22x19 - Deep Down Under

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x19 - Deep Down Under

Post by bunniefuu »

Millions of years ago,
the evil Sledge

try to steal the greatest power
in the universe.

Bring me the Energems.

But an alien named Keeper

entrusted them
to dinosaurs.

You must keep
the Energems safe.

As for Sledge...
It's a b*mb!

...he was
blasted deep into space.

Now, the Energems have
been found,

and Sledge returns
to battle a new team of heroes.

Dino Charge!
They are...

Power Rangers:
Dino Charge!

Trust me.

The purple Energem bonded
to a Ranger,

so the Plesio Zord
must be awake.

Once I find it--
The Ptera Zord

was in your hands,
and yet you lost it.

I'm not taking
any chances.

This time,

we're going to destroy
the Ranger's Zord

before those teenage
twerps can control it.

I know, that's exactly
why I told Wrench

to reanimate Meteor.

His fireballs are
just what we need

to destroy
the Plesio Zord.

What are we waiting for?

pull the lever.

Yes, Master Sledge.

I'm alive!

Meteor, at your service,
Master Sledge.

That's what
I like to hear.

Now, destroy
the Plesio Zord.

Yes, sir.

And finish any Ranger that
gets in your way.

My pleasure.


♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight
to survive ♪

♪ Try to
break the chains ♪

♪ That divide ♪

♪ There is only
one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight ♪

♪ Keep our
power alive ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you
ever stop ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up
to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge!
All together ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Dino Charge ♪♪

I know you are
all set to come back,

but it's vital you stay
in New Zealand

until we find
the Plesio Zord.

We're trying, but...

even after he bonded
with the Energem,

Albert never saw
the Plesio Zord.

Fact: Albert became
the Purple Ranger.

Fact: the Plesio Zord
must be awake.

We're about talk with
some scientist named Dr. Runga.

Shelby thinks
he can tell us

where to start looking
for the Zord.

Dr. Runga?

If anyone knows about
Plesiosaurs, it's him.

Keep me informed.

Oh, is that the guy?

that's really him.

I've only seen him
on TV and in books.

Look, guys,
Dr. Runga has

hundreds of fossil
discoveries to his name.

We have to be


I thought we agreed

you were going
to wear shoes today.

But shoes squish toes.

It very much pain.


Come on.

Now, this is for
the front cover, right?

Uh, just
the back cover,

I supposed
that'll have to do.

Hey, hi.

I'll be right back.

Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey.

Excuse me.

This is
a restricted area.

Hi, Dr. Runga.
I'm Shelby Watkins.

I called you

From the Amber Beach
Dinosaur Museum.

In the United States.

Ah, yes.

You're my competition.

Oh, competition-- no.

We're huge fans.

I've read
all your books-- twice.

You and three million
other people, now please.

I'm a very busy man.

What is it
that you want?

Well, to be blunt,

if Plesiosaurs
were still alive,

where would
they live?

Let me understand.

You're looking for
a living dinosaur?

Wait, I know
what this is.

You're hunting for
Taniwha, aren't you?

Uh... um.

What's a Taniwha?

Uh, Taniwha is
a New Zealand myth.

Uh, like
the Loch Ness Monster.

It's an ancient creature that
lurked in oceans and rivers.

like myself,

suspect that if
Taniwha actually existed,

they were really

Oh, pretty cool, bro.

That's a Taniwha?

It, uh, does rather
resemble a plesiosaur.

So, plesiosaurs
would have lived...

where did you say?

islands, sea caves.

Good luck.

Let's get one
of me and the dig.

So, coastlines,
islands, sea caves.

That's where we'll look.

No Plesio Zord
on Piha Beach.

No Taniwha either.

A Taniwha has been
spotted over times.

It can't be


Tell me before
you do that.

But that's not as fun.

Kendall, we see
nothing so far.

I'm sending you
new search coordinates.

Come on, come on...

Shelby, are you at
the coordinates I sent you?

We're at Takapuna Beach,
but there's no sign of...



Guys, get here fast.




I think it wants
the Energem.

Wait, what's happening?

The Plesio Zord is
being att*cked!

The Plesio Zord is
being att*cked!



Destroy the Zord!

Before it can escape.

You missed again!

it slipped away.

We came
as fast as we could.

The Zord was
right out there
in the water.

Until they showed up.

Sledge keeps
sending monsters

we already defeated--
he must be out of ideas.

I promise, you'll never
get control of that Zord.

You really shouldn't
make promises you can't keep.

It's Morphin' time!

Dino Chargers!


Energize-- ha!


(growling) You won't
defeat me this time.

Oh, yeah?

Vivix, fire!



Time to heat things up

with a nice,
warm meteor shower.

Oh no!
Dino Steel Armor on.

T-Rex Smash!


Time's up, Meteor!

Yeah? Try my
Spiral Galaxy Blast.



That's all you got?

T-Rex Smash!

My Blaster!

But I have other tricks
up my sleeve.

Fighting away
from the group because

you fear defeat,
scaredy cat?

Ptera Charger, engage.

Lightning Strike!

Fury's Roar!



You won't beat me
that easily.

I shall, and you'll cry
like a kitten.

Let's use the Dino Spike
to finish him off.

Great idea!
Dino Charger, ready.

Weapons combine!

Dino Spike Charger, engage.

Red Ranger, launch!

Dino Spike,
Dino... Strike!


Fine, I'll protect you.

Watch out.


(all screaming)

We need to beat the Rangers
to the Plesio Zord.

But how?

We have no idea
where it's hiding.

I know
who can help us.

Come on.

Where'd they go?

They've seen
the Plesio Zord.

Oh, dear, if they find it

before we do,
they could destroy it.

Then we'll have
to beat them to it.

Let's go.


You'll have to come back.

Now's not a good time.


Is now a better time?

What do you want?

I want a dinosaur.

Here, here, take them.

I don't want bones.

I want a real dinosaur.

A living dinosaur?

There's no such thing.

Wrong, one is alive.

Six teenagers
discovered it today.

Oh, those
Taniwha hunters.

You're going to find it
before they do...

and tell me
where it is.

And just think,
you'll be more famous

than you ever

Yeah, the find
of a lifetime.

And I'll finally have
that front cover.

And then
I'll destroy it.


No, you can't
destroy it.

I will destroy it.

Or... I'll destroy you.

So, do we have a deal?

I've analyzed
Shelby's video.

Judging by the sounds
the Zord made,

I think it may be sick.

Why would it be sick?

Once awakened,
some Zords need to be

in contact with
their Energems.

This one hasn't been
near the purple Energem

since Albert
bonded with it.

It may be too weak
to survive much longer.

That's why
it appeared to Shelby.

You were holding onto
the Purple Energem.

It needed energy.

Then we'd better
get going.

I'll meet you guys
back at the car.

We have to check out
those caves.

I'm gonna find you,

Ah, hello.


What a pleasant

Dr. Runga,
what a coincidence.

Yeah, uh,
it's a small country.

Hey, I wanna

I was a bit rude
earlier today.

No, it's fine.

Please, let me
make it up to you.

I see you have my book.

Allow me
to autograph it for you.

You don't have to, it--
Oh, no, no, I insist.

Do you have a pen?

Uh, uh...

I'll-- I'll grab one.



So they did find it.

Email sent.


No sign over there.

There's nothing
down that cave either.

Twas a dead end.
No Zord.

We didn't find anything,
Ms. Morgan.

Well, I found

There's a news report
that's going viral.

It says a living plesiosaur
has been found in New Zealand.

It's Dr. Runga.

Dr. Runga?

There's a photograph.

That's from my video.
He stole it!

He's holding a press conference
today at his dig site,

and he plans to show
the full video.

We'll see about that.

Check one, two.

Make sure that works.

And, uh,
put my photo...


So, you don't
believe in Taniwha?

Could you give us
a moment, please?

You stole my video.

Don't worry,
I'll share the credit.

I don't want credit.

If you show
the world that video,

New Zealand will be
crawling with hunters,

and that creature
won't survive.

You need to tell everyone
that that video is fake.

But it's not fake.

That creature is
out there, alive.

I've discovered...

some of the greatest
fossils in the world,

but they mean nothing
compared to this.

This is a real
flesh and blood dinosaur.

Join me for
the announcement.

Then you can
dump that museum,

and you'll be famous
beyond your imagination.

Is that all
this means to you?

A chance to be famous.

When I was a kid,
your book inspired me.

All I cared about was
learning about dinosaurs,

discovering fossils
and, some day,

to hopefully meet you.

Your name may be
Dr. Runga,

but you're definitely not
the man who inspired me.

Not anymore.

He's going to tell
the world.

What shall we do?

We need to find
the Plesio Zord, fast.


I'll be back.

Uh, but the press conference
is about to start.

I know, I know.

When you last saw
the Plesio Zord,

it went underwater
and was traveling south.

There are two sea caves

six miles south
of where you spotted her.

We're on our way,
Miss Morgan.

(birds chirping)

It's glowing.

Then we must be close.


I've narrowed it down
to one cave big enough

to hold a Zord--
go north.

Okay, we go north.

we're in New Zealand.

North's this way.

Don't worry.

I'm still amazed
the Earth isn't flat.

Oh, yes.

Why they change that?

This must be it.


That's her.

A living dinosaur.

I need to see it.

It's not
something you use

just to make
yourself famous.

You're right,

It's not about
press conferences

or magazine covers.

I've been digging
for fossils my whole life

when I was a kid,

all I ever
dreamed about

was meeting
a real dinosaur.

And you reminded me
of that.

That's the Dr. Runga I know.

And thanks to you,
I finally get to meet one.


it's not a dinosaur.

Yes it is,
I've seen the video.

Uh, nnn.

we gotta tell him.

It's a Zord.

The Plesio Zord,
to be precise.

I don't understand.

Only Power Rangers
use Zords.

That's correct.

So, if you're
after the Zord,
then you must be...

The Zord is
very weak.

We're here
to heal it.

With this.

But he said
you discovered

a living dinosaur.

What scoundrel
told you that?


Thanks, Doc.

We can take it
from here.

I'm so sorry.
I've led him right to you.

I didn't know he was
following me.

Let's destroy the Zord
and get out of here.

Vivix, attack!

Get to safety,


Bring it on.

Eat sand!

Be gone!

Cave man kick!

It's Morphin' time.

Dino Charger.


Let's kick things up
a notch!

Come on!

You seaweed heads are
all washed up.

It's glowing again.

Go, get it
to the Plesio Zord.

You got it.
We'll hold 'em off.

Vivix, stop her!

Oh, no, you don't!

Here I come, Plesio!



What do you think
you're doing?

I'm going
to destroy that Zord,

get the Purple Energem,
and the Pink one too.

Not a chance,
asteroid breath!

I won't let him
get it, Shelby.

You, give it to me,
or I'll roast you.

Throw it to the Zord
in that cavern!

Trust me.




The Zord's re-energizing!

It's fantastic.

You did it,
Dr. Runga.

I'm proud of you.

This can't be good!

Look out!

I messed up again!


Out of my way!

Dr. Runga!





That hothead's
a failure once again.

But I'll get the blame.


Plesio Zord,
all better now.

Thanks to a little help
from Dr. Runga.

It may not have been
a real dinosaur,

but it was...



I won't let
that Zord get away.



(alarm blaring)

Meteor is
attacking the city.

We've got trouble.

Let's try catching a ride
on the Plesio Zord.



Dr. Runga.

It was so great
to meet you.

You too, Shelby.

Your secret's
safe with me.

And thanks for reminding me
what really matters.

See ya.


Dino Charge, activate.

Battle Mode!

Plesio Zord.
Great to finally meet you.


Ha, think
you can stop me?


sh**t him into space
where he belongs-- now!

Nice job,
but he's not finished yet.

Activate Plesio Charge

Plesio Charge
Megazord, engage.

Plesio Charge
Megazord, ready.



Brace yourselves!

Deal with this!

Spiral Galaxy Blast!

Plesio Rocket Punch!


Let's make space
his final frontier.



two... one.

Galactic Blast!

Not again!

(all cheering)


I can't believe this.

Pathetic Fury.

Meteor failed.

Just the latest in
a long line

of my monsters
destroyed on your watch.

Master Sledge.

I have an idea.

No, I'm going to make
my own plans

and finish
the Rangers myself.


Sad to say goodbye
to New Zealand, Chase?

but I'll be back soon.

Miss Morgan,
we're coming home.

Very nice work,

I'm very impressed
you retrieved

both the Purple Energem
and the Plesio Zord.

We get stronger
every day.

Soon, we make
Sledge extinct too.

Right on
Here, here.

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