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04x14 - Reckoning

Posted: 04/12/23 09:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT What's this business idea?

Auto repair shop.

Nichelle's not giving us the money no more, and no bank in the world's

- gonna give us a loan.

- But I will.

- What?

- I mean, what exactly are we talking about here?

You giving us a loan?

I was thinking I'd be more of a partner in the business.

Durham, why are you here so late?

I was hoping our kid'd be asleep by the time I got there.

Annie's kind of an expert on toddlers.

Why don't you and the family come over for dinner Friday night?

She's here as a tactical emergency medical support.

(g*n FIRING) A TEMS officer?

Nora Fowler, right?

Why'd you sign up for this?

I've seen combat as an Army medic.

I was an EMT for LAFD, finished first in my class in mountain rescue, in deep water So this is another notch on your résumé, then?

- No.

I'm looking to save lives.

- Stay back until we've cleared.

I'm trained to go into hostile situations.

- What are you doing?

- I know you run the show around here, but need to trust me, or she won't survive.

HONDO: The white nationalists who k*lled Erika, the Imperial Dukes.

Now, we've already taken down four of them, but I can't shake the feeling that there's more out there.

I did some thinking after you left.

Vodka wears off, and Erika's still dead, and I feel worse.

There's a community center near here that has a grief group this evening.

- Could you maybe come with me?

- Your wheels or mine?


Get out of the area.


Out that way.

Out that way.

DEACON: Hondo, we've got two armed robbery suspects in custody.

It's up to you guys to bring in the runner.

HONDO: Use your eyes, Chris.

Getting in position.

I see movement.

Guy's passing the red tent.

It's too cluttered.

I don't have a shot.

HONDO: What do we got, Chris?

CHRIS: He posted up.

Blue and white RV, second from the end.

Street, go left.

Go left.

This is Sergeant Harrelson, LAPD! What's your name?

Let me through! I can do this all day!

- And we still got people around.

- HONDO: This guy's reckless.

If we push him, he's gonna keep spraying b*ll*ts.

Hondo, I have something.

- Not much.

Just his w*apon.

- Take it, Chris.

Down on the ground.

- On the ground.

Turn around.

- STREET: Don't move! HONDO: Keep your hands up.

Final suspect in custody.

STREET: Not bad, Chris.

Maybe next time, try using your sights?

Nice job to you, too.


Heard you guys brought in those fugitives.

DEACON: Wanted to make sure you had

- an easy shift, Durham.

- (CHUCKLES) Hey, it was nice to see you and your wife last weekend.

Annie and I appreciated the grown

-up company.

Yeah, I know the feeling.

Actually, that's a "thank you.

" The wine's for Annie, and the book's for you.

Goes over the policing tactics we were talking about.

Helped me learn to walk with dignity.

Thank you.

Yeah, I'm always looking for a good read.

- Yeah.

- All right.

(CHUCKLES): Okay, okay.

This place is cleaning up nice.

Starting to look more like an auto shop and less like a trash pile.

Some of us are willing to put in the elbow grease.

We found some cabinets the last owners left.

- Free tool storage.

- Nice.

Well, I'm here to be of use.

(CHUCKLES) Wait a minute.

What's going on here?

I don't recall seeing any of that before we signed the lease.

Not hard to miss a cracked window when the place is full of junk.

Paint's fresh, Leroy.

It's nothing, man.


-It was 'cause of me.

Look, I was here yesterday,

- and these two guys came by.

- LEROY: They, uh, told him the block was dangerous and the shop needed their protection.

An extortion racket.

They want to be paid to not cause trouble.

Nah, nah, nah, nah.

I'm gonna talk to the property manager, see if we can back out of this place.

- No way.

- LEROY: What, you want to split

- at the first hard thing?

- HONDO: We picked this spot because this neighborhood has a good rep and it wouldn't associate ex

-con mechanics with current g*ng activity.

Now, if that's changed MAN: No, it's not a g*ng.

I'm James.

I own the market next door.

Wanted to come by and say welcome.

HONDO: How you doing?

I'm Hondo.

That's Leroy and Darryl.

Listen, uh, this isn't a rough area.

Just some guys making mischief.

Leader's named Alex.

They showed up a couple months ago.

You know, throw 'em a few bucks, they leave you alone.

That's not an option for us.

He's a cop.

SWAT, actually.


Well (SIGHS) They're getting a fee from everyone around here, so if there is anything you can do Consider it done.

Yo, Fowler.

- Hey.

- Hey, Luca.

You get here early?


Figured I'd make sure that Tan's treating my girl right.


- I didn't know you lived close by.

Sort of.

About six miles.


- Pre

-shift workout, nice.

- It wakes me up.

Plus, it gives me a chance to enjoy my favorite terrible music judgment


Yeah, I hear that.

All right.

I'll see you in there.


Better get comfy in here, Luca, 'cause 50

-Squad is not handling the full armory inventory again.

Hey, Hicks's rules.

Loser of the Spring Relay has to do it.

How many years in a row losing has it been for you guys?



Look, 20

-Squad only edged us out by a hair last year.

But face it: You're on the downswing, and I don't see a winning three

-man combo in your ranks.

Oh, I got some ideas about our lineup.

Like what?

Strapping on jet packs?

Guess you'll have to wait and see.

Tabitha Lewis turned up in the ER this morning with a broken arm.

Who's Tabitha Lewis?

Wife of Jared Lewis.

Habitual domestic abuser, white nationalist and most certainly a member of the Imperial Duke cell that we brought down.

Group that k*lled Erika Rogers.

FBI suspects he was in the recruiting process then.

He wasn't a full soldier.

But LAPD's on alert for anything involving the Imperial Dukes.

So the 911 call from Lewis's home address got flagged.

Lewis was gone when the ambulance arrived, but Tabitha's not claiming it was an accident this time.

Well, it sounds like maybe she's done protecting her husband.

I volunteered SWA to go in and question her.

Agent Carr knows this is personal for us.

FBI is working a paper trail to find Lewis.

This is an opportunity for SWAT to be proactive.

To avenge the death of one of our own.

Well, if Tabitha confirms Lewis was being recruited, tells us where he's hiding, we can grab him up for more than just domestic v*olence.

But we only got one shot at it.

If we spook her, Tabitha's liable to clam up, or worse, go running to Lewis and tell him that we've been asking questions.

These two been married for ten years.

Even if he's been harming her, she likely holds the same racial views as him.

What if we lean into her prejudices?

You want to put on a show?

We could use Luca.

And you, if you're down?

To use a r*cist's beliefs against them?


All day, every day.

Who are you?

Get out of my room.

I don't think so.

Victor Tan, LAPD.

I need some answers.

LUCA: Excuse us, Mrs.


I was hoping to chat with you about your husband?

I already told the nurses and the doctors all about what Jared did.

Well, you still got to talk to us, so Please?

Okay, how about I take it from here, pal?

Sorry about him.

He's a real pain in the ass.

(LAUGHS SOFTLY) It's all right, Officer.

I read your statement.

You know we'll bring your husband in

- for domestic abuse.

- Good.

I'm over his nonsense.

I think, if you help me with some other questions we have, we could keep you safe from Lewis for a really long time.

- I'll answer whatever I can.

- Have you ever heard Lewis mention the Imperial Dukes?

(SCOFFS) Sure, he talks about all the "good things" they're doing for America.


Is he still with them?

Come on.

You're done with him, right?

Lewis must have been meeting them in a different part of town, though, 'cause he's been staying out later.

Did he say what the Dukes are planning?

Kept talking about their "victory.

" k*lling that Black cop was just the beginning.

He said they're gonna show the whole city what they're capable of.

HONDO: If Lewis is still active, that means we're looking at a second Imperial Duke cell.

And they're planning an attack they call the "Reckoning.

" The Reckoning?

What the hell does that mean?

LUCA: Tabitha didn't know, but she says it's supposed to be worse than anything they've done before.

And, Hondo?

Whatever it is, she said it's going down today.

SFBI's research hasn't turned up anything about an Imperial Duke attack called the Reckoning.

Patrol's on high alert for Lewis and the Dukes.

Luca's back with Tabitha, seeing if he can get more out of her.



's a diverse city with a lot of places and events they could attack, try and kick off their race w*r.

Last time they hit businesses and cultural centers.

Might share a goal, but we can't assume these are the same Dukes as before.

Cells can operate very differently.

What do we know about this one?

Tabitha gave us Lewis's last few public usernames.

FBI plugged them into our ongoing research.

Showed who he interacts with and how.

"This video proves a Black celebrity's company "is secretly trafficking children.

It's time to wake up.

" This is crazy conspiracy theory stuff.

Makes people click.

They think that they're helping kids, really, they're getting fed disinformation.

Now, all of these accounts are Dukes?

It's likely some are.

Lewis's activity suggests this cell is a propaganda machine.

Well, he's good at it.

Guessing that's why this second cell risked recruiting him after we shut down the first.

So they're building a legion of followers to help spread their ideas across the Internet.

They want attention.

This attack will likely give the Dukes some message to push on social media.

But these accounts switch topics every other minute, looking to trend.

What's their real focus?

FBI believes they discuss real plans face


-face or in an encrypted forum.

But we haven't been able to crack where they're meeting in person or digitally.

Too many blank spaces.

We don't know the when, where or how of this attack.

Just that it's somehow worse than Erika.

HICKS: Well, we know Lewis is involved.

So we find him, we find the rest of 'em and answers will follow.


There you are, man.

Listen, I got to skip out of here for a second.

What's going on with you?

Sorry nothing.

Well, maybe something.

Annie and the kids?

No, no.

They're good.

Everything's fine.

Um (SIGHS) I'm probably just overthinking something.

So lay it on me.

I'll overthink it with you.

You know Lee Durham, the new kid

- that just joined 60


- Sure.

He's taken a shine to you.

Can't fault his taste.

Yeah, right.

He gave me this book, Principled Policing in a Modern Era.

- Never heard of it.

- No, me neither.

But I wanted to be polite, so I read a few chapters.

It's self


It, uh it promotes some pretty aggressive predictive tactics: Surveilling citizens with no criminal ties, weaponizing programs like See Something/Say Something.

Deacon, in my life, I've had to learn to not cry wolf just because something smelled a bit funky.

I mean, the kid could've just picked up the first book with the word "police" on it.

He ever given you a weird vibe before?

A little.

When he gave me the book, he used the words, "walk with dignity.

" At first I thought it was just odd phrasing, but I remembered that that list of white nationalist code phrases.

I went back and looked at it.

Yeah, how'd it go?

"I aim to walk the path with dignity" "pure of body and spirit.

" It's not one of the most common ones, and he didn't use the exact same quote.

I mean, Durham had to have been vetted to be a SWAT recruit, right?

He's been in LAPD a long time.

I'm sure he's clean and buckled up.

We can pull his file, take a look for ourselves.

Did your husband ever talk about weapons?

Like, maybe a new g*n he'd bought or something a friend had?

He always wanted one of those James Bond g*ns.


Can I help you?

Stop! (GRUNTS) I got some questions for you.

- Hey, you got him?

- Yeah.

So the Imperial Dukes really are active again?

- That's frightening.

- Yeah.

Hopefully this guy spits out some answers, keeps us ahead of 'em.

Listen, I got to get into Interrogation, but real quick: Have you heard about Hicks's three

-man relay race happens every year?

Winner gets showered with honor and glory, loser has to spend a couple days taking inventory of the armory?

- Yeah, that's the one.

- Mm


I wanted to ask if you'd consider joining 20

-Squad's team.

We'd have Tan, Street and you.

That's a winning combo.

I don't think I'm right for it.

Are you kidding?

You're perfect! I looked you up.

You're a high school cross

-country All


That was before I had a kid.

You run six miles to work multiple times a week.

I know I'm a good runner, Luca.

That's not the problem.

So what is it?

I don't just work with you guys.

I mean, I ride with all the squads here and Picking favorites just sounds like making more enemies than friends.


- It's a no.

- Okay, then.

No sweat.



You don't mind if my boy here makes sure our rights

- aren't infringed on, do you?

- As long as y'all don't mind me asking you to stop squeezing businesses for protection money.

The market, salon, auto shop, everything.

Don't hit 'em up again.

Don't know what you're talking about, sir.

HONDO: Y'all need cash?

Then make the money the right way.

Come by the auto shop,

- and we'll hook you up with a gig.

- Working for you?

A cop?

No way.

Real recognize real.

HONDO: Ain't nothing about you real, man.

So why don't you check that attitude, and be a part of keeping this neighborhood nice?

Because I can promise you this I will be.

You got nothing on us, or you would've brought out the cuffs already.


So, uh bounce, my brother.

Be seeing you around then.

Guy from the hospital is Kyle Falley.

He's not talking, but Tabitha ID'd him as one

- of Lewis's friends.

- He's probably an Imperial Duke tasked with keeping eyes on Lewis's wife.

I pulled his records Unmarried, lives in the Valley, teaches third grade.


He's also been posting on Twitter about needing to defend against illegals, "using force if necessary.

" I can't imagine being a kid in his class, soaking up that hate.

And did you know Lewis works as a headhunter?

What kind of applicant is he fighting for?

Or against?

Anyway, Falley's, uh, financials Hey, Chris?

You're putting up a good front.

But this is the Imperial Dukes.

Lewis was involved with the cell that k*lled Erika.


-it's okay if today's a tough day.

I'm not worried I'm gonna choke in the field or anything, but, um I just started to get my head straight again, you know?

- And suddenly the Dukes are back.

- I need to stay busy and, uh, try not to dwell on Erika.

That's what's gonna stop this Reckoning and bring this new cell down.

Makes sense.


Falley owns a shell corporation.

Leases a warehouse in North Hollywood.

Contract started six weeks ago.

That's when Tabitha said Lewis started staying out later.

Lewis's cell phone pinged towers near the warehouse, starting right after Falley rented the space.

If they met up there, other Imperial Dukes probably did, too.

Sounds like they've been planning these att*cks for a while.

Could be their base of operations.

DEACON: Got the warrant.

Last loading dock is Falley's.

7,800 square feet.

Owner hasn't had a reason to go in since the Dukes started renting it.

Means we've got no idea what the setup looks like.

Used to manufacture aerospace parts there, so the walls are insulated.

The thermal drone scan gave us nothing real.

All right, eyes on me.

Yes, we're going blind into the layout, and we don't know how many Imperial Dukes might be in there or what kind of weaponry they got.

This isn't the most unknowns we've faced.

And even if it was, we know how to handle it.

Street, go.



- 25

-David, set.

- HONDO: On my count.

Three, two, one.



One suspect down.


Got some weaponry semiautos.

Someone else is here.

- HONDO: We got movement.

- STREET: sh*ts fired! One in the back.


Street, go right.

CHRIS: All clear.

Better to not leave here in a body bag.


g*ns to the side push 'em out.

- Okay.

- Drop the w*apon, on the ground.

Get on the ground, hands behind your head! Street.

This is 20

-David, we're Code 4.

Search the space.

We need details on what this Reckoning is.

Stacks of a*mo, but I haven't seen planning materials or schematics that indicate a how or where.

White supremacist literature and a lot of empty beer cans.

Looks like an Imperial Duke social club.

DEACON: Hondo, got something.

All this junk piled up?

Looks like someone was trying to hide this.

It's methyl isocyanate.

Useful as a liquid but deadly if it vaporizes.

Inhale it, it'll burn your lungs out.

Kills within minutes.

Toxic gas.

Well, that answers one question the what

- But it doesn't answer the where.

- Well, it gets worse.

The t*nk is empty.

Looks like someone transferred it to another container and got it off

-site before we arrived.

They still have their w*apon.

Our friends from the warehouse, Franklin Russo and Cormac Hill.

Pulled security cam footage, found three more cell members.



s still pending.

My question is, how'd these guys get their hands on methyl isocyanate?

t*nk of MIC was stolen from a factory a month ago.

We couldn't find any connection to the Imperial Dukes.

Facility manager says they have inventory flux all the time.

Plant assumed it was a computer error.

TRANSLATION: They didn't investigate.

Dukes pump this stuff into the air, we're looking at mass casualties.

Plus, it's strong You don't need an enclosed space to k*ll by exposure.

So they could hit a building, park, anything.

Even though they're targeting people of color, it's too wide a net.

I mean, it'd be hard to walk right up some place with a bunch of gas.

They must have some kind of delivery plan.

It could help us zero in on their target.

Find it.

I'll see what Luca and Deacon are getting out of Hill in interrogation.

I'm fine.

It's just These guys keep slipping through our fingers, and I'm sick of it.

How about you help me do this research and we use it to nail 'em?

The MIC who are the Imperial Dukes planning to use it on?

One day, your eyes will be opened.

The inferior races, the crisis actors and deep state politicians will be rounded up.

It is our duty to keep justice alive until then.

Look, justice doesn't involve attacking people for having different beliefs or a different skin color.

Well, they come for us, for our whiteness, and you do nothing.

How will they come for us?

You say my eyes will be opened eventually, why not now?

They teach our children to hate themselves.

They're trying to replace white culture.

They tear down our monuments.

Tell us what monument.

Maybe we can help protect it.

The Imperial Dukes will be the first soldiers in a great w*r.

Great w*r?

You can't stop what's already here.

I don't agree with the destruction of statues, but Hill shouldn't need one to remember history.

He's not gonna give us anything real about their plan.

He doesn't have to.

Was going through the stuff we found at the warehouse.

Hill, Falley and Russo all have authenticator apps on their phones.

This is Hill's.

Constantly shifting password.

Well, Agent Carr said the Dukes have an encrypted forum.

I'm thinking maybe this unlocks it.


Listen, Darryl, Alex and his guys are just punks, man, but they ain't gonna back down easy from messin' with the auto shop.

So they're just gonna ruin our business?

Not true.

I already talked to Patrol and they're gonna keep extra eyes on the whole block.

LEROY: So your cop solution didn't work, and now you're gonna double down?

I thought you were supposed to be a silent partner.

Also picked up some security cameras, so if they come back, we got something

- to bring 'em in on.

- But how long's

- that gonna take?

- Too long.

Or until the building burns down.

- Whichever comes first.

- It's not gonna come to that.

Doing things right takes time.

We just need a little patience.

I'll come by tonight and install the cameras.

Hey, what's up?

So, I pulled everything the department has on Lee Durham.

I'm not seeing anything.

Also made some calls; No one's got a bad word to say about him.

Well, if there was something really damning in his history, it would show up in his SWAT interview.

Well, wait a minute.

Look at that.

He worked Patrol in Granada Hills.

Black residents make up five percent of that population, 30 percent of Durham's arrests.

- Targeting?

- Cop who sees Black people as criminals finds a reason to book them more often.

Could just be bad training.

(SIGHS) Geez, I don't know.

I mean, this is all just so circumstantial.

Except that phrase he used.

That was odd.

Deacon, to bring a complaint to Internal Affairs saying Durham is a r*cist on the job you better be damn sure.

Are you?

- No.

- When Durham said those words to you, it might've been an attempt to feel you out.

You can use it the same way.

Reply with the other half "Pure of body and spirit" See what he does.

(SIGHS) God, I hope this is all just nothing.

ROCKER: and if you join our relay team, we have a gift card to that Japanese place on Third with your name on it.

FOWLER: Thank you, but Look, I don't know what Luca offered you Well, I didn't try to bribe her.

It's not a bribe.

A bonus offer.

And you're only mad 'cause I figured out your plan to bring in a ringer.

This is low, Rocker, even for you.

It's not my problem if 20

-Squad isn't willing to do what it takes to win.

FOWLER: All right, this is pointless, 'cause I'm gonna be cheering from the sidelines.

ROCKER: No way.

The whole place knows that you're the real deal.

Every squad wants you.

You can't let the people down.

You just have to pick who you're partnering up with.

Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

Might as well get something out of it for me.

So, here's the deal: Gift cards, hook

-ups, swag

- Best offer wins.

- (PHONE VIBRATES) Oh, I gotta go.

Uh, tell everyone to get their pitches in.

I'll commit to a team by the end of the day.


So this is the Imperial Dukes' private forum.

You really gotta know their lingo Most of this is in

-jokes and memes.

It's the motherlode.

FBI's downloading everything we can, prioritizing the search, for mentions of the Reckoning attack, toxic gas What is this?

TAN: That's new.

Looks like a private message.

"LAPD raided warehouse.

Is the other behind the veil?

" HICKS: We're logged in as a member of the cell.

He thinks we're Hill.

This is a Bible reference.

The Dukes twist a lot of religious imagery.

He's asking if Russo's dead.

Isaiah 25:7.

"The veil that is spread over all nations.

" The reading at my father's funeral.

Yeah, but if Hill got out, how would he know what happened to Russo?

Let's keep it biblical: "I am not Lot's wife.

" "Do you have the van?


- The van?

I don't know this code.

- It might not be code.

There was a van at the warehouse.

It's sitting in the motor pool, waiting to be swept for prints.

What would they need it for?

Part of the Reckoning plan?

Or maybe just a way to prove it's really Hill?

Yeah, we'll look into the van.

Right now, we need to answer.

"Meet at the Alameda Tavern parking lot at 4:00 p.


" Restaurant's white

-owned in a mostly white suburb, not a likely target.

You already found their HQ Could it be a staging area

- or a meet point?

- Or a trap.

Lure SWAT in, instead of k*lling one officer, take out a whole team.

Website says the restaurant's closed today.

DEACON: Infrared scan turned up nothing.

Building's empty and secure.

CHRIS: Couple civilians around, but no unusual loitering.

It's past 4:00.

FOWLER: Where are these guys hiding?

They want to see the van before showing themselves.

If it's a trap, they want us all the way in it.

- Street, you're a go.

- All right.

Coming in.

Van's in position.

Two men approaching on foot.

HONDO: Got eyes on 'em.

At least one's carrying.

Move in.

LAPD! Show your hands! Show your hands, now! HONDO: Hands in the air.


Stay by the car.

Keep your hands up.

Don't move.

Tell us your target.

Hey, we didn't do anything illegal.

I got a permit for that g*n.

We're not the rioters.


What's he talking about?

MAN: We came to defend this place.

Wait, hold up.

You're here to protect the restaurant?

Yeah, isn't that why you're here?

- Protect it from what?

- The anti

-fascists planning on burning it down.

Look, this guy sounds twisted, but not like an Imperial Duke.

- Where'd you hear about this?

- It's all over social media.

Pics of their Molotov cocktail assembly line and everything.

Okay, searching now.

CHRIS: Another group of four incoming.

They don't seem like the Dukes either.

FOWLER: They've got protest signs.

Street, go with Fowler Intercept.

HICKS: We see the pictures he's talking about, but a reverse image search shows the actual original post.

Look, these pictures are really from four years ago in Indiana.

HICKS: They're photoshopped to include today's date and this restaurant.

The Dukes are using their Internet followers against us.

It wasn't a trap.

This whole thing's a distraction to keep us running around the city.

All right, get the hell out of here.

Everybody back to HQ until we find the real target.


All right, I'll see you then.

Heard the Imperial Dukes called off the meet, wiped the whole secret forum clean.

Fake images of the restaurant were posted before we even got in position.

And now they're just in the wind.

Knowing the Dukes are out there walking around free after k*lling Rogers I hope SWAT can stop 'em for good this time.

Well, their kind of hate, it's hard to swallow.


That's for sure.

Hey, listen, me and some buddies are grilling tonight after all this is over.

Maybe you stop by, have a beer?

If I'm free, I'm there.


(CHUCKLES): All right.

(SIGHS) HICKS: Need some good news.

CHRIS: Been exploring how the Dukes plan to get their toxic gas to their target.

We found a decal in the van for Castanera Party Rentals.

What if they're planning to pass themselves off as event deliverymen?

Hide toxic gas canisters with chairs and tables.

The company also has heat lamps.

The kind that run off small propane tanks.

Fill the tanks with MIC instead You could walk right in anywhere.

Temperature drops below 70, you got heat lamps at every party in Los Angeles.

And nobody thinks twice if there's a stack of backup tanks lying around.

There was welding equipment at their warehouse.

They rigged the tanks so all they have to do is set 'em up and walk away.

Valves open, MIC vaporizes, injuring or k*lling anyone in the immediate area.

They get to claim "victory" online, get publicity Spread their r*cist message further.

Maybe even start the w*r they want so badly.

Let's hope it doesn't inspire copycats.

STREET: The van and the decal help sell the charade, but the Imperial Dukes don't need any of this

- to carry out their attack.

- No.

They're doing this one way or another.

I'm gonna call the party rental company, get a list of their events today.

Be ready to roll out.

Milk helps with eye irritation after exposure.

I'm gonna grab some portable respirators, too.

Well, hopefully, we contain the gas tanks before it ever gets to that.

Hey, Luca, we got a destination?

Yeah, just got a list of today's events from the rental company.

Five spots, all over town.

All right, target's got to be something the Dukes can promote online.


Wedding seems too low


Silent auction Wait, wait.

Camden College is re

-dedicating their Physical Sciences Lab.

Yeah, read about that.

They're removing the name of some donor who supported r*cist policies.

It says here they're renaming the building in honor of the Mendez family, who fought to end segregated schooling in Southern California.

Yeah, Hill was really worked up about the "erasure of white culture" and "losing monuments.

" To the Dukes, replacing a name on the wall is worth k*lling over.

These are exactly the type of victims they want.

The keynote speaker is the college's diversity chair, and the event's co

-sponsored by three different BIPOC

-focused clubs.

Okay, ceremony starts in an hour.

Dukes might be there already.

(INDISTINCT CHATTER) Don't stop, let's go! Understood.

Rocker, officers are evacuating the speakers and early arrivals.

They'll keep civilians out of the danger zone.


-Squad's gonna take a perimeter position.

Don't want any of these guys slipping through a crack.


Event coordinator confirmed that the rental company's deliverymen are working on the quad.


-David, it's the Imperial Dukes.

STREET: Hey, Hondo, looks like Lewis and the other Dukes

- are arming the tanks.

- HONDO (OVER COMM): Roger that.

Everybody mask up.

Watch the tanks.

This stuff is flammable and deadly.

Deacon, on your count.

Three, two, one.


- Cops! STREET: Hands where we can see them! DEACON: Suspect one down.

Everybody, take cover! CHRIS: Put your weapons down.


- LAPD! Show your hands!

- Nowhere to go! Give it up! They're aiming for the tanks! Suspect two down.

(PEOPLE SHOUTING) Move in, now! (WOMAN SCREAMS) I got Lewis.

Chris, I got your six.

HONDO: Check the tanks.

No release mechanism, just propane.

Lewis is rabbiting, headed north! ROCKER: Moving to intercept.


-David, with you.

Got to stay on him! STREET: LAPD! Stop! Lewis turned southeast.


He wants us to move in close, leave an exit open so he can double back and slip the net.

ROCKER: Just tell me where to be.

- I got leaking MIC!

- HONDO: Fowler! We need a containment chamber now! There's toxic gas in the air.

(GAS HISSING) t*nk's secured.

I'm checking the others.

(GASPING, COUGHING) HONDO: Can't use that g*n, man.

The gas in the air is flammable.

- You're breathing poison.

- (COUGHING) TAN: These all look secure.

HONDO: On your stomach.

Three down.

Fowler, we need oxygen.

FOWLER: Roger, incoming.

LAPD! (GRUNTS, GROANS) Way to corral him.

Final suspect down.

You catch him, you clean him.

With pleasure.

Last of the tanks disabled.



Code 4.

Multiple members in custody, propaganda machine's gone quiet.

SWAT dealt the Imperial Dukes a real blow today.

FBI was able to download the bulk of the encrypted forum before it was erased.

I am putting together a team to go through it.

Lot of insight to be had on cell organization, activities.

I thought the Dukes totally abandoned this forum.


It's a new private message.

"LAPD still has a chance to be on the right side of history.

w*r is coming.

" It's time

-stamped 30 seconds ago.


-checking our records.

This user communicated with the first cell.

Looks like he gave orders to both.

Brains of the operation.

The leader, connection between all the L.



And he's still out there, planning for w*r.

LUCA: Yo, Fowler.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Decided to put in a "join my relay" team offer after all?

I already got some deals that are gonna be tough to beat.

No, my first one still stands: Nothing.


No gift cards, no all

-expenses paid.

Just join 20

-Squad's team.

Hmm, that's definitely not gonna top the spa day from 50


You know, I've been thinking about it.

This highest bidder stuff is noise.

You turning me down this morning was real.

Oh, yeah?

You think you don't fit in here at SWAT.

You were trying not to make waves, keep your head down until Rocker upped the ante.

You were in Germany when I first started.

People still aren't sure if I even belong in this building.

Don't even know why

- a TEMS officer is important.

- No, I get you.

So here's my real offer.

Next time that we have a night off, I'll run you through the SWAT training course.

Okay, whether you join my team or not.

I'll show you how we train, and get the best out of you.

I don't know about one time through the course.

Maybe if you offer to train me up until I kick ass,

- however long it takes.

- Yeah, okay, and I thought us SWAT guys were the competitive ones.

Hey, I can go see if Rocker's team will offer me the same terms.

No, no.

We got a deal.


I wanted to thank you for keeping me busy today, taking my mind off of everything.

Well you need help, I'm always here for you.

But you're stronger than you know, Chris.

Think I realized it as I booked Lewis, no piece of trash is gonna thr*aten my sanity.

I'm glad you got some closure.


There are more Imperial Dukes out there, believing in the cause that k*lled Erika, planning more v*olence.

When they're gone, that's when I'll have closure.

DURHAM: "I didn't like her in the first place.

" (LAUGHTER) I'm like, "Why wouldn't you tell me that?

" It was nine years ago.

Figured you guys could use more ice.

Hey, always.

Deacon, nice to see you, man.

Gibson and Ellis.

Man, I haven't seen you clowns in ages.

- You got to catch up.

- Thanks.

Here's to walking the path with dignity.

Pure of body and spirit.

(LAUGHS SOFTLY) Told you guys.

Figured you didn't want to talk about this stuff at work, but just know, you're among friends here.

Who's ready to eat?


(LAUGHTER) DARRYL: I ain't playing, I ain't playing.

- Oh, man.

- Quite a party going on in here.

You two seem to be in better spirits.

Uh, got nothing for you to worry about anymore.

Yeah, my pops ran all those guys off.

JAMES: Got them to leave the whole block alone.

And how exactly did you manage that, Leroy?

Stop clutching your pearls, all right?

I didn't do nothing criminal.

I know you had more than a civil chat and a handshake deal with those guys.

Those wannabes were happy to wrap up their little scheme the second they heard my name.

A Hammer O.


What'd you do?

Did you thr*aten to put in work if they cross your territory?

Oh, that so different than promising to bring down the thunder of the LAPD on their asses?

Oh, I guess it is, because at least they respected me enough to run along.

- Leroy.

- Didn't need your permission, Hondo.

Damn sure don't need it to do whatever else might be necessary.

Darryl got dreams for this place, and I'm

-a see them through.

DARRYL: Is everything okay?

Yeah, sure is.

So tell me about this neighborhood business council.


Help me with these cameras, kid.

We still need those?

Darryl, I know it looks like your pops took care of things, but running those guys off was not a smart thing.

I thought that's what we wanted, for them to leave us alone.

Think about it, kid.

Okay, so they left us, but where'd they go?

- Probably to some other block.

- And you think they learned that extorting money from people is wrong?

You think they're just gonna stop?

Probably not.


-case scenario, they start picking on someone else.


-case, they get all worked up and decide to come and hit back on your father, hard.

Now, look, your pops, he knows what's up, and I'm sure he's got a plan or five if it comes to that.

That also worries me.

But the thing is, D, sometimes a short

-term solution just creates a long

-term problem.

(SIGHS) I feel you.

But I don't know if the rest of the neighborhood does.

(SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) Some things take more time than others.

ELLIS: My son went to a march.

(SCOFFS) Doesn't understand why it broke my heart.

GIBSON: A couple cops making split

-second bad decisions does not mean the whole damn system is broken.

It's Monday

-morning quarterbacking.

I mean, a Black suspect comes at me with something looking like a w*apon, you think I'm spending time worrying what color he is?


And saying so doesn't make me a r*cist.

All right?

It makes me a realist.

DURHAM: No, man, they loop us all together like we're some Imperial Dukes.

It's just ridiculous.

GIBSON: Their type of v*olence?


-It makes the whole movement look bad.

And it takes away the focus of the politically correct BS

- that's gone too far.

- ELLIS: One day we're gonna look up and find the inmates running the asylum.

(DURHAM CHUCKLES) More like animals running the zoo.

I can't even imagine what it's like for you every day, Deac.

I'm not sure how you mean.

DURHAM: Harrelson.

I mean Hondo's a good guy, I guess, but everyone knows that his promotion was affirmative action nonsense, all about capitulating to the social justice warrior crowd over at the city hall.

He has no business being the SWAT team leader over you.

I see it in your eyes.

It eats you up to have to take orders from him.

I feel you.

World's gone mad.