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01x05 - More Money, More Problems

Posted: 04/12/23 13:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Gotham Knights"...

DUELA: We've been set up.

TURNER: We're gonna find
who really k*lled my dad

and clear our names.

CULLEN: How did the Talon
get a hold of the knives

belonging to a serial k*ller

who's been dead for almost years?

This says Felix Harmon had a daughter.

Beware The Court of Owls.

Speak not a whispered word of them

or they'll send the Talon for your head...


according to the mayor's security detail,

there is a key unaccounted for.

That could lead us to the k*ller.

STEPHANIE: Turner, you need
to get out of there right now.

Cressida is one of them. She's
working with The Court of Owls.

TURNER: All that time,

Cressida was plotting to m*rder my dad.

She was the last piece of family I had left.



BARTENDER: Gentlemen.

What can I get ya?

Whiskey neat, right? Or was it scotch?

Just the cash.

Yeah. Yeah.



You're short.

Business has been slow.

You know how it is.

We'll get you the rest. I-I promise.

We just need a little bit more time. Please.

I would. I would,

only the boss don't accept IOUs.


BARTENDER: No. Oh, no,
no, no. Please, please don't.

This place is all we've got!

Not anymore.





Oh, good. You're awake.

Barely. Good morning.

You're .

Since when do you need to drink coffee?

Since sleeping in on a
Saturday became a crime

and the punishment is SAT prep class.

Oh, you groan now,
but you'll thank me later.

You know what I always say.

If you stay ready...

BOTH: You don't have to get ready.

Yeah. I know.

Why are your shoes so dirty?

Um... I volunteered to help
the agriculture club.

Well, just make sure you don't track

your volunteering all over the house.

You want to do takeout tonight?

That way, you'll have leftovers
tomorrow when I'm on shift.

I thought you were coming
to my school tomorrow.

We have that Parents' Sunday Luncheon.

Oh, sh**t. That's right.

No, I'll... I'll see if I
can get a shift change.

No. it's OK. It'll be the same

dog and pony show as last year.

No. It's important that
I show up to these things.

I miss one event,
and that becomes my label...

The mother who never
shows up for her daughter.

Your label will always be "badass
mom who saves lives on the regular"

in my book.

Yeah, I'm working on a shorter label.


Go on! Go save lives.

- DR. KELLEY: Love you.
- CARRIE: Love you, too.


I've got something.

OK. Let me try this again.

I brought doughnuts.

DUELA: Someone turn her down.

TURNER: Tell me you found an explanation

for how a century-old,

supposedly dead, serial k*ller

left fresh fingerprints on
Eunice Monroe's music box.

He's a vampire?

Vampires aren't real.

Well, neither was k*ller Croc

until he crawled out of a storm drain, so,

break out the garlic and the holy water.

That fingerprint has to be a fluke.

It's literally impossible for Felix Harmon

to be the Talon.

OK, but even if he is,

we dropped the whole Batcave on his ass.

Is it too much to hope that we

don't need to worry about him anymore?

I don't know. If he really is

years old and still in fighting shape,

who knows what he can survive.

Yeah. Bad boys from beyond the grave?

Not my wheelhouse.

But I did dig up a lead we can follow...

Cressida's finances.

So, not a grave but probably just as dirty.

Yup. Since Cressida's name

kept showing up on that
nursing home sign-in sheet,

paying a visit to the Talon's daughter,

I thought, What if she's also paying

for dear old Eunice's stay there?

Yeah, that makes sense.

But she's not. Well, at least not directly.

She wouldn't want a financial
tie because she's smart.

Yeah. Smart enough to
worm her way into my dad's life.

Pretending to care about us.

So, uh, who is paying

for the old gal's stay at the nursing home?

Something called "G&S Limited
Holdings and Acquisitions."

What's that?

I think it's a shell company, a fake.

Probably controlled by The Court

to pay for things they don't
want traceable back to them.

But I may have hacked my way

into getting their tax returns.


Which one of your boy-toys

is gonna take the fall for that?

I hope he's as cute as the last one.

Whatever this company is,
it's taking in a lot of money.

Does this company have an address?


I'm sorry to show up unannounced like this.

What can I do for you, Mrs. March?

So formal. Then I'll cut to the chase.


I know my husband came
to see you a few days ago.

Was it about us?

That was years ago, Rebecca.

There is no "us" for Lincoln to ask about.

- REBECCA: You know that's not...
- HARVEY: We discussed the need

to step up security after
what happened to Mayor Hill.

That's all.

But I think it's best...

for you and I to keep our distance.

Neither campaign needs the mess.


You sure know how
to give a girl perspective.

Can we just be pleasant for the
press and otherwise stay away?

Give Lincoln my best.

You tell him.

Apparently, I was never here.

CULLEN: This is G&S
Holdings and Acquisitions?

Apparently so.

Oh, boy.

What? You know this place?



Those guys are McKillens...

City's most dangerous mob.

Drug trafficking, smuggling,

running protection rackets.

Not good people.

How do you know it's them?

I, uh, kinda dated one.

You what?

Well, this just got juicy.

STEPHANIE: So, what did you guys find?

CULLEN: Why don't you ask Harper?

Because she seems to know
a lot about what we saw.

It's a McKillen shipping yard.

I know because I dated one.

There. Now you're caught up.

I remember Dylan mentioning

they laundered money
for some pretty bad people.

Oh, and that wasn't a red flag for you?

STEPHANIE: Wait, wait. I'm sorry.

His name is Dylan McKillen?

The point is, only the boss

actually knew who they
were laundering money for.

Whoever it was, they were that dangerous.

The Court of Owls?

HARPER: That could explain how the McKillens

have stayed untouchable for so many years.

Probably getting protection from The Court

in exchange for laundering their cash.

With that much money being funneled through

so many shell companies, the McKillens

have to have some system
to keep track of it all.

Records like that could directly prove

The Court is real and involved

with the biggest crime ring in Gotham.

We'd take down The Court and the McKillens.

I can hack them.

See if I could get a hold of those records.

Do you really think an organized crime ring

would be dumb enough
to keep digital records?

For security, it's probably all hard copy.

DUELA: Well, OK, so, what? What?

We just walk up to the McKillens and we say,

"One criminal ledger, please"?

No. We're gonna rob the mob.

CARRIE: "Rob the mob"?

Since when are we letting
Duela come up with all the plans?

Actually, this one's all Turner.

[LAUGHS] Congrats, Turner.

You're officially crazier
than the Crazy One.

- TURNER: It's not crazy.
- CARRIE: Fine. Reckless.

Think about it. The upside
of this could be huge.

Take down the McKillens
and take down The Court.

I mean, the McKillens leach
off the poorest people in the city.

They target The Narrows the most, right?

Yeah. Thanks for the guilt.

OK, what Turner's trying to say

is that if we find the ledger,

we could follow the flow of money

to understand what The Court is up to.

Maybe even find proof to clear our names.

go today, if we didn't have

that stupid Parents' Luncheon thing.

I have to give a speech. It's a whole deal.

Actually, my mom has a shift,

so, she wouldn't really know if I ditch.

So, you're in?

Storming a mob stronghold in broad daylight?

What could go wrong?

Harper says today's when security
at McKillen HQ will be the lightest.

Apparently, McKillens take their
Sunday churchgoing pretty seriously.

STEPHANIE: As any good
Irish Catholic mobster does.

To pull this off, we're gonna
need a few prayers of our own.

- MAN: Thank you.
- WOMAN: Anytime.



Harvey. Hi.

Can I talk to you for a second?

Ha ha ha! You gonna ask

for a campaign donation?

I'll settle for your professional
opinion on something.

Come on in.

How can I help?

I've got a possible suspect in a case

who woke up in possession of

a piece of evidence...

One that could possibly
tie him to the crime,

except he doesn't remember how it got there.

Says he's been experiencing missing time

and possibly doing things
that he doesn't remember.

And you believe him?

I do.

I don't think that

he would have any reason to lie.

People don't always need a reason, Harvey.

This guy's telling the truth.

Or at least he thinks he is.

What do you mean?

I'm wondering if he could be suffering

from something like identity dysmorphia.

Like the kind your father suffered from?

Harvey, we've known
each other for a long time.

I can't help you unless you're

being completely honest with me.

What do you mean?

Are we really talking about a suspect?

Am I really that bad of a liar?


I mean, I actually think
that's a good quality

for Gotham's next mayor.

Now, tell me what's really going on.

HARPER: So, this freight
yard is McKillen HQ,

and this charming concrete depot

is where they do their... money stuff.

They have pretty heavy security

surrounding it at all times.

So, how were you in there before?

Dylan and I hung out there.

That's code for getting b...

Thank you. We know.

Still doesn't explain.

Dylan had a key.

He's kind of the boss' son.

Oh. OK. That's hot.

Great. Because it's not
enough you dated a mobster.

It had to be the riskiest one possible.

Doesn't change the fact that
we still need to get into the place.

So, if anyone else has
anything else to add that is not

about my relationship with Dylan,

please speak now.

Well, if trucks are constantly going

in and out through the yard every day...

Then maybe we can hitch a ride.


WOMAN: So, then we finally find the resort

after hours spent hiking
in the wrong direction.

Oh, if only Arthur had just listened to me

when I said that we should go left.

You know, but at least
we got our steps in, right?

Probably for the year.


- STEPHANIE: Hey, Mom.
- MOM: Mm.

Stephanie. Excuse me, guys.

Got you a club soda.


You're an angel, as everyone keeps saying.

All this glowing talk about
you has got me parched.

They're probably just kissing up

to their favorite celebrity donor.

No, no, no. It's all true.

I am proud of you.

So, you ready for your big speech?

Uh, more or less.

Oh, please.

You are your father's daughter.

You're gonna be great.

Break a leg, sweetie.

Thanks, Mom.

MAN ON RADIO: I'm looking at it
right now. It went out this morning...

HARPER: If the ledger is anywhere,

it would be in that warehouse.

So, what do we do now?

I think if we stay low and head east...


MAN ON RADIO: Delivery should be arriving.

Copy that.


HARPER: Are you kidding me?

He could've radioed the other guards.

And now he's sleeping on the job.

Can we just hurry and get the door open?

[SIGHS] Oh, my God.

Come on, Freek. [BEEPING]

Frequency finder.

Trying to find the right
frequency to open the bay door.


CARRIE: Outside's clear.

Gonna make sure we're alone in here.

CULLEN: Bingo.


Well, looks like we got
what we came here for.

Let's get out of here.

All right. Where's Duela?

DUELA: Over here...

with all of this.


Ha ha! I should've worn
something with more pockets.

Jeez. I'm rich. I'm rich!

CARRIE: It's not yours.

Ah. My God, you're right, Little Bird.

I'm so sorry. We are rich.

No. No, Duela, this is, like, dirty money.

This has been taken from innocent people,

small businesses in the neighborhood.

Right. Exactly. So, why should we let

the McKillens keep it?

OK. We don't have time to debate this.

HARPER: rows across,
all stacks of hundreds.

Look at the volume here.

There's gotta be at least $ million.


The McKillen protection
racket is good but not this good.

What does that mean?

This has to be Court money that
the McKillens are laundering for them.

OK, so, it's clean dirty money.

Still not a reason to take it.

Not not a reason to take it.

Thank you. See, guys,

come on, come on.

We gotta hit 'em where it hurts the most,

their pockets.


We can't leave it here,
so, what do we do with it?

MAN: Better question is...

what am I gonna do about you?

[p*stol COCKS]


HARPER: Dylan!

How was church?

Good afternoon, everyone.
On behalf of the student body,

I'd like to welcome you

to the Gotham Academy
Annual Parents' Luncheon.

For over a century, the Academy has shaped

the minds and careers of Gotham's

most prominent citizens,

and our city's next generation
of leaders is...

Um... and our city's
next generation of leaders

is right here on this very campus.

Why do I have the key,

and why did I wake up in City Hall

with no memory of how I got there?

If I... if I... if I can't
remember anything,

then I don't have any alibi.

So, what is the more likely scenario?

That you have a homicidal alter ego

who assassinated the mayor in
the most byzantine manner possible,

yet neglected to remove
the one piece of evidence

tying you to the m*rder,

or that the car keys of a man

that you work with closely on a daily basis

accidentally got mixed up with your own?

Sure, right. If you put it that way.

Harvey, I think what you're really afraid of

is becoming like your father.

The man brutalized you for years.

And then he would have no memory of it.

He made you doubt your own
sanity, just like you're doing now.

Yeah, but now I have good reason to.

This is not normal, Chase.

Who knows what could be happening,

what I could be doing during
these gaps in my memories,

[SIGH] who I could be?

What do you mean by that?


Look at my father.

One minute, the man

was an abusive monster.

I mean, he would... he would beat me

if I missed a few notes at piano

or I spilled soda on my shirt

or sometimes...

just for no reason at all.

And then... [SNAPS FINGERS]

Just like that,

he would snap right
back to this perfect dad,

who was warm and loving and...

caring, even.

And he would look around
like, "What happened?"

"Who tore up your sheet music?

Why are you crying, Harvey?"

And, "How'd you get that
bruise on your face?"

And he would just rush over

and make sure I was OK,

and I knew that he loved me and...

I loved him.

But that monster...

that was just as real.


Just because you are
experiencing memory loss

does not mean you inherited
your father's disorder.

In fact, it is highly unlikely.

A disorder like his typically manifests

at a much earlier age.

You'd know by now if you had it.

Then what the hell is happening to me?

Our bodies are very smart,

and sometimes, when you're overwhelmed,

your brain senses a threat

and it shuts down that
part of itself to protect you.

It's a trauma response.

There's really nothing...

Nothing you're concerned about here?

I think your anxiety is off the charts.

I'm gonna write you a prescription

to help you manage it.

And then I am going to write a check

for a campaign donation.


Gotham needs you, Harvey.

It's been an honor
to speak to you all today,

and thank you again for coming
and for your continued support.



Excuse me. Great speech.

Do you know my daughter... Carrie Kelley?

I can't seem to find her anywhere.

- STEPHANIE: Dr. Kelley.
- DR. KELLEY: Yes.

Carrie is, uh, around here somewhere,

um, and if I see her,
I will send her your way.


MAN: Excuse me. Dr. Kelley?

- DR. KELLEY: Yes.
- MAN: Caleb Pearce.

Oh. So nice to see you.

You are Carrie's history teacher.

Yes. Good memory. [BOTH CHUCKLE]

I was hoping to, um,
chat with the two of you.

Actually, I was just looking for Carrie.

Have you seen her?

Not yet, no.

It's not like her to miss
something like this.

Well, that's actually what I
wanted to talk to you about.

This kind of absence

has been a bit of a pattern for her lately.

HARPER: As you probably heard from the news,

I was... we... were wrongfully accused

of Bruce Wayne's m*rder,

and as we were getting together a plan,

I was like, Hey,

you know who's really good at smuggling

all sorts of stuff outside of the city?

My good friend Dylan.

Friend? That's not really the word

that I would use to
describe our relationship,

but then again...

soon as you got the money
from our job, you split.

CULLEN: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Back up. Job?

As in, you worked for the mob?

We prefer family business.

HARPER: You're right, Dylan. I...

wasn't committed enough in our relationship,

but I guess I didn't realize

how strongly you felt about me.

That's the only reason
I said "friend" earlier.

DUELA: Maybe you should stop
using the word "friend."

I trusted you, Harper,

and you just left.

No warning, no discussion.

Really messes with a man's head, you know?


You are completely correct.

You know she has abandonment issues.

Probably explains why she left so quick.

Sorry. Who are you?

Cullen, her brother.

You have a brother?

Never mentioned me, huh?

You know what, Harper?

You treat people like they're disposable.

You're always so focused on the next thing.

You're so closed off, I
never even had a chance.

I-I really am sorry, Dylan.

Well, just like you're not into commitment,

I'm not into apologies.

Lucky for you,

it's nothing reward money can't fix.

Good news, boys.

We just caught Bruce Wayne's K*llers.

DYLAN ON RADIO: We're over in Warehouse Two.

[BANGING ON DOOR] Wait, Dylan, please.

You can't turn us in.

It's nothing personal.

Oh, wait. That's right. It is.



Thank you. I just couldn't
listen to this guy anymore.


And it sounds like we're
about to get company.

MAN ON RADIO: Hey, Dylan, open up.


OK. I just jammed the door's frequency.

Better lock down any other entry points,

make sure they can't get in.

Mm-hmm. And now we can't get out.



Clingiest mobster ever.


That door's not gonna hold them for long.

Hello. D-bags?

Now, unless you want to explain to your boss

why her son is roasting over a nice bonfire

made out of all this cash,

I kindly suggest you back the hell off.


MAN: Come on, stop! [BANGING STOPS]


Good thinking. Bought us some time.

Yeah, but how much?

Long enough to tell me
about that part-time mob job?


And, apparently, my mom made it

to the Parents' Luncheon after all.

HARPER: Cullen, seriously,
now is the not the time

for any of this.

I mean,

what the hell were you thinking?

Can we please talk about this when we're not

in a standoff with armed gunmen, OK?

It was one time over a year ago.

Trust me. Just let it go.

Trust you?

Harper, you lied to me.

We swore we'd always
be honest with each other

because no one else was.

And I am, I swear,

but we needed the money, and
I knew you wouldn't be on board,

so, better to ask for
forgiveness than permission.

You never asked me for either.

I'm just finding out about this now.

What else are you not telling me?

- HARPER: Cullen.
- CULLEN: I mean, you just decided

to take this insane risk by yourself,

and you were so caught up
with me going into the GCPD,

saying it was dangerous and all that.

How the hell is this anything different?

Cullen, you don't understand.

What did you possibly think was
worth getting mixed up with the mob?

You, Cullen.

What the hell are you talking about?

I did it for you.

I took the job

to pay for your top surgery.

You told me you stole that money from Dad.

Like he ever had any money left

after the booze and the horses.

I let you believe it was from him

because I knew you'd react
this way if you knew the truth.


You guys are so fun.

Like, I-I remember when I was your age.

Mm, the stuff we got up to.

Surprised I'm not in jail.

- STEPHANIE: Excuse us.
- MOM: Oh.

OK, Mom, I think it's time to go home.

Hey. I just met your friends.

They are so nice, especially that Brody.

You want to hang on to that boy.


Well, he's better than that Turner kid,

who had his own father k*lled.

You looking for pointers to use on me?

Don't tempt me. [MOTHER CHUCKLES]

I'm gonna call you a cab.

Please. You know, you couldn't be bothered

to bring me anything
better than a club soda,

so, I'm just fine to drive, thank you.

Please. Mom.





Hello? Who is this?


Hey. We can't just wait them
out forever. What's the plan?

Uh, you could let him
take your hand in marriage

and become part of the family.

[CELL PHONE VIBRATES] Oh, no. It's my mom.

What? OK, well, do not answer it.

Oh, no, I think I have to,

or else she's gonna know
something's up, so, just...

- DUELA: What?
- CARRIE: Hi, Mom.

I made it to school. Where are you?

I'm at a study group.

MAN ON RADIO: You can't
stay in there forever.

What is that noise?

That doesn't sound like studying to me.

CARRIE: It's my study buddies.
They're crazy.

They're just, like, really passionate about

the history of the Irish Republican Army.

I switched to the late shift tonight.

You better be back by the time I get home.

I promise.

Bye. Bye.


OK, OK, so, did things
just get better or worse?

The McKillens have cops on their payroll.

Good morning, fellas.

Good morning.

Trust me, things definitely just got worse.

Officer on P.A.: This is the GCPD.

We can do this the peaceful way

or the fun way.

Your call.

Won't be long before Gotham's Finest

comes bursting through that door.

Well, being reckless got us into this.

We're gonna have to be
reckless to get us out.


OK. You had your chance. The fun way it is.

OFFICER: OK. Get ready, boys.

Let's go. Move!

They're burning the money!

Find them now!


Uh! Uhh!


Uhh! They took the damn money.


Hang on.


DUELA: Easy! You know, I'd like to be alive

to spend some of this money, thank you.

Yeah, tell that to them.


- CULLEN: Are we outta there yet?
- HARPER: Working on it.

TURNER: Floor it!

I've been flooring it.


What's going on up there?

They're coming up too fast.

Well, if we can't speed up, we're gonna

have to slow them down.

What the hell are you doing?

- Uhh!
- Uhh!

Carrie, Carrie, no. Stop it!


No! What are you doing?

DUELA: Stop it.

You are literally throwing money away.

If those cops catch us,
they're not gonna let you keep it.

It is not our money to keep.

It is the people of Gotham's.

- DUELA: No! No!
- CULLEN: No. Duela!

No. no. No, this one is mine!

- CULLEN: Duela, let go!

CULLEN: Come on!



CULLEN: Ha ha ha! Whoo!

CULLEN: She did it. You did it, Harper.

- HARPER: Yes!
- CULLEN: You did it!

We go now to news out of the East End,

where a group of unknown
vigilantes have littered the streets

with millions of dollars' worth of cash.

The money is believed to be
the ill-gotten gains

of alleged crime family the McKillens.

East Enders all know the McKillens have been

holding the local businesses
hostage for decades.

Just got worse after
the Dark Knight got k*lled.

BARTENDER ON TV: Seems to me
Gotham got some new knights.

While the identity of these so-called

"Gotham Knights" remains unknown,

after today's redistribution of wealth,

Gotham is one step closer to ending

the McKillens' reign of terror,

and it seems we have a new generation

of protectors to thank for it.

Ever since... [TURNS TV OFF]

TURNER: We all just saw
that, right? That happened?

Yup. All those people got our money.

And they think we did it out

of the goodness of our hearts.

They called us the Gotham Knights.

I'll take that over "Bruce Wayne's K*llers."

What do you think's gonna
happen when they realize

their new heroes are also
their most wanted fugitives?

VERA BLUE: ♪ I click my fingers ♪

♪ And skies are blue ♪

♪ I lean over the edge ♪

♪ Just to enjoy the view ♪

♪ I smell the flowers ♪

♪ Like I'm told to do ♪

- ♪ In the palm of my hand... ♪
- DR. KELLEY: Carrie?

♪ Slowly slipping right through ♪

♪ Highlights of a life ♪

♪ Many of you know ♪

♪ What goes on behind ♪

♪ Many of you don't ♪

♪ And I find it hard to listen ♪

♪ I don't give myself permission ♪

♪ Everything is wonderful ♪

♪ Everything is wonderful ♪

♪ There's no time to think of healing ♪

♪ If there is I don't know how ♪

♪ Everything is wonderful ♪

♪ I swear everything is wonderful ♪

♪ A wild chaos mind ♪

♪ And a vacant space ♪

♪ I hold everything dear ♪

♪ But it can all be replaced ♪

♪ I scan my eye line ♪

♪ A familiar face ♪

♪ Crazy slip that we do ♪

♪ For a stranger's embrace ♪

[ECHOING] ♪ Embrace ♪

Dude. Your art.

You really blow me away sometimes.

I had no idea just how
much you've done for me...

how much you've risked.

I just want to say thank you.

This is why I didn't tell you.

I didn't want you blaming
yourself for my choice.

I could see how hard things were for you

before the surgery, and it was like...

we got away from Dad,

but you were still trapped.

So, getting you that money

was a no-brainer.

And I would do it again.

Seriously, Harper, thank you.

Well, I feel better
when my brother is happy,

so, really, it was for me.



There's a "but" to your "thank you"?

That Dylan guy. He was a total himbo,

who you were way too good for, by the way.

But he was right about one thing.

While you're busy doing
everything for everyone else,

don't close yourself off to having

something or someone for yourself.

You deserve it.

Gotta say...

I don't utterly loathe this new Bat-Brat.

You gotta work on the compliment thing.

Well, it's not a compliment.

It's an observation.

So, you're observing me?

Oh, I'm always watching.


And what do you see?

Well, I think it's more... what I don't see.

Guardrails. Safety nets.

You're outside of your comfort zone,

and I think you like it there.

Maybe Harper's right and
I'm just getting careless.

Or maybe you got betrayed.

Yeah, I know a little bit about that.

It's always the ones right in front of you

that you never see coming.

Bat-nanny turned out

to be a one-bitch sleeper cell

and took away the last person
you thought you could rely on.

Here's the good news.

When you've got no one left to trust,

you learn how to trust yourself.

Well, if that means not
playing by the rules anymore,

count me in.

The people who pull the strings in Gotham

don't play by 'em, so, why should you?

Now we just gotta follow those strings

back to The Court of Owls.

About that. We have a problem.

So, just like we thought,
the McKillens' ledger

shows tons of money being
filtered through their operation.

But it's just a bunch of numbers.

It's a ledger. It's gonna have numbers.

It's all numbers.

Not just the dollar amounts,
the recipients, too.

It's written in code.

Then we have to find a way to crack it.

Yeah, it's a complex cipher
that's gonna be tough to break.

Maybe not for someone
who grew up solving puzzles

with Mr. "Quiz Bowl" himself.



Well, you've got my vote.

But I have to warn you... your opponent is

on his way back to the city.

He'll be home in an hour.

What we choose to do with that hour...

Wait. We can't do this again.


Which part?

The one where you say,
"We can't do this again,"

but when it suits your needs,

you call and call and call,

and like an idiot, I answer?

What are you talking about?


I'm already in one bad relationship, Harvey.

I don't need two.

Greg, move your head.