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04x12 - U-Turn

Posted: 04/12/23 09:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT Hey, how's Germany, big man?

LUCA: Sweet.

Gonna be advising the best Germany, France and Italy have.

See if there's any secrets they can teach us.


-rays we did on your lungs

- show an abnormal mass right here.

- So, lung cancer?

This illness has burned the hustle out of your daddy.

I see his gentle side again.

We're all here for you, Pop.

HICKS: Commander Hicks has absolutely no problem with you dating Molly.

- Great.

- But as her father, just made sure that Bob Hicks never has cause to have a problem with you.

I was on my home to Molly when I came here instead.

'Cause all I think about is being with you.

This pipe dream about us is never happening.

I don't want to be in the middle of this anymore.

MOLLY: You're breaking up with me?

Can you at least tell me why?

I don't love you the way you deserve to be loved.

("SUNSHINE (RUSL REMIX)" by Ziggy Marley playing)

- Sunshine, I see you shining again

- Oh, sunshine Shine for me Sunshine, I see you smiling again

- Oh, sunshine

- Smile for me

- Sunshine, I'll fight until

- Oh, sunshine You shine for me Sunshine Oh, sunshine.

(CHILD SCREAMS) (g*nshots) (GASPS)


- (g*nsh*t) DISPATCHER: 911.

Where is your emergency?

All right, bye.

Damn, that's a face.

It's nothing.

Why don't we try that again.

(SIGHS) I got that meeting this afternoon with my lawyer to prep for my next custody hearing.

- Something go wrong?

- Your pops was supposed to drive me, but now he's saying that something came up and now he can't.

And I called and asked my dad to take me, and I'm guessing he couldn't step in.

He's got a thing with his parole officer.

But I'm gonna go check the bus schedules.

'Cause that's my job as a father, right?

To come through when it's clutch?


What aren't you telling me, D?

This is, like, the third time this week that your pops has bagged on me.

Look, with Winnie moving back here and all his doctor business, Pop's just got a lot going on.

Maybe some wires got crossed up.

(ALERT CHIMING) I got to bounce.

Come on, Cody.

Move your feet, buddy.

- Nice shot.

Get him.

- Hey.

What happened to sleeping in late and easing back in?

What can I say, man?

Good night's rest in my own bed is all it took to knock that jet lag right off of me.

Oh, no.

There he is.

Trouble's back in town.



- Germany wouldn't keep him.


- Yeah.

- What's up?

- Hey.

- TAN: Hey, you bring us a gift?

- Ah, you're looking at it.

We were worried some swank European squad stole you away.

Are you kidding me?

Ain't nobody better than 20


Well, word is you're not gonna be rolling with us right away.

- Hicks mentioned some special detail?

- LUCA: Yeah.

And putting together new crowd control and de

-escalation techniques I learned overseas.

- That's a big job.

- LUCA: Yeah, just a lot of time, paperwork, meetings with the brass.

So, I'll be stationed in HQ till I head back to Germany with our T.



winner here.


- But I'll pitch in where I can

- with you guys, though.

No worries.

- DEACON: All right.

- Good to have you back.

- Yeah, man.

So good.

TAN: Hey, see you, man.


Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Wrong number.



- Just wanted to check in.

- Yeah.

- Sorry for all the calls.

- No, that's what family's for.

And the hit you took with Erika, that was no small thing.

- How are you holding up?

- I'm hanging in there.

- Yeah?

- Thanks for looking out.

- Yeah, of course.

- (PHONES BEEPING) (SIREN CHIRPS) Patrol cleared the neighboring homes, but at least two g*nshots have been fired since they arrived on the scene.

Homeowner Ramiro Vasquez has four registered firearms.

LAPD's talked to him in some extortion and as*ault cases, but no arrests.

Maybe this guy strong

-armed the wrong person, and they came looking for payback.

All right, let's get eyes inside.

Deacon and I got the one


Chris, Street, you cover the three.

Tan, you're on the four.

Let's move.


-David and 26

-David set on the three


DEACON: Two minor females in the living room.

The older one's armed; She can't be more than 11 or 12 years old.

GIRL: Stay away! CHRIS: You see anything?

STREET: The younger girl looks like she's been abused.

TAN: Interior door's shot to hell; That's where she's aiming.

DEACON: No visual on Ramiro.

She must have him pinned down in one of the rooms.

We'll attempt contact.

The rest of you hold your position.

We don't want to surround a scared child.


I'm a police officer.

My name is Sergeant Harrelson.

I'm gonna need you to put that g*n down for me.

- My dad will k*ll us.

- Listen to me.

We're gonna have to come in there.

I'm coming through the front just to talk.

We're not gonna let anyone hurt you, okay?


(SCREAMS) Take it easy.

What's your name?


That's my sister Nimla.

RAMIRO: She tried to k*ll me.

Take her to jail, where she belongs.

Don't listen to him.

Just listen to me.

No one's gonna hurt you or Nimla.

We promise.

Your sister's gonna need a doctor, Eme.

You want us to get her some help, don't you?

You'll take her somewhere safe?

Yes, we will.

Both of you.

But I need you to put that g*n down on the floor for me.

It's okay.

Put it down.


Tan, get the girls.

Girls, go, go, go.

- Go, go, move, move.

- TAN: Come on.

RAMIRO: You get those little b*tches under control yet?

Why the hell are you holding me?

Eme stole my g*n, shot at me.

That got anything to do with the bruises on little Nimla?

Eme's loco.

And you didn't answer my question.

Time to let me go.

Just need you to stick around until we're done talking to your daughters.

Sit tight.

- How's our guest?

- Guy's a piece of work.

Cares more about getting sprung than he does his own children.

With good reason.

Ballistics came back on that g*n that little girl fired.

It's registered to Ramiro, and it was used in a m*rder last night.

Hey! What are you doing?

Give me that.

"Finish it"?

Finish what?

What the hell does that mean?

HICKS: Last night, Ramiro's g*n was used to k*ll Angela Roberts.

She wrote features for In Depth magazine.

Was nominated for a Pulitzer last year.

I read her piece on the epidemic of v*olence against Native American women.

Definitely an eye


RHD's running point on this.

The working theory is that it was a home invasion.

Well, her place in Highland Park was cleaned out.

Electronics, jewelry, they even emptied her safe.

Yeah, my biggest concern with that report is that the footprints at the crime scene indicate four suspects.

So, even with Ramiro locked up, that leaves three suspects on the loose.

State Department says Ramiro is ex

-Guatemalan military.

Now, they suspect he's a stateside fixer for his cronies back home, but Feds have never had anything solid to pin on him.

Well, L.


's got the largest Guatemalan community in the U.


That means lots of political enemies to squeeze, undocumented workers to extort.

But if your M.


is to target your own people, why the hell would you k*ll an American reporter?

And what about the text?

"Finish it.

" I mean, if that went to his three k*ller buddies If this is more than a robbery, Ramiro k*lled Angela for some reason.

Best way to figure out the why could be where it happened.

DEACON: RHD report called it.

The K*llers used blind spots to avoid the security cams, cut the cable line, disabled the entire system, then made entry.

It sure seems like she made the most of the years she had.

Lot of people are gonna miss her.

RHD said that Angela's phone was smashed over here by the desk.

HONDO: They must have swarmed her.

Never even got a call off to 911.

"Thank you for telling the world we matter.

You didn't forget us.

We'll never forget you.

" Everything in here screams a robbery.

But Ramiro's an abuser.

He wouldn't need a crew to take down just one woman.

You're right, it's overkill.

Feels like Angela knew something or

-or had something that Ramiro wanted.

The question is what.

Maybe his daughters know something.


I'll be right back.

Thanks for your patience.

It took me a while to calm them down, Eme especially.

Glad they're doing better.

Once I got them talking, we made some good progress.

Did you get a chance to ask our questions?

I did.

Eme said there were some men at her house yesterday talking with Ramiro, but she didn't know them.

Did she say how many?

Three, all of them Guatemalan.

Eme said they were looking at pictures on their phones.


Of a place or people?

People, but she didn't recognize any of them.

And that's it for now.

I don't want to push them too much, the way they've already been traumatized.

Um, were they able to tell you anything about their mom at all?

Eme was five the last time she saw her mother, has no idea what happened to her.

Nimla was too young to remember anything.

We're searching for relatives, but they're probably looking at a foster placement in the short term.

I just hope I can keep them together.

My gut says those three guys helped Ramiro m*rder that reporter.

And "finish it" means maybe they have more people to go after.

- Yeah.

- (PHONE BUZZING) Um, can you get the info on the photos to the team so we can get a warrant on Ramiro's phone?

What are you gonna do?

I want to talk to Eme and Nimla.

I know DCFS will do everything they can, but talking to someone who's actually lived through the same thing might help.

Maybe stir up some memories about her mom and how to find her.

There he is "Special Tactics and Training Liaison.

" Yeah, right.

If there's a pool going on how many times someone can say that today, my money's on Street.

- You know it's all love.

- Always, man.

So, you got something for us?

Yeah, those little girls put us on the right track.

A warrant from Ramiro's phone got us faces.

Well, I'm guessing no names

- since you didn't lead with that.

- Nada.

But I got RHD's download of Angela's phone and cloud files.

One thing jumped out.

All of her work files are missing.

Well, if her m*rder's connected to her work, then maybe our mystery men and woman were part of a story of hers.

One that got Angela k*lled and turned those four into additional targets.

Okay, I'll call Angela's editor.

Maybe he can tell us what she was working on.

All right.

Get on it.

Going off Ramiro's history, crimes against his own people, I think it's pretty likely that our unknown subjects are Guatemalan.

That's probably a safe bet.

Angela wrote stories to put out hard truths, and Guatemala's a volatile country with a lot of bad recent history.

The news of her being k*lled is already out there.

Do you think the four people in those photos know they're in danger?

If so, they're probably already hiding underground.

I might know somebody that can help us find them.


I, uh, just wanted to get your okay on something.

I was asking the social worker if we could keep Eme and Nimla here a little longer.

I'm just, uh I'm trying to get some intel on their mom.

See if we can keep 'em together and out of the system.

And I know it's not my job.

I just wanted to try.

Those girls got the short end of the stick in the dad lottery.

It's a father's job to look after his daughter.

Protect her from anyone looking to do her harm.

The girls can stay here the rest of the day, but that's as much time as I can give you.

Thank you, sir.

I'll, uh, let you get back to, uh Thank you.

I was gonna try and take Darryl myself, but I'm caught up here.

Well, I'm very impressed by how hard Darryl's fighting to be part of his son's life, and I'm happy to pitch in.

Thanks, Winnie.

I owe you one.

Hey, listen, have you seen or heard from Pop today?

I left him some voice mails, but he hasn't hit me back.


I haven't talked to him in a few days.

Wait a minute.

I thought he'd been over there, helping you unpack from your move down from Vegas.

Yeah, he was pretty helpful the first few days,

- but the last couple

- Don't tell me.

- Y'all got into it?

- No.

We've been pleasant.

Surprised me, actually.

But Hondo Dad hasn't been at Mom's all week, either.

We thought he was with you.

No, something must be going on with him.

Look, I'm probably not supposed to say anything, but Darryl isn't the only one Dad canceled on.

Yeah, he blew off some plans with Mama, too.

After everything he did to get that woman to trust him again.

That doesn't make any sense.

Hondo, I don't know if you remember We were just teenagers then But those last few weeks before he left us I remember.

He started picking fights and making himself scarce.



And then he just left town with another woman.

I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but, um, I've seen this pattern before.

Pop's playboy days are long behind him.

He hasn't had eyes for no one but Mama since he came back here.

Well, we thought he only had eyes for her back then, too.

I believe he's changed, Winnie.

Change doesn't always last.

(g*nf*re) Hey.

You making any headway

- on finding their mom?

- Nope.

Hopefully, I'll keep my job long enough to find some leads.

That sounds like a story.

I think Hicks knows I broke up with Molly.

He was so chilly with me just now in his office.

- I'm lucky I didn't get frostbite.

- Yeah, well, I'm gonna be a good friend and not say I told you not to date the boss's daughter, but You're very kind.

Tan said the same thing.


- And Hicks was fine.


He's probably just plotting some future t*rture for me.

I should say something, though, right?

I Not wait for him to bring it up?

Oh, you're gonna start taking my advice about Hicks and Molly now?

Look, you having any second thoughts?

About the breakup?


No, Molly deserves someone who is 100% in.

And once I realized that wasn't me, it wasn't fair to drag things out.

All right.

You're gonna say something to Hicks, say that.

It might keep you out of the boss's penalty box.

You get wise over there in Germany?

Nah, you just got wise enough to finally notice my brilliance.

- That must be it.

- (LAUGHS) How'd you hear about this place?

There was a debate in my church group about the legality of these humanitarian organizations.

They set up these waystations for undocumented immigrants, provide food, water, medical supplies.

Well, you got to figure they're pretty well

-known in the local Latin American community.

Sounds like a place I'd go for help if I needed to hide.

(SCOFFS) Everyone who works here is legal.

- I have their paperwork.

- We're not here to hassle anyone.

We just have a few questions.

You Oscar DeLeon?

I am.

The last time the cops said they weren't here to hassle me, I got shut down for a full day.

Well, we wouldn't be on your doorstep if it wasn't important.

Sir, there are lives at stake.

Yeah, whose lives?

Four Guatemalan immigrants.

We think they were working with a magazine reporter on a story.

That reporter, she was m*rder*d yesterday.

And we think that the men that did it are coming after those four next.

You think they came through one of our waystations?

People come to you for help, so, yeah, we think maybe they did.

Well, if you're right they made a choice to hide on their own instead of coming to the police.

You know why?

Because authority in Guatemala represents danger?

We get that.

Oh, do you?

Yeah, I'm from Guatemala.

Faced off with their so

-called government myself before I had to run for my life.

Look, my family immigrated here, too.

My mom's still got relatives in Hong Kong.

They tell us stories about what's happening there.

Rights stripped away, protests quashed.

I know things in your country aren't much different.

They're not always much different here, Officer.

The men that k*lled that reporter, we think that they're muscle for some heavy hitters down in Guatemala.

They had no problem taking one life already.

Everything you do here's about saving lives.

Help us do the same.

(EXHALES) I don't know them.

But I hope someone can help them.


Thank you for your time.

I don't think he's sold on us yet, but he's thinking about it.

Better than nothing.

(PHONE BEEPING) sh**ting in Little Guatemala.


-David on site.

Making entry.

Move, move, move, move.

Where are the sh**t?

There's only one.

I don't know where he went.

How many other employees?

Two, including the owner.


-David, active sh**t, g*nf*re! Deep interior, at least two civilians on site.

Only one sh**t seen.


-David on scene.

CHRIS (OVER RADIO): Street and I are three out.

- (g*nshots)

- He's still chasing someone.

All right, let's move.

Move, move.

Come on.



Are you all right?

(SOBBING): My leg.

My leg.

This is 20


Female g*nsh*t victim, right calf wound, conscious, breathing.

We got you.

- Help's on the way.

- Okay.

DEACON: There's another person hiding behind the stacks.

Tan, F.


on tap.

LAPD SWAT! Drop your w*apon! (HIGH

-PITCHED DRONING) Hands! Hands behind your head! Don't move! You okay?

This is 20

-David, we're Code 4.

sh**t in custody.


- We got a match?

- Saved one.

That's a start.

Luca, got a call from RHD.

The guy we arrested at the warehouse, he's not talking, but his boot print matches one we found at Angela's house.

And I assume he lawyered up?

He won't speak to ask for one.

He wouldn't even give his name.

Man, Ramiro focused on getting that text off before his arrest.

Now this guy won't spill anything?

Makes you wonder what's behind all this.

DEACON: Your friends were no longer at the motel.

We sent units to check, Ricky, but there was no sign of them.

We split up when we found out about Angela.

The owner of the warehouse, he knows my family.

He was going to give me a ride out of town.

What do you know about the men that are hunting you and your friends?


I swear.

Someone sent your photos to them.

Okay, they were hired to k*ll all of you.

We made some enemies.

- Back home.

- DEACON: What do you mean?


Edwin and Marta are training to be doctors.

They came to help with all the sickness going on in the backcountry.

Carlos and I, we grew up together, working the farms.

Well, those don't seem like life choices that make enemies.

Carlos's brother led a human rights group, and there was a mine that was poisoning our farms.

The corrupt politicians who run our country just let them keep destroying our crops.

So we blocked the mine, shut it down.

Soldiers came fired tear gas.


(VOICE BREAKING): Beat people.

But we recorded everything.

We were trying to get it to the media.

Did the government get in your way?

The reporters who agreed to broadcast the video were arrested.

Then Carlos's brother was m*rder*d.

We were afraid we would be next.

So you came to L.


and you thought that coverage in the U.


media might get someone to help your people.

How did you team up with Angela?

Carlos staked out the magazine office.

He wanted his brother's death to matter.

Angela bought us a phone, said to only call using it.

- Who has the phone now?

- Carlos.

When Angela did not answer his calls, he went to her house.

Saw the police cars.

We didn't know who k*lled her, but Carlos said we had to hide again.

I'll look at her financials to track the burner phone purchase.

Maybe get a location on Carlos from that.

Angela, she

-she was just trying to help us.


-We never meant for anything to happen to Hey


-hey, it's not on you or your friends.

It's on the people who k*lled her.

And it's on us to find 'em.

Everything all right?

Joan just talked Eme and Nimla through Ramiro's arrest, what it means.

They're confused, terrified of being separated.

They've had a rough road, for sure.

Thanks to their father, it might stay that way.

What do you mean?

He's been altering their official records for years.

It's making it very difficult to track their real history.

But if he went to all that trouble, hopefully it means their mom's out there somewhere.

I'm doing a good thing.

Yes, you are, and I hope it works out.

Those are sweet kids.

- They deserve a shot at a real life.

- Then why the look?

Who's in the hospital?

I saw someone trying to call your phone.

I told you that it's nothing.

If it's nothing, then answer me.

My mom has been sick for a while, apparently.

Um, they transferred her from the prison infirmary to Pleasant Green Hospital.

I'm really sorry to hear that.

You talk to her, see her?


I told you, I'm done trying to save her.

So instead you're trying to save these girls, looking for a mother they haven't seen in seven years.

That's a little simplistic, don't you think?

Sometimes life is simple.

Sometimes our choices are simple.

Karen has never come through for you, and it's good you don't want to get sucked back in.

But burying your feelings in someone else's problems doesn't make them go away.

You mean, like pretending your feelings for me don't exist doesn't make them go away, either?

Don't go there.

Just saying.

- LUCA: Mr.


- Yeah.

Sorry it took so long to get down here.

You, uh, you can imagine, things at the magazine have been crazy.

No, I appreciate you coming down.

I was hoping that you could tell me about the article that Angela was writing.

Maybe help us build a suspect list.

I wish I could, but, uh, you know, Angela was always secretive about her work.

You know, she never sent us an article until it was ready for legal.

But human rights violations Now, that's Angela's turf.

Said it was the right work to be doing.

- She sounds like someone special.

- Yeah.

Were you able to find those records I asked for?

My secretary pulled her expense report receipts.

What are you trying to track down?

A cell phone purchase.

Angela may have been talking to her sources on it.

This will help us run it down.

I appreciate it.

Thank you.

Hey, um for what it's worth, I, uh I might know why someone is willing to k*ll over this article.

All right.

Lay it on me.

Well, there's an aid package that's pending U.


congressional approval.

- Aid for Guatemala?

- Yes.

Now, if Angela's sources had video of the army quashing humanitarian protests violently That might make a senator or two think twice about sending that money.

Enough to give someone a reason to get violent.

(PHONE BUZZES) Hey, what's good, D?

You and Winnie on the move?

Not exactly.

Your pops is here.

Oh, good, I've been trying to track him down.

Well, he's here, and him and your sister have been really getting into it.

I don't have to report my comings and goings to my own kids.

- I'm a grown man.

- What's going on?

It looks like he's packing all his stuff, like he's never gonna come back.

- WINNIE: You are acting like a fool.

- Hold on a second.

You can't just up and leave folks.

Get Winnie for me.

Except I forgot, I forgot who I'm talking to.

That's your go

-to move.

Hey, you didn't want me back here in the first place, so what do you care if I leave?

You know what, old man, I shouldn't care.

But you ain't breaking my mama's heart or mine again without hearing what I think of you.



Can I talk to you for a second?

Hey, wait, wait, wait, what you doing?

You calling to rat me out?

Hey, well, go ahead.

You can tell my son I don't need his two cents either.

Hondo, I don't know what to do.

He won't talk about anything.

He won't listen to a word I say.

- He's really just gonna take off?

- Yeah.

He says he's got things to do, won't say more than that.

I'll get into it.

You just make sure Darryl gets to that appointment, okay?

You want me to just leave Dad here?

I'm at work, I can't get there right away.

But you give him a message for me.

You tell him if he leaves without talking to me face


-face, he's burned that bridge for good.

- STREET: Commander?

- What do you got?


I think that's where Eme and Nimla's mother is.

Run it down for me.

Eme remembers her mother's first name, Ana.

She remembers they lived in a desert, and she's pretty sure her grandmother's name was Rosalie.

You check Arizona state records?

I found an Emeline Vazquez, born in 2009.

Mother's name is Ana Sanchez.

No father's name listed, but Ana's mother's name, Rosalie.

It's not 100% match, but I assume Tucson PD is rolling on their last known address.

Already put in the request.

I asked them to call through your office in case we're out in the field.

I'll let you know as soon as I hear from 'em.

Uh, sir, could we, uh, could we talk for a minute about something personal?

Uh, maybe later.


Oscar at Respirar called.

Heard that we saved Ricky, so he decided he can trust us.

He gave me a few addresses where the activists might be hiding out.

How many locations we got to check?


Team's getting ready now.

All right, check 'em all.

Off you go.


- We know how many people may be inside?

Oscar said these houses are crash pads with an open

-door policy for immigrants who want to lay low for a while.

No way to tell who might be here.

LAPD! (SPEAKING SPANISH) (CONTINUES IN SPANISH) (SPEAKING SPANISH) LUCA: Deac, I got a hit on that burner that Angela bought Carlos.

It pinged off towers near the house you're at.

Roger that.


Got movement in the alley.

LAPD! Stop.


-David, we're in foot pursuit, west side alley.

Two subjects in hoodies.


Show me your hands.

Turn around.

CHRIS: Put your hoodie down.

It's them, from the photos.


-David, we're Code 4.

Two of our activists secured.

You can put your hands down.

Edwin, Marta, we're LAPD SWAT.

Your friend Ricky is back at our station, and we're here to get you to safety.

CHRIS: There's three of you, right?

Where's your other friend?

You mean Carlos?

He He figured out who betrayed Angela.

He left to get revenge.

Hondo, we got a problem.

Garrett's not answering his phone.

Maybe he realized they're on to him.

Nobody's picking up at the magazine, either.

Dude lied to my face.

Said he didn't know what Angela was working on.

According to Edwin and Marta, Angela submitted her story two days ago.

Instead of publishing it, Garrett must've called someone in the Guatemalan government and tipped them off.

I don't get it.

I mean, Angela was one of his best journalists.

- Why dime her out?

- For the money, most likely.

According to the magazine owner, Garrett was suspended a few years back.

Gambling problem forced an intervention.

- They think he relapsed?

- Possible.

Magazine recently had to pull three stories before publication 'cause the subjects involved got a heads

-up, threatened to sue.

Someone on the inside had to tip 'em off.

Sounds like a straight

-up blackmail scheme.

Pay, I k*ll the story.

Don't pay, we publish.

It's one way to cover your debts.

Except whoever Garrett called this time didn't just want the story k*lled; They wanted all the witnesses erased as well.

We'll worry about who that is later.

Right now, we need to find Carlos and Garrett.

Yes, sir.

I don't care how much you paid me.

The police are all over this.

No, I need to get out of the country now, okay?

You need to help me.

(SIREN WAILING, TIRES SCREECHING) Security guard at the office said that Garrett left a few minutes ago.

Doesn't think he pulled out yet.

Luca, you got a layout for us?

Stairwell by the elevator has open sight lines from the landing

- on every level.

- Copy.

We're on the move.

Hit level six.

Garrett's space is number 630.

Got it.

(ALARM CHIRPS) You're one of them?

One of the people you sold out, you mean?

Yes, I am.

No one was supposed to get hurt.


-I swear.


Angela trusted you with everything.

Don't look at me.

All she wanted was to tell the world our story.

And, for that, you got her k*lled.


-I had no idea that they were gonna hurt her.

Please believe me.

Carlos! This is the LAPD.

Put that g*n down now.

I'm not gonna let you sh**t him.

Put it down.

HONDO: Come on, man.

We've got your friends.

They're all safe.

It's over.

Garrett called backup.

(g*nf*re CONTINUES) Deac, let's throw some smoke so you can get to Carlos and Garrett.

I'll edge around and get a better angle

- on the second sh**t.

- Roger that.

I'll cover you.


(g*nf*re CONTINUES) Don't do it, Carlos! 30


Garrett and Carlos are secure.

(g*nf*re) (GROANS) This is 20


We're Code 4.

Suspects in custody.

I need two R/As at my location.

LUCA: Copy that, 20


And we just confirmed that Garrett's last call was to a legal office that works with several Guatemalan officials.

But they're denying any knowledge of Garrett or about Angela's m*rder.

So we can't I.


the person who hired Ramiro and his cronies?

No, not unless someone talks.

For now, Garrett, Ramiro, the others are staying pretty tight


I guess they're more afraid of whoever ordered the hits than the American justice system.

At some point, Garrett's gonna realize that those sh**t were firing at him, too.

Maybe he's gonna rethink his loyalties.

By the way, Oscar at Respirar, he came through again.

He lined up a great immigration lawyer to help our activist friends file for political asylum.

I'll take that as a win.


We celebrating?

'Cause I have good news.

Let me guess.

You're the "Most Special" Special Tactics and Training Liaison now?

Trust me, you guys will get tired of that way before I do.

What's your good news?

I just heard from the Times.

Carlos pulled Angela's article off Garrett's phone.

It showed up in the paper's inbox.

Runs tomorrow.

That's a great tribute to Angela.

It's her last story, but maybe it'll do some good for the people she was trying to help.

Amen, brother.

- Hi, Mom.

- Hi.

You're both so grown up.

EME: I missed you so much, mamá.

ANA: I miss you more.

I dreamed of you every night.

Mamá, how soon are you coming?

ANA: I will be there soon, I promise.

It's so good to see you.

- I can't wait to hold you.

- You have a nice evening.

It's really her?

I spoke with the chief in Tucson.

He said the second Ana heard that her kids were alive, she broke down crying.

Did they say how she got separated from them?

Ramiro grabbed the girls from day care, told their mother he'd k*ll 'em if she tried to get 'em back.

And after years of Ramiro's abuse, she believed him.

For a mom who loves her kids, I can't imagine anything worse.


DCFS is taking the girls to temporary placement.

Ana's on the first flight to L.



And I'm going home.

Actually, Commander, uh, I felt I should say something.

About Molly and I.

Are you referring to the fact that you broke up with my daughter?

Yeah, I'm up to speed.

Sir, you have to know I I think the world of Molly.


She told me.

She did?

Look, my daughter's hurting.

So are you my favorite person right now?


But Molly said you didn't play games and you treated her with some respect.

I do respect her.

Trust me, I was the problem, not her.

Oh, I have no doubt that's the case.

(ANA SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) EME: Mamá, I can't wait to see you.

ANA: I'm gonna be there soon, I promise.

I will never leave your side again.

Sup, man?


Yeah, um I

-I'd like to check up on a patient, please.

Her name is Street.

Karen Street.

So, you still here?

DANIEL: I got your message.

Is this face


-face enough for you?

Thought you might be long gone by now.

That was the plan.

Plan changed.

You were really gonna do it, huh?

Just blow out of town like the last couple years never happened.

After we fought like hell to put this family back together.

That's exactly what I was gonna do.

Pop, I convinced Winnie and Mama to count on you, despite my hurt over you walking out on us back then.

So, what?

What, did it get too real for you?

What, you get scared all of a sudden?

You think running off again is the solution?

I am scared, but not that I can't carry the weight of this family.

But that I've become a weight on this family.

Look, son.

I started feeling bad about a month or so ago.

Tired, no appetite and a back pain that wouldn't quit.

I thought the radiation was helping.

I was feeling better until I wasn't.

What'd the doctor say?

She said we need to run some tests.

Said it could be nothing.

Could be that the treatment stopped working and my cancer's growing back.

Pop, we've been through this.

You holding back isn't helping anything.

You should've told me.

What am I supposed to do?

Come to you for everything?

You forget, I'm the one that's supposed to be looking out for you, not the other way around.

So I handled my business.

Packing your bags and running away ain't handling anything.

If the radiation failed, son, you know what comes next?

Me getting sicker, your mama becoming a resentful nursemaid, and my kids watching me fade away.

And I don't need none of that.

It ain't just about what you want anymore.

Don't you think I know that?

Why you think I'm sitting here, scared to call these doctors?

My test results are back.

And I got a feeling in my heart I ain't gonna like what they say.

You brought me back.

You opened my world.

Had your mama back.



Having that boy is it's like having a second chance with you.

Then why leave?

Right when we can help you the most?

Because if I leave, you can hate me, instead of me breaking your hearts again.

You listen here.

Ain't no world where you disappear and hearts don't get broken.

You are my father and you are part of this family again.

You don't need to spare us nothing.

I can't see myself being a burden.

Love is never a burden, Pop.

I need you to hear that and I need you to trust that.


All this family stuff would've been so much easier if it came with a

-an instruction manual from the jump.

What about those test results?

Maybe it's good news.

And if it isn't?

Then we will know what we're facing together.

Make the call.


Cunningham's service.

This is Daniel Harrelson Sr.

I'm calling for my test results.

The doctor said I can call no matter what time.

Hold a moment, Mr.


Let me try and reach the doctor.

I got you, Pop.

I got you.