22x21 - Race to Rescue Christmas

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x21 - Race to Rescue Christmas

Post by bunniefuu »

Millions of years ago,

the evil Sledge
tried to steal

the greatest power
in the universe.

Bring me the Energems.

But an alien named Keeper

entrusted them to dinosaurs.

You must keep the Energems safe.

As for Sledge...
It's a b*mb!

He was blasted
deep into space.

Now the Energems
have been found,

and Sledge returns to battle
a new team of heroes.

Dino Charger!
They are

"Power Rangers Dino Charge."




Okay, Mikey, what do you
want for Christmas?

Get out of the way,
you smelly little rugrats!

We're not waiting in line.


(child screams)

Oh, look, I'm next!

We're gonna talk
to Santa Claus!

Santa, darling,
you're looking swell.

Anyway, these are the presents
I want, in alphabetical order.

I hope you deliver
to outer space.

Poisandra, right?
That's me.

Let me check
my "Naughty or Nice" computer.


♪ Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti... ♪

Whoo-hoo, that was fun!


One little sting
and it'll all be over!

Destroy her.

(computer voice)
Poisandra: naughty.

Oh, you've been naughty,


No presents for you.


You'll regret messing with me,
Mr. Claus!



At your service, Poisandra!

Steal that computer!

No, no, you mustn't!

No, please, I can't do my job
without that computer.

If I don't get presents,
no one will.

Oh, no.

Christmas is cancelled.

(Poisandra cackling)

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight
to survive ♪

♪ Try to break
the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only one chance ♪

♪ To take
the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight,
keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ All together ♪


♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪


(all chuckling)

I cannot eat another bite--

Oh, pass me that apple pie!

A Christmas Eve feast!

A fine tradition indeed.

Anyone else want leg?

Maybe we should save it for...

(munching and slurping)

Or maybe not.


(loud belch)

Ah, what a great year
it's been.


Oh, hey, check this out.

It was the first time we met,

Oh, right!
You just had to get

a pic of you
in that dinosaur mouth.


It swallowed him!

Whoa, a secret passage.

Hey! Wait!


I think
it's some kind of lab.

That was the first time
we found our base.

And I met Miss Morgan,
Koda and Chase.

Where is Chase anyway?

(skateboard approaching)

Hey, guys, hah,
Merry Christmas.

(laughing and greeting)
Merry Christmas!

Oh, you are cutting it
pretty close.

We have to get you
to the airport

if you wanna make it home
in time for Christmas.

Cool, all right, well--

I just had to pick up
a few last-minute gifts

before heading
back to New Zealand...

Oh, thank you.

...to see my mom and...
Thank you.

my little sister.

Thank you.

Well, open them, come on.

All right.
(alert beeping)

Don't look at me,
I'm not calling.

Who could it be?

This is an emergency call

to the Power Rangers
from Santa Claus.


The Santa?

Really, Santa?

Who is Santa?

Oh, Santa, did you get my list?

Of course, Chase,

but this year,
no one may get any presents.

Poisandra stole my computer.

Now I can't tell
which kids are naughty

and which kids are nice.

Who do I give presents to?

Unless I get
my computer back, well...

I'll have to cancel Christmas.

No, Santa, that can't happen.

You can count on us,
St. Nicholas.

Thank you, Rangers.

Let's go!


Don't worry, somehow we'll get
you home to New Zealand.


We've done it!

No Christmas gifts for anyone!

Set it down, Vivix.

Let's fire this thing up.

Why are you fooling
with that?

I'm just wondering, you know,

what Santa was going to give me
for Christmas.

It's my pod!

No time to argue,
we'll both go in it.


I'll just get in first.

Gee, Santa sees
everything, oh!

This will blow up the Rangers

and everything in sight.

Wrench: naughty.

What?! I'm not naughty,
I'm just high-spirited.

If Santa won't give me
any presents,

I'll destroy his computer!


This machine seems
to know a lot.

It might even show us the
location of the Ranger base.

We may be naughty,

but we could get
the best present of all:

a Ranger base
full of their Energems!

watch the Rangers
but we could get
one by one,t present of all:

we're sure to find
the location of their base.


And their Energems.

Start with, hmm...
the Green Ranger.


(gasping and exclaiming)

(dog barking)

Quiet, you filthy fur ball.

I'll shut you up!


Don't touch my dog!

From now on, I will stay
several moves ahead of you.

With my superior intellect,

there is no way
you should ever beat me.




Yeah-yeah, so he saved
all his friends from freezing.

Big deal.

Oh, and that reminds me.


Green Ranger: nice.

Oh, repulsive!

And nothing about their base.

Let's keep looking.

These are the coordinates.

Guys, over there.


They haven't left.

We'd better find
Santa's computer fast

or I'm not gonna make it
to the airport on time.


This way.



Try the Pink Ranger.


I have something of yours.

You found my dad's bracelet.


No problem.

Dino Morpher Blast!

Dino Cycle Flip!


Back off, bonehead!


Such courage.

This is gorgeous.

I must have it for
the, uh, castle.

And one for the, uh...
the summer palace!

Excellent idea.

Thank you, fine sir, thank you.

Hey, what's your name?

What's your specialty?

Where did you study?

Ever since the Princess
saw my sketches.

I'm going to New York
next week.

That is so great, Julian.

You always believed in me.


Pink Ranger: nice.

And really pretty.

Hey, you!
Hurry up!

We must find a way
into that base.


(news theme playing)

(TV newsman)
We have just confirmed

that Santa's "Naughty or Nice"
computer has been stolen.

This means no one will receive
Christmas presents.

Children everywhere
are heartbroken.

It's okay, I don't care
about the presents, Mum.

I'm already getting
what I want for Christmas.

And what's that, Chloe?

Chase is coming home!


Try that Blue one.


(animal snarls)





Yah! Ah...!





(grunting throughout)

Nothing's going to stop me
getting that Energem!

Koda stop you.





He need doctor.

I'll get him
to a hospital.

Blue Ranger: nice.


Oh, wretched!

Hurry up, Wrench,
try Black Ranger next.

You got it!

Oh, Timmy doll!

Oh, my Timmy doll!

Come on!

Huh, whoa, huh!

(horn honking)
Oh, no! Huh!

(horn honking)

I've gotta save
Shelby, Ivan and Tyler.

Spiral Drill, ha!

I got you!



I'm sorry you missed
the concert.

Can you ever forgive me?

I already have.

Black Ranger: nice.

You'd think Santa would've
collected one moment

that revealed where
the Rangers' secret base is.

This is taking too long.

The Rangers
will be on to us soon.

Curio, go stand watch.

Yes, sir!

Come on, you bolthead,
two Rangers to go.

Where now?


We go this way.

I don't know
how you do that, mate.

Yeah, I don't smell anything.

Me either.

I see Curio.

Ah! Uh-oh!

After him!

Oh, you are not gonna make me
miss Christmas with my family.

It's morphing time!

Dino Charger!


Unleash the power!



You want a piece of me,
salad heads?

Aah! Poisandra, Wrench,
the Rangers have found us!

They're right outside!

Hurry, show the next Ranger!

We have to find
their base now!

Okay, okay, here's Gold.



(grunting throughout)

Koda, are you okay?

(all gasp)

It's Ivan!

Hah! Hyah!


Hey, I'm the hotshot.

Ptera Saber,
hyah, hyah! Hyah!


You better watch your backs!

Good riddance.

Ivan, what was your wish?

Oh, the same thing
every knight asks for.

To help a damsel in distress.

Thanks, Ivan.
You're my knight
in shining armor.

And you, my lady, have
made my wish come true.

Gold Ranger, nice.



Hyah, hyah!

You guys are easier to beat
than a drum!

Good one, Tyler.

The thought
of beating these guys-- ah!--

is music-- hah!-- to my ears.

Dino Steel, armor on!

Stego Shield, load!

Hah! Three-man kick!

Take this. Uh!

Who wants to play
a fun, new game?

It's called...
Toss the Monster!

They'll be here any second.

Well, move it
and get on to the Red Ranger!

Surely he'll reveal
their hideout.


Hey, uh, you need a hand?

Oh, no thanks, I think I found
the problem.

I just gotta stick
to the old owner's manual

and I should be
good to go, you know?

Oh! Quick,
what else has he got?

(grunting throughout)

Aw, still nothing.

You're useless, Wrench.

Let me have a turn.

I'll find their base in no time.

Hey, Vivix, here's what
I think of you stealing

that "Naughty and Nice"
computer! Hah-yah!

Yes, you cretins,
'tis wrong to steal.

Not something the Power Rangers
would let slide!

In here!
Hurry, let's get
that computer back!

Aha! Now, this is interesting.

Ah, cool.

Quick! They have to be
in here somewhere.

That dinosaur head
looks familiar!

That dinosaur head

looks familiar!


Take a pic for me?


Over there!

Oh, no!

Oh, but we were so close!

This way!

Oh, I bet
they're really mad!

They are gone.
Hey, this must be
Santa's computer.

And look, it's me.

It swallowed him!

Whoa, they almost had
the entrance to our base.

That was close.

Come on,
we can't let 'em get away.

Let's go, Ivan!

Red Ranger: nice.

Hurry up,
you pack of slowpokes!


There they are.

Poisandra, we've got
a present for you.

I don't deserve
a present.

I've been naughty,
haven't I?

Give it to him.


Merry Christmas.

Dino Saber!
Dino Charge Morpher! Combine!





Ho-ho-ho! Magna Beam!

Watch out!

Have a very scary Christmas,

He not have much
Christmas cheer.

Time for Dino Charge Megazord
Tri-Ankylo Formation!

Dino Charger, ready!

Summon Zords!

Dino Charger, ready!

Summon Tricera Zord!


T-Rex Charger, engage!

Zords combine!

Dino Charge Megazord
Tri-Ankylo Formation, ready!

Time to rescue Christmas, do it.


Hey, Rangers!

How about you join
my Christmas club?!


It's time to deck the halls
with boughs of destruction.

Now I'm really mad!

That guy's pretty strong.

Good thing we've got backup.


Ptera Lightning Blitz!

Tyler, kindly lend me
the Ankylo Zord

and we can finish this rogue.

Got it! Koda,
summon your Stego Zord!

Dino Charger, ready!

Summon Stego Zord!

Ankylo Zord,
disconnect and join
the Ptera Charge Megazord.

Activate Ptera Charge Megazord.

Ankylo formation.

Ptera Charge Megazord, engage!

Ankylo Zord, combine!


Ankylo Zord Heli-punch!


Let's finish it!

Dino Charge Megazord,

Stego Saber!

Stego Zord!

Dino Slash!

What kind of Christmas present
do you call this?!

Monster extinct!

We still have to return
Santa's computer.

Yes, children get presents
and Chase go home.

I can't, it's too late.

Is Chase here?

Honey, I'm sorry.

Chase missed his flight.

He won't be able
to be here this Christmas.

But why?

Well, he said...

He had to work.


So, did we do it,
did we save Christmas?

Take a look for yourself.

It's confirmed, Santa has been
spotted on five continents.

Children around the globe
will be happy once more.


Not every kid
will be happy.


I'm the worst brother...

If Chloe knew
the sacrifices you make,

it would only confirm
what she already thinks.

That she has the best brother
in the world.



You're here!

Ooh, Santa.


You made a big sacrifice today
for the sake of others.

That... is the Christmas spirit.

Now, I have one faraway place
left to deliver presents.

New Zealand?

Do you want a ride?

I'm going home! Yes!

(all laughing)

Guys, I get to ride on Santa's
sleigh, how cool is that?

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Merry Christmas, Rangers.

Merry Christmas, Chase!

(all shouting goodbyes)

Oh, Santa...



So... what did Chase
get us anyway?

Race you there!

Okay, one at a time.

Let me see.
Here it is.

I wonder what it is.



'Tis mine own image.

He got us a picture
of ourselves?


I no understand.


Come here.

(sleigh bells jingling)

(Santa in distance)

(Chase whispering)

(sleigh bells jingling)



There's a piece missing.



Wow, would you look at that.

Chase made this for us.

Oh, what it say?

"Merry Christmas."

That's one
of the best gifts ever.




Merry Christmas, Chloe.

I knew you'd come.


Thanks, Santa.
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