I got the sway to magic her

out of her patrol car

and off the streets,

but I'll see what I can do.

- All right.

- No promises though.

Appreciate it, man.

I still can't believe any of this.

Are you sure it was Tim?

He was caught on security footage,

and eyewitnesses confirmed

he was this morning's sh**t.

But why would he do this?

We think Adrian's death

is what set Tim off.

Seems he's targeting people

that he feels are responsible.


Now, we are worried

that Tim intends to hurt more people.

Is there anyone else

you think he might target?

Any idea where he could be hiding out?

Girlfriend's, a bar he likes?

No, nowhere. The last time I saw Tim

was at Adrian's funeral.

Adrian was so skinny,

swimming in that suit we had picked out.

Tim got angry.

Wanted to find one that fit him.

He punched me in the face

right there over the casket.

And you haven't heard

anything from him since?

No. You should look

for a 2009 Toyota Corolla.

It was Adrian's, and he gave it to Tim

when he lost his license.

We'll put out a BOLO on it.

Can you tell us about Adrian,

his life, his addiction?

It might help us figure out

who else Tim blames.

Well, I can tell you three words

that I hold responsible:

"Take as needed."

Adrian got hooked on painkillers

after he blew his knee

playing basketball.

And when the doctors cut him off,

he found his way to heroin.

Do you remember which doctor

first prescribed him the painkillers?

I don't remember.

He saw so many between the injury,

physical therapy, the addiction.

They just all blend together.

What about rehab.

Did Adrian ever give that a try?

There was a place, uh, a recovery center

that he went to a few times.

Thought he was making progress.

That's before

I knew that hope was pointless.

Do you remember the name

of the rehab place?

I don't remember, but it was in Malibu.


Not not Sunset Vista.

Vista, vista

Ocean Vista.

That was it.

Sounds like you did everything you could

to try and help Adrian.

He was my boy.

And I loved him more

than anything in the world,

and I still let him down.

I get what that feels like,

thinking you've let someone down.

The guilt just eats at you.

Maybe that's what

turned Tim into a k*ller.

Blaming others for Adrian's death

is easier than

dealing with his own guilt.

Hey, everything okay?

Thought you had class?

Yeah, I did,

but Lila's school called.

She sprained her ankle.

Nurse thought it might've been a break,

so I rushed over.

Wait, what happened?

Is she okay?

No, she's fine.

They sent her to class on crutches,

but she twisted her

ankle playing soccer.

That's strange because I thought

she quit playing soccer.

I told her that

she had to stay on the team.

So you just overruled me?

Well, how is that different

than you telling her

she could quit without consulting me?

Annie, Lila made a

commitment to the team.

She needs to learn

that that's important.

Her word needs to mean something.

David, she's nine.

She's not on the SWAT team.

Soccer's just an excuse for kids

to run around with each other

before eating orange slices.

I mean, you didn't seem to care

when she quit volleyball last year.

That was different.


Look, it's just

It's just a sprained ankle.

Okay, we're supposed to

go to Pismo Beach this weekend.

She was looking forward to it,

and now she's gonna be

on crutches in the sand.

That's right.

Well, I'll make it up to her.

We'll do something else

fun this weekend.

Yeah, we'll see.

Um, I got to get back

and I got to take care of

all this classwork I've been missing.

- So

- Yeah.

Hey, Powell, hold up a sec.

What was that just now with Tim's dad,

about you

you feeling like

you've let someone down?

Remember Gabe, my old partner,

the guy who was paralyzed?

During that botched rescue, yeah.

What Tim's dad said in there

about not doing enough,

it reminds me of Gabe.

I wasn't there

for him when he needed me.

I mean, you said it was an accident.

There's nothing you could have done.

I don't feel guilty about the accident,

but afterwards,

when he was in a dark place,

I didn't show up for him.

The one time I went to visit him,

I stood there looking at

the guy that I used to

run half marathons with.

It was just too hard

to see him like that.

I walked out.

I never went back.

If you two were as close as you say,

I think Gabe would want to see you,

no matter how long it's been.

What would I even say?

Rub it in his face

that I made SWAT while he's lying there

for the rest of his life,

unable to feed himself?

Be ashamed to show my face.

Street, you talk to

the suspect's father?

- Yeah.

- Any leads on

where Tim could be headed next?

We put a BOLO out on his car,

but nothing concrete.

The father mentioned

Adrian attended rehab,

a place called Ocean

Vista out in Malibu.

I figure someone there's

got to have insight

on Adrian's back story.

All right, well, we got no other leads,

and RHD's coming up empty too.

We'll keep up the search here.

You grab Tan,

pay a visit to Ocean Vista,

- find out what you can.

- Okay.

When I think rehab center,

I pictured dingy hallways

and padded rooms.

This place is beautiful.

No better place to get clean

than in paradise.

I called around to recovery

groups across the city.

More than a few of them

knew the victim, Rich Carter.

Seems like he went to

a different meeting every day,

sometimes more than one.

Guy wasn't just picking up

recovery chips at those meetings,

he was there to recruit new patients.

What do you mean?

For who?

Look at this.

Finally found

what links our two victims.

Rich Carter and the slain van driver

both received payments from this place.

Blue Ridge Industries.

Has stakes in a bunch of rehab centers.

I'm running a search now

to find the full list.

So Carter was going to

all these meetings

pretending to be in recovery,

when, really, he was just

there to recruit rehab patients?

And I'm guessing Tim's brother

was one of the people

that Rich recruited.

Explains how they connect.

Okay, and the van driver,

he was probably delivering the people

that Rich recruited.

That's how he made the hit list.

Now, hold up.

Ocean Vista Recovery Center.

What, you know it?

That's where Adrian Spragg

attended rehab before he overdosed.

Luca, get Street and Tan on the phone.

They're on their way.

Tim could be rolling up any minute.


What's up, Luca?

Hold up, hold up. Tan.

Both victims from this morning

lead back to this place.

Luca says Tim might

be targeting employees.

All right, we'll be on the lookout.

That's Tim's car.

Luca, Tim beat us here.

Send cover units.


You see a man come through here?

Six feet, white, brown hair?

Go on. Go, go, go.


-David. We have an active sh**t.

Ocean Vista Recovery Center.

Out this way, out this way.

LAPD! Drop the w*apon!

Go, go, go!

Out that way! Out the front!

Out the front!


I'll try to stop the bleeding.

You go after Tim.


All right, hang on.

You're gonna be all right.

Gonna be all right.

Okay. All right.

Hey! Hey, hey, hey! You, come here.

I need your help. Give me your hands.

All right, keep pressure on him.

I'll call for an ambulance.

Don't move!

Stay in the car!

Get out!

Hey, stop!


-David. Suspect

carjacked a red Chrysler.

Headed towards PCH.

Okay, thank you.

Street, unis found the car Tim jacked

a few miles from here.

He must've fled on foot.

Air units are searching,

but no sign yet.

I've been talking to patients.

Guy over there cycled

through here four times.

As soon as his insurance is used up,

they find a way to boot him out

until his next relapse

resets his benefits.

This whole thing's a racket,

with off


-books employees

feeding the conveyor belt.

Turns out our dead van driver

had a record.

Busted four times for possession.

Want to guess how guys like

Adrian continued to relapse?

Yeah, it makes sense

Tim would blame Ocean Vista.

With so many off


-books employees,

how do we know who he'll go after next?

Medics got the owner

of this place patched up.

We can talk to him now.

Who was that guy?

Did you catch him?

His name is Tim Spragg.

His brother was a patient here.

Adrian. You remember him?

No. No, I don't, but we help so many.

He came through here a few times

before he died last

month of an overdose.

Well, I really wish I could tell

you that was a unique story,

but people just don't understand

how much of a k*ller addiction truly is.

Yeah, well, right now

we're trying to stop

even more people from dying.

Adrian's brother Tim

has already k*lled two people

connected to this center,

so I'm gonna need a list

of all your employees,

including the under



people you pay

to hook addicts and bring them here.


-I have no idea

what you're talking about.

Ocean Vista is 100% above board,

dedicated to helping

those battling addiction.

Only thing you're dedicated to

is making money.

You cycle people in and out of here,

getting them addicted all over again,

all in the name of making bank.

No, that's just not true.

Our mission is to save people.

Is that so?

Because we ran the numbers.

Your relapse rates are higher

than any other center in the city,

your number of fatalities,

almost double.

Well, that's because

we don't cherry


the easy cases, Sergeant.

The patients that we

have here are on the brink.

These are people that other

centers turn away.

Now, look, I

-I know this

might look like a spa to you,

but this is really an ER,

and the people that come here

are in real life


-death jeopardy.

We do the very best that we can,

but we cannot save everyone,

and unfortunately, that is

the nature of this business.

People die.

You gonna give me a list

of all your employees,

or do you want their

deaths on your hands too?

Tim was carrying some papers

when he ran out of here.

What did he take?

Uh, his brother's patient files.

He made me hand them over.

You didn't think to tell us that?

Oh. I'm sorry, Officer,

I had just been shot.

Forgive me if I don't

remember every little detail.

- What was in them?

- Mostly just therapists' notes,

I don't know, I'm not 100% sure.

Privacy laws

prevent me from reading them.

Then who is Adrian's therapist?

They could be targeted. Same for

anyone else mentioned on that file.

Tim could be going after them

right now. Now, who was he?

He worked primarily with a

therapist named Christine Thomson,

but, unfortunately,

she no longer works with us.

- Where is she?

- I have no idea.

We didn't keep in touch, but I imagine

she's in private practice somewhere.

Tan, let's go.

Tim might be the one

out there sh**ting people,

but this all falls back

on you and this center.

Don't think we don't know that.


You looking for Hondo?

Hey. Yeah, I can't

seem to find him, though.

Last I heard, he was

heading back from Malibu.

Should be back soon.

Ah, it's not important.

I was just dropping by

before an OIG meeting.

How are you?

How are Annie and the kids?


Mostly good.


What's going on?

It's nothing much. It's

silly, really, but, um,

Lila's been playing soccer

and she wanted to quit the team,

but I made her keep playing,

and now she sprained her ankle.

So it's a whole situation.

Oh, no. I hope she's okay.

No, she's fine, she's a tough kid.

All I wanted was for her

to learn the same lessons

I did as a kid playing sports.

And some of the things I learned

being on a team,

I still apply today.

And on weekends,

we'd kick the ball around, you know.

She seemed really into it, and we had

we had fun.

You know, my dad used to love

watching my spelling bee competitions.

- Spelling bee?

- Hmm.

You're looking at the California

State sixth grade champion.

Oh, wow.

He had a front row seat to

every competition,

spent hours poring over

word lists with me.

I loved it. Until, one day,

I tried a dance class, and from then on,

it was goodbye, dictionary,

hello, pointe shoes.

My dad would still come to my recitals,

but I think he missed the hours we spent

learning how to spell


-syllable words.


Ah, my meeting is about to start.

It was good seeing you.

I'll catch you later, Deacon.

Give my love to Annie.

- Will do.

- Okay.

What the hell, Luca?

I told you I didn't

want anything to do with you

or your family. Whoa, whoa, hold up.

What's the problem?

Your team leader called my captain

and asked why I hadn't been promoted

from patrol duty, and I know

you put him up to it.

Yeah, I did. I was just trying to help.

Look, I read your file.

I figured something was standing

in your way of moving up,

and I thought Hondo could maybe

make something happen for you.

All right, well, next time,

keep your nose

out of things you know nothing about.

I don't need your help.

You know, and I don't know

what kind of opportunistic

jerk you think I am,

but I didn't reach out to you

so I could get ahead in the LAPD.


I just wanted to get to know my brother.

And now I wish to God I hadn't.


I just hear her say "brother"?

Something going on I should know about?

Eva's my half sister.

I just found out recently.

It's a whole story.

Yeah, one you should've told me

before I put in

a good word for her, Luca.

I know, I'm sorry.

It's just, the whole thing

is complicated as hell.

My dad doesn't even know about her.

And with three generations

of Lucas on SWAT,

if this got out,

it'd be a whole big deal.

I was just trying to keep it quiet.

I can't imagine what kind of

a surprise that was for you.

What's going on?

She didn't seem too happy with you.

Yeah, well, you know, Eva and I

didn't get off to a great start,

so I thought

if I could help her move up in the LAPD,

it would maybe

patch things up between us.

I'm sorry I got you wrapped up in it,


Well, listen, for what it's worth,

when I spoke to

her commander, he said that

she is a star in their department,

and there is nobody standing in her way.

So I'm guessing she's working patrol

because that's the way she wants it.

Just trying to look out for her,

that's all.

Hey, I get it, man.

Listen, when we were younger,

my sister Winnie had a waitressing job.

She comes home dead tired one night.

Says the owner made her stay

late to work in the kitchen.

Now, that didn't sit

right with me at all.

Oh, no, I show up

to set this dude straight.

I got all up in his face

in front of his entire staff.

But it turns out Winnie

asked for the extra work.

She wanted to be in the kitchen

because she was

trying to learn the ropes.

And, boy, did she read me the riot act.

But she forgave you, right?

After I apologized to this dude.

But from then on, trust me,

I made damn sure never to make

any assumptions about Winnie's business

ever again.

So you think I should back off with Eva?

I know it's hard, Luca,

but, yeah, give her some space.

You ain't gonna make up

for the last 40 years

in just a few months.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

Thanks for coming in, Ms. Thomson.

You were Adrian Spragg's

therapist at Ocean Vista, correct?

I was.

His overdose is actually

the reason I quit working there.

I thought I could do some good,

but it got demoralizing

to see the same faces

over and over, never getting any better.

His death was the last straw.

Not just for you, it seems.

Adrian's brother Tim is k*lling people

he holds responsible for Adrian dying.

Oh, my God. That's horrible.

Did you know Tim Spragg?

Only from what Adrian told me.

Adrian felt a lot of guilt

that his addiction was

letting the family down

after they did so much to help him.

Tim was actually the topic

of Adrian's affirmation video.

Sorry. What's an affirmation video?

It's a tool I use with my patients.

I have them talk about things

that matter to them.

And then, when they feel like relapsing,

they watch the video

as a reminder of

things worth living for.

Adrian mostly talked about Tim,

how grateful he was,

how much he loved him.

Tim stole Adrian's therapy files

from Ocean Vista.

Would that video have been included?

No, no. I keep those on my phone.

If a patient needs one,

they can text me,

and I send it right over.

What would Tim find

in the files he stole?

Is there Is there anyone

Adrian blamed that's mentioned?

It could help us narrow down

who Tim might go after next.

Adrian mostly directed

the blame towards himself,

but more than once,

he mentioned his college

basketball coach.

When Adrian was first injured,

it was his coach who pushed him

to keep using painkillers,

so he could play in the finals.

Adrian saw that as

the root of his addiction.

Do you remember the coach's name?

I don't, just that he

coached Adrian in basketball.

- Thank you.

- Thanks.

Once Tim reads that file,

his brother's coach has

to be his next target.

Adrian attended North

Hills University around 2015.

Who was coaching then?

Ron Harley was

the men's basketball coach.

He transferred to Desert

Springs College in Northridge.

We need to get there before Tim does.

Obviously, Dean.

I understand

the importance of academics,

but I really need Barnes

on the court tonight.

Do you want to win

a championship or not?

Tim's got to be after Coach Harley.

Anyone who gets in the way

could be collateral damage.

All right, thanks.

Campus security is spread thin

across the satellite campuses.

They'll try to get a lockdown,

but with 2,000 students,

it's gonna take time.

- Coach still isn't picking up.

- Two minutes out.

Get us there in one, Luca.

Because without Barnes,

we don't have a shot.

Whoa. My wallet's in my pocket.

Take whatever you want.

You don't remember me?

I'm Adrian's brother.

You remember him, at least?

If not for you, he'd still be alive.

Look, I'm sorry, man.

If I'd known Adrian was gonna

spin out like he did,

I never would've pushed him so hard.


He looked up to you, respected you!

And all you cared about

was winning that stupid game.

- Not the players.

- No.

- Get on the bus.

- Please

Hurry! Go!


Shut the door.

Get to the back, all of you.


Hey, not you. You stay up here with me.

Start it up. Get us out of here.


-David. Pin the bus in.

You take the front, we've got the six.

We're blocked!

Luca, set up a sn*per position.

Deac and Tan, you shut down that engine.

Street, we need eyes.

Powell, you stay with me.

He's probably got

a dozen hostages in there.

We got to get a grip

on this thing fast. Move.

Pull the window shades down now.

They're dropping the shades, Hondo.

Side windows are tinted.

I can't get a visual on the suspect.

Seems a little more complicated

than turning a key in the ignition.

Nah, just need to find the k*ll switch.

Did you do that?

No, it wasn't me. I swear.

Answer the call, Tim!

Let's talk.

You don't want to mess with me.

I only came here for the coach.

Don't force me to hurt anybody else.

Okay, hey, hey, ease up, all right?

Best if we just start by talking.

My name is Sergeant Harrelson, LAPD.

Enough people

have already died today, Tim.

So how about you put that g*n down

and step out of the bus?

Not a chance. I can't do that.

Sure, you can, we just got to figure out

how to make that happen.

Just got to work with me, Tim.

I think I found an entry point

for the snake cam.

You think I don't know what

you're trying to do?

I'm not coming out,

not till I do what I came here to do.

This guy's on the verge

of m*rder


If we don't get in there fast,

who knows how many more

he's gonna take down with him.

Let me talk to him.

I have an idea what he's feeling.

Maybe I can get through to him.

Powell, we don't have time for therapy.

There're too many lives at stake.

Let me try.

Look, as long as he's talking,

he's not k*lling.

All right.

Powell, you keep him talking.

Deac, you and I got to

figure out a breach

to end all of this.

Let's go.

Tim, my name's Zoe. I'm a cop, too.

I was hoping we could talk.

I don't want to talk.

Just let me finish this.

We can't do that, Tim.

I know about Adrian, though.

I know he was taken advantage of,

but this isn't the way to fix it.

No matter who you k*ll,

it won't change anything.

No one cared about him except me.

I need to do this for him.

sh**t's between rows three and five,

just pacing back and forth.

Last three rows are full of players.

All right, so a middle entry

puts us between the sh**t

and the players.

What about the coach and the driver?

They're still up front.

I still think it's our best option.

Adrian was used by people

who were more concerned

about making money or winning

trophies than his wellbeing.


-I get that you feel like

you didn't step up. I know that feeling.

Makes you want to crawl

out of your skin, right?

I should've protected him.

I'm his older brother.

You did all you could.

But if you're trying to make amends,

Tim, this is not the way to go about it.

I have a younger sister.

Her name's Grace.

Don't know what I'd do if I lost her.

She's my best friend.

Adrian was my best friend.

Before he died, he was staying with me.

It was almost like we were kids again.

You know, staying up late,

sharing a room.

And then he disappeared.

Maybe if I'd gone looking for him

Powell, keep him talking.

We're almost in place.

You'll drive yourself crazy

if you keep going over

what you could've done.

You need to let go of your guilt,

and forgive yourself, Tim.

You're not to blame.

I didn't step up then.

So I need to do this now.

Now's your chance, Hondo.

sh**t's moving

to the front of the bus.

Listen to yourself, Tim.

You can't ease your guilt

by k*lling people.

What're you looking at?

Abort, abort, he's headed back

your way. Get out of there.

Don't come any closer

or everyone on this bus

is gonna die thanks to you.

You liar! You were just playing me,

trying to distract me.

Wait, Tim. Please

There's nothing you can say

that I want to hear.

Would you listen to Adrian, then?

If he had something to tell you,

would you listen to him?

What are you talking about?

I have a video of your brother.

On it, it proves he didn't

blame you for his struggles.

You don't need to do this.

You're lying again.

I'm not lying. I can show you.

Just give me a minute to get it.

Promise me you won't do anything.

What video are you talking about?

I got it from Adrian's therapist.

On it, Adrian talks about Tim.

I think there's

still something inside Tim

that wants to do the right thing.

If I can't get through to Tim,

maybe Adrian can.

All right, you put it on a tablet.

We'll get him back to

the front of the bus,

away from the players,

maybe calm him down some.


We got to find another way

inside this damn bus

or we're gonna need a dozen body bags.

We've already got an idea.

Side approach is out,

but since we cut the power,

the cameras are down,

so the bus is blind to the rear.

What're you thinking?

Get up on the roof, drop down

through the emergency panel.

He'll never see us coming.

Nice and easy now, Tim.

We're just gonna creep up,

drop the tablet on the steps,

and then back away, okay?

Driver's got to open the door, Tim.

Hey, it's Adrian. I'm two weeks clean,

thinking about everything worth

staying clean for.

First, easy stuff. Um, you got

ice cream and Family Feud reruns.


He's in the third row,

left side. Just sat down.

Nah, but seriously,

I've been thinking about family.

Especially Tim.

He cares more about me

getting clean than I do.

He's the reason I'm trying.

Seeing Tim happy again

is as good of a reason

as any to stay clean.

On your call, Street.

It's what I owe to him,

for all he's done to help me.

Now, now. Go.

LAPD! Drop it!

- Do it, Tim!

- Going hands



That was nice work.

He was really on the ledge

there for a while,

and you talked him back down.

Listen, if you ever wanted,

I would recommend you

for crisis negotiator school.

Oh, uh,

think I got enough

of a taste of it today.

I'd be fine if I never did that again.

Hmm. I understand.

Good job.



Are you Zoe?


Thank you for the video.

I thought you should see it.

I think he forgave himself.

Question is, can you?

What're you doing here?

I thought I made myself clear.

I don't want anything to do with you.

I know. I need to apologize,

and then I'll go.

I won't bother you again.

I'm sorry

for having Hondo intervene earlier.

It wasn't right.


I've only just met you.

I shouldn't have meddled in your career.

Thing is,

I've been Terry's big brother

my whole life.

It's maybe why I went

a little overboard with you.

But seeing you out there today,

doing your job,

I understand why you

want to stay a patrol cop.

I mean, you're great at what you do.

The department's lucky to have you.

- Thanks.

- Yeah.

Working with kids

fresh out of the Academy,

being their T.O., that'd disappear

if I took a promotion and I moved up.

Doing this, I get to help mold

rookies into the type of cops

that this city needs more of.

It's funny, that's why I haven't

moved up in SWAT either.

'Cause I

-I can't drive Black Betty

from behind a desk.

I came on too strong.

It's only 'cause I care about you,

and I really hope

that, one day, we can

have a relationship.

Whenever you're ready.

I mean, however long it takes.

I never had a big brother.

Or any brother.

I'm not sure I need one.

You probably don't.

I mean, you've done just fine

on your own.

But if you ever change your mind

you come find me.

I'll be around.

Hey, good news.

D.A.'s office is launching

an investigation into

Ocean Vista Recovery.

That's good to hear.

Talking to those patients today,

I can't imagine how many other families

there are like the Spraggs.

Hopefully it'll break some

people out of the cycle.

Yeah, hopefully.

Of course a guy like Jasper,

he'll probably just open a new facility,

or come up with some new scam.

Then we'll shut his ass

down all over again.

- Hey.

- Hi.

Feel like a beer?

Thanks, but I'll have

to take a rain check.

Headed over to Burbank.

Visiting Gabe?


Need company?

You speak so highly of him,

I'd love to meet him.

Maybe another time. I should go alone.

Want to catch him up on my life,

and, uh, I owe him an apology

that's long overdue.

Well, I'm sure he'll forgive you.

Either way, I'll have tried.

That's all that matters.

What if we head down to

the aquarium this weekend?

The kids love it,

and we'll hit the beach

when Lila's all healed up.

Yeah, that's a start.

It doesn't fix the main issue, though.

I know.

Look, being part of a team

at her age is valuable.

But that's not the real reason

I didn't want her to quit.

It's just, soccer was

kind of our thing, you know?

Kicking the ball around on weekends,

getting up at 4:00 a.m.

to watch the U.S. Women's

play in Singapore. I don't know,

kind of felt like it was

getting ripped away, and I

I just like spending time with her.

I'm sorry that I had her quit

before I talked to you.

I mean, we're a team. I left you out.

I just feel like any day,

she's gonna be too cool for old dad,

and I don't know,

I'm just, like, grasping at

at something

that we still have in common.

Yeah, I feel the same.

I stopped trying to suggest

clothes for her to buy

when we're shopping because I'm met

with nothing but eye rolls.

Well, I, for one,

think that you have

excellent fashion taste.

Oh, wow, that means a lot

coming from a guy who wears

a basic black T

-shirt every day.

Hey, don't knock the classics.

So, what do you say about the aquarium?


Yeah, that's a plan.

And then maybe we can talk to Lila

about joining a team sport.

Have you seen Lila play sports?


Hey, there's always the spelling bee,

I guess, right?




Hey, baby.

Listen, I'm gonna wash up.

Can we order in?

Because I am starv

Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey.

Nichelle, what's going on?

What's wrong?


I just don't know how you do it.

How do you deal with this every day?

Does this have to do with

the use of force investigation?

Did you have to suspend an officer?

No, the sh**ting was justified.

It was cut and dried,

just like you said it would be.

So, then what's upsetting you?

Just, I don't know,

the utter devastation of it all.

I mean, the officer,

he did what he had to do.

But he looked wrecked.

And the boy who was shot,


-we heard from his family.

The sh**ting left him

with a brain injury.

He can barely talk,

won't ever be able to work

or support himself after his release.

His parents, his whole family,

their lives are just destroyed.

And you must see situations

like this all the time.

I do, baby.

Which is why,

every time I draw my w*apon,

that split second

before I pull the trigger,

I weigh the consequences

of what could happen,

praying that I'm making the right call.

The officer was so relieved

when he learned we'd ruled in his favor.

He cried.

And the family of the suspect cried.

And now here I am, crying too.

I just don't know how you do it.

How do you compartmentalize

something like this?

I've been doing it so long,

I guess it's habit.

Or maybe it's just something

I learned how to do to survive.

But when it gets tough,

and it does

when I really need to

distance myself from this job,

I focus on you and our baby.

Whatever's bothering me,

it just seems to go away a little bit

because I'm thinking about

what we have coming up.

I think about her.

What do you think she'll be like?

Well, if she's anything like her mama,

she'll be smart,


She'll be one of

the strongest women I know.

Yeah, I think so, too.
