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04x15 - Local Heroes

Posted: 04/12/23 09:02
by bunniefuu
- Previously on SWAT

- You know Lee Durham?

The new kid that just joined 60


He gave me this book.

It promotes surveilling citizens with no criminal ties.

When he gave me the book, he used the words "walk with dignity.

" I remembered that

-that list of white nationalist code phrases.

Yeah, how'd it go?

"I aim to walk the path with dignity.

" "Pure of body and spirit.

" He worked patrol in Granada Hills.

Black residents make up five percent of that population.

- 30% of Durham's arrests.

- Targeting?

When Durham said those words to you, it might've been an attempt to feel you out.

You can use it the same way.

- Deacon, nice to see you, man.

- Gibson and Ellis.

Man, I haven't seen you clowns in ages.

Here's to walking the path with dignity.

Pure of body and spirit.

Told you guys.

Keep punching.

You were right about Durham and the code phrase.

- What happened?

- Well, last night, he had a little backyard get


I went.

He made a toast using the first half of the phrase.

"Walk with dignity.

" When I responded with the second half, he lit up.

It's like he was pleased I was one of them.

He wasn't the only cop there.

I saw two other guys I know from my patrol days, Gibson and Ellis.

You tell Hicks yet?


Still trying to make sense of this.

Make sense of what, man?

If these guys are walking around with a badge and a g*n, using r*cist beliefs to do their job, they don't belong on the force, period.

Maybe they were just blowing off steam.

Maybe it was the beers talking.

Or maybe you're just making excuses for them now.

Do you know how many squared away cops I have heard say questionable things and not mean it?

No, Deacon.

I can't imagine.

Because when I walk up to those same cops, they go silent.

That stuff doesn't fly anymore.

So, what do you suggest I do?

Go to Internal Affairs, get these guys fired over backyard beer talk?

You can't just do nothing.

I'm not doing nothing.

I'm telling you.

Good morning, Venice! This is exactly what you think it is.

Follow our instructions and we'll be gone before you know it.

All loose cash goes in the bag.

Don't panic.

Don't worry if you miss a few bills.

We're not greedy.

Relax, we're on the same side.

The bank's the only one getting hurt today.

Speaking of, where is the manager?

Come out before I sh**t this poor guard's head off.

Hey, hey.

Okay, okay, okay.

I'm right here.

You bank big sh*ts are all the same.

Cowards who care more about money than people.

- On your knees.

- No, come on, man.

All units, 211 in progress.

Silent alarm activated at Windward and Pacific.

This is 25

-David off


I'm two blocks away.


Why are you crying?

It's not even your money, it's theirs.

You just make the rules about how much of it they can have.

They are the real hostages.

Now you get to see how it feels.

Your life is in my hands now.

Doesn't feel good, does it?

Let's go! We will deliver this back to working people! LAPD! Drop your weapons! Robbery's one thing, m*rder's another.

Let's talk.

I will save the real victims of this city.

Ma'am, you all right?

I think so.


- Drop the w*apon!

- Hey, hey, I'm a cop.

- I'm a cop!

- Now, or we sh**t! I'm off

-duty SWAT.

My badge is clipped to my pants.

- Don't move!

- There was a robbery.

The van's getting away! Mix

-up really that entertaining?

Well, yes.

But I think these guys are the real draw.

We will deliver this back to working people! End crony capitalism, or we will end it for you! A crew with a cause?

That guy I faced off with thinks he's a robber for the people.

You believe him, or this all show?

Don't know yet.

I let your bank robbers get away.

Don't beat yourself up.

You did more than you think.

One of the crew dropped his g*n during your chase.

Ballistics is processing it now.

How long has Robbery

-Homicide been after these guys?

About a month.

This is their fourth robbery.

Same team of three every time.

They roll in, knock around the bank manager, take what they can.

Total take's over 200 grand.

Yeah, but why beat on the manager?

It's not like it gets them a bigger score.

The spectacle's part of their pattern, too.

These guys aren't camera shy.

This is from their last robbery.

This money's for you, Los Angeles! Who keeps filming them?

It doesn't look like it was just caught on some bystander's phone.

Nah, you see that watermark in the corner?

That's a way for stringers or independent cameramen to mark their material when they sell it to the news.

My brother Terry chases this kind of stuff.

Flame's on both videos, they're shot by the same person.

I already called the TV station.

They won't say who gave them the footage.

You know what, Terry might know.

Stringers all swim in the same circles.

Looks like we caught a break.

Ballistics got a hit on the dropped g*n.

Registered to a Scott Zarba.

The g*n from today also matches a slug pulled from the wall of the Jericho Pharmacy last year.

That was an RHD case we never solved.

Retired cop was unlucky enough to be there when the place was robbed.

Pulled his personal w*apon, ended up paralyzed.

The guy I chased was masked, but the description of Zarba, that sounds like the robber I squared off with.

Burrows, let me tag along to pick him up.

I might be able to I.




Got a second?

What's up?

You're closing the door.

That's never a good sign.

Sir, you told me a ways back that the brass was committed to improving how it handles racial violations.

Have you seen something you need to report?

I'm not saying that I did.

But let's say I know an officer with firsthand knowledge about a group of active, r*cist cops.

Now this officer may not want to come forward because he knows the case wouldn't get anywhere.

But I want to know what the department will do to guarantee that it does?

Well, um I'm supposed to tell you this officer needs to report these r*cist cops to I.



We'll stick 'em on administrative duty, investigate the claims, and if they're guilty, we'll fire their asses.

But we both know it never actually works like that.

Tell me something I don't know.

I wish I could.

But burden of proof is still the same to make a charge stick.

Cops will always stick up for their teammates.

And union lawyers, they will fight tooth and nail to keep their clients' badges.

So, after all that talk, system's still not set up for good people to come forward.

What do you want me to say?

It comes down to hard evidence.

Yeah, I know.


So are you gonna tell me who I need to be worried about?

It's not my place, sir.

But maybe Durham could be next up on Armory rotation.

Scott Zarba?


What do you want?

How about you come out and show us your hands for starters?

Where were you this morning?

Here, working on my ride.

Then why'd we find your g*n at a bank that was robbed?

40 caliber Sig.

Purchased four years ago.

Ring a bell?

You got the wrong guy.

I lost that piece a while ago.

Was that before or after you robbed the Jericho Pharmacy and shot an off

-duty cop?

Okay, okay! I threw that g*n away.

Tossed it in a dumpster.

But I didn't rob any bank.

Been here all morning.

Ask the neighbors.

He's not the guy I chased this morning.

Still got him on the pharmacy job.

On your stomach.

Hands behind your back.

Dom and Street, come on in.

Been waiting for you.

Welcome to my little slice of paradise.

It's been a minute since we caught up.

Is it all good here?


Band upstairs finally moved out.

The Thai place across the street knows my order by heart.

Finally pulled the trigger on a home entertainment system.

So, yeah, life is good, my friend.


We need your help with a case.

We're looking for a stringer who shot some footage of a bank robbery.

I would probably help you out.

I got out of the game

- a couple months ago, though.

- You quit?


But you sh**t great stories.

What happened?

These new kids, they're video journalists.

The competition is younger, faster, cheaper.

Just couldn't keep up.

Don't Don't worry about me, Dom.

I still catch the 2:00 a.


special at Mel's every night with the old crew.

Probably be nocturnal for the rest of my life.

You might still be able to help us then.

You know who sh**t with this logo?


Her name's Lindsey David.

She puts a fire logo on her things 'cause she thinks she's hot stuff.

I'll see what we have on her.

- Thanks, man.

- Yeah, brother.

So, how much all this set you back?

Oh, I got more than I expected when I sold off some of my gear.

I have some free time on my hands, so why not live a little, right?

This doesn't sound like much of a long

-term plan.

Don't stress, bro.

Something else will come along.

And how long's that gonna take?

As long as it takes.

Because the right wave comes When it comes.

Hey, Deacon.

What's up?

I want to show you something.

I looked into those other cops that you mentioned from Durham's little backyard luau.

Gibson has a list of excessive force complaints longer than my arm.

Ellis switched departments twice for undisclosed reasons.

Both their arrest records are as racially skewed as Durham's.

Why are you showing me this?

Because this isn't just a few guys making jokes at a barbecue, man.

This is a group of cops whose screwed

-up views on race have directly affected their actions on the job.

So what are we gonna do about it?

I already did something, I went to my team leader.

What more do you expect from me?


Are you really okay with what you heard?

No, of course not.

But I'm not going to I.


with just my word against theirs.

That's not enough.

Those charges would never stick.

That's why we need hard evidence.

Evidence that Durham and his pals can't deny.

You want me to record them?

Well, I highly doubt that I'm gonna be invited to the next barbecue.

Cops don't turn on other cops.

But it's okay for them to turn on Black people?

Other minorities?

Deac, I am trying to make a difference in this department.

In this city.

I can't do this by myself.

Well, I can't do that.

I don't want these guys protected either, but I can't do that.


You sh**t this, Lindsey?

It's very good work.


Made a pretty penny selling it.

Yeah, I really love how close you got to the action.

That angle on the door as they roll out?

Talk about perfect timing.

Almost seems like you knew the robbery was gonna happen before it happened.

You get there early, you set up across the street.

These bank robbers buddies of yours?

I got a text from an unknown number with a time and a place.

I'm a stringer, I chase tips.

Look, we just want to stop these guys before someone gets k*lled.

Just let us see your phone and help us figure out who they are.

I don't have to do that.

You can't compel me to give up a source.

You knew a bank robbery was gonna happen, and instead of warning someone, you filmed it.

So if you want us to come after you How?

I'm a news

-gathering organization.

I have rights.

You're not getting a hold of my phone.

Hicks says you found something big on this robbery crew.

What do you got?

Zarba may not be one of our robbers, but his g*n was used by them.

Took some digging, but Deac and I looked at security footage within a mile radius of Zarba's pharmacy robbery from a year ago, found this.

That's Zarba dumping his g*n, and that's about 30 minutes later.

That's Jon Hardy, a dishwasher at the restaurant.

He was laid off a few weeks later due to cutbacks.

Well, he's got no record.

Says he lives in The Jungle, has his whole life.

The Jungle?

Hardy's neighborhood used to be a g*ng hot spot in the '90s.

Cops called it The Jungle because it's small, dense and dangerous.

But the locals call it The Jungle because of the trees.

Name dates back to when it was built.

Jungle may have had its rough days in the past, but it's mostly working

-class families now, just trying to get by.

In their videos, the crew promised to deliver the bank's money back to working people.

Maybe The Jungle's where they were talking about.

Let's call the team.

All right, listen, Hardy lives on the second floor.

Deac and Street, take point.

Chris, cover the stairs.

Tan and I will take the courtyard.

- What's going on?

- Sir, I need you to go back inside.

Has this got something to do with the bank robberies?

- Why?

You know something?

- Nah.

Yo, you see that?

Hey, what y'all doing up in here?

It's time to move, now.

Do not engage with the residents.

We're here for Hardy.


- Get out of here.

- Hell no! You have no business here! Those are good boys you're after! How do you know who we're looking for?

I'm not saying anything to you.

LAPD! We got eyes on Hardy.

Someone just let Hardy into their unit! Complex knows we're here for Hardy.

Tan! Don't fire, don't fire.

- Is that g*nf*re?

- That's a negative, Street.

It's just the neighborhood, they're covering for Hardy.

Don't lose him.

Hardy's not in here.

There's a window to the back alley.

Pursue on foot.

Tan and I will cut Hardy off in the A.


Move, Tan, move.

Get out of the way!

- Move!

- Don't escalate.

Hold up, hold up.

Look around, man.

There's nothing but trees back here.

I've got no sign of Hardy.

He's gone, Hondo.

Whole block helped Hardy escape yesterday.

As far as I'm concerned, that makes them accomplices.

What do you want to do, arrest the entire neighborhood?

Just because they knew what was going on doesn't mean they were involved in the robberies.

If they're taking money they know was stolen?

Might as well be.

This ain't a block full of criminals, Tan.

Things are a lot more complicated than that.

Ma'am, listen, we're not here to hassle you.

We just want to find Hardy before he hurts anyone else worse than he already has.

Those boys haven't hurt anyone who hasn't had it coming.

Besides, plenty of people here getting hurt every day and no one's doing nothing about it.

Just tell us what's going on, then.

Rest of the world might be getting back to normal, but here, we're still suffering.

Most of us haven't got our jobs back.

Doesn't matter that we're trying, system doesn't care.

They're done waiting, so they're throwing people out of their own homes, replacing them with people who can pay.

Hold up.

No one can evict you right now.

The city put a hold in place last year that's still in effect.

Can't evict you, no, but they can figure out other ways to get you out.

They can turn off your power, your plumbing.

I was only two months behind when they did it to me.

When I called the police, they asked if I was sure I had paid my utility bill.

What's happening with you isn't right.

Call me if it happens again.

But you're still here.

So, guess you sorted it out somehow?

The neighborhood pitched in.

The greedy bastard who owns this place Bosowski He's the one trying to drive us out.

He owns half the buildings on this block.

That's the real criminal you should be going after.

You're wasting your time chasing after good men trying to help here.

These guys are playing Robin Hood.

They're stealing money to pay the rent for their neighbors.

Which means I doubt we'll find anyone else willing to talk here.

Then we follow the money.

If the stolen cash is in the hands of the landlord, then he's who we need to be talking to.

Hey, what's up?

Hey, buddy.

I heard things didn't go so well for you guys with Lindsey.

She's been running her mouth in our circles saying that she stood up to SWAT.

You really called to tell me that?

No, I called you because I'm staring right at her.

I didn't like hearing your name in her mouth, so I went by a few of her old haunts, trying to see if I could see anything suspicious.

Found her instead.

Terry, don't get involved in this.

- I'm serious, man.

- You sure?

I mean, she kind of digs me.

Now is the wrong time to try playing cop.

I get you got nothing going on in your life, but please, don't make mine harder.

Go home now.

All right, enough, tough guy.

I was just trying to help you out.

Talk to you later, Dom.

Terry's trying to tail Lindsey on the down




Your brother's the size of a mountain.

There is no down

-low with him.

If he wanted to keep chasing folks, he shouldn't have quit being a stringer for no good reason.

Well, he said that he quit 'cause he couldn't keep up anymore.

You don't believe him?

Terry's never stuck with a job in his life.


He does what he loves till he doesn't anymore.

Then it's on to the next thing, like a new toy.

- Lot of people are like that.

- Yeah, well, I don't have to look out for a lot of other people.

Who do you think's gonna cover the rent when he's in between paychecks?

I'm the one who keeps him from hitting rock bottom.

I wouldn't even mind doing it so much if he took things more seriously.

But right now he's jobless, he's living off leftovers, and instead of figuring out his next steps, he's running around playing P.


Feels like he knows I'm always gonna be there to catch him when he falls, so he just keeps jumping.

Talk to them up there.

- All right?

- Okay, boss.

Ah, it's gonna be a beauty.

Either of you looking for a place?


Bosowski, we believe tenants in your buildings have been robbing banks and using the stolen money to pay off rents in their neighborhood.

Recognize this guy?

Lives in The Jungle.

He's working with two others we need to find.

Look, a lot of people, especially in that area, do all kinds of things to make rent.

It's not my responsibility.

Well, if we can get a look at your books Not without a warrant.


I got a business to protect.

Even if you have to shut off some lady's power, right?

Long as you get your money in the end?

You know, when the city froze evictions, they gave a green light for every cheat in the city to just stop paying rent.

A lot of those people can't control what's happening with their jobs.

I have bills to pay, too.

I can't just stop paying them.


-You know what?

I do recognize that guy.

Yeah, he came to an eviction protest last spring.

Two of his buddies chained themselves to my building.

One of them spit on me, so I took a picture for my lawyers.

See what I'm dealing with?

I saw that guy in The Jungle yesterday.

Maybe just found our crew.

We got to get out of town, lay low.


Yo, you saw how the block rallied around us yesterday.

We're heroes.

I want to hit another bank today.

We still got a little cash left from the last time we can give out.

I had three more families reach out to me this morning.

We swore we would try to save everyone.

We've done a lot of good.

We've helped a lot of people.

But I'm quitting now, while we're still ahead.

You can't quit.

- The job takes three.

- Right.

One on the cash, one on the customers, while, uh, you beat the hell out of the manager for fun?

The message is as important as the cause.


Or maybe you just like hurting people.

Or being on TV.



We can do it ourselves.

I'll have to watch the customers, so maybe I'll sh**t the bank manager in the head.

Could sh**t the tellers, too.

Much more efficient.


Or we do it the way we always do.

The three of us.

Hey, Sarge, wait up.

Hey, Lee, how's it going?

I'm bored out of my mind.

Hicks got me on Armory duty all week, and it's not even my turn.

Rocker says it's "haze the new guy," but Malhotra's new, too, and he's in the field, so maybe it's just "haze the white guy.

" We all have to pay our dues.

Yeah, right.

Well, almost all of us.

Hey, the guys and I are gonna grab a drink

- after the shift tomorrow.

- Ah, you know what, uh, I can't.

Oh, come on, man, they want to hear some real SWAT w*r stories.

I've been on a leash ever since I joined.

We're still working that robbery crew, so, uh But you know what, I'll

-I'll think about it.

Sounds good.


Don't get too caught up doing Harrelson's job for him.

Using this photo from an eviction protest a year ago, we were able to I.


the rest of our crew.

We already knew Hardy.

No record, using a g*n he found by chance.

Not the hardened criminal type.

What about these two?

Aaron Landolt falls in the same boat.

Still lives in the same apartment where he grew up.

Bounces between minimum

-wage work to pitch with the rent.

- No record either.

- Ben Bartis, on the other hand, he's been brought in for trespassing, vandalism and disturbing the peace.

All charges you might get for expressing your First Amendment right a little too loudly.

Hardy and Landolt lost their jobs last year.

We think Bartis recruited them when their landlords began looking for creative ways to evict people.


-up solution to a screwed

-up problem.

If it were just about the money, Bartis wouldn't need to as*ault a bank employee or tip off a camera crew; It's about something more.

When I saw him at the bank, I didn't see empathy in his eyes, only anger.

Hey, I just got a call from Terry.

He's been following that stringer Lindsey all day.

Lindsey just set up her camera outside a bank in Brentwood.

This institution is a sickness! You should be ashamed of yourself.

We're good! Time's up.

We gotta go.

You're the sick one! Let's go!


Drop your w*apon!

- Weapons on the ground! Come on, let's go.

Let's go! What the hell was that?

We had to get away.

We shot at cops.

I'm done.

He's right, man.

This is crazy.

They went that way.

Street and I will stay with them, check the bank.



We got an officer down.

Need an R/A to our location.

Street, grab the med kit.

Chris, Tan, with me.

Hey, she knew about the robbery.

Grab her up.

Hey, turn that off now.

Chris, go.

Clear! Hardy and Landolt.

Had to have been Bartis who did this.

k*ll his own partners?


Maybe his mission wasn't their mission.

If Bartis didn't hesitate to sh**t his own crew in the back What else is he willing to do?

Just heard from Rocker.


-Squad searched Bartis's apartment, no sign of him.

I doubt he's coming back.

Said the place was bare, no personal effects.

He really never spent a cent of that stolen cash on himself.

RHD's scouring all known associates.

- He can't hide forever.

- No, Bartis won't be hiding.

The situation in The Jungle hasn't changed, and that's what it's always been about.

So many people have wronged that neighborhood over the years, he could be going after anyone.

All the more reason to find him before someone else gets hurt.

I don't know what gets me more, that The Jungle turned to Bartis instead of us, or that we let 'em down in the first place.

Building trust in the police is never easy, especially in L.


We're gonna find him, Tan.

Durham said he's on Armory duty.

- You told Hicks, didn't you?

- I didn't use your name.

- Hey.

- Hey.

You all right?



It's uh It's been a hell of a few days.

Talk to me.

You always find time for my drama, now it's my turn to listen.

Have a seat.


Yes, ma'am.

One of my guys he uncovered a group of r*cist cops in the department.


So we had some words on how we were gonna deal with them.

Long story short, he'd rather sit this fight out.


I mean, you'd think after years of working side by side with you, he'd see the struggle.

The cop in me gets it.

He'd be putting his entire career on the line, and if other cops found out there's no coming back from that.

And that's just how the PD is, everywhere.

But there's another part of me that's just so angry at myself for not pushing him harder.

He's a good man.

I mean, hell, he's, he's a great man.

I just don't understand the compromise here.

He's had his own experience, probably very different from yours.

I've been working so hard to do good.

I tell the people in this community the police can do better, that we will do better.

But if I can't get a good cop like him on board, how is it ever gonna work?

It's gonna work because it's the right thing to do, period.

It's not your job to convince your friend of what your struggle is.

You're not his tutor on racism.

You know, your guy really is a lucky man to have you to keep him in check.

Um I need to tell you something.

We ended things.

Last month, actually.

Why didn't you say anything?

These talks, I didn't want them to stop.

I didn't want to mess that up.

Nichelle this has been one of the roughest years of my life.

You've been there for me.

The last thing that I would want to do is mess that up.

You need to take the burden off yourself, Hondo.

Your friend, if he is truly a good man, he'll find his way.

So you got a call from that woman you gave your car to yesterday?

She was crying.

I could barely understand her.

I think her landlord is pulling another fast one.

They're throwing us out.

All of us.

Bosowski is saying because she paid rent with stolen bank money, it's a felony.

The city's eviction ban doesn't protect her anymore.

He can legally evict anyone who took cash from the robberies.

I mean, that's practically the, the entire block.

You think Bartis knows about this?

Loretta, have you seen Ben Bartis since yesterday?

Is it true what they're saying he did to Jon and Aaron?

Yeah, it is.

He was here this morning.

When he saw the notices, he started yelling.

Said this had all been for nothing.

Bartis was trying to help these people, now they're all gonna be evicted because of him.

There's nothing holding him back.

He's going after Bosowski.

g*nf*re from the trailer.

Bartis is on the move! Deac and Street, check the trailer.

Tan, Chris, you're with me.

We got Bartis.

Go! Chris, count the floors.



Fourth floor.

Tan, go right, I got left.

Bartis, stop! No way out of this, Bartis! Your neighborhood's still gonna grieve if you end up in a body bag! I already fixed everything! What do you mean you fixed everything?



We found Bosowski inside.

Shot in the chest.

We couldn't save him.


You solved absolutely nothing.

And I'm just thinking, "Why are you crying?

Your son was a thug.

" It was a double homicide.

Those animals k*lled each other.

There's no civility down there.

Look, I can't wait for my first raid.

Every b*llet is justified, if you ask me.


How was your night?

Was that Lee's voice?

Yeah, um, him and some of his friends.

That's who I was with tonight.

Why were you recording them?

It's complicated.

Actually, no.

It's not.

They're racists, Annie.

They crack jokes, brag about breaking the rules, targeting minorities.

And, uh, tonight, they, uh they invited me to join.

What does this kid see in me?

I mean, he could've He could've asked anybody.

Lee sees you as a SWAT leader, a mentor, fellow father.

No, it's not just that.


-We've talked a lot about the job a

-and I've agreed with some of the things he said.

I still do.

Uh, cops are being unfairly vilified.

The only way that you should get ahead is your merit.

No, David, thinking that doesn't make you a r*cist.


But the stuff on here?

I mean, if

-if you really believe those things, there's no way that you can police in an unbiased way.

Hondo tried to tell me, and I I didn't want to believe him.

Yeah, but in the end, you did.

This time.

But, what, 20 years, I've

-I've laughed off remarks like that?

Is that who Lee saw?

What kind of person does that make me?

You are not like those men.

Okay, let's say that that's true.

Maybe that's not enough anymore.

Every b*llet is justified, if you ask me.

Bam, bam.

Just freed up a prison cot for someone who can actually be rehabilitated.

I don't need to hear anymore.

You're gonna need to watch your back.

And not just for Durham.

All three of the officers you named will be removed from the field immediately.

Are you sure you want to do this?


But I can't do nothing.

In that case, I'll need to show Durham the desk he'll be watching collect dust until this is settled.

Thank you, Sergeant.

You two again?

Look, I already told you everything I saw.

Bartis has been arrested.

It's all over.

Wish I could say that changes anything around here.

Yeah, we know.

That's why we wanted to ask for a favor.

Do you mind introducing us to some of your neighbors?

We know the police have let this neighborhood down in the past.

We want to change that.

I've done a lot of work with a nonprofit law firm that helps communities in situations like yours.

They might be able to help.

We would love to talk to as many people as we can about it.

We wish we could do more, but we wanted to do something.

Not sure you'll find many folks interested in talking to police today.

But I'll ask.

Wait right here.

Thank you, Officers.

- Hey.

- Mm.

You hear to chew me out for tailing Lindsey?


We wouldn't have got that robbery crew without you.

Was still incredibly stupid, but when has that ever stopped you before?

I'm actually pretty impressed.

I mean, look, you knew where to look, followed your subject, kept a low profile.

I see why you were such a great stringer, man.

Look, dude, I told you, I'll find a new thing.

I'll figure out a way to pay the bills.

Not a big deal.

You're too old to keep doing this.

If I have a rough couple of weeks or months, I'll handle it.

You just got to let me be, bro.

Just looking out for you.

I'm It's what a big brother's supposed to do.

You don't even know what you've done for me already, do you?

We're Lucas.

Grandpa was O.



Dad was gonna make sure that one of us kept that legacy alive.

You were the go

-to kid.

The oldest.

I You took that burden, shouldered it, went down that track.

I I got to grow up just being me.

Thank you for that.

Hey, you remember where Dad took me on my 21st birthday?

Not a bar for my first beer, he took me to enroll in the police academy.


But, I mean, it paid off, though, right?

Look at you.

You're rolling with the best of the best.

Look, I love it.

I really do.

But sometimes it feels like I was cast in this role without having a choice.

Never thought about what else I could be.

Maybe that's why I get on your case every time you switch careers, 'cause I'm a little jealous.

I never had that choice.

You're a grown

-ass man.

You can do whatever you want.

You got nothing to prove to anybody.

You got a nest egg, right?

You and I, take the food truck, tour the country.

Filling bellies, solving crime.

I can't talk to the team about stuff like this.


That's what brothers are for.

Hey, Kay! Where do you think you're going, huh?

An I.




For some words?

Is this some kind of a joke?


Watch yourself.

You're talking to a commanding officer.

Oh, are you scared everyone's gonna hear how you spied on another officer?

Recorded me without my consent?

Lee, why don't we go outside?

I've got no respect left for your rank.

You know they pulled me off the streets and put me on a desk?

What am I supposed to tell my wife, huh?

Why don't you tell her some of the things you told me?

I'm not ashamed of anything on that tape.

Those are just truths of the job.

It's the way it is.

We all think those things.

And if you tell me that you don't, then you're a liar.

If you truly believe that that's what this job is about, you never deserved it in the first place.

My PBA reps are gonna tear this case to shreds, and you're gonna be the only person hurt by it.

Yeah, they'll put me back on the street.

But you have to watch your back the rest of your career.

Whatever's left of it.

At least I won't have to worry about seeing my face on TV because something I did caused this city or this country to tear itself apart again.

Good luck with everything.

Sorry it took me a while to figure out the right thing to do.

It's all right.

We good?

We're good.