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04x16 - Lockdown

Posted: 04/12/23 09:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT I have been working, so hard to do good.

I tell the people in this community that police can do better, that we will do better, and I'm not getting anywhere.

I know you're busy, but I called the prison

- to check on your mom.

- You did what?

I talked to a doctor.

It's something with her liver.

You know you still have time to fix things with her.

I'm Nora Fowler, tactical medic.

I handpicked you, for this team.

I read what happened to you overseas.

Someone you knew?

Your KIA bracelet.

Yeah, he was.

Next time we have a night off, I'll take you through the SWAT training course.

I'll get the best out of you.

One of my guys, he uncovered a group of r*cist cops in the department.

When I give this to I.


, an official investigation will open.

Are you sure you want to do this?

No, but I can't do nothing.

Sorry it took me a while to figure out the right thing to do.

We good?

We're good.

Hey, man, you know what's up! Yo, where my lawyer at, man?

Come on! Nothing to be curious about.

Just another courthouse.

- Hermano.

- Keep walking, Diaz.

That's my brother in there, man.

Put me in with my boys.

Stop here.

Come on.

Why I got to be alone?

Warden says you four don't play nice.

Mostly you.

Now step inside.

Public defender thought you might want to wear it, show the jury what an outstanding citizen you are.

- We good, Deputy?

- All set.

Holler when you're done.

- I'll have your stuff ready to go.

- All right.

So Legal Affairs confirmed that the defense attorney only needs us as rebuttal witnesses.

- Should be out of here in no time.

- Yeah, okay, Deac.

When was the last time you got out of court in no time?

Today would be the first.


You know, I got to be honest, man, a civilian gets injured in a raid, and the officer who broke down the door admits he was at fault?

I'm just not sure how I feel about being called in to testify on behalf of the city.

It's not anything we haven't done dozens of times before.

SWAT was just there for support.

That the only thing that's bugging you?

Real talk?

It's been a week since Durham got suspended, yet he and his pals are still LAPD.

I don't know, I just keep asking myself questions about the union and the city bureaucracy.

Takes a while to get an officer off the street.

You know that.

Doesn't feel like justice, Deac.

Just a lot of red tape and delays.

The city expects a lot from us cops.

Maybe I expect more from them.


Tony Jacobs, assistant city attorney.

Thanks for coming in early.

I know it's a pain.

Eh, it's not a problem.

Beats dealing with the morning rush.

Hey, listen, you seem to have a good amount of testimony for this case already.

Why do you need us?

Cut right to the chase, huh?

Well, frankly, what this woman is asking for in damages is excessive.

Testimony from two SWAT sergeants could go a long way in the court.

Just follow my lead on the stand.

We'll have you out of here in a jiff.

Our courtroom's on the third floor.

- Jimmy.

- Hi, Mom.

What are you doing here?

Oh, my gosh, I must be a complete mess.

I wish I'd known that you were coming.

How did you know where to find me?

Uh, I called the prison and they said they transferred you.

The doctor said there's a real problem with your liver?

Oh, sweetie, you don't have to worry about that.

I told them not to tell you.

I mean, I specifically asked them not to contact you.


'Cause if that's true, they violated some pretty major privacy laws.

Maybe I should go talk to them.

No, no, no, Jimmy, Jimmy, don't

-don't bother.

Uh, look, maybe I did sign something.

They were putting so many things in front of me and I'm on all these medications, and I mean, maybe

-maybe one of them was a

-a privacy waiver, I Yeah.

You know, I've been here less than a minute, and I already feel like I'm being played.

Sweetie, don't do this.

You're here.

Who knows how many moments like this we have left?


Okay, you want to know the truth?


I'm dying, okay?

My liver's shot, and with my history of addiction, I don't stand a hope of getting on the waiting list for a new one.

So Look, I've had a lot of time to lie here and think.

Jimmy, I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry that I screwed you out of a childhood, and caused you grief ever since.

I was a lousy mom.

I just want you to promise me something.

I want you to promise me that you do not blame yourself for getting me locked up again.

It was not your fault.

And if I'd listened to you sooner and straightened out my life, then maybe I wouldn't be here now.

Is there anything you need?

No, nothing.

I Just, will

-will you come sit with me?

Tell me about your life, about what's going on with you.



So I overheard the plaintiff's lawyer out there.

He's been trying to settle for a fraction of the original claim.

- The city won't agree.

- Why not?

Well, I guess Jacobs finagled a last

-minute reassignment so the case would be heard by this judge specifically.

She's notorious for backing the badge.

The city's playing hardball.

So the city attorney is using us to sink this lady's case.

There's a decent chance that she deserves every dollar that she's asking for.



I'd be lying if I didn't say I was having second thoughts

- about testifying.

- What's the problem?

Feels like you're using SWAT's reputation to score points that you can't get any other way.

I'm not asking you to lie, Sergeant.

I'm not sure I'm down to be used like that.

You're kidding.

You spring this on me right now?

You're a public servant, same as me.

We both have obligations to the city.

No, we have obligations to the citizens, not the city.

Sergeant Kay?

What about you?

Can you, uh, give us a minute, please?

You serious about this?

I'm dead

-ass serious, Deacon.

I'm just about done with "business as usual" these days.




I'm, uh, Jim Street.

My mother Karen is one of your patients.

- Yeah.


- This thing with her liver.

How bad is it really?

I mean, she seems pretty convinced she's dying.

Your mother's cirrhosis is advanced.

It's not end

-stage yet, but I'm afraid it's only a matter of time.

- Okay, so what about treatment?

- Short of a transplant, there's really very little we can offer.

And she doesn't qualify for getting on a donor list, so what, that's just it?

Not necessarily.

I've discussed a living donor transplant with her.

- Okay, w

-what's that?

- If a potential donor, typically a family member, tests as a match, we can harvest part of their liver and transplant it into the patient.

Usually, a donor gives up about half the organ, which regenerates over several months.

We've seen great success with it.

Your mom didn't mention any of this?

Must've slipped her mind.

You know the drill, Diaz.

Exit the cell, keep your eyes straight ahead.

Ya está.

Yo, what's up, man?

What do you got there?

Come on, now! Hey, hold up, man.

Move your asses.

Go! Come on, let's go.

Go! Drop the g*n! Down on your knees!

- Get out of the way!

- Drop your w*apon.



Four inmates on the loose in the lobby.

One is armed! Drop your w*apon! Out of the way or he's dead! Those are g*nshots.

Sounds like downstairs.

I'll k*ll him now! Clear the building! Get out now! Everyone, stay where you are.

This is an active sh**t alarm.

More cops in front.

Go, find another way out.

It's locked, it won't budge.

Your Honor, open that door right now.

We have a protocol, Sergeant.

This is my courtroom.

I'm responsible for the lives in it.

And we're responsible for the ones out there.


- Open the door.

- The way our system's set up, I can't, even if I wanted to.

Come on.

I can't get a straight answer from the Sheriff's Department.

How the hell are there no deputies left

- inside that courthouse?

- Look, they had to retreat.

We know the prisoners k*lled two of them and threatened to keep k*lling.

And we got 30 civilians inside?

Yeah, at least, maybe more.

Emotions are running high here, Commander.


They just lost two of their own.

Rocker and Brenner's teams are with the Feds on a raid in Lakewood.

I'm making the call.

This is on 20


Let them know.


Hang on.

Hondo's clicking in.

Take it.

Hondo, I'm out front with Street and Tan.

Where are you guys?

Deac and I are locked down in a courtroom on the third floor.

Active sh**t protocol.

The security system's turned this place into a panic room, and we are stuck without firearms.

What'd you find out about the sh**t?

It's not just one, there are four of them.

They already k*lled a couple deputies.

We got four armed inmates downstairs.

Sounds like a barricade situation.

They make any demands?

- There hasn't been contact yet.

- I got their IDs.

Sergio Diaz, his brother Adrian, Beni Rios, Nico Guzman.

Members of Los Mags.

Ran their hit squad.

They ex*cuted nine people.

Due to be sentenced today.

Capital m*rder.

Expected to get life without parole.

Yeah, Commander said this is on us, boss.

The team's all here now, so what's the game plan?

We're flying blind here, Luca.

Listen, you're senior man on


You are in charge now.

The team is in your hands.


Hondo, someone's coming outside.

All right, go.

You got this, man.

Any cop comes near this building, people gonna die! Eyes on Sergio Diaz.

Stay back.

- You can't get out of this, Diaz!

- What the hell you just say?

Deputy, put that thing down! I said this won't end well for you! You think I'm scared to drop bodies?

Move in! No, stay back! Hang back.

- Who's in charge out there?

- I am.

Officer Dominique Luca, LAPD SWAT.

What do you want, Mr.


I want you to stay away from the building.

If you don't, the blood's on your hands.

Hey, he hit that woman hard.

She's got to be hurt.

You think Diaz is testing us?

What if he's luring us there to get a better shot at one of us?

What if she needs immediate medical attention?

Either way, we need to figure out a way to get her and everyone else out soon.

I need to talk to Diaz, find out what it's gonna take to end this.

You think Luca's okay?

Being in charge, I mean.

Yeah, he's got it.

Try it.

You got it, Deac, it's open.

Don't go out there unarmed.

We are not doing anybody any good locked in here.

I know you're SWAT, but there's safety protocols for a reason.

- It's best if we all stay put.

- Listen.

The two of us are gonna go get the lay of the land.

We'll be back.

We will be back.

That crap ain't gonna help.

We need firepower.

We need leverage.

Find everyone up in here.

Beat down doors if you have to.

Put 'em in Courtroom 1.

¡Andale! Go! Get down! Get down.

Move! Sounds like they're headed our way, taking hostages.

They're desperate.

That means they're dangerous.

No one's safe.

We got to evacuate.

There's got to be a fire escape or some way out of here.

Deac, check the windows.

A building covered in windows, and none of these damn things open.


I just commandeered every phone line on the ground floor, but if Diaz doesn't want to pick up No, he'll pick up.

Keep them ringing.

This is Officer Luca.

Am I speaking with Sergio Diaz?

What do you want?

Look, I want to know that no one else is gonna get hurt, including you.

Don't worry too much about that lady.

Just a bump on the head.

I can do a whole lot worse.

Listen, there's no way out of here for you.

You know that.

If you give up now, you won't be harmed, okay?

You have my word.

You know what that means to me, Officer Luca?


Now you listen.

Me and my boys want a helicopter.

Look, a helicopter's not realistic.

Maybe I can get you an SUV.

But you've got to promise that everyone will be safe.

I decide what's realistic, ese.

Tell the pilot to keep it running.

Find someone that don't mind having a g*n to his head.

There are other ways out of this.

I almost forgot Bulletproof vests, four of them.

You got 40 minutes, or lots of people gonna die one at a time.

Listen I just got a text from Deacon.

They think they found a way out.

They need our help.

We've got an exit plan.

We found a set of windows on the other side of the floor.

No way.

We'll be sitting ducks out there; We're better off here.

Listen to me, all of you.

The gunmen are breaking into rooms and taking hostages.

They're gonna be up here very soon.

We cannot stay.

You've got to trust us.

Go ahead.

I'm not going anywhere.

You're making a mistake.

Come on, let's go.

Come on.

Come on, we don't have time.

Let's go.

Come on.

Follow me.

Keep it up, as fast as you can move.

Let's go.

- Over here!

- Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Shh, shh, shh.

Keep going.

Keep going.

Come on.

Let's go.


Let's go.

All right, let's go.

Move, move, move.


It's locked.

Kick it down.

They're coming.

We got to move.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Quickly, quickly.

- There's Hondo.

- Get ready.

There's gonna be six of them.

All right, come on, step out.

Let's go.

Come on.


Let's go.

Follow me.

Follow me.

You're fine.

Let's go.

Keep moving.

Keep moving.

You're okay.

You're okay, come on.

All right, everybody stop right here.

Okay, I want you to sit down.

Just sit down.

Put your feet over the ledge.

Okay, just focus on me.

Trust me, this is nothing.

It's just like when you were a kid jumping off a high dive.

Stay loose.

I'm gonna give you a little push on three.

Here we go.

One two three.

Hey, come towards my voice.

Come on, who's next?

Let's go.

Come on, we don't have time.

We got you.

Come on.

Nice and easy.

Okay, okay.

You all right?


You're gonna be just fine.

Don't think about it.

On three.

One, two, three.

All right, keep coming, keep coming.

Come on.


Feet over the ledge.


Hey, look at me.

You got this.

Don't worry about it.

On three.

One two, three.

Come on, over here, over here.

All right, Judge.

Come on, Judge.

It's okay, it's okay.

Feet over the ledge, just look at me.

My team's got you.

Here we go.

On three.

One two, three.

They're closing in.

What do you think?

Deac, if we jump, we're out.

- There'll be nobody left here to help.

- I know.

Give me an update, Luca.

- Hondo and Deacon stayed?

- Yeah.

- Did they find their weapons?

- No.

But we're working on a plan to help them with that.

Right now we have 32 minutes before Diaz said he'll start k*lling.

Getting a chopper for these guys isn't a real possibility, is it?

No, we can't let it come to that.

Maybe we can offer it as bait to lure them out.


-David, where'd those sh*ts come from?

- Who has eyes?

- 26


Eyes on Adrian Diaz at the third floor window.

He shot and deflated the rescue bag.


We got to go back.

Tan's texting.

- Hey, Luca.

- Yeah?

I got Deac.

Hey, you guys okay?

Yeah, we're good.

We heard g*nshots.

They firing at you guys?

No, not at us, just at the rescue bag.

They're rounding people up in here.

It looks like all four of these guys are armed now.

Listen, Tan might have found a way for you guys to even the playing field.

We're listening.

We got Deputy Ross with us.

She says there's a spare key to the g*n locker room in her office.

Room B.

It's a red key chain, number six.

If you can get to that key, you can get your firearms back.

- That's two floors down.

- Won't be easy with them patrolling.

Okay, we'll try to come up with a way to keep these guys occupied.

We just need time to get our g*ns, Luca.

Okay, good luck.

Let's get Diaz on the line.

Diaz, can you hear me?

You're more worried about getting people out than giving me what I want.

Where's my damn helicopter?

It's tough for me to help you when guys are sh**ting out of windows.

Stop stalling, or your problems will get much worse.

You know what, you're right.

I am stalling.

I have to.

Okay, it takes time to get a helicopter ready.

But this is what I can do right now.

I can get you those bulletproof vests,

- but I need something in return.

- What?

You have to turn over four hostages, including that woman that you hurt.

No deal.

I don't trust you.

I don't trust you either, yet.

But this is how you and me build trust, by making a small deal that we both live up to.


Four vests for four hostages.

Okay, give us some time.

We'll have the vests brought to the front door.

I want you to bring 'em.

Just you.

You got five minutes.

Hey, look at me.

You don't have to do this.

If it gives us hostages, I'm going.

You keep looking at that thing.

Oh, it's nothing.

Actually, it's something.

I went and visited my mom today in the hospital.

Her liver's failing.

So it's life


Even legitimately dying, she still wasn't straight with me.

Just tried to butter me up to get what she wants.

Which is what?

My liver, apparently.

Or part of it.

Her doctor wants me to test to see if I'm a match.

I guess they can do partial transplants with living donors now.

You're not seriously considering it?

I mean, it's still a major surgery, but if I'm a match Won't that jeopardize your life and your SWAT career?

What am I supposed to do?

Say no?

That's basically a death sentence for her.

I don't know if I can live with that.

Look, I'm just getting tested.

Maybe I'm not a match.

Shut up and keep moving.

Armed suspect's taking a woman to the lobby.

Deac, let's go.

All right, we got the right office.

Look for a red key chain.

Hey, that's our courtroom upstairs.

There's Jacobs.


Oh, my God.

We should've tried harder to get him to come with us.

Hey, we didn't have time.

And listen, you deciding not to testify, that wasn't exactly fair to him.

What, that wasn't fair to Jacobs?

What about the plaintiff?

A city attorney shouldn't be allowed to take a case

- and reassign it to bend justice.

- All right, do some of these guys care more about winning than justice?


But we got to work within the system.

We can't do that anymore, Deac.

That's how we end up with r*cist cops who don't get fired.


He's just doing his job.

Just like us.

Found it.

All right, move, move.

Anything happens to me, my brother kills them.



No one should die here.

We'll see.

One for one.

Just like we said.

What are you planning to do once you get a helicopter?

- First hostage is safe.

- You better worry about what I'll do if I don't get a helicopter.

There are two ways out of this for you.

Give up and I'll make sure you're treated with respect.

Or you hurt anyone else in there, I won't be able to stop this army from coming in hard.

If that's my fate, a lot of dead hostages will be on your hands.

I'm here to make sure you take the first option to keep you and everyone inside safe.

Funny you should mention "everyone inside.

" 'Cause I got that list right here.


Two LAPD officers signed in today.

Sergeant Harrelson and Sergeant Kay.

Amigos of yours, no?

No, I don't know who you're talking about.

You sure?

They were on the same floor the people escaped from.

You're not a very good liar.

Look, it's the last one.

Make the trade, Diaz.

You don't want to answer 'cause you do know them.

I don't have to tell you what happens if we find them before the helicopter gets here.

Let's talk about the other innocent people that you're holding hostage.

We're done here.


Warn Hondo and Deacon.

Diaz knows they're inside.

Door's busted.

They beat us here.

Be careful, they might still be in there.

They have our g*ns.

Tan says Diaz knows we're here.

Harrelson, Kay! We know you fools are down here.

If you give up now, we won't k*ll you.

Deac, give me your phone.

Give it to me.

Don't sh**t.

I'm unarmed.

Where's the other cop?

He jumped with the hostages.

I stayed behind to help.

I don't believe you.


All right.


Get in.

Everybody get back down on the floor like I told you, now! Anyone standing gets shot.

You get the same treatment as everyone else, cop.

Get down.

That guy has a serious head wound.

Let me help him.

There's a first aid kit right there behind the desk.

Not my problem.

You don't want a dead hostage on your hands, man.

You'll lose all the leverage that you built up.

Think about it.

Let me help him.

I should've listened to you, got out when I had the chance.

One thing at a time.

Here, let me take a look at that.


Hey, it's Deacon.

Hondo's been taken.

What do you mean "taken"?

Well, I managed to hide.

Hondo gave himself up so we both wouldn't get caught.

We made it to the g*n locker, but it was empty.

They beat us to it.

They were calling for us by name.

Not sure how they knew we were here.

Diaz saw your names on the sign

-in sheet.

He knew you were inside.

Where did they take Hondo?

Courtroom 1, first floor with the other hostages.

Listen, I know Diaz set up a deadline.

How much time we got?

20 minutes.

Tell me you guys have a plan.

We're working on a covert entry.

If we're gonna stop these guys without losing hostages, we need the element of surprise.

Now, you said they had both stairwells covered?

Wait a second, I remember three stairwells.

- Third one might be unguarded.

- All right.

I'll have Chris and Street talk to the property manager.

I'll check it out, I'll call you back.


Stay safe.


I need some air.


I thought you'd want to know, the injured woman from the steps?

It's a nasty laceration, she'll have headaches for about a week, but she's gonna be okay.

Well, at least one thing went right today.

Yeah, I guess your extra training with me really paid off.

You doing okay?

Look, Hondo's in trouble.

It's my fault.

Diaz knows Hondo and Deacon are inside.

I tried to cover, he saw right through me.

- I blew it.

- That is not your fault.

There are no good options in these situations.

Maybe the best thing for me to do is ask Hicks to take over.

Look, if Hondo and Deacon make it out okay, no one will remember or care.

Maybe not.

But you will.

Listen, when I was in Afghanistan, my little brother Neil was serving Special Forces at a nearby outpost.

- I didn't know you had a brother.

- Half brother.


-we grew up close.

Competitive as hell, but close.

Yeah, I got a brother like that.

After treating casualty after casualty, it got to a point where any time the medevac returned from outside the wire, my heart would sink, worried that it might be Neil.

And one day my worst fear came true, when I saw him brought in.

Wounded the way that he was, I just froze.

Couldn't do my job.

Someone else had to.

He died later that day.

I'm so sorry.

So the KIA bracelet, it's for your brother?

I will always regret not stepping up, and so will you, if you don't do everything you can to help Hondo.

He needs you.

Hey, Jacobs.

With that head injury, you got to stay with me.

How you feeling?

A little woozy.

Feels like the end of a long week of football practice.

Oh, yeah.

What position?

Free safety.

Guessing you played?


I'm sorry about how I handled that earlier.

I sprung that on you at the last minute when you were just trying to do your job.

That's on me.

You're not the only one who second

-guesses things.

That woman probably deserves the money she's asking for.

You know, believe it or not, I didn't go to law school to become part of some city bureaucracy.

I was gonna help people like her.

If I had known at 22 what I was gonna face as a cop today, I'm not sure I would have become one.

We got to figure out ways to make all that work together.


Hang in there.

I might need your help to get us out of this.

Hey, what do we know?

Spoke with the building's property manager.

Deac was right There is a third stairwell.

It's part of the new construction.

Seems closed off from the rest of the building.

It's not ideal, but maybe we can get there from the underground garage.

Does the stairwell run all the way to the roof?

So, you're the cop.

I am.

Let me help you get what you want.

What we want is a helicopter.

We don't get it, first one to get a b*llet in the head is you.

That wouldn't be smart.

A lot of cops out there.

That'd be all the excuse they need.

Scariest thing about me I got nothing to lose.

Cop's phone.

Your boys are worried.

They called you a lot.

Call 'em back.

See what they want.

I will call 'em back.

Is this Diaz?

I found something of yours.

You got ten minutes to get me my chopper or your boy here dies.

I want to hear his voice.

Ten minutes.

Diaz, listen I really hope this plan works.

It has to.

Heads up.

20 seconds out.

Everyone tight?

The team only has three seconds to jump out onto the roof.

That air must've done you good.

This is a hell of a plan, Luca, having them hitch a ride on Diaz's chopper.

It's not over yet.

Got it.


-David, we're in.

Heading into the rendezvous point.

We're good.

It's Deac.


You all right?

I'm good.

All right.

Follow my lead.

Let's move.

Airship 20 is clear.

Make the call to Diaz.

Your helicopter's here.

All I had to do was thr*aten your amigo.

Look, it's fueled and ready to go.

The four of you can exit the building now.

Change of plans, homes.

Gonna be eight of us.

It only seats four.

Not today.

We each have a hostage and a radio.

We come out one at a time.

Anything happens to one of us before we're on that chopper, it'll be a bloodbath.

We did it.

My team has a way to end this.

Stick to the plan.

Come on.

Come on.

Everyone back.

Let 'em approach.

Come on! Stay back! Stay back! Come on, come on! Come on.



First target's in the bird.

We're on the ground floor with Deacon.

Listen, these guys are in communication with each other.

We need to take them all at once.




On the opposite end of the ground floor with Street.

Stand up, cop.

You're with me.

Second target heading your way.

Roger that.

Here they come.

Ten seconds till we engage.

Nine Eight.

Deac, you guys gonna be ready?

We're ready, but we don't have visual on the third suspect.




- Eyes on the target.

- We're good to go.


Drop your w*apon.

- Put it down.

- Hands in the air! Drop it.

On the ground, right now.


Don't move! Chances are this chopper's not gonna have a full t*nk of fuel.

You really think you're gonna make it to the border with twice the passenger load?

Stop right there!

- You good?

- Yeah.


-David, last suspect down.

We're Code 4 all around.


I think your wife tried to text you a few times.

She probably wants to know you're all right.

She knows we look out for each other.


- That feel secure?

- Yeah.


Thanks for your words earlier.

Came right when I needed them.

You did great leading the team.

I'm sure it won't be long before you have one of your own.

Nah, I'm not sure that's in the cards for me.

Every day, worrying about the lives of people under my command

- I'm not built that way.

- That's too bad.

A lot of officers would love to have you for a boss.

I know I would.

Thank you.

- Fowler.

- Sir.

I know you told Luca about your brother.

You used a tough memory to inspire.

Kind of surprised myself.

I guess feels like there's a lot of trust around here.


I told you, I handpicked you for a reason.

I knew this team would need you at some point.

I'm glad you were here today.

And I think I can speak for the whole team, we all are.

Thank you, sir.

I am so glad you made it out okay, boss.

You're a big reason we did, big man.

Glad we had you out here.

Hell of a day today, Luca.

I froze for a minute there.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

You meeting Diaz on the courthouse stairs

- like that

- Showed a lot of guts, Luca.

You know why you were chosen to run point for the LAPD at the Leadership Institute in Germany?

Ah, you gonna tell me I got leadership in my blood because my dad was a team leader?

I think I'm happier being a soldier.

Your dad used to say the same exact thing before his promotion.

Fought it for years.

- I didn't know that.

- Yeah.

Guess I always thought he wanted it from the start.

The best leaders are often the ones that don't want it at first.

They just grow into it.


Keep an open mind.

I will.


Just think, today was supposed to be our day off.

Yeah, crazy.

See you tomorrow.

Say your liver's a match, then what?

Then cross that bridge when I come to it.

Transplant surgery What if something goes wrong?

You could lose your job, or you could die.

You think I don't know how screwed up this is?

She only has me.

I just remember everything I went through trying to have Ariel.

I don't know if I have it in me again.

But the child isn't mine.


You told me she was.

What am I supposed to Hi.

I'm, uh, Chris Alonso.

I work with your son.

Oh, of course.

The Chris I heard so much about when I was living with Jimmy.

He never said how cute you were.

He's told me a lot about you.

I'm sure he did.

Hope he said we had some good times, too.

Your doctor asked him to get tested so he can maybe donate his liver.


No, I don't want Jimmy to do that.

I These damn doctors.

I begged them to leave my kid out of it.

They don't listen.

No, I think that's exactly what you want.

You just didn't want to be the one to ask.

I'm sure that you've heard plenty of horror stories about me, but I would never do anything to hurt my son.

An operation like this, you're asking him to throw away everything he's built for himself.

I didn't ask him for anything.

I came here to keep it that way.

And who are you to make demands?

I know you're still using.

I can see it on your face, even if your son doesn't want to.

Fact is, if you stay sober for six months, you can get yourself back onto the registry.

But you already know that.

You think you found a shortcut.

So this is what you're gonna do.

You're gonna tell him you don't need anything from him except his support.

You don't want to fight me on this.


You must really love my Jimmy.