22x07 - Let Sleeping Zords Lie

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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22x07 - Let Sleeping Zords Lie

Post by bunniefuu »

Millions of years ago,
the evil Sledge

tried to steal the greatest
power in the universe.

Bring me the energems.

But an alien
named Keeper

entrusted them to

You must keep
the Energems safe.

As for Sledge...
It's a b*mb!

He was blasted
deep into space.

Now, the Energems have
been found,

and Sledge returns

to battle
a new team of heroes.

Dino Charger!
They are

"Power Rangers
Dino Charge."

Sure is hot today.


What's she up to?


Something isn't right.

How about
lending a hand?

Follow me for a sec.

Keeper gave
ten Energems

to ten different

Of course.

Wait, I, uh...

We found five Energems,
but five are still lost.

Those Energems will
only be found

near the fossils
of the pterodactyl,


and titanosaurus.

We shouldn't dig here
just because

we found bones
here before.

Okay, then.

Where should we dig?

I don't know exactly.

But I have an idea.

Check this out.

If we combine
the known areas

where the remaining
dinosaurs lived

with the energy signatures
from each dinosaur's Energem,

then we can pinpoint more
accurately where to look.

Energy signature...

What is Shelby say?

She just doesn't like
getting dirty.


What I'm saying is...

We need to work smarter,

not harder.

Yeah, actually,
she might be right about

that energy signature,

how would
you ever track it?

You finished
all our drinks?


It's really hot
out here.

We noticed.

Shelby drink
like... camel.

Shouldn't we at least
test my theory?

Fine, then.

I don't need anything
from you guys anyway.

(keys jangling)


I need your keys.

And this.


♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers, Power Rangers ♪

♪ In a world
full of strife ♪

♪ We must fight
to survive ♪

♪ Try to break
the chains that divide ♪

♪ There is only
one chance ♪

♪ To take the right stance ♪

♪ Hold tight,
keep our power alive ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Don't you ever stop ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ You will rise up
to the top ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Dino Charge
all together ♪

♪ Power Rangers,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Power Rangers Dino Charge ♪♪

Master Sledge!
It takes time

to find the Energems.

They could be
buried anywhere.

If it's so difficult,

how did the Rangers
find five of them

so fast?

Get me the Energems,

or I'll put a bounty
on your head.

Yes, sir.
Oh, pathetic!

Can you believe the Rangers
found five Energems?

It can't be that hard.

I'll bet even we can
find an Energem.

Coming through!

Yes, indeed.
We're the perfect duet.

We can do it
all by ourselves.

That's right!

We need your help.

Oh, please.

The last time
I helped you,

Sledge and Fury were
very angry.

They won't be angry
because they won't know.

Together, you and I are
going to destroy the Rangers.



You're back

Is everything okay?

What happened?

Well, actually.

Something did happen.

I came up with an idea

for how to find
the other Energems.



I think
you underestimate

how difficult it is
to find an Energem.

And I think
you underestimate me.

Ever since
I first got here,

I've been
waiting tables,

mopping floors,

and being
a pretty good Pink Ranger,

if I do say so myself.

But I've also got
a lot of ideas

going on up here.

The problem is,
no one will listen.

Okay, Shelby.

I'm listening.



We combine
known facts about

the five remaining

Climate, known
breeding grounds,

food sources,
stuff I know,

with a global scan of
the energy signatures

for each of those
dinosaur's Energems.

That stuff I thought
you could help me figure out.

Global scan
of energy signatures?

Highly doubtful.

Unless of course we...


That would
require DNA samples,

and the processing power
required would limit us

to just one dinosaur
at a time.

Well, are you gonna
watch or help?

Hmm, let's start
with the ankylosaurus.

and bond it
to the Aqua Energem.

Very well.
Ankylosaurus it is.

We'll extract
a DNA sample

from an ankylosaurus fossil

And blend that DNA
with the energy signatures

from your five
Dino Chargers

to create our
first Ankylocharger.

We'll build a machine

to search for
energy signatures

that match the new

This Dino Charger should
be able to temporarily

power our machine
while it searches

for the Aqua Energem.

Does that mean
it can also locate

and power the Ankylozord?

Yes, theoretically.


Hey, guys,
we're back.

Welcome home,

Find anything?

I think I found
poison ivy.

Well, we had
a very successful day.

This is
the Ankylocharger.

It's the brain that runs
our new invention.

The e-tracer.

Let me see that.



You did it.

It's using
the satellite network,

trying to find
an Energem signature.

(satellite beeping)

It's searching for traces
of the Aqua Energem.

(e-tracer beeping)

It's locking
onto something.

(alarm sounding)
Oh, boy, this is huge.

What is it?

I've intercepted
a satellite search!

I bet it's the Rangers looking
for Energems!

And what did
they find?

Something big.

That's definitely
the right energy signature.

But I can't say if
it's an Energem.

It might be a zord.

It isn't
too far away.

Come on, guys.

This time,

we're going to dig
in the right place.

(e-tracer beeping)

Should be
right up... here.

Holy moly.

Looks like
someone beat us to it.


Yo, heads up!

Poisandra sends
her regards!

And now
I'll destroy you!

You'll get a kick
out of fighting me!

There you go.

Don't let him get away.
He might have the Energem.

I'm on it!

(e-tracer beeps)

No sign
of an Energem.

There may not be
an Energem,

but I left a little
something for you anyway!

My turn!

Not bad, Ranger.

But not good enough!

Get the point?

Aah! Aah!


What did you do to him?

Koda, are you okay?


Have fun fighting
your friend!

Not cool, man!



What's gotten
into him?

Koda-- aah!

Koda? Koda?

Get him on the ground!

on his back!

That must be
making him do this.

Settle down, mate.

It's some kind of stinger,
pull it out.

Hold still!

Uh, guys?

Koda, are you okay now?

Yes, I am okay.
Why you hug me?

(expl*si*n booms)

It's the Ankylozord.


Oh, that is
one angry zord.

It look powerful!


That was a close one.

Why would it attack us?

The Ankylozord is awake,

that means the Aqua Energem
bonded to someone.

You mean there's an Aqua
Power Ranger out there?

That is correct.

But he may
not know we exist

or may have chosen
for some reason

not to join us yet.

What is important now
is the Ankylozord.

It shares the Aqua
Energem's power

and would not
normally attack us.


sting zord,

like it sting me.

That would explain it.

Well, if so, we need
to remove the stinger.

Good luck.

Did you see the size
of that thing?

I'll do it.
No way.

It's too dangerous.

Someone has to do it.

Besides, it's my stupid
e-tracer that somehow

screwed up
and gave away

the zord's location
to Sledge.


Your device worked

Sledge got the location
of the zord because

I didn't encrypt
the e-tracer's code.

It's my fault
we lost control

of the Ankylozord.

I'll find a solution.

That pink featherbrain

thought she could
get a Ranger on her own?

That Sting Rage
belongs in a cell.

Fury tells me
you're interfering,

that you took Sting Rage
to Earth.

Did he also tell you

that I nearly caught
the Blue Ranger?

Or that we found

a Ranger's zord
and stung it?

It's true.

My stinger made
the zord go crazy.

It nearly destroyed
the Rangers.

You stung a zord, huh?

Not bad.

But if you don't
bring me an Energem,

you're going to wish you were
safely behind bars.

Got it?

Yes, of course,
Master Sledge.


Oh, good grief.

Stowing away again?
Really a bad idea.

Yeah, and going after
the Ankylozord alone

is also
a really bad idea.

I rarely make mistakes,

but when I do,
I correct them.

No excuses.

Look, we created
this problem together.

Let's solve it

I simply cannot
be responsible

for sending you
down this hole.

It's just
too dangerous.


Maybe you can't,
but I can!


Whoa! Aah!

Hole in one,
Sting Rage!


Vivix, attack

the nearsighted

Get away from me!

Gotta run.


That hurt.


Good thing
I could morph.



the Ankylozord!

Hello, Ankylozord.

You're a vegetarian,

There's the stinger.

Whoa, whoa!

This doesn't
look good!

Let go!


Sit right there,
smarty pants.

One little sting,
and it'll all be over.

Destroy her!


Not so fast!

Nice job,
Miss Morgan.

There they are!
Kendall, okay?

I'm fine,
thank you.

But Shelby,
she fell down the hole.

She's down there
with the Ankylozord?

Oh, no!

Can you do
an underground scan?

Yes, I can do one
from the base.


You won't get away
from me, Red Ranger!

Easy to catch,
easy to sting!

Out of my way,
you overgrown insect!

Looking for someone
you care about?

You asked for it!

We help Tyler!

I think you'll find me
a little tougher to defeat.

Oh, yeah?

That was close.

Can't handle
my sweet moves,
Black Ranger?


Easier than
swatting flies!



I'm going
to knock you flat!

Defenseless Rangers.

Sting them all,
and they'll destroy each other.

You're finished,

We must fight!


You're done,
Sting Rage!

You've stung
your last victim!

Dino Morpher blast!

I hope that stings!

you're okay!

I got the stinger
out of the Ankylozord.

You're awesome!

Looks like you guys are still
working too hard.

Next time,
we work smarter.

That's right!
I was worried.

you should have been.

Looks like it was a close call
till I showed up.

Now let's finish this.

You said it.

You'll pay for that!

Tyrannosaurus Rex!
Power Ranger, Red!

Power Ranger, Black!


Power Ranger, Blue!

Power Ranger, Green!


Power Ranger, Pink!

Oh, please!

I'll take down
Sting Rage.

Vivix! Attack!

How dare you
sting a zord?



Dino Steel Armor on!

You're really
starting to bug me.



Oh, no...

Looks like
I got stung this time.

And that's
how it's done!


Nice job, Shelby.
Very good.


See how these Rangers
deal with

a massive sting!

Magna beam!

Oh, no!

These guys never give up.

Time to call in
some zords.

Dino Charger, ready!

Come and get me!

Fight him, Rexy!


Let go,
you big dumb dino!

Watch out for
his stingers!

We need smash him.

Good idea.
Ankylozord can help.

You think
he'll respond to you?


He owes me a favor.

Dino Charge

Triankylo Formation.

Zords combine!

Dino Charge Megazord,

Triankylo Formation,


Wow. This combo
sounds powerful!

That's what you're
going to fight me with?

This'll be easy!


Power drill!

Hammer Punch!

Ankylozord very strong.

We got this guy
on the ropes.

Let's squash
this insect.




Hammer punch!

That really stings!

All right!

Welcome to the family,

Monster extinct!

Get over here,
you candy queen.

You're going to tell me how
you found that zord.

Lay one grimy
claw on me,

and Sledge will
grind you into space dust!



(Poisandra cackling)


Maybe I'm smarter
than you think, Fury.

Better watch
your back.



Kendall fixed
the e-tracer.

Sledge can't steal
her data anymore.

Once we've found
the other Energems...


Thank you.


Once we've found
the other Energems,

I'm thinking I might
head home.

See my mum in New Zealand.

Man, is it hot today.

Very funny.

No, but your invention is
gonna help our search a lot.

I mean,
it's genius.


My grandfather,
famous caveman.

He invent...

very complicated
machine, too.


It's called "wheel."

(all laughing)

We crushed it,

Yes, we did crush it.

Because of your
recent invention,

the museum has
a gift for you.

A fossil from your
favorite dinosaur.

A triceratops


I don't recognize
this bone.


That is poop.

Yes, Koda,
it's a very rare specimen.

Dino dung?


Now lots of
rare specimen.

(all laughing)


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