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04x17 - Whistleblower

Posted: 04/12/23 09:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT Hondo's a good guy, but everyone knows that his promotion was affirmative action nonsense.

Inmates running the asylum.

More like animals running the zoo.

So, what are we gonna do about it?

I'm not going to I.


with just my word against theirs.

Those charges would never stick.

That's why we need hard evidence.

Cops don't turn on other cops.

Why were you recording them?

They're racists, Annie.

An I.




- Watch yourself.

- Oh, you're scared everyone's gonna hear how you spied on another officer?

My PBA reps are gonna tear this case to shreds, and you're gonna be the only person hurt by it.

Your mother's cirrhosis is advanced.

I've discussed a living donor transplant with her.

- Jimmy!

- Hi, Mom.

The doctor says there's a real problem with your liver?

You don't have to worry about that.

You know, I've been here less than a minute.

I already feel like I'm being played.

I went and visited my mom today.

Just tried to butter me up to get what she wants.

- Which is what?

- My liver, apparently.

You're asking him to throw away everything he's built for himself.

I didn't ask him for anything.

I came here to keep it that way.

You must really love my Jimmy.

Take that coat off.

It's ugly.

I'm freezing.

Take it off, or I'll have to cut it off.

Time to work.

A lot of lonely truckers out there.

Damn it! What happened?

D, you all right?

Uh, I don't know.

I thought I drained the oil all out the pan.

And the oil filter?



I'd say you're looking fresh, kid, but that oil looks anything but.

Just thought I'd stop by and see how business was going.

It's all right.

Look, there should be an oil filter that'll work for this car in the back, top shelf.

- That a friend of yours?

- Friend of a friend, and a potential customer, till your badge scared him off.

A guy who hightails out at the sight of a cop that's the type

- of customer you want?

- I didn't realize I needed to consult with the chief marketing officer before bringing in business.

I'm just here to keep tabs on Darryl.


No, you're trying to see if it's all on the level, 'cause you don't like that my way is working.

I took care of those punks squeezing this block, and now I'm finding us customers.

But you got to stop dropping in on us in uniform 'cause you're hurting business.

Hey, the last I checked, I own a stake in this shop.

You do.

You said you'd be a silent partner, and you wanted Darryl to pick his own path.

And he chose this.

That's why I'm so invested.

Okay, well, now that it's finally starting to come along, you're the one hurting it and him, by always showing your cop face around here.

You've been out of prison a few months, and suddenly, you know what's best for Darryl, huh?

- Let me tell you what I know.

- Found it! Got to go help my son.

Yeah, Deacon, what's up?

The Board of Rights reached a decision regarding Lee Durham's punishment.

He will not be fired from the LAPD.

Same for the other two Gibson and Ellis.

They'll all be placed on probation, and reassigned to other divisions.

That's final?

What about the recording, or the three hours of testimony that Deacon gave the board?

Sir, he's been catching flak from other officers for turning that tape in.

What, it's all just for nothing?

No, the recording carried weight.

It prompted I.


's integrity check on Durham and the other officers.

But ultimately, the board found no tangible evidence that racism influenced their work.


Why would it?

Commander, what about their arrest records?

They skew heavily towards people of color.

I hear you, but these officers have all worked with officers of color with no incident.

A few even have partners who are people of color.


The "I got a black friend" defense?

Come on, man, stop it.

- What are we supposed to do now?

- Well, we just sit here while a pack of racists pick and choose who they're gonna arrest each day.

It's a union issue now.

The same union that shielded these three from any real punishment

- in the first place?

- Yeah.

The same union that's protected both of you in the past.

Now, fair or not, this is the system doing its job, advocating for cops.

r*cist cops.

Jimmy! What a surprise.

- Hi, Ma.

- Two visits in one week?

With this luck, I'm gonna have to bribe my nurse to run out and buy me a lotto ticket.

You knew I could be a potential liver donor.

Why have the doctors tell me, instead of just telling me the truth yourself?

Do you think it's easy talking to your son about dying?

Especially being sick based on the stupid choices that you've made in your life?

But you're right.

I'm sorry.


-I should've just been honest with you.

I just I didn't want to be a distraction one last time.

I thought maybe you wouldn't come back.

Well, I got tested to see if I can donate part of my liver to you.

I'm waiting on the results.

Jimmy, you didn't have to.

- I know.

- What about SWAT?

I mean, your work.

Isn't that gonna cause problems for you?

I said I got tested.

I didn't say I'd made the decision to donate yet.

I don't understand.

This reeks of you trying to work me over again.

I didn't ask you to help me.

No, you're too smart to ask me straight out.

You knew exactly which parts of me to appeal to.

So, your little SWAT girlfriend got in your head, right?

She's trouble.

Jimmy, you should know better.

What are you talking about?

That Christina person.

She came here a couple days ago to thr*aten me.

Making all these demands.

I should keep you out of this.

And that you're better off not talking to me.

Okay, well, I didn't ask Chris to do that.

And I'm the one that's controlling and manipulative.

Jimmy, I so appreciate you being here.

I do.

I mean with everything we've been through, we'll still always be family.

Looking for company?

Money up front.

I'm not here to have sex with you.

No money, no company.

- Wait, wait, wait.

- Hey.

Calm down.

I just want to talk The guys I

-I work for Th

-they'll k*ll you.

You don't want to mess with me.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

- Wait, wait.

- Let go of me!

- Wait, wait.

I'm here to save

- Let me go! Patrol says the three sh**t are still unaccounted for.

Watch for civilians as you clear.

Let's move.



Moving to the west side of the lot.



One sh**t down, unresponsive.



Got eyes on another suspect.

- Still breathing.

- 30


sh**t two in custody.

Needs medical attention ASAP.

EMTs are on the way.

Hondo, more blood.

Leads to the back.

I see it.


This is the LAPD! I need you to open the door and come out with your hands raised! This is your last warning! Don't sh**t.


It's okay.

Hey, it's okay.

You're safe.

We're LAPD.

You're safe.

All clear on the exterior.

Then we're Code 4.

Third sh**t's in the wind.

I hope you're here with good news, Lieutenant.

Is that ever the case, Hondo?

I spoke with colleagues in Vice about the dead sh**t your team found Paul Temple.

Vice thinks he was part of a sex trafficking ring based out of the San Fernando Valley.

Truck stops are notorious for forced prostitution.

Did Vice have any more intel on the other suspects?

One slipped us before we got here.


These guys are cautious, connected and very mobile.

They move their victims around Southern California every month or so to prevent the women from getting close to anyone who might help them.

Witnesses say our missing sh**t had two more victims with him.

And the only working security camera didn't get a good look at their faces or the plates on the SUV.

They'll look to move those girls within the next 48 hours.

This trafficking ring works fast.

Then we got to work faster.

Detective Lynch oversees a Human Trafficking Task Force for the mayor, so she's gonna be working with us to help locate the missing girls.

Okay, we got one missing sh**t, two possible victims in the wind.

Odds are the trafficking victims will be transported within 48 hours, assuming the traffickers don't k*ll them instead.

We need to find out how this ring operates and who runs it, fast.

The victim's name is Shannon Gamble.

Currently in our custody.

The dead male suspect is Paul Temple.

The other male suspect is Gabriel Cardenas.

He's in surgery.

He's an interstate trucker from Nevada.

Misdemeanors for disorderly conduct and drug possession, but no known ties to Paul Temple or the ring.

He's probably the john.

Truckers are on the road 300 days a year.

Many get lonely enough to pay for affection.

Anything else on Shannon?

19 years old.

She's originally from Reno.

Rough upbringing.

Spent some time in juvie, couple arrests for misdemeanors.

It looks like she cycled through the foster system, then in and out of rehabs around the state till she fell off the grid two years ago.

With that background, she'd be a perfect target for Romeo Pimps.


If Shannon can tell us who recruited her, it could help bring this ring into focus, lead us to find more victims.

That may not be easy.

Sex trafficking victims often fear the cops and stay loyal to their captors.

- Very loyal.

- I still remember the questioning techniques we used in Vice.

Maybe I can help you get Shannon to open up.

All right, make it happen.

Meantime, Deacon and Chris are gonna talk to Gabriel once he gets out of surgery.


- When were you gonna tell me?

- Tell you what?

That you went to see my mom about the liver donation.

I just warned her not to mess up your life again.

I guess it didn't work.

You shouldn't have done that.

It's not your business.

It's a major surgery.

It can have its complications.

Infections, blood clots, pneumonia.

I'm aware.

What's your point?

It can put your career at risk, maybe even your life.

She's just manipulating you into getting her way, like always.

I know what she's doing, but it's my choice to make, not yours.

I need you to respect that.


My name's Lieutenant Piper Lynch.

And this is Officer Victor Tan.

- Am I under arrest?

- No.

We just want to talk, if that's okay.

These are for you.

I know it's a bit stuffy in here.

We can walk outside, if you prefer.

I want to go home.

To Reno?

Was Paul Temple the person who brought you down here from there?

We believe that Paul was part of a trafficking operation, and that you were one of his victims.

Did he recruit you?


Paul's a friend.

Not many friends force you to have sex with strangers against your will.

Paul's dead, Shannon.

I normally wouldn't be this blunt, but we don't want the other two girls to end up like him.

We could use your help.


-the other girls They're

-they're going to get hurt now because I ran away.

It's all my fault.

Can you tell us anything about where they might be?

- How we can find them?

- No.

We moved around a lot.


-I didn't even know where I was until I saw "LAPD" on your uniforms.

What about the men who worked with Paul?


-I don't know much.

But there's this guy named "JC.

" Was he the one who recruited you?

What else can you tell us about him?

Gabriel Cardenas?

I'm Sergeant Kay, this is Officer Alonso.


How is the girl?

Unharmed Physically, at least.


It wasn't supposed to go down that way.

How was it supposed to go down, exactly?

You pay her to service you, then you move on to the next truck stop,

- the next girl?

- Whoa, I'm

-I'm not the bad guy here.

I was trying to save her.

I'm sorry.

Do you know this girl?

Then how do you know she needed saving?

You know the signs to look for.

I'm with Long Haul Protectors.

I've got the certification card in my wallet, right there,

- if you need proof.

- Long Haul Protectors?


We're a national group working to

-to stop human trafficking.


-there are more of us truckers on the road than you cops, so we do what we can to help out.

By what?

Staging reenactments of the sh**t at the O.



I made a mistake, I know, but those cabrónes They came out g*ns blazing.

I shot back in self


Anything else you can tell us about the sh**t or the victims?


The girls' names.

Before they drove off, the

-the sh**t They

-they called out for "Rosetta" and "Monica.

" All right, thank you.

I was just trying to help.

Just because you want to help doesn't mean it'll make things better.

Next time, call the cops.


I heard Shannon gave us the name of her recruiter.

JC Walker.

Record for possession, larceny, aggravated as*ault.

Luca's getting a last known for the bastard now.

Wait a minute.

You seem awfully fired up.

Shannon's like this girl I knew in high school Becca.

She got lured in, trafficked by a Romeo Pimp, too.

She's a big part of why I jumped onto Vice when I had the chance.

I'm guessing Becca wasn't just "some girl.

" All right, when Luca gets that address, we'll roll out.

I didn't know y'all were coming through.

Well, young fella said it was urgent.

So, uh, apparently, I'm just the chauffeur.

I, uh I needed to drop this off.

What the hell is this?

It's the money you invested into the auto shop.

Well, some of it.

I got five grand now, and the rest as soon as I can get it.

Darryl, how the hell did you come up with five large all of a sudden?

Did Leroy give you this and send you to me?

He said you'd say that.

You knew about this?

If I knew he had that kind of cash, I'd have got him to spring for gas.

Look, the money's clean, I promise.

It's everything we earned from the auto shop so far.

Neither one of us is taking a paycheck until we pay you back the full 25 grand.

You keep that for the shop.

I don't need it back right away.


I need you to take it back.

It's a buyout.

Listen, I appreciate everything you've done.

But my dad's right.

I got to be my own man, stand on my own two feet.

Just think it over.


Well, you did encourage the boy to be independent.

Now's not the time, Pop.

Is there any reason that he wouldn't want you to come by his new business?


Got an address for our recruiter in Reseda.

Team's gearing up now.

- I'll be right there, Luca.

- Okay.

Take it home.

I got to go.

Definitely more on this later.

JC Walker.


Deacon, Street, stay on him! Tan, you're with me! Let's move! Nice to see almighty SWAT can do some grunt work now and then.

- Have we met?

- No.

But I know you.

Officer Kay, right?

It's Sergeant Kay.

Oh, yeah.

I heard about you.

You go around taping fellow officers in your free time, and then report on them, right?

Guess you're gonna have to turn us both in now, too, huh?

How about conduct unbecoming?

Or neglect of duty Officer Mitchell.

Billings, right?

Glad I'm so memorable.

Not in the good way.

Hondo, I got this.

Officer Mitchell, take that suspect down to SWAT HQ.


I guess I'll get started on the investigation.

Probably a lot of damage to sort out.

- Listen, Deacon

- It's fine.

I never met this Paul Temple guy in person.

I swear.

What about the girls he trafficked?

- Trafficked?

- I got a witness who says you recruited her.



Try the other way around.

She recruited me.

She hit me up on social media, and we flirted a bit.

She was cute, and I'd just gotten out of a breakup.

You were a john.

I guess, but she approached me.


That's because she was forced to.

- She seemed eager enough.

- Yeah, well, consent's not really an option for trafficking victims.

A hooker wearing different lipstick is still a hooker.

They're not hookers, they're hostages.

Girls like Shannon get abducted and forced to turn tricks.

And if they don't service ten guys a day, their pimps would beat 'em within an inch of their life.

Does that sound like "eager" to you?

And just so you're crystal clear, solicitation is a misdemeanor, but trafficking is a felony, and it comes with a hefty prison sentence.


This is where you start talking 'till we tell you to stop.

Uh, Paul coordinated everything online, so I never met him.

I paid through Venmo, and he sent an Uber to bring me

- back and forth.

- Where?

I never got the address, but I think it's somewhere in Sun Valley.

Chris and Tan got JC Walker to cough up a location

- for the missing girls.

- Good.

I'll take any progress right now.

You know, I can handle blowback from jerks like Mitchell and Billings.

It just sucks.

Everything we did, nothing came of it.

I know.

Deacon, I've been saying it: The system needs to change.

But if it's not gonna change on its own, then maybe we need to force it.

How do you mean?

Maybe we got one last card we can play.

Hey, I did everything I could.

What more do you want me to do?

Not you, man.

You've done enough.

Talking about me.

I don't like the sound of that.

You know how bureaucracy works, how slow things move in the LAPD.

Nothing's gonna change without outside pressure.

But if Durham's actions are made public, maybe we can force the department's hand.

You talking about going to the press?


No, no.

No way in hell.

You will get it ten times worse than me out there.

Do you see any other option?


We take a hard look at

-at SWAT's recruiting methods.

We revise them if we have to.

And we spot the next Durham a mile away.

There shouldn't be a next Durham, Deacon.

We're just supposed to let the union leave these guys out on the street?

It's not your family that officers like Durham and his buddies target.

- It's

- I know.

But what you are talking about is career su1c1de.


I got your message.

Why would Shannon lie about JC being her recruiter?

Some of these girls get so psychologically scarred, they'll feed cops fake intel to cover for their handlers.

Now, the more abusive the handlers Trauma caused by physical and emotional abuse, it's

-it's it's hard to explain.

It's like a vicious cycle.

It makes people do strange things.

And these creeps like JC are why trafficking exists in the first place.

Supply and demand.

- I don't know how you break that cycle.

- Yeah, me, neither.

But I'll sleep better if we can help these girls escape it.

- We all will.

- There are dozens of social media profiles affiliated with Paul Temple's account, but only six were active within the last month.

So there's six girls in this trafficking ring.

And five of them must still be in the wind, being used.

Rosetta, Monica, Dani, Julie and Laura.

We arrested JC.

We know he's not the one who recruited you.

But he won't be able to use you again.

Lying only makes it harder for us to help you.

Especially when there are five other girls who need our help.

Your help.

I knew a girl in high school.

Her name was Becca Matonik.

She was my first big crush.

And she had everything going for her.

And a few weeks after I

-I got up the courage to ask her out, she disappeared.

We found out later she'd been abducted and trafficked.

Her friends and family never saw her again until it was it was pretty bad.

I don't want Becca's story to be your story, Shannon.


I hated when JC came around.

He was cruel and very rough.

- Sorry for lying.

- Can you tell us about where you and the other girls were kept?

- It was at Barry's place.

- Barry was the other sh**t at the truck stop?

They ran the ring?

Paul, Barry and, uh, one other guy.


-I never heard his name, but he had a real bad temper.

There was this old rusty birdhouse outside my window at that place.

When things got bad, I always looked out the window at the birds.

But they weren't there.

What do you mean?

That thing outside wasn't a real birdhouse, so there weren't any birds.

But pretending there were helped me.

Anything was better than being in that room.

This birdhouse.

What did it look like, exactly?

The birdhouse Shannon saw outside her window is actually a decommissioned Cold w*r siren.

This map shows all of them in L.


Maybe we can use it to find the location where the girls are being kept.

That's gonna be tough.

From the looks of it, there's more of these sirens than Starbucks in town.

JC said the Uber took him somewhere in Sun Valley.

Two of those sirens are in the Sun Valley manufacturing corridor.

That's all warehouses and factories.

Third one's in a residential area.

Pull up the images on that block.

There's your birdhouse.

Only two of those houses have a clear view of that siren.

Pull up the property records.

The first house is owned by D'Andra Dee.

Second one, Barry Gonya.

Barry was the name of one of Shannon's traffickers.

That's got to be the brothel.

You think she's telling the truth this time?

Well, let's get a warrant and find out.


-David in position.

- Chris, what do you see?

- It looks quiet.

I can't see inside.

I clock security cameras at the one, two and four sides.

More cameras on the three side.

No easy point of entry.

Eyes on every side.

Makes it easy to keep

- unwanted people out.

- Yeah, and keep the victims in.



I got an SUV approaching, eastbound.

Hold your positions.

I've got eyes on Barry Gonya, and two females.

It's Rosetta and Monica, the two girls from the truck stop.

Prepare to execute the search warrant.

Let's move.

Chris, you're with me on the three side.

The rest of you, on Tan.

LAPD! Do not move! Hands where we can see 'em! Get on the ground! Hands behind your back! Do it now! Upstairs.

Don't move.

It'll be okay.

Two, two, two.

Stop! LAPD! Dani, anyone else inside?

All right, back in the room.




Suspect is barricaded in the upstairs bedroom on the three

-four corner.

Suspect out the window.

LAPD! On your knees! Hands behind your head! All clear.

We got Rosetta, Monica and Dani.

But no sign of Laura, Julie or the third trafficker.

Nobody from the brothel we raided is talking.

I hope you got good news, Luca.

We're still combing through security footage, but I think we got a look at our third trafficker.

This is from yesterday.

Some guy arguing with Barry Gonya.

Any luck with the ID?

Think I might have one.

Vice looked into the ring's financial records.

The Venmo account JC paid into had a second email associated with it, an email linked to an old PayPal account belonging

- to an Edgar McQuillan.

- Okay, that's our guy.

McQuillan's a former long

-haul trucker with priors for sexual as*ault and armed robbery.

Also suspected in the m*rder of two 20


-old women in Barstow.

Those victims were believed to be part of a different trafficking ring up in San Jose.

Yeah, I bet he skipped town, k*lled those victims to cover his tracks, then started up brand

-new in L.


If Edgar knows we're onto him, Laura and Julie may not have long.

He's gonna look to move them or worse.

Any idea of their current location?

All right.

This footage is from today.

Edgar left with Laura and Julie 30 minutes before SWAT showed up.


We've got an armed suspect with a history of v*olence, two hostages and only 5,000 square miles of ground to cover.

Yeah, assuming that he stayed in L.



- I'll get a BOLO out on him.

- All right.

I'll put a special BOLO out of my own via our friends at Long Haul Protectors.

We got as many eyes out there as possible, Deac.

Including a couple thousand Long Haul Protectors.

If someone spots them, we'll know right away.


Sometimes you got to think outside of the box to move things along.


You're not gonna let this go, are you?

Do you regret it?

Recording Durham, and the others with what came after?

It was the right thing to do.

But besides shattering my reputation among the rank and file, it amounted to absolutely nothing.

Hondo, my gut is telling me the consequences for what you're considering are gonna be much worse.

As a friend, don't do it.


Trucker spotted Edgar and his two girls at the Fontana truck stop.


Big Gulp looks lonely.

Why don't you go say hi, Julie.

Go say hi or you'll be sleeping in a ditch outside Barstow.

Uh, I'm

-I'm looking for a ride?


Get in.


I got eyes on the suspect and one victim.

He's heading eastbound.

Damn it! We're cut off! One



Got the suspect pinned in.

He's turning back your way.

This is 20

-David! Suspect entered the building.

In foot pursuit.

Chris, Street, clear the vehicle.



One hostage secure.

You're gonna be okay, Laura.

Get in.

You'll be safe in the cab.

He shot me.

Took my truck and the girl inside.

Get to Betty.

This is 20


Suspect has a hostage and is heading eastbound on Sawyer Parkway in a white semitruck.

We are in pursuit of the suspect.

Vehicle is a white semitruck with a tanker trailer.

License plate, Queen, Adam

-zero, two



That tanker's leaking gasoline.

Must've split it open when he hit that patrol car.

If that thing ignites, the whole truck's going up, along with the hostage.

Be advised, the tanker is leaking gas.

We have to disable the engine, stop him ASAP.

Tan, get us in front of it.

Let's force him to stop.

I can't get a window.

I'm on it.

Less than two blocks to the on


Don't let him get to the freeway! All right, here comes your window, Tan.

I'll see if I can draw him to the right.

I got him off


What This is 20


That thing's gonna blow.

Get everybody back! We got to get Julie out, fast.

Let's move.

Edgar McQuillan! Show me your hands! You come one step clo Hands! Let me see your hands! Come on, Julie! Let's go.

Get out! Get to the Gurkha, now! Fall back! Take cover! Get in! 20


Everyone good?



We're good.

You guys all right?


-David to Command.

Code 4.

We just busted a major trafficking ring.

Would a smile k*ll you?

After I joined Vice, I looked into my old crush, Becca.

I found out she escaped her traffickers, but years of abuse took a toll.

dr*gs, theft.

Not everyone escapes intact.

I'd give Shannon better odds than most.

You gave those girls a chance at recovery, at freedom.

Be proud of that.

Whoever you are, we're closed.

You should keep that side door locked, Leroy.

You the only one coming in without knocking.

Ain't nobody else around here trying to test me.

So we just gonna stand here or you got something you want to say?

You've been planning this since you got out of prison.

I know you've been pulling the strings, using Darryl to get back at me.

Now, where the hell did this money really come from?

Won it on some scratchers.

Couldn't believe my luck.

Don't pull that crap on me.

This is Darryl's life, man! His future that you're screwing with.

Well, I'm sorry that my fatherhood skills ain't up to the Daniel Harrelson standard! It's a high bar to clear.

You keep my pop's name out your mouth.

Oh, you don't want this static.

I'm the one who taught you how to fight, remember?

That was a long, long time ago.

Not that long.

Yo, how 'bout you man up and just say what you really want to say?

At least show me that respect.

Respect is earned, Leroy, not given.

So I'm just some monster to you now?


Man, when we were kids, there was nothing we wouldn't do for each other.

Secrets, girls, beefs We held each other down through thick and thin.

And now you can barely look me in the eye, let alone trust me.

You want me to trust you, answer my question.

Where did this five grand come from?

Gave up my apartment so we could put some more money into the shop, more money into Darryl's future.

I didn't know.

I'm trying to be there for Darryl, to stay straight.

And what kills me, man, is that you were the one person I knew, I was sure would have my back while I did it.

Maybe I judged too quickly.

It ain't the first time.

All right, look, Leroy, I get it.

For the record I respect what you're doing, the sacrifice you're making.

Well, when you really believe in something, in someone, it ain't a sacrifice.

You really think, if I step back, it'll help this business?

I don't know, man.

But I know you won't be driving away customers.

And it'll help Darryl.

Give him space to stand on his own feet, feel confident that you that you trust him to make good decisions.

Street, wait up.


You and your mom, it's not my business, and I

-I should've stayed out of it.

I'm sorry.

I may never understand how someone that crazy created you, but I trust you more than anyone and that has to be enough.

The test results came back.

I'm a donor match.

I'm gonna do it.

Are you insane?

That sounds like the opposite

- of an apology.

- Screw the apology.

I mean, how can you do this after all the crap

- she's put you through?

- Chris, you got to let this go.

This is not your problem.

It is my problem.

You're my problem.


-What does that mean?

Remember when you told me that, if you lost me, you'd never recover because of because of how you felt?

I can't lose you either.

Ah, Kings

-Sharks tonight! You guys down to watch?

Pizza's on me.

Uh, rain check, buddy.

Long day.

Yeah, me, too.

- Thanks though.

- All right.

Your loss.

- Hey, Pop.

- Hey.

- You seen Darryl?

- Already asleep.

Look, I hope you ain't fixin' to go at that boy again.

Youngblood had a point.

You spend almost as much time at that shop as he does, except I'm a cop, and, in that neighborhood, it ain't good for business right now.

Yeah, I know.

Then why you so stuck on it, then?

A lot of it was because I was worried about Leroy.

I was wrong there.

But that ain't all of it.

Sometimes I feel like I'm losing control of my life.

When I walk through that shop and see the way people look at me for wearing a badge Just feels like I'm fighting a losing battle.

And now more than ever.

My own union decided to defend some r*cist cops.

And what?

You surprised about that?

While back, you asked me what change I've seen.

You're right, Pop.

Not enough.

Not enough.


There's gonna be an article in the L.


Times coming out tomorrow.

It'll expose Durham and his cop buddies for their r*cist views and the department's failure to take appropriate action.

They'll be printing my name as the source.

You should've come to me first.

You would have told me no.

Damn right I would've.

Sir, I'm just giving you a heads

-up, because I know LAPD's gonna take a big hit.

What about you?

What about you?

Mayor's gonna have your head for this.

I know.

Well, let's see if the union defends me as well as my r*cist brothers in blue.