21x07 - Silver Lining

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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21x07 - Silver Lining

Post by bunniefuu »


[man narrating]
An alien armada
has arrived

and invaded our planet.

Wave after wave
have att*cked us

with a ferocity
never seen before.

To battle this new threat,

the Power Rangers must
master the abilities

of the legendary rangers...

To become...

Super megaforce.



Yes, Gosei.
You called?

I sense a disturbance.
Oh, no!

Something just entered
our atmosphere.

It's unclear if it landed
or crashed.


[whirring down]


[rapid pulsation]


♪ [suspenseful music]


♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power Rangers
megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪


♪ Megaforce ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Rangers forever ♪

♪ Megaforce all together ♪

♪ Me-ga-force ♪

♪ Power Rangers
megaforce ♪


These useless commanders
keep failing me.

I know.
Let's overwhelm the humans

with a massive army
of xborgs!

As you wish.
Several platoons of xborgs

shall be sent to subdue
the planet.

But even if we send
a whole army of them,

what good will they be
with no one to lead them?

Who needs generals
when you have numbers?

Stop questioning me!

But sir--
just send in xborgs!

Who do you think
you are anyway?

Always disagreeing
with me!

And who told you
you could be taller than me?

[Mr. Burley]
It's funny class.

On my way here today,
I had a thought.

Considering everything
we've been through,

a normal moment,
like driving into school,

is actually
quite remarkable.


Not long ago,

the fate of
our entire world

was completely

And yet,
despite the monumental

adversity we faced,

we've managed
to return

to a relatively
normal routine.

Yeah, thanks to
the Power Rangers.

[students agree]


The Power Rangers
played their part,

but when it came
to rebuilding this school,

who did that?

Everyone here.

When it came to rebulding

the rest of this city,

who did that?

Ordinary people
just like you guys.

Even if there were
no Power Rangers,

we would have
made a stand,

right down
to the last man.


[all cheer and applaud]


[vehicle beeping]


[weapons whirring]
[men yell]


[all scream]



[school bell rings]


[morphers beeping]




Gosei, Tensou,
what is it?

Sorry to interrupt school,

But xborgs are attacking
the warehouse district!

We're on it.

[blasts firing]


Wait, what?

They've been clobbered.

What happened here?

Who took these guys down?

[morpher beeping]

Rangers, another attack!

More xborgs downtown!

Come on!


Another platoon down?

Send more xborgs!

[grunts] And all of you
stop being taller than me!

[blasts firing]


[Gia] Again?
[Jake] What is going on here?

Who is doing this?

This is getting
really weird.


I don't get it.

Why wouldn't whoever's
responsible for this

just come forward?

And who besides us
has the power

to go toe-to-toe
with a platoon of xborgs

and come out on top?

We have to find out
who's behind this.


You okay?
Yeah, thanks.

Are-- are you--
glad you're okay.

I'm sorry again.


It feels kind of weird
relaxing like this.

We haven't actually
done anything today.

I know! I mean,
don't get me wrong.

I'm glad for the help
against the armada,

it's just I wish I knew
what was going on.


I'll get the fro-yo
this time, guys.

Yeah, buddy!
Yeah, all right!

Thank you!

I'll get it next time,

Can I borrow some money
so I can get it next time?



I will be with you
in a second, Troy.

No problem.

[morpher beeping]

I'm here.

Another xborg attack


So whoever's behind it--
[clears throat]

We got another call.

What about the fro-yo?

Come on, Jake!



We're late again.

[Gia] The xborgs
are already gone.

Come on.
Let's help these people.


Hey, are you okay?


This strategy
isn't working!

Without a leader,
we told you!

The xborgs can't
do this alone.

We should send in
a commander.

With a new plan.

I have an idea!
Let's send in a commander

with a new plan!


Have you identified
what defeated the xborgs?

I'm trying,
but nothing!

Oh, what's going on?
Who's doing this?

Did you see that guy's moves?
That was amazing!

Oh, hey.

Can you tell me
what happened here today?

It was awesome.
Those things started attacking.

W-we all thought
we were goners,

but then, he showed up
and saved us.

Who did?

The silver ranger.

The silver ranger?

[Noah and Gia]


The silver ranger?

Come on.
There's no such thing.

So what happened
here then?

[morpher beeping]

There's been another attack!

This time at
the city center!

Hope you discover who's
taking down the xborgs.

We're on it.
Maybe we can get there first
this time.

[people screaming]

We're going to have
a real blast!

[b*mb ticking]
[gorgax laughs]

Party's over, monster!

You're here.

The prince has had enough
of you defeating his xborgs!

So I've been sent
to blow you away!

It looks like these guys
are just as clueless as we are

about who really wiped out
those other xborgs.

That'll have to wait.

Right now,
these guys are ours!

Morphin' time!

Go, go, megaforce!

















It looks like
they have a b*mb!

We have to get it
away from them

before they have a chance
to set it off.

[b*mb ticking]
[all] Right.

[grunts] Yah!
Oh, don't worry.
I won't set it off.

It's already time to go off
and take you with it.

[both grunt]
Get that device!

Finally, we get to take
these guys out ourselves!

Yah! Hah!


Get over here!



You gotta be kidding me!

Get it away
from them!

I got it!

[black ranger]
Or not.

Go on! Get him!


All I'm getting
is seriously annoyed!

[both grunt]

[all grunt]
What's wrong?

Don't you want
to save your city?

Or is it that
you just can't?

[gorgax giggles]
[all groan]

This is the worst game
of hot potato ever!

And it can go off
at any time.

We need more power.

Super mega mode!


Super megaforce red!

Super megaforce blue!

Super megaforce yellow!

Super megaforce green!

Super megaforce pink!

Earth's defenders
never surrender!

Now, move in
and get that device.


I don't need that
to stop you.

I'll do it with
my bare hands.

Well, their hands.

Get 'em, xborgs!

[all grunt]

Yah! Hyah!

Now, you'll see what happens
when we really mean business!


I'll take that.

You want it back?
Huh? Huh?

Huh? Psych!

Stop fooling around
and check the timer

on that device!

Gah! [grunts]
It's about to blow!



No! They were supposed
to throw it to you!


It seems that gorgax
was also unsuccessful.

His device failed to eliminate
the rangers as we'd hoped.

We'll have to come up
with another plan.

[growls] See! I knew
my plan was the best!

Now, send in another
bigger force of xborgs!

Am I the only one
who can come up

With some good ideas
like that?

We will put so much pressure
on the Power Rangers

that they can't help
but be crushed beneath it!

[laughs maniacally]


Get them already!

[super green]
More xborgs?

I thought they learned
their lesson by now! Hyah!




They just keep coming!

There's no end
to them! [grunts]


I know!

Even in super mega mode,

it's hard to keep up
with all of them.


It's like you take one down,
and two more take its place!


Stay down!

This is the last of them!

Now, for the commander!


Right behind you!

[super blue]

[all grunt]


What was that?


Stay back!

I'll take care
of them.

I can't believe it!
There really is a silver ranger.


Where did
he come from?


Why haven't
we heard of him before?

How is he even
a ranger at all?

What is going on?



Whoever he is,

he sure can handle himself
in a fight.

I'll say.

I won't let you commit
your atrocities

On this planet too!

Super spear blaster!


Watch out!



Super silver spear!


I'll make sure this world has
a chance my world never got!

Unfortunately for you,

I survived!





[lasers firing]


I mean, seriously,

he really knows
how to fight.

A whole platoon
by himself?


I trust you can
handle the rest?

Where's he going?

Who do you think
he is?

A cool dude.



A silver ranger?

Hmm. Gorgax is
failing miserably.

He'll need more power
if he's to handle

this new threat.


that's your job!

Upgrade him!
Make him stronger!

Don't worry.
He has a secret w*apon.


This isn't over, rangers!

I still have a surprise
that'll stop you cold!

Yeah? You're not
the only one!

Time to raise
our game.

Let's go legendary!

Legendary ranger mode!

Lost galaxy!
Go galactic!

[all grunt]

[all grunt]


You okay?

That's it?
Come on!

I'll even give you
a free shot!

[lost galaxy yellow and red]



[both grunt]

Some kind
of force field!

Not just some kind.

The kind that can block
anything you throw at me!

So try as hard
as you want,

you can't defeat
what you can't hit!

[all groan]




We're not going down
that easy! Come on!

[all grunt]

[orion thinking]
The determination
of these rangers

is impressive.

But so is that
force field.

It's gonna be a major challenge
to overcome that.

[all grunt]


[both groan]
Hey, guys,
keep at it!

Give him
all we've got!


[all groan]

Man, that was rough.

This guy's strong.

I'm tired of getting
knocked around.

I'm going to finish this!

[lost galaxy red]

[lost galaxy yellow]
Jake, don't!




Quasar saber!


Oh, what?



Move in!
the force field's down!

But I'm not!

[all groan]

I must retreat
for now, rangers,

but know that next time
I will finish you!

[all grunt]
So close.

I just wish I knew how
I deactivated his force field.

You ran off?
Are you kidding?

"When the going gets tough,
the tough run away,"

is that your motto?

Of course not,
your highness!

With my force field disabled,
I had no choice but to retreat.

If the rangers have
discovered your weakness,

how can you possibly
defeat them?

You will find a way.

Or fall trying.

Yeah! You're going
to make this right!

Get back down
to that planet,

and don't come back
until you've finished the job!

Yes, sire.

[throws a tantrum]

How dare he give me
such attitude?

I believe he was upset
with himself, not you, sir.

What do you mean?

His force field
as well as his plan

to use that device
to eliminate the rangers,

both failed him.

Neither his failure
nor his attitude

will be tolerated!

I'll go and destroy him now.

No. Wait.

Maybe we want his shield
to fail.



Come closer.

I have a plan that could
defeat the rangers

once and for all.


So, what about
that other ranger?

Where'd he disappear to?

Here's your order.

Thanks so much.
Thank you.


Here you go.


Ernie, my shift's done.
I'm going to take off.

Good work.
See you later.

who's Ernie's new waiter?

[Jake] No idea,
but we need to focus

On that monster
for now.

I'm pretty sure that
when I accidentally

hit his collar...


That's what disabled
his force field.

So the collar's what's
generating the force field.

Yeah, I think
that's why he ran off.

He had to fix it.

It's his protection,
but also his weak spot.

Nice catch.

The next time we face him,
we'll maneuver him

into a position that exposes
the back of his collar.

[morpher beeping]

This is seriously strange.

Something has appeared
at the city stadium!

Let's go.



Bring on the rangers!

Are you seeing
what I'm seeing?

Huh, yeah.

It looks like he reinforced
the back of his collar.

Yeah. He's new
and improved.

We deactivated it once.
We can do it again.

Stick to our strategy.

Hit that collar!

[all grunt]



Your highness,
shouldn't we tell gorgax

to implement your plan?

No! My plan requires him
to stay in the dark.

I knew the rangers
discovered his weak spot

and would target it again.

So I ordered levira
to make it look like

his collar had been
reinforced to protect him,

but I secretly had her
put a surprise in there.

[both laugh]

it's the kind of surprise
that goes "kaboom"

when the rangers
hit his collar!


To get the rangers,

you'd sacrifice one
of your top commanders?

To get the rangers,
I'll do anything!

It's only a matter of time
before you fall!

You can't touch me!


Guys, I've got an idea
how to hit his collar!

[orion thinking]
Wait. It just seems too easy.

Tactical error, red!

[super red groans]
Now drive him back!

[all grunt]


Nice job, guys.

Now I've got
a clear shot!



[Prince] No!

What are you doing?

Sorry, guys,
but that new collar

is too obvious
a target.

You've got to trust me
on this.

Trust you?
We don't even know you.

Yeah. Who knows what
this guy's after.

You fools!

Hit me as much
as you want!

I'm impregnable now!


[both groan]

I can't handle this.


No! I won't let this planet
lose its protectors too!


[both grunt]




I won't quit ever!

If he's not on our side,

he's sure putting on
a good show.



Everyone, stay clear
of the collar!


Get down!

[all groan]


Man! That was close!

No! The one time
I have an idea,

and it fails!

Why's it so hard
to find good help

that'll blow up
when you want them to?



The prince used me?

Yeah! Now you see how evil
the armada really is.

But you'll still get
no mercy from me!







This guy's way too good
to be true!

Exactly. Until we know
what he wants,

be careful.

Hah! Now,
to finish you off!

Super mega final strike!

How did he get
a ranger key?



Final strike!


Super silver spear!



And my vengeance begins.

Man, does that feel good!


See! He is one of us.

Hah! Hold on.

This could still be some
crazy trick by the prince.

Yeah, if he was really a ranger,
wouldn't Gosei have told us?

There's only one way
to find out.

Hey, silver,
wait up!


Who are you?

[super blue]
And why did you help us?

Who sent you here?


Oh! You!

What? You know him?


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