21x08 - Silver Lining pt. 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x08 - Silver Lining pt. 2

Post by bunniefuu »


[man narrating]
An alien armada
has arrived

and invaded our planet.

Wave after wave
have att*cked us

with a ferocity
never seen before.

To battle this new threat,

the Power Rangers must
master the abilities

of the legendary rangers...

To become...

Super megaforce.

[Gosei] Previously,
on Power Rangers...


[Noah] Wait.
What happened here?

Who took
these guys down?


You okay?


[all] Whoa!
[super green]
What was that?

I can't believe it!
There really is a silver ranger!

Where did
he come from?


Who are you?
[super blue]
And why did you help us?

[super blue]
Who sent you here?


Oh! You!

You met this guy before?

I bumped into him
a couple of days ago.

That's right.
It must be fate.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's your name?


You're not from
this area, are you?

I come from
the planet andrasia.


You mean, you're
an extraterrestrial?

That is correct.


What brought you
to Earth?

My world was destroyed
by the armada.

My planet andrasia was
much like your Earth.


It was filled with
plants and animals,

and rich with precious
metals and minerals.

My family lived
in a small village.

And I worked as a miner
in the quarry nearby.


The day was almost over,

and I was looking forward
to going out with my friend.

Oh, so close.

[man laughs] Ah!

Let's call it
a day, boys.

[engines roaring]

But then,
it happened.


[all groan]


As I looked out
over the ridge,

I saw explosions coming
from my village.

And all I could think about
was my family's safety.



I ran home as fast
as I could.

All the time hearing
the explosions over the ridge.



When I arrived
at my village,

it was reduced
to ruin.

My family...

My friends...



Everyone and everything
was gone.

You will pay for this.


♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power Rangers
megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power Rangers
megaforce ♪


That's terrible, Orion.


We're so sorry
for your loss.


I think it's time
we took you to our leader.


That's a classic
alien movie line.

[Gia and Emma scoff]

It is!

I've seen that in--
I don't even know
how many movies.

It's just a joke.





Look at this place!


[Tensou laughs]


He's here!
he's here!

Oh, finally!


Ti blix zanou vli?

Xaluzo kueeg frixqua?

Nemis loqka.

Loqka zigmagerz
ov breeeque.


Are you speaking
Andrasian, Tensou?

That's impressive.

It is a great pleasure
to welcome you to Earth,

silver ranger.

Thank you, sir.

It's a great honor
to meet you.

I thought that the key
had been destroyed

along with your planet.

How did you manage
to find it?


A little over a week
before the invasion,

I was working hard
at the quarry.

Suddenly, my axe struck
something other than stone.

It was so hard,
it even broke my pickaxe.


I discovered
a mysterious

crystal container.

Inside was
the silver ranger key

and a strange-looking box.


I kept my discovery
a secret,

but had no idea
what to do with them.


But once I held them
close together,

they emitted
a strange energy.


That's when I had
my first vision

of the legendary
sixth rangers.


I sensed I was meant
to find them.

That they were calling
to me.

I looked at it
for days.

I knew it meant
something special.

But I didn't dare put
the key in the box.



I was afraid
of what might happen

if I did.


But the invasion
changed everything.


I had nothing
to lose.



You will pay for this.


I pulled out
the key and morpher

from my pocket.

And suddenly,
I knew what they were for.

Whatever happens,


Power surged
through me.

But for my world,
it had come too late.

I found I was
completely alone.

I didn't know how
I was going to survive.


I had no other choice
but to figure out how.




It was tough at first,

but gradually,
I learned to fend for myself.





I started
to grow stronger,

but I still didn't know
why it was me that found

the key
in the morpher,

why I was the one
that was spared.


But I knew I wasn't ready
to use the power...


So I practiced
for many months.

I trained day
and night.

And I started to realize
that the sixth rangers

were calling out to me
for a reason.

To stop the armada from doing
to any other planets

what they had done
to mine.


The problem was
I had no idea

how to go after them.

But then,
one of the few armada ships

left to guard the planet,

gave me the chance
I needed.


The armada guards picked up
the injured pilot,

but left the damaged ship


I worked on the ship
for months,

until it was ready
to fly once again.

Finally, the chance
to avenge my people

and protect others
from the same fate,

had come.

[engine whirring]


Come on!
Come on!

Pull together!




But the armada had
a big head start.

I scoured the galaxy

and was afraid
I'd never find them.

Until finally,
I caught up with them here,

on Earth.


You made quite
an entrance to Earth.

I would love for you to show me
that spaceship sometime.

Yes, Noah.

But right now it's you

who needs to show Orion
some things.


Come on.

Uh, he said Noah,
not Gia. Heh.

We use visual markers

To find our way
to the command center.

[Gia] Mm-hmm.
Here's one.

We call it the "Goliath rock"
because it's so huge.

And over here
is the Driftwood.

Mmm-- oh, and that rock
over there too.

Once you know 'em,
you can't miss 'em.

Hey, Orion,
I noticed your morpher
was different from ours--

enough for one day.

We could take you
to the mall!

Yeah. These clothes
have seen better days.

Forget the mall. You could
borrow some clothes of mine.

Hey, uh, maybe we should just
go get something to eat.

Now, that sounds
like a plan.

We'll see you
at the mall!

[both giggle]

I want to hang out
with him too.

[both sigh]

He's an alien.

[Gia] Come on.
We'll get you all fixed up.

Oh! What about that?

That poor guy.

He doesn't stand
a chance.

Hard to say "no"
to Gia.

And Emma.

Oh, that store there
is having a sale!

A new ranger needs
a new look.

I noticed Orion's morpher
has lots of different buttons.

I was wondering,
maybe he can access

the legendary powers
like we can.

Since he is
a sixth ranger,

maybe he can morph into
some of the past sixth rangers.

[Jake] Wow!
[Noah] Yeah.

That'd be cool.
We need to let him

take it one step
at a time.


A lot.


[both giggle]


[dryer blowing]


It's perfect!


You know,
I think I'm gonna go

help Orion pick out
some clothes.

I mean, what do girls know
about guys fashion, right?





This is pretty rockin'.


Come on!

Just give it a chance.




Try this.








Now, that could work.


Yeah! Silver!


[pops mouth]

Maybe he, uh--

I should go--

No, bro.
just stay here.

[all sigh]

[both gasp]

[both giggle]

[both giggle]



How is the prince doing?

He refuses to leave
his quarters.

He's too upset that his plan
to destroy the rangers failed.

Let him rest.

Perhaps we can do better
without him.


Commander Osogain
reporting for duty

as ordered.

How can I serve you,

It seems we have
a new ranger to deal with.

Xborgs say, he claims to come
from a planet we destroyed.

I want you
to finish the job.


[people screaming]

[Commander Osogain laughs]

You miserable earthlings!

Your fear will bring
the rangers running!

[people screaming]

Don't let anyone escape!

[morpher beeping]


Hey, wait for me!


let's see how you fair

against these
powered-up xborgs!

Better than you will
against us!




Huh! Attack!

[all grunt]

Destroy them all!

[metal clanking]

[all grunt]

[super yellow]
He's right. These xborgs
are tougher than before.

[grunts] Perhaps,
but that's not gonna stop me!



[super silver]
Seven on one?
that's not fair.


Are you all right?

Yup. Cool moves.


Watch out, xborgs!

There's plenty of me
to go around!


All right!




I've got this covered.
No problem.

Hah! [grunts]



Close one!

You're not working
alone anymore.



Let's finish this

[all grunt]


This isn't over!

You're right.
This is just the beginning.


Let's go legendary!

we know you can do this.

Okay. Show me.

[super red]
Legendary ranger mode!


Go, go, samurai!

Samurai blue!

Samurai yellow!

Samurai pink!

Samurai green!

Yeah! The samurai
sixth ranger key!

sixth ranger mode!

Samurai gold!



I did it!

You won't find this
so nice!

[all groan]

[all yell]

[all] Spin sword,
quintuple flash!


[samurai gold]
Barracuda bite!

Hyah! Yah!



Believe it!
Oh, nice!

That was amazing!

That legendary mode
burns a lot of energy.

We need to morph back
to super mega mode.

Yeah. We have
to save our energy.


Let me take this guy!

For the andrasians!

You'll end up
just like them!

Think again!



Super mega
final strike!




Super spear blaster!


♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪

That new ranger needs

a harsh lesson!


Now, I'll crush you
like we did your planet--

--silver ranger!

You have no chance
against me!

Whoa! He's a giant!


Whoa! He's a giant!
And you're giant losers!

[Tensou] Gosei,
the sixth rangers keys!

They're becoming

uh, energet--
oh, uh, powered-up!

I'm too excited!

Does this mean
what I think it means?

Yes. We must alert
the rangers.

[morpher beeping]

Yes, Gosei?
Orion has unlocked

the q-rex megazord.

You can give him
the keys.

You got it, Gosei.

All right.

What's up?This.

You've unlocked
the q-rex megazord.

With it,
you can take your fight
against the armada

to a whole new level.

This is huge!

We just doubled
our power!

Thank you.

I won't let you down!


You will pay for
destroying my planet!


Summon q-rex zord!


You guys,
do me a favor.

Let me finish
this guy myself.

[super red]
You got it.


[super silver]
It's the time force q-rex!

[all gasp]
Whoa! Hey! Cool!

Wish me luck!

My own zord!

Hah! Drill mode!


Bruisers, attack!


Drill blaster!


This thing's

That's what justice
feels like.


[super yellow]
That was awesome!


Now, to take things
to the next level.

Q-rex Dino mode!



Time to take a mega-bite
out of these guys!



Q-rex dinozord, ready!



Hey, off my tail!




This dinozord's sick!

What power!

Q-rex laser!


Nice moves, Orion!




Third time's
the charm!

This zord's third mode
will finish 'em!

I will destroy you
like you destroyed my world!

Q-rex megazord, activate!



Q-rex megazord, ready!

These guys don't
go down easy,

but they will go down.

Look at him go!

He's like a one-ranger
wrecking crew!

We'll do the wrecking
around here!

You guys still don't
get the drill, huh?

Here's a reminder!



There is a new ranger
in town!

And I'm gonna turn
your world upside down!


Think the armada's worried?

They should be.

Trident mode,

Trident fist!



Time for you to end up
like the rest of your people!

Shield mode!



Super mega
final strike!


Triple drill attack!

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

[super pink] Incredible!
[super red] Nice!

[super red]

[super silver] Yes!
That was for you, andrasia!

It's a super mega win!

♪ Power Rangers megaforce ♪


It was amazing
how quick Orion caught on

to the legendary modes.

He was awesome.

He was, but we need
to remind him

that we are a team.

This isn't just
some personal vendetta.

These fat-free yogurts
look great!


this is Orion.

You bumped into him
the other day.

Here, let me get
those cups.

Ooh, let me
get this for you.

Here you go.
Let me get you
a seat.

Guys, he works here.

He's supposed
to serve you!


No, totally.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

He's working]

Good thing.
Help them out, Orion.

I think they have been
in the sun too long.

[all laugh]

We wanted to welcome you
to the team.

You did an incredible
job today.


Yeah. Hey, I was wondering,
when can I see your spaceship?

How about Sunday--

Em and I are taking him
to the amusement park on Sunday.

Uh, wait a minute.

I was gonna teach him
some soccer moves, so--

I tell you what,
we'll do all those things.

I'm gonna be here
for quite a while.

Now, who wants
some fro-yo?

[all cheer]


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