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03x05 - Head On

Posted: 04/12/23 13:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Superman and Lois"...

I have stage three
inflammatory breast cancer.

- Where are you going?
- "The Gazette."

I'm not just gonna sit around
and wait till chemo, Clark.

There's one prisoner other than Henry Miller

that Judge Regan granted
compassionate release to.

James Distefano.

You skipped chemo, Lois.

We had just gotten this break
in the Mannheim case.

Bruno Mannheim is my white whale.

This story is not more
important than your health.


Bruno Mannheim invested $ million

in Hob's Bay Medical Center.

If a sign up as a chemo patient there,

I would be right in the middle of Hob's Bay.

I'll do the paperwork when we get home.

It'll be in their system
at the end of the day.


♪ ♪

I think that's everything.

Your dad and I will meet you at
the dance after my treatment.

Mom, you really don't need to come, okay?

Grandpa said he'd cover for you.

There's gonna be plenty of chaperones.

But it's the Valentine's Day Dance.

- I wanna be there.
- You're getting a round

of chemo. Maybe take a rest after.

Yeah, last time, you were
super exhausted, remember?

I was a little fatigued,
but not until the next day.

Besides, this is my one chance
to see you two dressed in

anything other than
hoodies and tennis shoes.

So if you really wanna make me happy,

you'll put on a suit, and I don't know,

- maybe comb your hair.
- Okay.

I would, but Candice
never lets me in the bathroom.

Jordan, we have talked about this.

- She's our guest.
- No, seriously, though.

It's been three weeks of cold showers,

not to mention waiting for the bathroom.

Okay, she's looking for a place to stay.

It's just taking longer than expected.

I'm starting to think she's my mortal enemy.

- Okay.
- Oh, good, you're still here.

I thought you would like a little treat

during your session today.

Aw, that is so sweet of you.

Thanks again for taking me dress-shopping.

I can't wait to show it off at the dance.

You're gonna look so beautiful.

All right, wish me luck.

Round two.

You're gonna crush it today, Mrs. Lane.

Thank you.


You and Nat taking them out
for another spin?

Really appreciate you
letting us use your land.

Hey, anytime.

But, Clark, I gotta be honest,

I'm not okay with Lois getting her treatment

at Bruno Mannheim's hospital.

Am I the only one
who thinks the priority here

should be her b*ating this thing

and not poking around in Al Capone's vault?

It's Lois' treatment.

She's allowed to decide where she gets it.

Bruno Mannheim stole your blood

and then tried to blow up
John Henry's sister.

Not exactly the résumé of a top caregiver.

I'm aware of that.

At least keep her away from
the kids' dance tonight.

She should be at home, resting.

She's got her heart set on going,

so we're gonna have to trust
that she knows her limits.

You still mad about me going
to Hob's Bay Medical Center?

I'm just here to support you, pumpkin,

any way I can.


I'll see you at the dance, Dad.




♪ ♪

Ms. Lane?

We're all ready for you now.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

It's not so bad here, huh?

Not so bad.

- I'm happy we're doing this.

It's nice to have a meal, you and me.

What'd you say?

- I said...
- Oh, I'm sorry.

So are you excited for the dance tonight?

No. I mean, well, not really.
It's not at school.

I mean, what's the Loyal Order of the Bison?

They were kind enough

to loan us their banquet hall
for the evening.


Oh, I gotta go.

Chrissy wants a statement about

the town hall construction delay.


Hey, Junior.

How are you and your mom holding up?

Don't act like you care.

- Of course I care.
- Really?

'Cause now that my dad's dead,

you've been acting like
he was never even the mayor.

I issued a statement.

Which was a joke.

You didn't mention any of the stuff he did

for people around here.

Come on, Junior.

We're all friends here.

You and I haven't been
friends for, like, ten years.

I know you cheated to b*at my dad.

That is not true.





♪ ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ Built a wall ♪

♪ Well, you ain't seen before ♪

♪ Sire, the sounds of reasons ♪

Last one home buys lunch!

♪ That you have ♪

♪ Whoo ♪


♪ ♪

♪ Whoo ♪


♪ ♪

You are so lucky I'm vegan,

or else I'd be ordering a big, fat steak.


Any idea who that is with Jordan?

Hey, Nat, guess who I found
in town looking for you?



Are you sure about this?

If I can get access to Dr. Hook's files,

maybe we can finally find out
what Bruno Mannheim's up to.

Okay, it's just the nurse
said the anti-nausea medicine

might wear you out,
so maybe I should be the one

doing the investigating.

Or being a patient here

will allow me to move around
more freely, undetected.

So you just stay here.

And do what?

Cover for me. D






I need more.

You do what I ask,
you'll get as much as you need.

This stuff's the only thing
that's keeping me alive.

Oh, it's doing more than that.

Lois Lane has settled in.

Are you clear on what
you need to do, Mr. Distefano?

I'm clear.

♪ ♪

Where'd she meet this joker?

Um, in Metropolis.

In Metropolis, where?

At a party.

So this Matteo shows up
in Smallville on what,

a hunch?

Actually, he found Sarah online

and asked for Nat's number,

but Sarah thought it'd be better

if he came to Smallville
and asked her in person, so...

Here he is, having convinced you

to ditch every safety protocol
you've been taught

and lead him straight to the farm!

He seems like a cool guy.

Cool guy?


Um, I gotta be honest.

That dude's kind of freaking me out.


He's probably just wondering
why you're here.

But why does he even care?

He's, you know, like,
part of my adopted family.

It's complicated.

Oh, I see. I see.

Well, in that case,

I'll try my best to make a good impression.

This is so crazy.

I can't believe you're actually here.

Yeah, me either.

I was super nervous
surprising you like this,

but Sarah insisted, so I...

Well, this time, I will
definitely give you my number.

You know, the movie theater in town

is playing "Dumb Einstein,"
if you're interested.

Or maybe not.

It's just I have a Valentine's dance

that I'm going to at my school.

I mean, I'd ask you to go, but...

You already have a date.

No, it's a formal.

You're not really dressed up.

Okay, well, I'll buy a suit.

I'm sure there's some place
in town that could hook me up.

Seems like a lot just to go
to some high-school dance.

Not just a high school dance.

A high school dance with you.


It's totally worth it.


Please have a seat.

You're making me nervous.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Um, I'm not getting treatment.

I'm just here to support my wife.

- Lois Lane, right?
- Mm-hmm.

- Lois Lane in Hob's Bay?
- Mm. What's she got?

Uh, inflammatory breast cancer, stage three.

This her first round of chemo?

Second. The first one was in New Carthage.

Everything went well.
She's... she's doing great.

How are you doing?


I just want Lois to get better.

Ah. Looks like we have another one.

Sounds like every other spouse.


Have a seat.


Excuse me. Can I help you?

Yeah, I'm just dropping off lab results.

Okay, no problem. First door on your right.


Damn it all to hell.

Mr. Cushing.

Need a hand?

I've been out here a while. I don't know.

Half a dozen cars driven by,
and you're the, uh...

You're the first person to stop.

Yeah, well, it's no big deal.

I just wanted to make sure
everything was okay.

See, that right there, that's, uh,

that's pretty much what I do for a living.


You know, crew and I, we've been, uh,

we've been pretty swamped lately.

We could use an extra hand.

- Wait, seriously?
- Yeah.

Hell, you're the perfect age
if you want to learn,

you know, if it's something
you might be interested in.

Yeah, yeah, that would be cool.

But I work during the week
at Brit and Dunn's.

Your weekends free?

Yes, sir.

Why don't you stop by next Saturday?

We'll just take it from there.


All right. Cool.

Hey, Jon, we gotta get going
so I can get ready in time.


See you next Saturday.

Will do.



Junior was just so angry.

It was like I was the bad person,

not his dad.

I'm afraid that Junior is not the only one

who feels that way.

There are so many questions
about what happened to Dean.

People are looking for someone to blame.

But why blame me?

I had nothing to do with what happened.

But you were political rivals, right?

People see that
and just sort of run with it.


If people could only see how
crooked George Dean really was.

I mean, objectively, he did
do a lot of good for this town.

Oh, trust me, the bad
outweighs the good here.

I mean, I have plenty of proof

of Dean robbing this city blind.

Lana, well, unless people know the truth,

they're gonna keep blaming you.

If you want, I can help clear the air.

Two of us, we've both
been through this before.

I was diagnosed five years ago.

Went through all the treatments...

Radiation, surgery.

Was in remission until it came back.

End of last year.

Sorry to hear that.

And for me, I've been on
both sides of the chair.

First was where you're sitting
with my daughter Diana.

She had breast cancer.

Took her three years ago this month.

She would've turned .

Wow, she was so young.

Her doctors thought the same thing.

They kept telling her not to worry,

even though the voice in her head

knew something was wrong.

Uh, is she okay?

Oh, yeah, that's just the chemo kicking in.

I'm really sorry about your daughter.

Me too. [SNIFFLES]


Where's Henry Miller?


I gotta hand it to you,

coming to my hospital for treatment

so you can investigate me at the same time.

Where's Dr. Hook?

Making rounds, seeing patients.

We both know that's not true.

Well, I can have a nurse
track him down for you,

if you'd like.

But all this sneaking around is unnecessary.

You wanna know something? Just ask.

Well, what I know is that
you have Superman's blood

and that you are having
Dr. Hook somehow use it

to make powered people...

This again.

People who were dying like Henry Miller.

You know, your friend, Superman,

accused me of the same thing.

This is a cancer treatment facility.

The only thing I'm doing here
is trying to save lives.

I have written about you long
enough to know that nothing...

Nothing... happens in South Metropolis

unless it benefits you.

You want something to write about?


♪ ♪

This is my state-of-the-art research lab.

Follow me.


♪ I said, a hip-hop, the hippie ♪

♪ The hippie to the hip, hip-hop ♪

♪ And you don't stop the rockin' ♪

♪ To the bang-bang boogie ♪

♪ Say up jump the boogie ♪

♪ To the rhythm of the boogie, the b*at ♪

Not sure I understand your mother's desire

- to come to this thing.
- What, you didn't like

going to dances
when you were in high school?

No, I was a junior ROTC cadet.

Didn't really have time
for dating or dances.

Maybe it's not too late for you, then.

Somehow, this is exactly
what I was expecting.

Oh, my God, you really did it.

Yeah, somehow, he tracked me down

and then drove here and bought a suit.

Best wing woman ever right here.


Come on. We have so much to talk about.

Your wife must have
a hard time sitting still, huh?


That'll change. [CHUCKLES]

But that instinct will
come in handy down the road.

- Now don't go scaring him.

Oh, no, it's okay.

Uh, what do you mean?

Well, everyone calls it something different,

experiences it in their own way,

but the pull, as I call it,

happens to anyone who sits in this chair.

The pull?

This disease,

it tests every part of you,

mentally, physically.

And at some point, you get this feeling,

this... this pull.

That it'd be so much easier
if you'd just let go.

It doesn't mean that you don't love

the people in your life
or that you wanna leave 'em,


that feeling to give into the disease

gets to be so strong.

So this drive

that your wife has,

she's gonna need to use
all that energy to survive.

She's not wrong.

Just checking in, ladies.

- All good.
- Thank you.

And where's your wife?

Hello, Smallville High.

I just wanted
to give you all some good news.

The mold remediation is nearly done,

which means your school and your lives

can return to normal pretty soon.

Thank you for your patience
and understanding,

and please have a great night.



Uh, you two should dance.
I'll be right back.

♪ ♪

Well, don't wanna
disappoint your wing woman.


♪ Wrap me up in all your ♪

- Jon.
- Hey.

- I got some news.
- What's up?

Um, that was my Aunt Peggy.

She called, and she said that
I can live with her...

in Topeka.


That's, like, four hours away.

Well, we can still
see each other on weekends.


It's a good thing I have my truck now.

- Come on.
- ♪ I said ♪

♪ I would never fall ♪

♪ Unless it's you I fall into ♪

♪ I was lost ♪

I'm really glad I came.

Me too.

♪ I found you ♪

You look so beautiful.

[CHUCKLES] You said that already.

I just wanted to make sure you heard me.

♪ Until I found her ♪

Nat, I'm s... Nat, I'm sorry.


So much for cool guy, huh?

♪ ♪

I founded this center to help my community.

- Community?
- Hob's Bay.

What most people
still call South Metropolis.

When I was , my mother fell ill.

Couldn't figure out why.

It turns out our entire neighborhood

was built next to a chemical waste dump.

No one even knew it was there.

Tried to get the company
responsible to help, but...

You think anyone gave a damn
about some cleaning lady

from the su1c1de Slums?

After she d*ed,

I realized no one
was ever coming to save us.

So I decided right then and there

I'd do it myself.

Everything you see here

is an extension of that belief.

I will do everything
in my power to save your life.

But if you try to stop me
from saving the people I love

here in Hob's Bay,

that's something I won't allow.


You should get back to the treatment center.

I'll have my people send over

all of Dr. Hook's research files.

- Lois, slow down.
- I am going to scour

every inch of Dr. Hook's files.

Getting treatment at Hob's Bay
was exactly what we needed.

Come on. The dance already started.

Wha... [SIGHS]


♪ ♪

I never did live that one down.

- Uh, Mr. Cushing?
- Yes, sir?

So, uh, I was wondering if maybe I could

volunteer at a station
during the week instead.

I thought you worked at Brit
and Dunn's during the week?

I do, but...

But you...

- You want your weekends free?
- Yes.

Well, maybe this just
isn't the right fit for you.

No, it's not that. It's just

I had this other commitment pop up.

Well, son, I guess
you're gonna have to figure out

which one's more important to you.


♪ How it feels ♪

♪ When you're near me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ When you come near me ♪

♪ I lose control ♪

Say the word, and I'll go in there

and scare the living hell out of that kid.

No, he didn't do anything wrong.

It's me.

You wanna talk about it?

You wouldn't understand.

Maybe not, but...

I can try.

I've never...

kissed anyone before.

I mean, I've never even dated anyone before.

Now there's this guy inside
who really likes me,

and I really like him, but...

I'm just so far behind everyone
else in this kind of stuff.

Last time I had anything
resembling a relationship

was the night my wife left me.

That was over years ago.

You get to be my age,

you start to feel behind
everyone in almost everything,

especially the romance department.


I can't go back in there.

He's gonna think I'm some kind of weirdo.


The way that kid's been
looking at you all day,

there's nothing you can do
to make him think that.

Why am I so scared?

[CHUCKLING] Because love is scary.

Now, you are the toughest kid I know.

You can do this.

Thanks, Grandpa.

♪ How will I ever forget? ♪


I saw you leave after my mom spoke,

and I... I just wanted to see
if you were okay.



I miss him, Sarah.

- I miss my dad.
- Junior, come here.


I miss him so much.

You're gonna ignore me
on my last night in Smallville?

Hey, I know long-distance relationships

don't normally work out, but, I mean,

with everything we've been through already,

I'm sure we can make it.

So, uh, that thing
that I was telling you about,

the fire station...

Mr. Cushing said that he could only use me

if it was on the weekends.

Which means that the only way
I could see you is...

If you turn it down.

- Right, which I was gonna...
- You can't do that.

- No, I... I have to.
- No, you don't.

But I wanna see you.

Yeah, and I wanna see you,
but what you've done for me,

what your family's done for me, I mean,

you've all sacrificed so much to help me.

You're not turning this down.

So when are we gonna see each other?

We'll figure something out.

I love you, Candice.

I love you too.


♪ ♪

You know, I know we went to high school

at different times, but, uh,

were your dances always this boring?

- Yeah, pretty much.

Hi, you guys.

- BOTH: Hey.
- Have you seen Sarah?

- No.
- No.

No, sorry.

All right. I'll go find her.

♪ ♪

You know, maybe I should get going.

No, no.

Not yet.

[SIGHS] See, I think, uh...

I think Cush could use your
help with a little something.

Did you just refer to
yourself by your own nickname?

I believe I did, yes.

♪ ♪


♪ As soon as I get my head around you ♪

♪ I come around catching sparks off you ♪

♪ I get an electric charge from you ♪

♪ That secondhand living, it just won't do ♪



♪ ♪

♪ And the way I feel tonight ♪

What are you doing, Chrissy?

♪ I wouldn't mind ♪

♪ And there's something going on inside ♪

♪ Makes you wanna feel ♪

♪ Makes you wanna try ♪

♪ Makes you wanna blow
the stars from the sky ♪

♪ I can't stand up ♪

♪ I can't cool down ♪

♪ I can't get my head off the ground ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Why aren't you dressed?

Well, look, babe, the boys said

they were gonna get photos,

so why don't we just hang out here tonight?

Why are you telling me this right now?

I'm trying to be supportive,
and I'm following your lead,

but sometimes it feels like
no one's allowed to have

an opinion about
your treatment other than you.

- Because it's happening to me.
- Yeah, I know.

I get it, but everything I've read

and everyone I've spoken to,
they all say the same thing...

That this is gonna be the fight of your life

and you need to rest.

And I will, but not tonight.

I am going to this dance, Clark.

It is very, very important to me.

And if you wanna come with me, great,

but I need you to get dressed.


Find out where the hell
that breach is coming from now.

Yes, ma'am.



What do you want?[GRUNTS]

Access to your biggest secrets.

I know you wanna go to the dance, but...

I still think we should talk about this.

Okay. I'm listening.

- Do it now, General.

Just wait for me, please.



You're going to give me
what I want, General.




♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪



Too late, Superman.



♪ Keep my eyes on you ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Only you and me, baby ♪

You don't have to leave.

- I mean, unless you want to.
- What?

No way. I... I just thought that since...

No, I want you to stay. Please.



Can we just pick up where we left off?

Maybe before I ran outside like an idiot?

Whatever you want.

♪ Fighting for someone ♪

♪ To look at me the way you do ♪

I'm sorry about what I said at the diner.

The reason we haven't been friends...

That's on me.

Maybe we could start again.

If you want, I mean.


To your dad.


- That's terrible.
- Yeah.

Yeah, my dad only ever
drank the cheap stuff.


Get inside, Junior.

- Mom...
- I can't believe you.

After everything we've been through,

you go and pull something like this?

Mom, I'm not pulling anything.

You've been out here drinking all night.

Mom, can I... can I explain?

Look, I just came out here
to check on Junior.

I know he was really angry earlier, but...

it was about him losing his dad.

And I know what Mayor Dean said

about you, about me, about our family,

but none of that really matters anymore,

and he was a good dad.

Now all Junior has are memories.

I was just trying to be a good friend.

I understand.

- You do?
- I do.

Just next time, no drinking.

Come on. The dance is almost over.



I'm in here.

You okay?

Not really.


I want to go so badly, but I can't.

Honey, you were right.

Just 'cause I have cancer, it
doesn't mean I can't be wrong.

I'm not the only one who gets
to have an opinion in all this.

I need you to keep sharing yours with me,

especially if I don't agree.

You promise?



♪ ♪

- So how was it?

It was okay, I guess. Nothing crazy.

Please tell me you got pictures.

Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. Lane. We totally forgot.

That was my once chance to see everyone

dressed up and dancing.

Maybe not.


♪ ♪

If you're up for it.

Look at you.

♪ ♪

You better dance with me.

Of course.

If you're asking me to dance,
the answer's a firm no.


I was thinking about what you said earlier,

and I stole your phone in the car.

"SeniorSwipe"? Oh, I don't think so.

Okay, come on. Come on.
It's really easy to use.

All you gotta do is swipe on the screen.

And if someone catches your eye,

send them a message.

♪ ♪

Maybe you can find your next dance partner.

♪ You're my life ♪

♪ And you're my ma ♪

♪ ♪

Mind if I cut in?

By all means.

♪ ♪

Hey, cutie.

♪ ♪


- You washed your hair?
- Mom.

Okay. Okay, I'll stop.

I love you, Mom.

[MOUTHS] I love you.

[MOUTHS] I love you.

♪ ♪

That was great.


You were great. [CHUCKLES]


Yeah, well, you're pretty great
yourself, you know that?

- Yeah, you have no idea.
- Mm.


That might be Lois.

Or your ex-wife.

[SIGHS] What does she want?

I don't know. It just says
she needs to see me.




♪ ♪


What's up?

I don't want to go public
with that stuff about Dean.

Sorry. What changed your mind?

I mean, don't you think that the public

deserves to know the truth?

I think, in this specific case,

the truth will hurt more than it heals.

It's best to keep it a secret.

But after everything that's happened...

This town needs closure, Chrissy,

and I'm gonna give it to them.

So I've decided to name the new town hall

after Mayor Dean.


The George Dean Memorial Town Hall.


Sounds nice.

- That everything?
- That's everything.

If you need anything at all,
you know where to find me.

Thanks, Mrs. Lane.

You're just the sweetest.

Take care of your brother for me.


Drive safe, you two.



We need to talk.

Turns out this Deadline character

managed to get the locations of
several of our top facilities.

What kind of facilities?

Ones that store sensitive assets.

So while you were fighting Deadline,

the rest of Intergang was
silently raiding the cupboards.

What did they take?


This is our new priority.

Looks just like him,

only more dead.

For now.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪