16x17 - No "I" in Leader

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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16x17 - No "I" in Leader

Post by bunniefuu »

[ singing ]
Power Rangers


Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury


Training hard to be
the best that we can

Power Rangers!

Protecting people
from the evil Dai Shi clan

We stand up for what we know is right
We will never lose a fight

- Dai Shi
- Go away

- We're here
- To save the day

'Cause we're the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury!

We're fast, we're strong, unstoppable

Jungle Fury!

Here comes the Power Rangers
Jungle Fury

Jungle Fury, go!

- Go! Go!
- Power Rangers

- Go! Go!
- Jungle Fury

- Go! Go!
- Power Rangers

- Go! Go!
- Jungle Fury

[ grunting ]

Didn't I tell you guys :?

Yeah, but RJ changed it to :.
No one told you?


[ groaning ]

So I was thinking maybe
we could do some weapons practice,

- just to...
- We already did weapons.

I thought we could get into some
light one-on-one sparring.

LILY: Sounds cool.

RJ: All right.


Awaken, my mighty guards!


[ laughing ]

It's an army of statues.

[ roaring ]

It's time to destroy!

[ Guards roaring ]

When I master the Zokado power,

everything around here
is going to change.

[ grunting ]

[ beeping ]

Looks like it's time for
a little on-the-job training.

[ people screaming ]

- Run!
- Yes!

Let's show these two
who they're dealing with!

[ grunting ]


[ groaning ]

[ groaning ]

Those guys are strong.

Casey, what should we do?

Well, we should...

- What?
- We should what?

We should...

Let's attack in sync.

Theo, go left. Lily, go right.

- Casey, from the front.

- I'll do an aerial. Go!
- Wait!

Wolf Beam!

Look out!

[ groaning ]

[ speaking in french ]

What now, Wolf Master?

Now we do more training.

- Come on, let's go.
- All right!

- Yes!
- Yeah!

- Practice makes...


What's up with him?

All right now, give it your best.
I don't want any sore losers.

Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed!

[ grunting ]

Jungle Bo!

Jungle Tonfa!


Claw Cannon, charge!

Let's see what that
new morpher can do!

Ready, RJ?

Wolf Morpher!

- All set!
- Fully charged!

- Fire!
- Beam Blast!

[ screaming ]

[ coughing ]

You guys okay?

I'm okay.
I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

What went wrong?
I thought you adjusted your morpher.

RJ: It wasn't my morpher
that was too strong.

One of your animal spirits
wasn't up to strength.

[ people chattering ]


RJ, I think the sink has a leak,
and we're almost out of dough,

and I have an idea
for a new pizza recipe...

Fran, Fran, sink, dough,
new pizza recipe,

no worries.

Theo, Lily, why don't you help Fran?

You know, they never go in
when you're angry.

I'm not angry. I'm just...

You're what?
Come on, man, you're what?

When we first came to Ocean Bluff,

[ chuckles ]

I felt I was so far behind Theo and Lily,

but I worked hard, you helped me,
and I became team leader.

Then you join us and take over.
I feel like a cub again.

Maybe I got a bit excited
about being a Ranger,

but the Tiger leads this team,
man, not the Wolf.

[ alarm beeping ]

They're back.

[ people screaming on TV ]

[ laughing ]

- Let's go.
- Casey and I will catch up.

See? You're calling the sh*ts now.

If Grizzaka won't teach me to
harness my Zokado power,

I'll teach myself.

Perhaps I can harness
my Zokado power

if my survival depends on it.


[ grunting ]

[ screaming ]

[ grunting ]

Yes. That which does not
defeat me makes me stronger.

[ roaring ]

It's working. I need more power.

[ grunting ]

[ grunting ]

Looks like our old friends are back.


[ grunting ]

We should go help Theo and Lily.

A bent arrow doesn't fly straight.

I'm not a bent arrow.

Fine. Give me the ball.

Here's the deal. To beat Dai Shi,

I have to make this shot. Period.

From there? Good luck.

Casey, I'm serious. No luck involved.

I have to make it, or Dai Shi wins.

[ RJ exhales ]

[ grunting ]

[ RJ laughing excitedly ]

Slam-dunk! What did I tell you?

But I got it in.

I knew your instincts would kick in,

and you'd make it happen.
That's what leaders do.

No luck involved.

Casey, everyone has moments
when they get kind of unsure.

You just have to trust your instincts,
and your friends will trust them, too.

Gotta go.

[ screaming ]

[ screaming ]

[ groaning ]

[ groaning ]

[ laughing ]

You are defeated.

[ roaring ]


[ laughing ]

RJ: Catch!

[ screaming ]

[ exhales ]

Thanks, Casey.

[ roaring ]

- Ready!
- Ready!

ALL: Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed!

With the strength of a Tiger!
Jungle Fury, Red Ranger!

With the stealth of a Jaguar!
Jungle Fury, Blue Ranger!

With the speed of a Cheetah!
Jungle Fury, Yellow Ranger!

With the courage of a Wolf!
Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!

Spirits of the Jungle!

Power Rangers, Jungle Fury!

[ grunting ]

Not so fast!

I'll take that.

My turn!

- Jungle Master Mode!
- Jungle Master Mode!

[ screaming ]

Strike Rider, cruise! Let's ride!

Strike Rider, high speed!

Attack mode! Go!

[ screaming ]

[ groaning ]

- RJ! Double-team!
- Good call.

[ grunting ]

[ groaning ]

Jungle Master Mode!

Firing Jets!

[ screaming ]

It's payback time.

RJ, we'll fire the Claw Cannon,
and you boost it with your Wolf Beam.

Sounds like a plan.

Let's do it!

Claw Cannon! Claw Cannon charged!

Powered by Animal Spirits!

Wolf Beam charged!

- Ready!
- Ready!


[ screaming ]

How dare they? Zokado power!

[ roaring ]

[ exclaiming ]

This game just got a little uneven.

Animal Spirits, unite as one!

Wolf Ranger!
Calling on the Spirit of the Wolf!

Jungle Master Megazord!

[ groaning ]

Wolf Zord, Spin Fury!

[ groaning ]

[ grunting ]

I have defeated them,

but I can't harness the Zokado power!

[ roaring ]

[ grunting ]

MAO: Jarrod.

Jarrod. Jarrod. Jarrod. Jarrod.

Master Mao!

You must step off
this path of evil, Jarrod.

In your heart,
you still have the Spirit of the Lion.

Jarrod cannot hear you.
I am Dai Shi!

Jarrod's humanity and his Lion Spirit
form a union that cannot be destroyed.

Even Dai Shi cannot match
the power of such a Nexus.

Nexus. Nexus. Nexus.

Nexus? More powerful than me?

Yes, the Nexus.

Thank you, Master Mao.

[ groaning ]

There's only one way
we can defeat these guys.

Wolf, Tiger, Jaguar!

- What?
- Awesome!

- Incredible!
- Animal Spirits, unite!

Wolf Pride Megazord!

Let's see how they cope
with two Megazords!

[ grunting ]

Animal Spirits, unite as one!

Jungle Fury!

Spin Fury, launch!

[ screaming ]

Whatever it is you're looking for,
I could help.

I know this dusty temple
better than anyone.

I crawled around these
walls for centuries,

nothing to do but change colour.

- The map to the Nexus.
- The Nexus? Which one?

The most powerful one,
the Rhino Nexus.

Home of the Rhino power.

[ exclaims ]

You really want to put
Grizzaka in his place. Nice.

FRAN: Ready for my special dessert?
LILY: sure am.

THEO: You bet, Fran.
CASEY: Okay, why not?

My secret ingredients are
chocolate and anchovies.

[ chuckles ]

[ groan ]

- I'm not eating that.
- No.

Well, come on, please.

How about we all try just one? Deal?

Deal. Let's check it out.

If you can eat one, I guess I can, too.

I like a healthy sense of adventure.
Make mine a double.


[ groaning ]

[ retching ]

[ coughing ]

That bad?

Hey, Fran, the deal was we all try one.

- Would you like one anchovy, or two?
- You gotta taste one.

- No, no, no...
- Come on!

LILY: That was the deal!

[ Rangers chattering ]

[ Fran shouting ]

FRAN: Eat it!

[ Fran screaming ]

[ Fran laughing ]
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