16x18 - True Friends, True Spirits

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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16x18 - True Friends, True Spirits

Post by bunniefuu »

[ singing ]
Power Rangers


Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury


Training hard to be
the best that we can

Power Rangers!

Protecting people
from the evil Dai Shi clan

We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose a fight

- Dai Shi
- Go away

- We're here
- To save the day

'Cause we're the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury!

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury, go!

- Go! Go!
- Power Rangers

- Go! Go!
- Jungle Fury

- Go! Go!
- Power Rangers

- Go! Go!
- Jungle Fury

Grizzaka! You promised us
a great victory. Where is it?

We'll get it. My Barrakooza
is battling the Rangers now.

You asked for a spirit,
one that could possess a human.

You're giving him my spirits?

They're my spirits now, Dai Shi.

And now watch what my spirits can do.

III winds, blow to the Wolf Ranger.

[ laughing ]

[ grunting ]

[ grunts ]

FLIT: Oh, goody! Another fight.

[ groans ]

What was that?

RJ, is everything okay?

Did we just get blindsided
by our own teammate?

It must've been a mistake.

He does know which
one's the bad guy, right?

[ growling ]

[ howling ]

RJ, what's wrong?
We're your friends!

[ Flit exclaims ]

The Rangers might have finally
met their match, another Ranger!

I don't even have to lift a fin!

Grizzaka will be most pleased!

[ screaming ]

[ screaming ]

[ grunting ]

I thought I had control over it.

FLIT: Help! Help!

[ Flit buzzing ]

Help me! I'm over here.
I'm stuck.

Thank you. Thank you.
You saved me.

Hey, you're Camille's
little motor-mouth.

[ screaming ] A Ranger! Help me!

Muffle the mic, dude. I just saved you.
I'm not gonna hurt you.

You're not?

It's you and Camille
that want to hurt people, not me.

No! You think that
because I'm always with Camille

that I must be like Camille,

but I'm not.
I'm more like you than I am like her.


You saved my life. Don't you see?

Our fates are tied together.
How can I repay you, friend?

Listen, I'm not buying
what you're selling. Okay?

I'm not even browsing!

So just go back to Camillle and
Dai Shi and leave me alone.

[ groaning ]

Flit! Flit!

[ snarling ]
Where are you, you over-fed sand fly?

Nine thousand eggs,
and I get stuck with the problem child.

Flit! Flit! Flit!

[ buzzing ]

[ indistinct chattering ]

[ screams ]

I'm so sorry. I'll be right back.
Just sit down. I'll be right back.

I was so sure
I had control over my animal.

If we don't fix this,
I could put all our lives at risk.

[ Flit buzzing ]

You can't morph,
not till we figure this out.

[ groaning ]

- Got it.
- FLIT: That hurts!

No, put me down! Leave me alone!
That's my wing!

You've got five seconds
to tell us why you were spying.


Me, a spy? No, no, no, no!
I was just following my new friend.

- What friend?
- I think he means me.

My name's RJ, and I'm not your friend,
little fly-dude.

But you...

I kind of pulled him out
from under some concrete.

Yes! You saved my life!

So you saved his life,
and now he thinks you're friends.

I think that's so sweet.

Of course he's being sweet,
so we'll let him go.

Which we can't do. He heard us.
He knows RJ can't morph.

- He'll tell Camille and they'll...
- No, I wont! Honestly.

If I had another chance,

I'd rid myself of that loathsome
chameleon once and for all.

"Loathsome"? That's a big word
for such a cute little fly.

No, I'm not really a fly,

any more than my
friend RJ is a werewolf.

I'm a human, just like you.

But centuries ago,
I was battling Camille, when...

[ Chamilla yelling ]

suddenly she cast ancient larva dust
over me, changing me into a fly.


Feels good.

Maybe I'll keep you in there forever.

Ever since the day she cursed me,
I've been a fly.

Kept prisoner within
Camille's yucky stomach.

- Yuck!
- Yuck!

So, I guess you really know her
inside and out, huh?

Poor little guy. Maybe we can
help break Camille's curse.

Well, my new friend better get
rid of that evil spirit fast,

of there is gonna be big trouble.

What evil spirit?

Grizzaka sent an evil spirit into him,
made his Animal Spirit go haywire.

That's great!
Then you didn't lose control, RJ.

CASEY Oh, no.

[ growling ]

Look out!

[ grunting ]

Don't hurt him!

This is worse than I thought.

[ grunting ]

[ Lily screams ]

[ howling ]

- RJ!
- Let's go!

Hey! Hey!

Wait for me!

GRIZZAKA: It's been ,
years since the last Beast w*r.

Yes, that one didn't go so well.

When I'm done,
no humans will walk the planet.

- Barrakooza!
- Yes, Grizzaka?

- GRIZZAKA: Continue your mission.
- No humans?

I won't be pushed aside that easily.

[ chuckling ]

MAN : Come on, let's go!
- MAN : Run!

Go ahead and run.
Show me your fear.

[ screaming ]

[ woman screaming ]

CASEY: RJ, stop!

[ beeping ]

Yeah, Fran?

That overgrown fish
has shown up again.

- He seems pretty unhappy.
- We're on it.

When it rains, it pours.

I'll go after RJ.
You two have got bigger fish to fry.

Be careful.

[ people clamouring ]


[ laughing ]

Stop right there!
You got lucky last time!

Foolish humans!
This time, I'll finish you!

[ groaning ]

What's the matter? All washed up?

[ laughing ]

No way!

[ grunting ]

- Fire!
- Look out!

[ screaming ]

Enough of this!

[ panting ]

Time for the gloves to come off!

And the claws to come out!

BOTH: Jungle Master Mode!

[ screaming ]

RJ, it's me!

Hold him steady!

- What are you doing?
- You'll see. Hold him!

[ Flit grunting ]

FLIT: Come on, RJ.
Do whatever it takes!

Pull out all the stops.
You can't afford to lose.

[ groaning ]

[ growling ]

If you don't get out of yout
animal form pretty darn fast,

you are gonna be stuck
as a werewolf forever!

Whatever you're doing, do it faster!

[ Flit grunting ]

FLIT: Oh, my, this isn't working.

Wait, your Animal Spirit
isn't your enemy.

It's Grizzaka's evil spirit. Of course!
That's what you need to fight!

RJ, your Wolf Spirit is a part of you.
It's what makes you a master!

But an evil spirit has deceived you,

made you think that your spirit
is out of control.

[ yells ]

Join with the Wolf.
Give the evil spirit no place to hide!

[ growling ]

[ screaming ]


Man, I'm glad you're back.

Yeah, me, too.

I don't feel so good.

[ groaning ]

Flit, are you okay?

Yep, just a little woozy. You?

I'm great. Thanks to you.

Then we're friends?


YELLOW RANGER: Firing jets!

Back it up!

Rin, Shi, crush them!

[ Rin Shi guards grunting ]

With the courage of a Wolf,
Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!

- RJ, you're back!
- Indeed I am.

My flea-bitten days are over.

Strike Rider!

- Oh, yeah!
- Nice!

Tiger strike!

Strike Rider, high speed!

Attack mode, go!

[ tyres screeching ]

Great ride!

Jungle Master Mode!

Spirit of the Tiger.
Jungle Master, Red Ranger!

Spirit of the Cheetah.

Jungle Master, Yellow Ranger!

Spirit of the Jaguar.
Jungle Master, Blue Ranger!

[ Barrakooza laughing ]

Two Rangers weren't
enough, and neither are four!

See how you like this!
Wolf Morpher, ready.

Yeah! Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!

The fish is fried!

- Welcome back, RJ!
- Yeah!

Thanks, guys.

Resurrect my warrior! Zokado!

[ laughing ]

You want a super-sized fight?
You got it!

Spirit of the Wolf,
calling on the Animal Spirits!

Wolf, Tiger, Jaguar!

Wolf Pride Megazord!
This Wolf's ready to rip.

You want to change your mind?
Now's the time.

The Wolf Ranger is back in form.

His spirit is balanced,
but is he a match for Barrakooza?

The beast is on the run!
My new friend is one tough hombre!

Enough of this! Fire!

[ groaning ]

Behold the might power
of the Barrakooza Spirit!

All right, let's give this guy
a taste of his own medicine!

Jungle Master, Fury Fists!

[ screaming ]

Spin Fury!

[ groaning ]

My friend is gonna win!

Nice job!

[ screaming ]

[ groaning ]

Hey, little buzz-buddy. You okay?

This is all part of Camille's
curse over me.

I can't be out of her stomach
too long or I fade away.

- We've got to get him back to Camille.
- Are you crazy? He's not like them.

RJ, it's okay. I have no choice.

Maybe someday, I hope,
we'll team up again.

It would be an honour.

[ gasping ]

Picking on a poor defenceless fly!

Now that's really scraping
the bottom of the barrel.

FLIT: Please don't swat me.
I wasn't doing a anything, just talking.

I'm not going to hurt you,
my little Flittery fly.

Take care, Flit.

[ blows ]

You found it. Now what?

I don't know, but I have to leave.

The Overlords are already
planning to destroy me.

They say the Rhino Nexus
has unimaginable power.

Maybe there, I can finally learn
to control my Zokado.

I could come with you.

[ music playing on stereo ]


What? What are you...

Give me that!

[ grunting ]

[ Fran shrieking ]

[ fly buzzing ]

[ grunting ]

There it is!

[ groaning ]

[ crashing ]

LILY: Oh, no!

Did you get it?

[ fly buzzing ]

[ Lily gasping ]

[ Theo shushing ]

[ Theo yells ]

[ RJ exclaims ]

Chill out, dudes.

Come on, little fellow.
The restaurant's closed.

He really needs to get over Flit.

[ sighs ]
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