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04x18 - Veritas Vincit

Posted: 04/12/23 09:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on S.



T The white nationalists who k*lled Erika, the Imperial Dukes.

Now, we've already taken down four of them, but I can't shake the feeling that there's more out there.

I went and visited my mom in hospital today.

Her liver's failing.

She tried to butter me up to get what she wants.

Which is what?

My liver, apparently.

Or part of it.

What if something goes wrong?

You could lose your job, or you could die.

When you told me that if you lost me you'd never recover I can't lose you, either.

I mean, a Black suspect comes at me with something looking like a w*apon.

Bam! Bam! Just freed up a prison cot for someone who can actually be rehabilitated.

My PBA reps are gonna tear this case to shreds.


They'll put me back on the street.

You have to watch your back the rest of your career.

The Board of Rights reached a decision regarding Lee Durham's punishment: He will not be fired from the LAPD.

Same for the other two, Gibson and Ellis.

We just sit here while a pack of racists pick and choose who they're gonna arrest each day?

What you are talking about is career su1c1de.

There's gonna be an article in the L.


Times coming out tomorrow.

It'll expose Durham and his cop buddies for their r*cist views and the department's failure to take appropriate action.

They'll be printing my name as the source.

Mayor's gonna have your head for this.

I know.

Yesterday marked the fourth day of protests in Los Angeles.

Black Justice Now has led this latest protest effort, sparked by last week's expl*sive Times article, where LAPD SWAT sergeant Daniel Harrelson Jr.

Outed the department's flawed disciplinary system, reigniting tensions between the police and the community.

You don't have to do that for me.

Trust me, I'm not.

I don't need to hear any more of it myself.

You still getting flack at work?

People are careful, but I hear the whispers, feel the stares.

Not so much from other SWA officers, but rank and file.

You know you did the right thing.

r*cist cops don't deserve a badge, so yeah, I do.

I also knew that going to the press would set off a firestorm.

But this The anger in this community goes deeper than one or two incidents.

I grew up listening to my father's rants about the way police in L.


were used to keep Black neighborhoods in check.

That bitterness is old, and it runs deep.


You speaking out against Durham and the others, it confirmed what a lot of folks already believe, based on their experience and on history, not just your words.

Oh, hey.

Uh, sorry.

I didn't know you was having company this early.

It's all good.

Nichelle just stopped by to check on me, and she brought some coffee.

Hey, Darryl, want to join us for breakfast?

No, I'm good.


D what's up?

Everything okay?

My phone's been blowing up all day, every day with this Black Justice Now stuff.

At the garage, all anyone talks about is the cops doing dirt.

Darryl, you know it's not that simple.

But why shouldn't it be?

You told the truth.

You should be a hero.

And hopefully, that's how things turn out, eventually.

My dad said no one ever cares enough to really change this stuff.

Maybe he was right.

Thanks for coming in early.

I got a heads


Lee Durham and his buddies are being terminated, effective today.

What changed between now and the first investigation?

You mean besides the publicity?

Board of Rights says they uncovered new evidence of conduct unbecoming.

Some formal language about bringing disrepute to the department.

Guess I'm about to be even less popular with a lot of cops now.

You knew some of them would never agree with your decision.

Of course I did, Commander.

But I got to ask if I got caught talking about Black power, jamming up white citizens, do you think anybody would be this angry to see me pay a price?

I get your point, but the reality is, now cops feel like they have a target on their backs.

Kevin Hilliard.

Back in the day, LAPD brought southern racists to our city to patrol the streets, and Black and brown people been suffering for it ever since.

Well, these cops want to bash our heads in the here and now?

Then be on notice.

We'll defend ourselves, whatever we got to do.

This thing could escalate fast.

I also heard from the chief.

So there's some kind of discipline coming your way soon for going outside chain of command.

Was it worth it?

- Hey.

- Hey.

You do your final check

-in with the doctors?

I'm getting admitted to the hospital tomorrow.

Transplant surgery's the next day.




If that shoulder was any colder, we'd all be freezing.

Eh, just ignore it.

People need some time to let it all go.

You taped Durham and his pals because they deserve it.

We don't need their r*cist views patrolling the streets.

And if Hondo going to the press means bad cops get the boot, I'm good with it.

But the attitude you and Hondo are catching it's not cool.

You guys did the right thing, Deac.

Well, I appreciate that.

Everyone's just wound up.

I got a buddy at Hollywood station, and he said that the threats made by Black Justice Now has the officers over there all on edge.

Yeah, everyone's got an opinion on this.

- See you later.

- Bye.

Oh, what's up with the suit?

Ooh, you're busted.

- Better tell 'em.

- Hold on.

Nice suit, happy fiancée You wouldn't by any chance be about to elope now, would you, lover boy?

That explains the last

-minute, uh, vacation request.

Okay, okay, enough with the interrogation.

I was gonna tell you guys.

Tell us what?

That you were gonna get married without us?

It's just a civil ceremony down at the courthouse after shift.

You're all still invited to the big bash when we can nail down a venue.

Hey, we get it.

You and Bonnie have had to postpone your wedding how many times?

You guys have waited long enough for your big day.

And we finally decided that being married is more important than how we get married.

And we wanted to fly off to Bali tomorrow as an official couple.

So it's not just a vacation but a bona fide honeymoon.

Well, that sounds perfect, actually.

It's about time we had some good news around here.

Is that what I think it is?

Memorial plaque for Erika.

It's gonna be unveiled at a ceremony next week.

You and I will be in Germany doing T.




I tried to push our flight to next week, but the schedule It's all good.

I've already said my good


It's nice no one's forgotten her.

Yeah, no one ever will.

Hey, buddy, take that outside.

Are you serious?

Is this yours?

That ain't mine.

Somebody else left it.

b*mb! Get out, now! Everyone out! If not for some sharp eyes and quick thinking, this could've been a whole lot worse.

We're lucky nobody died.

Sergeant Plumb's in serious condition, but yeah, we caught a break this time.

You think there's more to come?

Chief's concerned it's only the beginning.

Patrol's being deployed to set up a perimeter at every station.

b*mb squad's in the process of clearing all LAPD buildings.

The Mayor's speed dial finger's gonna need a splint after this.

I'm not surprised.

LAPD's under attack.

Whole world's watching to see what we do.

What we're gonna do is find our bomber and anyone else responsible.

I expedited the security footage download from inside.

We may have something.

This is time

-stamped shortly before the expl*si*n.

- Wait, I know that jacket.

- I bet you do.

It's Kevin Hilliard's trademark.

Kevin's been all over the TV talking big about retaliation.

I didn't think he'd take the next step.

Hondo, this isn't on you.

I lit a fuse by going to the press, and Kevin is the result.

You can't control people's worst impulses.

Nobody could've predicted Kevin and his group were gonna declare w*r on the LAPD.

Probably thought the b*mb would take out security cameras, help cover his tracks better.

Tech pulled traffic cam images of cars in the area right before and after the bombing.


Top right corner.

Late model Explorer.

I drove past one of Kevin's events a few days ago, and I saw him hop in an Explorer that looked just like that.

Well, sounds like probable cause.

- Let's get a warrant and bring him in.

- No, hold up.

We don't have a clear image of Kevin on video.

If we're gonna haul him in, we got to be real smart about how we do it.

Well, I'm not sure we have time for niceties.

Commander, this city is on a razor's edge.

Kevin may be a radical to the LAPD, but in his hood, he is a leader.

If we roll in showing force, and we are not 100% sure, it could make things worse for the community and for us.

All right.

I'll trust your judgment, but one way or another, we're bringing his ass in.

According to social media, Kevin's starting up a livestream

- near his block in about 30 minutes.

- All right, good.

That gives us an opportunity with him out in the open.

I'll game

-plan with the team and get it done.

I know.

I'll keep you posted on my end.

I love you, too.

So, how did Bonnie take it?

She gets it.

With everything going on, courthouses canceled all nonessential business.

I'd say your wedding is pretty essential to Bonnie.

Yeah, well, the city doesn't agree.

I'm gonna buzz my mom with the bad news, tell her the wedding's off.

It sucks, for both of them.


Relationships are never easy, even when people are perfect for each other.

Is that you, admitting we're perfect for each other?

You mean except for the whole "no fraternizing between team members" thing?

Which is why we need to talk about us, preferably before you get on a plane and fly away for the summer.

You got to give it up.

Our situation's impossible.

I'm not ready to concede that point.

Not yet.

We have a bombing suspect to catch.

You're dodging the issue.

Yes, I am.

So move.



We're all in position, Hondo.

All right.

Backup is around the block, ready to roll if needed.

Tell me what you see.

We've got eyes on Kevin.

He started his livestream.

The LAPD has proven that they do not care about the sanctity of our lives! Lots of strong words about the police.

He's got followers eating out of the palm of his hand.

Dude may have tried to m*rder a station full of cops.

Hate thinking his followers might cheer that on, too.

His sidekick has g*ng ink.

20th Street Hammers.

This isn't their spot.

But if Kevin has them for muscle, he must be prepping for a bigger fight.

Let's wait 'till he's on the move, make the approach before Kevin gets back to his block.

When your immediate reaction to r*cist cops is to transfer You guys seeing this?


The vehicle matches the one seen leaving the bombing.


So here's ours.

Black Justice Now.

Black Justice Now! We're on.

Kevin Hilliard, step out of the vehicle! LAPD! Step out of the vehicle now! Hands above your head! Walk backwards towards me.

Looky, looky here.

Another day, another bogus LAPD stop.

Walk backwards towards me.


Passenger, step out of the vehicle, hands in the air and walk backwards towards me.

Y'all, we put this on the Internet.

Yeah, right.

So these pigs just pulled us over for leaving out of a park.

So y'all help me keep an eye on 'em.

What you're gonna lie and say I did this time?

That's far enough.

We have a warrant for your arrest.

Put your hands behind your back.


I got it.

Hey, everyone! Look here! I am going peacefully with these officers.

No resistance.

You see?

If I end up with a b*llet in the back of my head,

- you'll know why and who.

- Get in the car.

Let's you and me talk straight.

Sergeant Harrelson, the dude who dialed 911 on his own department.

Props to you! So why you sweating me?

We're fighting the same damn fight.

I do my thing by trying to keep people safe, not by targeting innocents and taking lives.

A few bad cops doesn't give you the green light to b*mb a police station.

Is that what you got me in here for?

I did not blow up no police station.

Kevin, now is when you tell us if you and your group are targeting more cops.

Because if the next b*mb kills someone I told you, I don't know anything about no damn b*mb.

You want to rethink that answer?

It's not me.

I get why you think that's me, but I'm not dumb enough to wear my regular jacket and drive my own car to blow up a police station.

Only bombs I use is truth bombs.

Besides, you should know where I was.

Cops been following me for weeks.

What are you talking about?

You weren't a person of interest to us until today.

You sure brother?

You just exposed a bad apple in your own house.

Cops love to throw their weight around.

Intimidation, frame


Hell, y'all probably framing me right now.

- No one's framing you here, Kevin.

- Well, the police are following me.

Been tailing me for weeks in a metallic blue sedan.

You're wrong.

It's not us.

Then who the hell is it?

You see this?

The boys in blue just snatched up our Black messiah.

It's time they burn.

So y'all show up for w*r, you hear me?

What the hell is that?

It's a viral video.

Kevin's supporters are all over social media, calling for a mass protest downtown later today.

From the sound of it, they're not showing up just to shout slogans.

And now they're working with the Hammers, there's a chance that armed g*ng members will be mixed in with the regular protesters.

I'll alert the chief.

Wait a second.

That car metallic blue sedan.

Kevin claims he's had a tail lately, described exactly that.

You think he's telling the truth?

I think there's more going on here than we're seeing.

- Luca

- I'll work the partial, see if I can narrow down a list of owners.

City feels heavy today.

Lot of people looking over their shoulders, not sure who to trust.

Does that include you?

This morning, Chris told me that she she doesn't think the system's designed to get real justice.

I always believed it was.

And now, with everything, it's just it's got me thinking twice.

We see something wrong, we say something, that should be enough.

Should get fixed.

And then it doesn't.

Deacon, you did everything right.

Durham got a slap on the wrist.

Until you went to the press, and now we're both pariahs.

Listen, man, I don't expect you to agree with me going public, and I truly am sorry that there's blowback on you now.

I just felt like I had no other choice.

No, I know.

I know.

You know, according to Hicks, the chief has disciplinary action coming my way.

Are you worried?

I'm on my own, man.

The board's pissed at me; The union, too, so whatever happens, I'll deal with it.

You know that training thing that we talked about?



Well, I want you to know that I've signed up to mentor the new class of LAPD recruits.

Hopefully, get 'em on the right track from day one.

Well, they couldn't have a better role model.


I struck paydirt.

DMV search found 43 partial matches in L.


County, but only one was on a metallic blue sedan.

Registered owner John Bridger.

- Any connections to Kevin?

- Nothing directly.

But he's racked up a few as*ault charges, and get this.

Disturbing the peace for counterprotesting Black Justice Now events.

- Counterprotesting?

- Yeah.

So he's not Kevin's biggest fan.

Maybe Bridger's stalking him.

Everything we've looked at so far has told a story of Kevin and his group versus the LAPD.

It just feels like a piece is missing.

Maybe Bridger is the key to fill in the gaps.

All right, texting you his last known address.

- g*nf*re.

- Take cover.

Street, Tan, take the three


Chris, you're on the one

-side with me.

LAPD! Drop the w*apon! Going hands on.



Suspect down.

He was headed towards that garage.

Let's clear it.

This is a red Explorer.

Check it out.

Got a dead Kevin Hilliard look


Looks like fresh g*nsh*t wounds.

He's dressed just like Kevin.

This ride is just like Kevin's.

Bridger must have used him as a double for the bombing, and then k*lled him.

Hey, come see this.

This stuff matches the materials for the b*mb at the 27th.

Isn't that the park where Kevin holds his events?

He's got a list of beat assignments.

Bridger must have been tracking patrol routes of the area.

Photos of the Academy, Snicks Diner.

Every cop in town eats there.

That igloo I've seen that before.

It was on the sh**ting gallery in the compound where Erika was k*lled.

It's one of the Imperial Dukes' crazy symbols.

If Bridger's one of them Surveillance on police, the b*mb, framing Kevin.

This is all the Imperial Dukes.

They're back.

The chief's sending out word that Kevin's no longer a suspect for the 27th Division bombing.

It might be too late, sir.

That false flag by the Imperial Dukes It's already got people looking at Kevin and his group as t*rrorists.

At the same time, the Dukes have put cops everywhere on edge, and we don't know how many more att*cks they have in the works.

Chief ordered the Academy to evacuate until b*mb Squad finishes a sweep.

And we're sending alerts to every cop on patrol to be extra vigilant with safety protocols.

This group is methodical.

By bombing the 27th, they they redirected patrol routes, the allocation of manpower.

They could be targeting cops anywhere in the city.

The Imperial Dukes went from att*cks on individuals to crowds.

After they k*lled Erika, we know dead cops don't bother them.

They're chaos agents trying to tear down the system, starting with us, and if they open racial wounds, too, all the better for them.

Luca's dialed in with the feds running everything on Bridger.

Which means we may finally be able to bring down the last Imperial Dukes cell in L.


That's not our only worry.

Deac and I were talking.

We got to do something to lower the temperature in this city.

Commander, tensions are so high, even the best cop might see a peaceful protest as an attack, even if that's not the intent.

If there's something we can do I get it.


Don't need no damn police protection.

Kevin, I'm trying to make you understand the stakes here.

My whole life is about stakes.

You can't explain anything to me.

All right, then, can I make an ask?

And I know how this is gonna sound.

I need you to tell your followers to stay home and not go to the protest.

After they framed me?

Those white power dudes are trying to take us down, and you're telling us to take our ball and stay home?

We don't protest, they win.

Neither one of us wants a bunch of white nationalists to get a win today.

Look, I know it's hard for you to trust us.

It wouldn't be if the LAPD were occasionally on our side, man.

Kevin, a lot of us are

-are are working to make changes.

And I know you're fighting for what you think is right, but doing the right thing, that can put a target on your back.

- Sergeant Harrelson still stood up.

- He did.

He wasn't alone.

But everything that we're doing to make things better, that gets blown to hell if this city goes up in flames.


- Hey.

- Hey.

I need to talk with you about something.

- Sure.

What's going on?

- That protest going on downtown, we got to stop people from going.

We've already put out an alert, but People won't listen to the police.

That's what the problem is, ain't it?

After all, it's the same LAPD that jammed Kevin Hilliard up.

Kevin got framed because the Imperial Dukes want to blame a Black activist for their crime.

The Imperial Dukes were behind the bombing earlier today?


But even though we can prove that, it won't take more than one bad moment between a protester and a cop feeling targeted for things to pop off.

Now, we've asked Kevin to warn folks away from the protest, help keep things from getting out of hand, but we could still use some more help.

I'll make some calls.

I see you looking at me.

Leroy, Kevin hired the Hammers for protection.

Them being at that protest is gonna make it harder to keep everyone safe.

You mean them being there might piss off trigger

-happy cops?

All you've ever done is criticize my past.

But now when it's convenient, here you come.

No one you or I care about needs to get hurt, Leroy.

I thought you was gonna fix all these problems between Black and blue.

Remember that?

Yeah, I guess not.

Nah, you got to clean up your own mess, bro.

Look, I've heard everybody crap on cops the past few days.

And I'm not gonna lie.

The reasons make sense.

But a cop also did help save my life.

Hondo chose to help you, Darryl.

- We don't owe him a damn thing.

- Okay, but it's not about that.

Look, I get you guys are not tight like brothers anymore, but he's out here trying to help other people.

Why can't we?

New units are sweet.

A lot less bulky.

You know, we don't have to just talk about new equipment.

It's not breaking any rules to talk about our situation.

- But we both agree the rules matter.

- Which is why I could transfer to another department.

We'd be golden.

I can't let you do that.

For me, it's worth doing.

Losing SWAT?

This team?

If it means I get to be with you.

We can't start a relationship under that kind of pressure.

That's crazy.

We'd probably break up in a month.

Then where would you be?

So you're open to at least giving it a shot.

I wish this was all as easy as you want to make it.

Look, we've tried ignoring our feelings.

We've tried moving on.

This thing is real.

Always has been.

That's as simple as it gets.

Except it isn't, because I have to think about my career in a way that you don't.

That's real, too.

Luca, I got your text.

What do you got for me?

Look, I looked at the stuff from Bridger's garage.

Guy was a fan of headbanger music festivals.

White nationalists use them to recruit new talent.

Bridger was sent a ticket off a group

-sharing app last month.

Tickets are sent digitally via cell numbers.

Yeah, and I got three of 'em.

Ran their numbers against local ISP accounts and found their user profiles.

These two are Don Fairburn and Tripp Rathman, and, according to the remote log

-ins they used to communicate, this is Marc Stargher.

He spearheaded the meetups.

Stargher was a VP at a local think t*nk.

Fired three years ago after he stole and manipulated company data on crime, lying that it proved his theories on minority group behavior and white supremacy.

I think we finally found our shot caller behind all the Imperial Dukes.

Nice work, Luca.

Background in tech.

He could have easily facilitated the Imperial Dukes' covert online activity.


And his specialty at work?

Public crisis response and planning.

So Stargher's familiar with LAPD procedure.

- He knows our moves.

- Which means he knew after the 27th Division bombing we'd go on tactical alert, placing every available cop on the street, making them all potential targets.


Got their last known addresses.

I'll update the chief.

Tell Hondo to tell the team to gear up.

I want 'em moving ASAP! Laser sentry disabled.

Dropping in.

Give me two.

Whoa, whoa, hold up.

Another booby trap.

Pretty sure this is the power lead.


- We good?

- Yeah.


-David to Command.

Stargher's place is clear.

No sign of him.


- and 80

-Squads hit the other two last known addresses.

No Imperial Dukes were home.

Which means they're probably already on their way

- to their next target.

- Hey.

This is some sort of 3D map of 1st and Broadway.

1st and Broadway's the site of the Black Justice Now protest.

Hey, I got receipts here from Tanner Tactical.

That's the uniform wholesaler LAPD uses.

If they're dressed as cops, they can walk right up to their targets.

They're not gonna attack cops.

They're gonna impersonate police officers and attack the protesters.

- What do we want?

- Justice! When do we want it?

Now! If someone in that crowd fires back at police, the Imperial Dukes can finally trigger their race w*r.

Protest starts in 20 minutes.

Protesters are already showing up.

Cops on the ground say hundreds more are inbound.

- What do you got?

- Okay, Chief's orders were to keep sn*pers away from that intersection.

We think Stargher may have counted on that.

I noticed there were small, random hash marks on the butcher paper of Stargher's map.

Looks like they mapped out sh**ting trajectories.

The Dukes might have sn*per perches in these buildings.

We've sent these images to all units in the intersection.

The protest starts in ten minutes.

If we use a stealth approach, maybe 20

-Squad can get to the Dukes before they launch their plan.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Justice!

- When do we want it?


- What do we want?

- Justice!

- When do we want it?

- Now!

- What do we want?

- Justice! 20

-David to all D

-Team, work your way up floor by floor.

Clear the perches overlooking the street.

- When do we want it?

- Now!

- What do we want?

- Justice!

- When do we want it?

- Now! 30

-David to Command, 20

-David and I are making entry to the northwest building.


-David, we've made entry.

Working our way to the outer corner on the northeast building.



-David's on the move on the southeast.



- That's right!

- Now!


- Don't move! Going hands on.

On your stomach! Hands behind your back! 26

-David, one Duke in custody on the southwest corner.

It's getting rowdy in the street.

We better get down there.


- When do we want it?

- Now!

- What do we want?

- Justice!

- When do we want it?

- Now!

- What do we want?

- Justice!

- When do we want it?

- Now!

- What do we want?

- Justice!

- When do we want it?

- Now!

- What do we want?

- Justice!

- When do we want it?

- Now!

- What do we want?

- Justice!

- When do we want it?

- Now!

- What do we want?

- Justice! When do we want it?


- LAPD! On the ground!

- Do it now! On your stomach.

Hands behind your back.


-David, another Duke in custody at the northeast.

Flashbang hit the crowd.

It's getting tense down there.

I see the Hammers moving in.

Stop! Rocker's team cleared the fourth building.

It's empty.

No sign of the last suspect, Stargher, there.

Then he's ours.



-David to all units.

Be advised, our suspect is on the ground, impersonating a police officer.

No visual, Hondo.

Crowd's too big.


Young bloods.

Leroy, what you doing out here, man?

Trying to save your asses.

You're being played.

Only ones getting played is these cops we about to bust up on.

Those cops, they may not be friends, but today, they ain't your enemies.

A bunch of racists framed Kevin to set this city on fire.

Set a trap for you to walk into.

And you being out here, that's gonna give them exactly what they want: w*r.

- Our people are getting att*cked, man.

- Trust me, this ain't the place for you to be today.

Man, you tripping or what?

Black Justice Now! Black Justice Now! You want to find out?


Wait a minute.

Black Justice Now! Black Justice Now! Black Justice Now! Black Justice Now! Black Justice Now! Hey, everyone, I appreciate you coming out to show your support.

Kevin! Get down! You're

-you're too exposed up there.

I got this.

Go! Everyone, please just listen to me.

Please, just go home.

Just go home.

Get out of here! Go home! Stargher hasn't gotten the protesters to attack the cops.

Which means his other option is get the cops to attack them.

Go home, everyone! b*mb detonation at our location.

Civilians down.

One suspect still at large in a police uniform.

Wait a minute.

Hold your fire! Too many civilians! Suspect on a red Ducati turning up Broadway! Hey! Sorry.

I need to borrow your bike.


Yo, you even know how to ride one of these?


-David in pursuit.



-David in pursuit.

All available units respond.

On Fifth heading towards Grand.

Stay with him, Street.

We're rolling.

He's headed into oncoming cars on Fourth.


-Squad, call your locations.


-David coming up Second.


-David's on Fifth Street.


-David northbound on Olive.

This guy's flying! We got to get him off the road! We're headed onto the lower grid on Fourth Street.

We're almost there.

Right on top of you, Street.

Trying to find my way down.

Hondo, maybe we can corner him in the tunnels.

- Take him down safely.

- All right, I'm on it.

Chris, take the Second Street tunnel.

Tan, get Olive.

Deacon, you're on Hill.

Box him in.

- Got it.

- Copy that.

- I'm headed down.

- I'm almost with you, Street.

Everyone, loop around the park.

Keep him off the freeways.


Oh! Oh, my God! You're done.

All this is done.

Go for it.

You should have the honor, Chris.

Hey, Tan, there you are.

You got to hustle.

Your ride's here.

What ride?

Look, I got a family friend who's a judge.

Gave him a buzz.

He can marry you and Bonnie if you make it to the Pasadena courthouse by 6:00.

Bonnie's already on her way there.

You guys, I'm not making it to Pasadena in 14 minutes.

Yeah, we thought about that, too.

Are you kidding me?

Guys thank you.


Thank you.

Come on.

Time's a


Let's go.

What are you doing?

Hey, you're gonna need a witness, right?

Leroy, listen, man.

Hey Darryl was worried about you, man.

I can't have my son worrying, right?

Look, I know you guys got this beef.

I say something to one of you, and you think I'm siding with the other, but I'm not.

- I'm an adult now.

- You're my son.

I'll always be your son.

And, Hondo, you helped save my life.

Helped me turn everything around.

You both got me here, but I can't live stuck in the middle of y'all.

I gotta do me.



How about that?

That's a grown

-ass man right there, if you ask me.


Like his old man.

Who you calling old?

We did good.


I ain't too proud to admit that I'm damn thankful for your help with him.

I never wanted thanks, Leroy.

Because you're stubborn.

Like me.

So we good?

We're good.

I'm going to postpone leaving for T.



I don't think I can go to Germany until you're out of surgery and I know you're okay.

Chris, the T.



dates are firm.

If they're mad I have to come late, then I don't need to go.

Didn't you just tell me earlier you have to be careful with your career?

Do you want me to care what happens to you or not?

I I'm gonna be fine, okay?

The doctor promises full recovery, almost definitely.

And you worked for months to earn that ticket to Germany.

You cannot blow that off now.

Even for something as great as me.

We still don't have a solution to our problem.

So we'll just keep talking.

We're two highly skilled police officers with extensive training in negotiations.

We'll figure it out.



Call me after the surgery.

The second I wake up.

I spent my whole life feeling threatened by those uniforms.

But today, I saw something different.

It doesn't fix the past but maybe maybe it's a place to start.

I met with the chief.

When do I go before the board?

Well, they don't want to give you the satisfaction, or the platform.

LAPD feels like you pushed them into a corner, so they want to return the favor.

You're being demoted from 20

-Squad leader.

They want to force me to quit so they can keep their hands clean.


I ain't gonna lie, I did not see that one coming.


But I probably should have.

The department made me 20

-Squad leader so they could save face.

I'm gonna lose it now for the same reason.


Look, um Luca, Chris and Tan are all heading out of the country, and Street's on medical leave, and Deacon wants to spend more time with his cadets, so if you want to take some time to decide what you want to do just know two things.

One, I'm on your side.

And two, you helped save this city.

Remember that when you choose.