16x19 - Path of the Rhino

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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16x19 - Path of the Rhino

Post by bunniefuu »

[ singing ]
Power Rangers


Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury


Training hard to be
the best that we can

Power Rangers!

Protecting people
from the evil Dai Shi clan

We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose a fight

- Dai Shi
- Go away

- We're here
- To save the day

'Cause we're the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury!

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury, go!

- Go! Go!
- Power Rangers

- Go! Go!
- Jungle Fury

- Go! Go!
- Power Rangers

- Go! Go!
- Jungle Fury

[ indistinct chattering ]

GRIZZAKA: The crystal eye
of a Phantom Beast. Very nice.

But where are the others?
There are eight.

JELLICA: Yes, but you can
only find a crystal eye

where the Phantom was destroyed.

Very hard to find.
The Rin Shi are looking everywhere.

Are you sure you want
the Phantom's help?

During the last Beast w*r,
they were our sworn enemies.

And divided, we lost.
But after I bring them back to life,

the Phantom Beasts will join us,
and together we'll win.

I hope you're right.

[ man clears throat ]

Inspector Fuller, Health Department.
We've had some complaints.

Guys, this is Inspector Fuller
from the Health Department.

My, my, my. This is gonna be ugly.
You'd better get the owner.

These counters are filthy.
Let's get this cleaned, pronto.

[ sniffs ]

They should be fresh.

[ Fran shrieks ]

You are right.
Let's check out this milk here.

And this cheese smells bad.

- Whoa, whoa, what's going on here?
- Cream.

We had an inspection just last...

Dominic? Dom! I should've known!

Hey, this is my old buddy
from Pai Zhuq.

Dominic, this is Casey,
Fran, Theo, and Lily.

Hey. Gotcha!

RJ: Hey, come on upstairs, man.
Where you been?

Last I heard, you were
wandering the world like a nomad.

- Well...
- And you gotta hear about Dai Shi.


[ exclaims ]

[ grunts ]

- JELLICA: So this is the Rin Shi?
- What's that?

- GRIZZAKA: Is this the Rin Shi?
- It looks like a dragon's eye.

Mind your own business!

Okay, okay, fine.
He has the Crocodile Spirit.

[ grunting ]

Send him out to gather fear. Go!

She and Dai Shi must know nothing
about the arrival of the Phantoms.

And find Dai Shi.
I want to know where he is.

So, how long can you stay?

Only a day or two. Too much time
in one place and I get antsy.

Well, then, we can catch up more later.
Right now we've got work to do.

Well, I could help out if you want.
Yeah, I'd love to make pizzas.

Sure. I can find you a job.

I'll inspect when you're finished.

- You want me to scrape gum?
- Well, I'm cleaning the toilets, so...

So, did you go to Pai Zhuq, too?

Me? No.
I've hardly even left Ocean Bluff.

The only places I have been
to have been in books.

Books? Seriously?

Yeah, why? Is that weird?

I always have a book with me.

When I'm alone,
they're kind of like my friends.

Here, The Pirate's Skeleton.

[ in pirate accent ]
Why don't you give it a read, matey?

Or you be a scurvy dog.

[ chuckles ]

Dominic was one of the best.

Master Mao was going to
choose him to be a protector.

Why didn't he?

Because Dom had a curious streak.

He wanted to see everything,
do everything.

Master Mao sent him out
to find a focus.

And years later, he's still looking.

This is where I'll start.

[ roars ]

[ woman screaming ]

Come on!

That's right! Run scared!

[ Fran chuckling ]

Dominic, you missed a few hundred.
And have you seen my sunglasses? I...

[ alarm beeping ]

Sorry, I...

How long have these
been in the trash?

I don't know. I can wash them.

- What's up?
- Well, there's trouble.

Forget about the gum. Go!

[ people clamouring ]

[ laughing ]

[ both grunting ]

You don't stand a chance, Rin Shi!

Not just any Rin Shi. I am Crocovile!

[ all grunting ]

[ laughing ]

Come on, losers!

[ groaning ]

Had enough?

WOLF RANGER: Focus, guys.
This is one vile crocodile.

I'm here now!

BLUE RANGER: Where were you?

Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed!

[ grunting ]

The odds just changed, buddy.

[ all grunting ]

[ both yelling ]

[ groaning ]

[ laughs ] And now
for the knockout punch.

[ all grunting ]

[ grunts ]

[ laughing ]

Dom, get out of there!

Don't mess around!

Over here.

[ laughing ]

Hey! Come back here!

Wrong way, over here now.

[ grunting ]

[ tyres screeching ]

Look out!

- You all right?
- Yeah.

Dom, you okay?

Never better. You should've told me
you guys were Power Rangers.

Sorry I was late. I got held up.

- How could you not hear us call?
- Dominic knocked them in the trash.

- It's not my fault.
- All right, dudes, cool your jets.

It's all water under the bridge.

Let's just concentrate on
the real enemy here, shall we?

I want to join you.
Help you fight Dai Shi.

Master Mao told me I'd find
my path when I least expected it.

And, man, I didn't expect any of this.

I feel like I've wandered
in the dark for six years

and today the
sunlight finally hit my face.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Everything's a big game to you.
Someone would get hurt.

Please, give me a chance.

You guys?

- You can't join the team...
- I know.

Unless they want me to.

So I'll make them want me.

Okay, checks on two and four.
Water on seven.

The guy's all over it, huh?

DOMINIC: Batter up!


Fill these peppershakers, please.

Consider it done.

[ both chuckling ]

You know, I don't know why everybody
always panics about the lunch rush.

[ gasps ]

[ people groaning ]

[ all clamouring ]

Water, on the double!

I said pepper. Not hot chilli pepper!

[ both grunting ]

That's good balance,
but let me show you something.

When you strike like this, rotate
your wrist like this. More power.

And when you shift from side
to side, loosen your fingers.

- You're gonna see a big difference.
- Thanks.

[ both exclaiming ]

- I couldn't hold it!
- There's grease on them!

[ panting ]

The Nexus. So, Grizzaka,
you think humans are weak?

We'll see.

Come on, man.

Why don't you stick around?
Just another day or two?

I know what you're trying to do,
and I appreciate it,

but I'm not going to fit in here.

So, it's back to the path.

So he made his decision
and decided to leave.

Dominic left?

It's for the best, right?
We gave it a try, it didn't work.

Did you? Did you really try?

- So he jokes around. I kind of liked it.
- Me, too.

Did you ever give him a chance to
show you what he was really made of?

Even once?

[ phone ringing ]

FRAN: Jungle Karma.

Yeah, I'm sorry, I will get those
pizzas to you right away. Bye.


[ rock music playing on stereo ]

FRAN: Look, there's Dominic.

Hey, where are you going?

You didn't even say goodbye.

- I didn't think anyone noticed.
- Of course we noticed.

Okay, well, I noticed.

Hey, when I first came
to the pizza parlour,

I was kind of lost.

But then they opened their hearts,
and the parlour became my purpose.

Well, for the time being, anyway.

I wonder if I'll ever find my purpose.

Just don't quit looking. Yeah?

[ chuckles ]

Bye, Dom.

[ gasps ]

[ whimpers ]

Fran! Rhino Power!

[ Fran screaming ]

[ Fran laughing ]

DOMINIC: You okay?

[ gasping ] I am, thanks to you.

[ tittering ]

Hey, Casey.

Dominic... Wow! I made a mistake.

I'm sorry. You know, for
thinking you were just a goof-off.

I mean, you are a goof-off.
But you're also a lot more.

You've got the Rhino Spirit,
and the Ranger spirit.

And I think you should join us.

[ alarm beeping ]

Yeah? We're on it.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

[ grunting ]

[ screaming ]

When I'm through with you,
the entire city will be next!

[ Crocovile laughing ]

Finish them, Crocovile!

Strike Rider, high speed!
Attack Mode! Go!

[ groaning ]

RED RANGER: Hey, guys, miss us?

Dominic, I thought you left!

I almost left.

Well, right now,
you'd better step aside.

RED RANGER: Hey, give him a chance.
You're in for a surprise.

Right, Dominic?

Dom, this will Ranger Up
your Rhino Spirit.

DOMINIC: Thanks.

Rhino Morpher, initiate!

[ grunts ]

Jungle Beast,

spirit unleashed!

With the power of a Rhino!
Jungle Fury, Rhino Ranger!

- Awesome!
- Nice!

Rhino Ranger? Rin Shi!

Bring it!

[ grunting ]

Your turn!

Rhino Morpher, Stampede!


BLUE RANGER: Good job!

Nice work, Dominic!

Now try me, Ranger!

Anytime, Crocovile!
You think your fist is tough?

Well, you've never met a Rhino before.

[ both grunting ]

That croc has met his match.

What do you mean, RJ?

The Rhino Spirit is one of the
toughest animal spirits there is.

And Dominic knows
how to use every bit of it.

[ both grunting ]

Okay, let's go for a ride!

[ groans ]

[ both grunting ]

Rhino Blade!

Had enough?

Rhino Blade, Super Slash!

Later, gator!

[ hisses ]

Now that's Rhino power!
Welcome to the team!

- Yeah!
- Yes!

[ panting ]

I made it!

[ yelling ]

[ groaning ]

[ growling ]

[ grunting ]

[ groaning ]


[ hip-hop music playing ]

GIRL: Thank you.

MAN: Yeah. Hey!

[ customers applauding ]

- Okay, so he has a certain charm.
- And business is up since he started.

And I've had time to catch up
on my reality shows.

Something you wanted me to get,
but it took me awhile.

What is it?

The gum? Dom!

[ all laughing ]

FRAN: That's yuck!
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