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05x11 - Old School Cool

Posted: 04/13/23 05:10
by bunniefuu
Seizure warrant come in yet?

Not yet,
but the raid's still on today.

Montrose Mercs aren't
gonna know what hit 'em.

Heard we're expecting to
confiscate some legit weaponry.

Mercs have been
stockpiling arms,

gearing up to expand
their territory.

I'd prefer to stop
that plan before it starts.

This isn't one of their usual
hangouts. It's a storage spot?

The Mercs are
keeping it on the DL.

Intel says we're looking
at two, maybe three guys

on guard.
So when the warrant lands,

we'll make our move.

Zero tolerance for
hazing means zero tolerance.

So why did you two decide
to ignore your commanders?

And don't think
that it escaped my notice

that it was only female
recruits that were targeted.

Gentlemen, that was not
a rhetorical question.

It was just a joke, sir.

I mean, Officer Cabrera--

said it didn't bother her.

It really doesn't, Sergeant.

I'm sure the other women
don't care, either.

Well, I appreciate that,

but seeing any cadet harassed,

that bothers me.

I've spoken to
your team leaders.

You're both riding the bench
for a month.

You're dismissed.

I got to get going,
but I just want to apologize.

That kind of behavior,

that is not SWAT.

It's not how we do things here.

Thank you, sir.


I'm fine. I mean...

free tampons, right?

Hey, I heard you saw Deac laying
down the law for the rookies

caught stuffing tampons
in recruit lockers? Female recruit lockers.

Everyone knows hazing
won't fly anymore.

What were they thinking?

That they weren't
actually hazing anyone.

Anything less than forcing
people to run until they puke

is considered...

a joke or a bonding experience.

Yeah, I never understood
how leaving potstickers

in my seat
made me more of a cop.

For me, it was stealing my
clothes while I was showering.

And asking me to
make 'em sandwiches.

It wasn't easy to think of these
people as, uh, fellow officers,

trusting them
to have your back.

How'd the recruits take it?
Most of 'em weren't in yet.

Alexis Cabrera played it cool.

But I'm gonna check in
with her later.

Smart. Don't want
a good cadet rethinking SWAT

'cause of some stupid prank.

I appreciate you

coming over to take a look
at this for us.

Yeah, it's no
problem, Commander.

Uh, the IT request said that
you had some data disappear?

Yeah, the armory rotation
for the next month.

It was there last night, but
now the computer's erased it.

Okay, and you are confident

that the officer put the data
into the spreadsheet properly?

Because, as it turns out,
most computer errors

are, shockingly,
human errors.

Yeah, I put it in.

Well, he's more of
a field warrior than

a keyboard one,
so feel free to check his work.

All right.
At least this'll

be more challenging
for you than our usual

password reset

Well, I like to help out
where I can.

I'll let you know if I
can recover your data.

All right.

Keep me updated.

This part of Revelations
starts like...

God is always spying.

But He knows
"that you are doing more

than you did at first."

And that's nice.

He sees the progress
we each make every day.

No matter
how small it may be.

All right, fellas,
let's wrap this up.

I'll, uh... keep it brief.

The Lakers lost,

the Kings lost,
Clippers didn't play.

So let us pray that
by this time next week,

things have improved.


Thanks, guys.

See you. Thank you.

Hey, Eduardo.

Glad you joined us and feel free
to come back anytime.

All right, it's good to hear it.

Hey, in the meantime, I was
hoping you could do me a solid.

See, my lawyer hasn't
been answering my calls.

Oh, I-I can't.

Look, I just want to get
a message through to her.

Well, I'm sorry, but, you know,
I'm not supposed to know

anything about your situation,
and it goes both ways.

It's for everyone's

Yeah, it's a little
too late for that.

I already know you're a cop.

That's an interesting theory.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, look.

I just want to get
this letter delivered to her.

And I thought maybe
you'd recognize me, too.

But I guess SWAT

puts bracelets
on a lot of guys, huh?

I was your arresting officer?

The one and only.

Guess I wasn't
that memorable.

So you think
that I'm the best person

to ask for this favor?

Sure. You owe me.

How's that?
I'm innocent.

Been behind bars
for six years now.

And you guys put me in here
for something I didn't do.


I-I can't.

Where are the weapons? This is
supposed to be a huge stash.

We've got movement
on the right flank.

There's more Mercs
than we thought.

Sergeant, something's not right.

Parker's hit! Get him out!

You see them?
Where are they?

We've been waiting
for you to show!

Was worried you might not come.

It's a trap, go!


sh*ts fired, sh*ts fired!
Officer down! We need SWAT now!

Tan, stick 'em.

Two g*ng
and Narcotics officers

managed to evacuate.
We got two more inside.

Maybe five or six Mercs.

All right, Deac,
we're set on the two side.


We're set.

Infrared drone incoming.

Keep eyes on the infrared
to track the officers inside.

Deacon, you got the north end,
we got the south.

Find those officers.

Get 'em out.
We'll deal with the Mercs later.

On my count. Ready?

Three, two...

one-- go!

Cluster in
the three-four stairwell.

Our guy's heading west.

Drone's got
a bad connection.

Well, this isn't good.

Lost signal?

Hold, hold.

This is 20-David to Command.

Infrared on our end is gone.
We need your guidance.

You're breaking up, Hondo!

What the hell's happening?

Did you do something?


Deacon, if you can hear me,

we are on our own.



We're here
to get you out.

Who are we talking
to, Officer?

Detective Howard.


All right.
Come on, we got you.

Hondo, we've got
Officer Howard.

Advancing towards the exit.

Tan, double back around.

Street, move.

Second officer and Mercs
headed your way, Tan.

Don't move!

I've got Anders secure.

Stay down!

This is 20-David,
final officer recovered.

get him out of here!


Yeah, I'm good.

Sweep is complete.

Total of six Mercs in custody.

That was triple the guard
g*ng and Narcotics

expected to see
when they went in.

And the weapons cache
they came to seize isn't here.

Seems like the Mercs knew
a raid was coming.

Could GND have a leak?

I don't know.

I don't know what happened
to the drone or the radio.


I was inside the system
when the glitches started.

So what's going on?

There is a virus
overloading everything.

Someone has invaded the system.

A cyberattack?

LAPD's been hacked.

Cybercrime confirmed the hack?

But since Whitlock was
already here for IT,

I asked him to walk us
through the particulars.

Okay. Uh, two days ago,
a virus appeared

in LAPD's internal network,

and as that virus spread,
it overloaded

causing the glitches.

Your lost data situation?

You have this hacker
to thank for that.

Cybercrime said he left
a signature, calls himself

"Shadowboxx"-- two Xs.

Or calls herself
or calls themself.

It is statistically himself,
but I never want

to underestimate anyone.

Well, whoever this Shadowboxx
is, I'm thinking

he did more than wreak havoc
on our computers.

The Mercs knew about
that GND raid in advance.

Now we learn that LAPD's
system's been compromised

for 48 hours?
It all feels connected.

Shadowboxx was able
to download LAPD data.

They had access
to operation details,

officer assignments,

The hacker's the leak.

Handed over
the where, when and how

of the g*ng and Narcotics
operation to the Mercs.

How much info did this hacker
take from our system?

I can't say for sure, but I
know that it's not limited

to one division-- the entire
system is an open book.

This ain't over.
He's a middleman.

Selling stolen police intel
to criminals.

GND walked right into an ambush.

Next time,
Shadowboxx could publish

a detective's home address,

making it open season
on all cops, on duty or off.

Cybercrime is working
to re-secure the network

and identify Shadowboxx.
It's gonna take them

a little bit of time,
but they're gonna get him.

They can't just make us
stand by-- this hacker's putting

every cop in the city at risk.

I don't like it any more
than you do, but Shadowboxx

could be on the other side
of the world.

Our focus needs to be here.

LAPD is halting new operations.

We need to comb through
ongoing missions.

Find those under the greatest
threat and secure them.


Officers who won't be easy
to pull from the field.

They may not even know
their covers are blown.
I know.

Uh, there's one more thing!

Shadowboxx is still active
inside the database.

This hacker can see
everything you access.

See who SWAT's looking into,
what we're planning?

Which means he can sell it.

Make criminals disappear
before we can even catch 'em.

We don't give him
anything to see.

As of this moment,

SWAT is going off-line.

Sergeant Hearns was successfully
pulled from her undercover op.

What about Mark O'Dell? He's
embedded with the One-Niners.

Let's see, O'Dell. Yeah.

Confirmed he's
in a secure location.

There's a team en route
to pick him up.

You know, I'm struggling
to remember why Annie and I

make such an effort
to limit the kids' screen time.

Computers are great.

Got an officer in trouble.

Officer Paulo Baptista.

working undercover
inside a drug trafficking ring

led by Pedro Suarez.

Yeah, deep cover assignment.

Handler hasn't been able
to make contact,

so Vice did
a soft physical check-in.

Baptista's door was kicked in,
his place tossed.

Neighbor reported
seeing an altercation

and Baptista getting forced
into a car.

Shadowboxx must've blown
Baptista's cover.

Baptista has nothing
to bargain with.

He's alive
to be Suarez's plaything.

Well, then, we got to get
to Suarez before he gets bored.

Any idea where they might
be holding him?

Nah, Suarez's guys backed
out of all their usual spots,

vacated their home addresses.

They must know everything
that LAPD has on them.

What about the car, did
the neighbors give any details?

Black SUV, partial plate.

Doesn't match any known vehicles
in Suarez's ring.

It was probably stolen.

Right now that car is
our only lead

to find Officer Baptista.

But we can't run the plate
on our computers.

If Shadowboxx sees,
he's gonna inform Suarez.

Which is not good for Baptista.

Guys, LAPD isn't
the only organization

with makes and models on file.

Call the DMV.

Back when I was a rookie,
that was practically

the first assignment--
cultivate an inside man.

I'm on it.

Nicely done.

We'll see if I can
keep the accuracy up

after a speed reload.

Isn't 20-Squad busy

with fallout from the hack?

We are, but I wanted to check in

with you after the crap
those rookies pulled

in the locker room.
Meant what I said.

I'm fine.

If you need someone
to talk to, I'm here.

Or Deacon or Dr. Wendy.

They stuffed my locker
as a stupid joke.

It wasn't a big deal
until Sergeant came,

made it one, and now
you're here making it worse.

All I want to do is help.

I didn't ask for that.

Other officers
are watching.

Please, just...

back off.

Hey, Deac?

We any closer
to finding Officer Baptista?

Uh, Street's still combing
through DMV records,

working a partial plate,
it just takes more time

than using our system.

All thanks to this Shadowboxx,
messing with the LAPD

from the safety
of God-knows-where,

and we can't even
go after him.

What's that?

Oh, it's an old SWAT log.

You ever think back
on a mission and realize

that you don't remember the name
of a suspect you collared?

We've made
a lot of arrests, Deac.

Who's this one about?

Eduardo Ortiz.

He was arrested six
years ago for murdering

a woman after she
denied his advances.

Well, it doesn't surprise me
he didn't stick in your brain.

He's not someone we chased
after on a mission.

No, he's just one
of a half-dozen

high-risk warrants
we served that day.

It says he's still inside.

Why's Ortiz coming up for you now?
Well, he just got

transferred to the prison where
I'm doing ministry outreach.

And he recognized me,
came asking for help.

Says he's innocent.

Oh, right,
he's one of the innocent ones.

No, I know, I know,
but it's...

I changed his whole life

and I didn't remember him
at all.

All right, hold up.

SWAT's just the tip of
the spear. Not judge and jury.

Yeah, maybe that's the job.

But I don't know.

This guy, Ortiz,
he's got me wondering.

Is-is that
where our responsibility ends?

I'm not gonna talk you
out of digging into this.

I don't even want to try.

But be careful, Deac.

Ortiz sought you out
for a reason,

and he used an argument
that's tailor-made

to mess with your head.

DMV records paid off.

Found the black SUV
Suarez used to abduct Baptista.

Okay, William Marleza,
the car's actual owner?

Yeah, he's a low-level drug
dealer, buys from Suarez.

So we ID'd the car.
That still doesn't tell us

where Suarez took Baptista.

Well, it helps
more than you'd think.

Marleza is also
a property manager.

He handles
commercial real estate

across the city.
These are his current buildings.

That's a lot of places
to choose from, though.

now these four

currently have tenants.

So probably not
where they're holding Baptista.

Right. And this one's
at a busy intersection.

Way too conspicuous,
too many eyes.

That leaves three

He could've taken Baptista
to any one of them,

and we're running
out of time.

Yeah, with the system down,
we have no drones,

no traffic cams.
Patrol's hands are full

'cause of the hack.
Okay, so we divide up the list.

You guys get Chris,
I'll grab Hondo and Deac.

20-Squad's hitting
the streets.
All right.

Let's go.

Luca said they came up empty

at Marleza's
east side property.

Next building on our list
is this way-- empty retail

should be an easy stroll-by

to see if Suarez is around.

You okay?

You've been quiet.

Well, you know you guys were
talking about getting hazed?

You said, uh,
someone stole your clothes

when you were showering.
I did the same thing once.

To who?

It was a recruit.
Officer named, uh,

Amanda Ross. This was years ago.

In Long Beach. Back then,
I just saw it as a joke.

Making one of the few women
in the building walk back

to her locker naked.

Honestly, I'd forgotten about it

until you said
what happened to you.

It was incredibly stupid.

Look, it wasn't okay, but you'd
never do anything like that now.

But he did it then.

Have you even apologized
to this officer?

Hey, that's the SUV

Suarez used to abduct Baptista.
They're here.

All right,
gear up.

How you feel
about me and my boys now?


LAPD! Drop the w*apon!

LAPD! Don't move!

Don't move!

Baptista, you okay?

Back off!

Chris, back room.
I'll cover them, go.

Just take it easy, man.

I said back off!
Take it easy!

Code 4.

Three suspects in custody,
recovered Baptista.

Semi-conscious, send an R/A.

Close call.
Too close.

And Shadowboxx is
still out there spilling intel.

I just got off the phone
with the hospital.

Baptista's gonna be all right.

I just hate
the feeling this hacker's

got us playing defense.

Well, Cybercrime tells me
they stopped the virus

from spreading,
which I assume is a good thing.

Specifically, they've disrupted
the malware's self-replicating--

Yes, they did.
It's a good thing.

Uh, it's a great first step
towards getting Shadowboxx

out of LAPD's system.
You got anything else?

Okay, I know this is
Cybercrime's investigation,

and I completely respect that,
but I did some digging.

And you found something?
Yeah, hackers are
constantly trying

to breach
the LAPD security firewall,

and the system logs
every attempt.

So I searched through
those records.

There is no unusual
network activity

that could explain
the current breach.

Then how did
Shadowboxx get inside

if he never att*cked
the system?

I think he uploaded
the virus from a terminal

that was already
attached to the network.

If Shadowboxx
physically accessed one

of LAPD's computers--
Then he's somewhere here in L.A.

Not some
server farm in Crimea.

Can you ID
the terminal he used?

I'm just a tech, man.

I gave all this
stuff to Cybercrime.

They have it.
There's hundreds of
LAPD-networked computers.

We need every pair
of eyes looking.

And you were smart enough
to see this. Follow it through.

Unless I'm reading
you wrong?

No, I'll give it a shot.

Make it your best shot.

We locate Shadowboxx, SWAT could
stop all of this at the source.

Get Suarez in the box.

Let's see what he knows
about our hacker.


Felony as*ault
on a cop.

Drug trafficking.

With your priors,
that's life.

Good news is, if you're a cat,

you still got eight more.

Nice try.

Nine to 12 years.


Except Officer Baptista was
embedded as part

of a DEA joint task force,

so there's federal charges
in the mix.

You spent good money
buying up everything LAPD

had on you, and you didn't
read it carefully?

Maybe we can get the feds
to call you a first-timer.

If you tell us something
useful about Shadowboxx.

I don't even know the guy.

You must've exchanged
a few words to set the price

for the stolen intel.

I got an email.

Said I had a mole problem.

Came with a single page
of LAPD's file on me

and a promise he had more
if I could pay.

Proof of concept.

That email's probably
a throwaway account.

How'd you pay?

Over an app, by wire?

He said he wanted cash.

And he gave me a flash drive.

Said electronic transfers are
too traceable.

You met Shadowboxx,
in person?

Barely. He picked
a crowded outdoor cafe.

Dude in a black hoodie
showed up.

Did the swap and disappeared.

I never saw his face.

That's all I got.


Counselor, thank you
for stopping by.

Like I said on the phone,

I just want to ask
a couple questions

about one of your former
clients, Eduardo Ortiz.

Don't tell me he's got cops
delivering his messages now.

So you know he's been
trying to contact you?

He says he hasn't got a reply.

I'm a public defender
with obligations

to dozens of current clients.

And his letters are the same,
over and over.

He claims he's innocent

and then he demands
I file an appeal.

And you refuse because...

Because it's not an option.
He took a plea deal.

The terms of which explicitly
ruled out an appeal,

and he knows that.

You know that a lot
of defendants feel cornered

into taking a plea.
I mean, they get convinced

that that's their only option.
Ortiz was in and out of prison

for violent felonies,
he worked for the victim,

and his alibi was shaky at best.

Uh, frankly, getting his charge
down to m*rder two and keeping

a life sentence off the table
was a big win.

Okay, just last question.

Do you think
what he says is true?

That he's innocent?

You know, Ortiz always
seemed to me like a clever guy.

Super personable.

But I can't compromise
a client's defense

about guilt or innocence.

Right, that's not your job.

Thank you.

Hey, so I called LBPD

to get in touch
with Officer Ross,

apologize for what I
did back in Long Beach.

How'd it go?
It didn't.

My old partner told me
she left the force.

Opened a surf shop.
I just...

I should've reached
out a long time ago.

I can't help but wonder.If you were
part of the reason she left?

I guess there's only
one way to find out.

Whitlock found the terminal
that Shadowboxx used

to get
into LAPD's network.

It was a mobile unit
in a patrol car, 11th division.

I checked into systems traffic.

And a couple of days ago,

the computer in that patrol car
uploaded a large file.

And I take it that's unusual?

I called the officers involved.
Said when they went back

to their unit, they found some
guy messing with their radio,

or so they thought.

Installing a virus.

When they checked the radio
and found no outgoing calls,

they... let him walk
with a warning.

And by that time, Shadowboxx's
virus was already loose

in LAPD's main system.

And, unfortunately,
he was able to erase

the patrol car's cameras.

Well, he may have
erased himself digitally,

but he had to touch the car.

Lean on the window
or tap the keyboard a few times.

So if he was interrupted,

he wouldn't have been able
to wipe everything down.

So maybe we
pull a print.

The tricky thing is gonna be
running that

against the database
while Shadowboxx is watching.

Well, he only knows
what LAPD is doing.

San Francisco, Anaheim, Irvine--

they all have access
to the same print library.

I say we do what we used to do
when the L.A. forensics lab

got backed up-- phone a friend.

Kept good whiskey in my desk
just to sweeten those deals.

Go find a print.
I'll see who's around

to take my call and
what bottles are in my office.

Oh, Whitlock?

Nice job.

Officer Alonso,
I wanted to apologize.

I was out of line,
the way I spoke to you.

But I know why you did it.

You don't want people
thinking you're weak.

I want SWAT. More than anything.

Those guys can do
what they want.

But if my skills speak for me,

no one can say
it was favoritism.

I used to think
that way, too.

When I was starting out and
the jokes kept happening,

I'd stay quiet and...

set a new course record.

When other female
recruits showed up,

I wouldn't talk to them
so no one could say

"girls' club."
We both know

women have to be more aware
of how stuff looks.

That's just how it is.

But I don't think
that's how it should be.

Suffering in silence,
that's not progress.

That's why I'm doing
things differently lately.

Pointing out real problems.

Real issues.

Sounds less lonely.

And... I'm not gonna lie.

It's very cool
to have the Chris Alonso

offering me her knowledge.

"The Chris Alonso"?

Come on.

You know you're
legendary around here.

Well, I don't know
about legendary.

Surf shop.

Hi, uh...

I'm, uh, looking
for, uh, Amanda Ross?

That's me. How can I help you?

Hi, it's Jim Street.


Sure, I remember you.

Um, I was hoping we might
be able to talk?

Not a great time.
Uh, peak hours.

Uh, maybe I could stop by later?

We close at 9:00.

Cop buddy in San Diego ran
the print we found, got a hit.

Shadowboxx is
really Blake Spencer.

That's fax machine quality,
but you get the idea.

Unis went by
his apartment,

but he wasn't around. They'll
grab him if he returns.

And if he doesn't?
I think I found something

in Shadowboxx's file.

I noticed he has
all the classic hacker

low-level priors.
Yeah, fraud and identity theft.

Exactly, so I had your San Diego
buddy run some financials.

Guy opened
a credit card in the name

of every family member he's got.
Yeah, but look.

His cousin Jeremy?

He started racking up
charges, two days ago.

same day as the hack, all
for a company called Bolter.

Electric scooter rental-- kids
leave 'em all over our block.

Yeah, but Jeremy, his
cousin, lives in Vermont.

Bolter scooters is
west coast only.

I think Shadowboxx is stealing
his cousin's identity again.

Suarez said Shadowboxx insisted

they meet outdoors
and then disappeared.

Scooter gets him
in and out quickly,

in case the deal
goes south.

Well, the last charge is
from less than an hour ago.

Those scooters have a GPS chip
that tracks their location.

If he's still got the scooter,

the company can tell us
where he is.

Call them. Get 20-Squad ready.

We're getting
Shadowboxx off the street

before he puts another
officer's life in danger.

Scooter Shadowboxx rented
is active.

It's parked right
in front of the café.

26-David... we got eyes.

He's at the meet.

There's a copy
of the intel.

First one should've worked.

Relax, man, it did.

Then why am I here?

My boss was impressed.

He's got another job for you.

that's not the way I work.

Cops are already
sniffing around.

You tell your boss
I'm not interested.

Thing about that job?

The boss wasn't really asking.

Situation's changed--
the guys he was meeting,

they're not happy.
All right, move in, let's go.

Cops! Go! Go!

They're grabbing him up.

Stay on Shadowboxx.

We lost visual.

They got him.

LAPD! Get down!

Come on!

Got one coming your way, Hondo!

Drop the g*n, now.

Hands behind your back!

Stay down.

Here we go, here we go!
Give me two, give me two!

Go, go on two, go!

SWAT! Stop!

I need a black
and white ASAP!

Vehicle headed towards Ventura.

Silver van, partial plate--

Driver's armed.

Units responding,
ETA three minutes.

That's three minutes too many.

They're in the wind
with the hacker.

Who are those guys?

Whoever they are, they left
their flash drive behind.

They didn't want the intel.

They wanted Shadowboxx.

Deac, the guys
who grabbed up Shadowboxx?

They're all part
of Donnie Culatto's crew.

Donnie Culatto, the crime boss?

About to stand trial for m*rder.

And the prosecution's
key witness is Janet Flynn,

a rookie beat cop.

Now Shadowboxx accessed
Flynn's personnel file.

It's full of info Culatto could
use to thr*aten Flynn.

Stuff on her family,
her home address...

Yeah, but Culatto's crew left
the flash drive behind.

They didn't what any of the info
Shadowboxx was selling.

Or maybe they already had it.
A few weeks ago,

Officer Flynn and her wife were
moved to an LAPD safehouse.

Now the
safehouse info

and schematics were
compromised in the hack.

including a full list

of state-of-the-art
defense protections.

Okay, so Culatto buys
the safehouse plans,

intending to get in
and k*ll Flynn.

But when he looks at the plans,
he sees the camera network,

geofence, the panic room.
He realizes

he needs a hacker
to get inside.

And based on his reputation,
Shadowboxx is the guy.

'Cause Culatto knows that he
already beat LAPD security once.

As soon as Shadowboxx unlocks
the safehouse,

Culatto's gonna sweep in
and take Flynn out.

And we need to be there now.

Were you able to warn Flynn
that trouble's heading her way?

Nah, Shadowboxx must already
be working with Culatto.

into the safehouse

are being blocked.
It's only a matter of time

before the security
cracks completely.

We'll call you as soon
as we got him secured.

Nah, I'm coming with you. I'm
not gonna rely on glitchy comms.

I'll set up a field outpost,
run the mission from there.

You're not the only one
itching to be there

when Shadowboxx is
taken down.

Hey, babe.

What are you thinking
for dinner tonight?

I don't know.

Flynn's probably living it up.

Of course, not for long.

Type faster.

Not how it works.

I'm in.

Shutting down security.

Panic room's on the third floor.

By the time Flynn realizes
it's dead, we cornered her.

Let's go.

Shut the door.

Culatto's headed inside.
Hacker's not with them.

Geofence alarm never sounded.

Shadowboxx successfully
disabled the security.

But he couldn't have gotten far.

Hey, got company.

Take care of them, then
find us a new exit plan!

Get to the panic room.

Got eyes on the stolen van.

It's about 30 years
east of the safehouse.

One suspect down!
Move in! Move in!

30-David, heading your way.

Street, take the alley!
Chris, you got the two side!

Nothing's working.

We have to get
out of here.

Coming for you, Flynn!

Luca, cover the front!
Tan, you're with me!

You got it!

I'm on your six.

If Shadowboxx
erases his laptop,

we'll have no idea
what LAPD intel he sold.

We need it to know
what's compromised.

Hit 'em hard and fast, then.


They're getting away!
Block the hallway!


Stay down!

20-David, we got a rabbit!
Second suspect down!


Ah, hands!
Don't even think about it.

LAPD's been looking for you.


Don't move!
Stay behind!

24-David, I've got the wife.

But Culatto grabbed Flynn.

He's headed for a boat.

Go! Go! Go! Go!

Culatto's got Flynn.
escaping over the water.

Once he gets to shore,
he doesn't need a hostage.

Hondo, got a ride for us.

I don't have a clean shot.
I can't risk hitting Flynn.

Maybe I can get a better angle.

Street, now, move in!
Get me closer!

Come on!

Flynn, stay there!

It's over!

Officer Flynn, you good?
I am now.

My wife, is she okay?

We got her. She's safe.

This is 20-David,
officer recovered.

Final suspect in custody.
We're Code 4.

Sir, heard you recovered
Shadowboxx's laptop

before he could activate
his k*ll switch.

Now LAPD can track down
every piece of intel he sold.

Keep our own safe.


Cybercrime is wiping
Shadowboxx's virus

from LAPD's network,
and as a thank you to you guys,

for everything you did today,
they started with SWAT.

Your computers are clean.

Ah, so we can turn
the screens back on?You can.

I barely remember
where the power buttons are.

I don't know
who we're gonna call

when you move
over to Cybercrime.

I'm still just IT, sir.

You can do more for LAPD.

I pushed you today;
you rose to the occasion.

When you push yourself,
the sky's the limit.

Yeah, the city asks a lot of
SWAT, but we can't do it alone.

We need guys like you
backing us up.

Look, I'm not gonna lie.

It was really cool helping
to catch a bad guy today.

When you're ready, I'm happy
to call in a recommendation.

How about right now?


Just-- I need to do
one thing first.

There we go.

Yeah, there we go!

All right!

Load up. Yeah, baby!

Good job, Whitlock.

Thank you, sir.

In that situation, I'd
use a tactical reload.

Heard about the recruits
acting foolish.

Cabrera and them
all right?

Deacon handled it
super well.

SWAT Academy is lucky
to have him.

Yes, they are.

But I know you
still checked in.

I got eyes, Chris.

You're anxious about
the new recruits,

but especially
the female ones.

Cabrera says I'm, uh...

like me being here

means something extra.

I know she meant well,
but, you know...

That can be a burden, too.

I get it.

Sometimes it's like
I'm the only thing standing

between some idiot and the
belief that women can't be SWAT.

Well, I think you're gonna
have some more a*mo

against that tired
argument very soon.

Sure hope so.



Looks like you got
a pretty cool setup here.

You didn't drive out
all this way

to compliment my shop, Street.

No, you're right, I...

I didn't, um...

I came here to apologize,
for what happened back in LBPD.

I was an idiot.

And I should've been
mature enough not to be.

And, uh...

I behaved badly.

Stealing your clothes.

Messing with your stuff.

That was wrong. I was wrong.


I'm sure it doesn't
mean anything really,

but, um...

I've been doing
some growing up

over the past few years,

and I just,
I realized

I needed to tell you
just how sorry I am.

Thank you for saying that.

But I can't honestly say
that you're forgiven.

No, I-I don't expect you to.

I'm glad you're becoming
a better person.

I-I hope it's making you
an amazing officer.

But I'll never know what kind
of officer I could've become.

When I looked you up,

heard you left,

I wondered--
well, I worried, really,

that what I did might've
played a part in that.

A couple catcalls and
stupid jokes didn't run me off.

It was all of it.

Happening all the time.

What you did...
Don't flatter yourself.

You were just...

one of the boys

going along with it.

That's how I remember you.

Saw in the visitor's log
Ortiz's lawyer stopped by.

You find anything out?

Yeah, he wants her to file an
appeal, but that can't happen

because six years ago,
he pled down his sentence.

He already said
he was guilty.

Yeah, it's got to be hard to
be partway through your time

knowing you've got years
to go, guilty or not.

You know, this whole thing
could be some kind of sideshow,

designed to drum up doubt
where there isn't any.

I don't know why
I keep thinking about it.

RHD zeroed in
on a suspect.

SWAT ex*cuted
a warrant.

A lawyer negotiated a deal.

Judge signed off on it.
Everybody did their job.

You and I know better than most

how complicated
the justice system can be.

But still, Deac,

it all comes down to whether
or not you believe him.


So, I, uh, I went down
to Long Beach last night.

I guessed as much.

Part of me was
hoping that, uh...

I don't know,
that everything turned out

the way it was
meant to for her,

that-that she found
some better calling

beyond LBPD.

Maybe she did,
but the point is that

she didn't get
to fully choose it.

What makes it worse is...

I wasn't just cruel back then.

I was oblivious.

I didn't think
about how anything

we did made her feel.

I just...

I mean, I-I just assumed
everything was fine

because I wanted it to be fine.

How-how the hell
do you fix that?

The past? You can't.

I've had to learn that.

But you faced a mistake,
honestly and completely.

Now you be better.

Eduardo, your lawyer's
not exaggerating

when she says that your plea
is a big obstacle.

There's-there's not
much she can do.

But you believe me?

I believe you were
in a tough spot.

Yeah. I also believe
that you manipulated me.

When you realized
that I lead this Bible group,

you picked a moment
to approach me,

play on our history together.

You wanted me to go look

at your old case file.Hmm.

Well, I wanted to see
what kind of man you are.

Now I know.
What kind of man am I?

A moral one.

You could have let
the sleeping dogs lie.

But you didn't.

I'm not sure I could
really help you, either.

And I'm not convinced
you're telling the truth.

Right now, what I can offer you
is the chance to pray together.

Yeah, I'd like that.

May I?

Of course.

Dear Lord,

I pray for your

I pray for the safety and
protection of my family.

I pray for Sergeant
Kay's family.

And Sergeant Kay,
in his wisdom,

I pray that he comes
to know that I am here

because of an injustice.

And that he, a just man,

will be moved
to do something about it.

