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04x11 - Positive Thinking

Posted: 04/12/23 09:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT She's dead.


What are you talking about?

Who's dead?


What happened, Chris?

A b*llet winged Tan, but Erika and I brought him out safe.

I think I was hit, too.

We didn't know Erika got hit until just after.


She's gone.

You sure you're ready to retire?

I'm ready.

Nikki and I got plans that don't include me getting shot at anymore.

I'm proud to have served this great city.

Oh, brand

-new Corvette.

Very nice.

Told you clowns I was getting out of here in style.

I'll wave to you on the 405.

Honestly, some days, I don't even think about SWAT.

Oh, please.

You're either in denial, or you're trying to pull my chain.

There's nothing like retirement, Bob.

You should try it.

I tell you I took up hiking?

After we get done with this little project, I'm gonna hit the Pacific Crest trail.

Jack Mumford in the wilderness for five months?

You'd miss your midlife crisis car too much.

If you're really serious, don't let this case slow you down.

It's been cold for five years.

It ain't going anywhere.

I'm not getting my hopes up, if that's what you're worried about.

Whether we find anything or not, working with you these past couple weeks Yeah, let's get out of here.

The straw in the water glass.

Yeah, I saw it.

Before the server gets it.

I got it.

Oh, great.

Thank you.

You notice the two with him are carrying?

I sure did.

I was thinking about going shopping, for socks this afternoon, but now I'm thinking we should tail him.

What do you say?

- Yeah.

- Like it?

I do.

It's great.




- We were just talking about you.

- Oh, yeah?

All good, I hope.


What's happening here?

Why are you all suited and booted, kid?

And what's with the papers?

That's their business plan.

- Business plan?

- I

-I was gonna tell you.

I was just waiting for the perfect time.

That's all.

Well, you got me real interested now.

Darryl and me we're starting a business together.

Little father


-son thing.

I mean, for the betterment of the community.

Yeah, we're actually pitching something to Nichelle to get some of the start

-up money that she's handing out.

From the funds donated by Othella Baker?

Oh, so you heard about that, huh?

Yeah, streets always hear when someone's looking to improve things.

It's so good that you're doing this for people.

Jobs give people hope, and hope makes all things possible.

There you go.

What's this business idea?

Auto repair shop.

And you wrote up a business plan already?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, he put in a whole lot of work, too.

I got a real smart boy here.

You ain't got to tell me.

Um, there's an Al

-Anon meeting in 30 minutes.

I could use a hand setting up.

Darryl, why don't you go help Nichelle?

All right.

An auto shop?

Leroy, you throw a dime, you'll hit three of 'em in this neighborhood.

We did our research.

There ain't one like this one.

We got a unique selling point.

We're gonna employ ex

-cons, give 'em a second chance.

- Ex


- Reformed ex

-cons, a'ight?

Your girl gets it.

She has a a real appreciation for our vision.

Where you get the nerve to come in here and talk to Nichelle?

You're talking like you're her man, but I

-I thought she was seeing some other dude.

Watch yourself, Leroy.

I still care about that lady, and I don't appreciate you seeking her out, trying to take advantage.

Hey, we're just one of many throwing our hat in the ring for some seed money.

Nothing wrong with that.

This Darryl's idea or yours?

You really think I'd pull my son into something that ain't legit?

I've been trying my damndest to live straight, doing everything right, and you still tossing shade at me, hating on it all, and you ain't

- even heard it.

- I ain't hating on it or you.

I'm just wondering what you're dragging Darryl into.

Dragging him?

Now you better check yourself, Hondo.

Auto shop was his idea, after working with your pops on cars all the time.

Is everything good?

Guys want to get something to eat?

I'm starving.


Yeah, sure.

You coming?


Nah, not this time.

All right.

Then I'll see you tomorrow.

Thank you very much.

We really appreciate it.

I'll be in touch once we've made a decision.


I'll call you later, Nichelle.

Hey, Darryl?

You really spent a lot of time on this business plan, huh?


My teacher at school helped me.

Said it was one of the best she'd ever seen.

She even gave me extra credit for it.

Look, we have this great USP, and I feel like we can be profiting within six months, if we get the right start

-up funding.

Whose idea was it to ask Nichelle for that?

My dad's.

But it works, right?

Look, I need to start planning ahead.

I need a little bank for my future.

Darryl, I thought you were gonna go to college first.

- What happened to that?

- Hondo, I need money now.

I'm still trying to get visitation with my son.

I got lawyers to pay, court fees.

I need to be a part of Deon's life before it's too late.

Do you know how many businesses fail in the first year?

What happened to telling me to dream big with my life, huh?

It's been over ten minutes.

Maybe we should go in.

It could be a robbery.

You're retired, I'm off


I've already called it in as suspicious activity.

Unless we hear g*nshots, we're staying put, and we'll see what Here they come.

Trey Mitchell and his two bodyguards.

That ain't no robbery.

It's a pickup.

- What do you think?

Meth lab?

- Well, we'll know soon enough.

Unis should be here any minute.

Go! Sir, I'm a police officer.

Drop the backpack on the ground very slowly.

- Hey! Stop!

- I got your six! Jack, down there.

I have eyes on the suspect.

I'm doubling back! Freeze! Don't you move.


! Must be fentanyl.

Damn it.

Give me your Narcan! Now! Commander.

- Mumford.

- Damn it.

I told you not to call him.

Sir, he didn't, but I wish he had.

My phone's been blowing up with text messages about my boss in an off

-hours incident that landed him in the hospital.

Well, as you can see, I'm just fine.

Turns out he can't handle his fentanyl.

Caught a snootful from a lowlife street chemist.

I shouldn't have been close enough to get hit by the stuff.

Mental error.

Okay, guys, I'm still in the dark, here.

Will one of y'all tell me what the hell happened?

You heard of the Echo Park Six?

It was before my time on SWAT, but yeah.

Task force with the DEA.

Y'all took down six heroin distributors in one night.

Kept 80 kilos off the street.

- And that was how many years ago?

- Fifteen.

So what, this is decades

-old retribution?

Not exactly.

The DEA wouldn't even have known about the Echo Park Six if not for SWAT.

One of my informants gave us a lead.

We shared the intel with DEA.

I never heard that part.

- Not something I like to talk about.

- Less than a week after we took down the Echo Park Six, our informant was m*rder*d.

She was a recovering addict.

19 years old.


They did her with a hot shot.

She was dead as soon as the plunger was pushed.

There was more battery acid than heroin in that syringe.

There's a man's DNA all over the scene, matching DNA on a bottle of battery acid we found in a dumpster nearby.

And the DNA didn't match anybody related to the Echo Park Six.

Didn't even match anybody in any database.

Over the years, we check back in from time to time.

You hear how they caught the, uh, Golden State k*ller, right?

Using online ancestry databases?

You want to try that to find this guy?

Well, that was Mumford's idea.

He came to me, he said "Maybe this is how we can finally catch him.

" Nikki watches all those true crime shows, put a worm in my ear.

And, you know, I I got some extra time right now.

The closest probable match we got was a fourth cousin.

Which means a lot of possibles.

Well, 34 just in the L.


area, so, we started tracking 'em down one by one, and collecting DNA samples.

Well, if the guy you were on today is slinging fentanyl, maybe you already found your man.

Well, only the DNA test can tell us that for sure, but yeah, I mean, we're thinking the same thing.

Which would mean justice for this girl.


Her name was Tonya.

She wanted to get clean.

Wanted to put the dealers who hooked her in prison.

I shouldn't have let her do it.

She was a hell of a softball player before the dr*gs took over.

You knew her before she was an informant?


She was my goddaughter.

Sorry I got you out of bed.

It's cool.

Don't worry.

I told the bar owner I was police, and he still wouldn't give me the keys.

I'm glad you called me.

Wouldn't have been smart to get behind a wheel.

I wasn't gonna drive.

Just wanted my keys.

How else am I gonna get into the apartment?

And I didn't start that fight, either.

Dude just grabbed my ass.

I don't think he'll try that again after you put him on the floor.

Got to say, I was surprised you called me, not Street.

He's got enough to handle with Molly and

-and the breakup.

Oh, you don't need to do that.

It's a mess.

Uh I

-I just haven't had time to

- You know?

- Your eye looks real nasty.

Let me get you some ice.

It was for the housewarming.

It's late.

You don't have to stay.

Hey, Chris?

Should I be worried?

- I'm fine.

- You know, it's okay not to be okay.

Erika's only been gone for a few weeks.

I said I'm fine.

I won the T.



competition, didn't I?

Okay, so, what I need is sleep.

You still talking to Dr.


She signed off on me.

- I'm clear for duty.

- Yeah, I know.

Are you still talking to her?

Maybe it's a good idea.

You were living with Erika, and loss is a process.

I'm dealing with it.

One shot at a time?

Bar fights?

Like I've never seen you drunk before?

Not on a school night.

Look, take tomorrow off.

Get some rest.

I'll come by after.

We can chat a little more.

I'll help you clean up, too, okay?

Hey, Tan?

Don't tell anyone, okay?

What's up, Mumford?

Hey, Jack.


No, I'm

-I'm sorry.


-I forgot.

I will.


-I'll figure something out.


All right.

Love you, too.


Hey, Mumford.

Heard about yesterday.

Hope you didn't pull any muscles.

No, I'm golden.

But from the sound of that conversation, looks like you're the one with the problems.

- Annie giving you grief?

- No, no.

It's just I

-I promised that I'd come up with a donation for the silent auction at Lila's new school, and, uh, the deadline was today.

I forgot.

Yeah, that fancy

-pants place.

How you liking those tuition fees?

Oh, nothing I can't handle.

My biggest problem right now is trying to find something impressive enough to sit alongside a weeklong stay at a fancy villa in Cabo, a sunset cruise on a yacht, oh, and a behind


-scenes look at SpaceX.

So, I guess a tour of L.


crime scenes from the back of a patrol car is not gonna cut it?


If I don't come up with something soon, Annie's gonna Well, she'll be displeased.

Never make promises to your wife you can't keep.

That's what I learned.

You've been married four times.

I didn't learn it right away.

Thought you were taking today off.

Decided not to.

I'm good.

You sure?


What happened to you?

Unpacking the last of the boxes last night.

I put a blender on a shelf, and it fell.

Was it set on crush mode?

You should see the blender.

A blender fell on her?

How are things with Molly?

- She doing okay?

- I don't know, man.

Haven't spoken since the breakup.

Hicks know about it yet?

Molly must've told him about it by now, right?


If he knew, you'd for sure be on armory duty for the next year.

Anyway, think the commander's a little preoccupied right now

- after his brush with death.

- What?

You got to start reading your texts, dude.

That's why Mumford's here.



Still got your head on a swivel, kid?

Yeah, we keep him in line.

Some lessons you never forget.

You mind if I borrow Deac real quick?

No problem.

I have important investigative business to attend to.

What's up?

I can't tell whether you're questioning my judgment or just my authority.

But either way, you're pissing me off.

- It's neither one.

- Sir, Street came to me expressing his concern about Mumford.

Turns out it's a concern I share.

That's why we're coming to you.

I saw Buck a few weeks ago.

He mentioned Mumford's been calling him a lot more than usual.

Talking about old cases.

Rocker's told me that over the last year, Mumford's hit him up more than once, seeing if he can consult on raids.

Well, maybe he's just bored.

Or maybe it's more than that.

Buck said he seemed more, uh, sentimental than usual.

He said he was worried about him, and that's that's Buck saying that.

I've spent hours at a time on stakeouts with Mumford.

If he was feeling desperate for something to live for, I think I would've noticed.

Sir, some people hide it really well.

I don't think this is about anything more for Mumford than nailing the guy that k*lled his goddaughter.

I appreciate your concern for a retired brother in blue.

I'll keep an eye on him.

We done?

After an hour of going through mugshots, these are the guys we saw with Trey Mitchell yesterday.

Nestor and Adrian Hitzges.

- Never heard of 'em.

- "Bulletproof Boys," aka "Badass Incorporated," aka "Brothers Grim.

" One "M" in Grim.

Sounds like they need to settle on a nickname.

Hired muscle for everyone from snatch


-grab crews to drug operations like Trey's.

Do we know where they're at now?

Skipped parole a year ago.

Fake plates on the car we saw yesterday.

I got Tan looking through the DEA's findings from the warehouse.

There's a chance we might pick up a lead from that.

I worked up a dossier on Trey Mitchell if you want to see it.

You put all this together since last night?

Actually, I put it together on all 34 suspects when we started this.

- Right?

- Sounds like you ought to come out of retirement to be a detective, Mumford.

You kidding, right?

As soon as we nail this guy, I'm going back to sleeping till 10:00 and long drives up the PCH in the convertible with my lady.

Well, looks like Trey's got quite the imprint on social media.




Tell him his cover story for how he affords

- that kind of lifestyle.

- Positive thinking.

No joke.

Some reference to real estate investments, but mostly positive thinking.

Well, he's got to be laundering his drug money through something.

We'll look into it.

You didn't find any connection between Trey

- and your goddaughter, Tonya?

- No.

Nothing pointed to Trey Mitchell being the guy until yesterday.

Which I assume is why you had us look at 22 other guys first.

Trust me, if I knew that Mitchell was doing dirt, I'd have put him at number one.

Not that I don't like your company, Bob, but this ass wasn't made for stakeouts.

Duly noted.

- What do you got?

- The DEA sent over some good intel on what Trey Mitchell might be up to.

Based on what they found at the warehouse, they're definitely using it as a drug lab, but they're not making fentanyl like we thought.

They're using fentanyl to make fake oxycodone.

The painkiller?

That can't be good.

It's a lot worse than it sounds.

A lot of O.


s, a lot of deaths.

Now, an oxy and a hit of fentanyl are two different universes.

Now, these people aren't hardcore drug users.

They're people who lost their health insurance, and they're stuck buying their meds illegally from people like Trey Mitchell.

Sounds like we got to find these fake oxys before Mitchell puts them out on the street.

I'll talk to the commander.

Good work.

The DNA came back off that drinking straw.

Trey Mitchell's a match to the syringe that k*lled Tonya.

We finally got him, Jack.

Only took 15 years.

You got to let me come with you when you pick him up.

We're not picking anyone up yet.

- What?

- Turns out Trey Mitchell is making fake prescription dr*gs laced with fentanyl.

Putting him under surveillance.

That's the best chance we have of finding these pills before they get out to dealers and unsuspecting customers.

Offer him a deal if he tells you where the pills are.

You really want the D.


offering Tonya's m*rder*r a deal?

- 'Cause I sure as hell don't.

- Bob, we got him.

Put the cuffs on and sort it out after.

No, I'm sorry, Jack.

There could be dozens of O.


s, and I'm not letting that happen.

Nobody goes near Trey Mitchell until we find those pills.



I understand.

What are we doing to find those dr*gs fast?

Everything we can.

- Hey.

Thanks for stopping by.

- Hey.


I'm on call, but I figured it must be important.

I'm guessing you want to talk about Darryl and Leroy.

Nichelle, look, I'm sorry.


-I would've warned you if I had known that Leroy was gonna come knocking on your door.


Sorry you weren't in the loop on that.

But the truth is Darryl's proposal is good.

Really good.

I'm leaning towards giving them the money.

Don't be doing this as some type of favor to me.

I'm not.

They've done their homework, and they were very convincing.

But I need to pick people who I believe can deliver.

And while I have faith in Darryl You're asking me if you can trust Leroy.

He says he's a changed man.

And for Darryl's sake, I really, really want to believe that.

Then maybe someone should give him a chance to prove it.

If this was just about Leroy, I'd be down for that.

And sure, I got my doubts.

As long as I've known him, Leroy has always been drawn to the action.

But, end of the day, if you say you believe in rehabilitation, then you got to walk the talk.

It's just my only concern

- Darryl.

- Yes.

I just had all these hopes for him after everything he's gone through.

I mean, this whole time, I've just been trying to broaden his horizons and make him see that he has possibilities.

But lately, I don't know.

It just feels like he's been ignoring me.

Remind me, didn't you tell your father you were ditching out on college to join the Marines?


I'm not sure he wasn't right, though, looking back.

Now, he can never know I just said that.

- I would never hear the end of it.

- Your secret's safe with me.

Thank you.

Would you mind giving me a heads

-up when you decide about the money?

Still got some thinking to do, so yeah, sure.

I'll let you know first.

Thank you.

I mean, the guy's always bragging on social media about investing in real estate.

So he might be using an investment property as a stash house.

Yeah, I'm working on it.

It's worth a shot, right?

Now, I'm

-I'm no computer whiz kid, but if you put up another screen, I could I'm on it, Mumford.


You know, I never saw anybody use this chessboard.

Still working on that silent auction thing?

Annie keeps sending me reminders every five minutes.

What about tickets to something?

Like a basketball game.

One of the parents at this school owns an NBA team.

Think I got to tell her I struck out.

Well, I hope the cot in the spare bedroom is comfortable.

We've got four kids.

I don't have a spare bedroom.

Hey, think I might have found something.

Look, several of the boxes they were storing chemicals in were for kids' toys.

It's playground equipment.

Too much of it to be a coincidence.

Think these are things he personally ordered?

Trey Mitchell or the street chemist that kicked fentanyl in Hicks' face.

If they are, we can trace the labels and see where they were shipped.

Might even be the stash house where they're keeping the pills.

Then we put that bastard

- Trey Mitchell in cuffs.

- We might not even need to trace shipping labels.

Trey Mitchell's part owner of an indoor playground called Jub Jub's Fun Factory.

Looks like one of those giant petri dishes full of trampolines and foam castles my kids are always begging to have their birthdays at.

Just the kind of place that might place a large order of playground equipment.

Look at this.

That's a pretty strong revenue stream.

Yeah, but only three online reviews all very negative Say the place is hardly ever actually open.

Trey Mitchell is using this place to launder his money.

Hell, it might even be the stash house.

What are you two mooks waiting for?

Let's go.

What do you mean no?

You were always gonna have to give up the reins at some point.

You knew that.

I'm not asking to be first through the door.

I just want to see this thing through to the end.

And when we march Trey Mitchell in here, I'll make sure you have a front row seat.

But until we do that, we got to track down these dr*gs.

And there's no reason for you to be involved in that.

Involving a civilian, even a retired SWAT officer, could jeopardize the whole prosecution.

You know that.

Tonya was my goddaughter.

I'm the one who let her be an informant.

And I'm the one that signed off on it.

Look we both spent the last 15 years wondering if we put Tonya in unnecessary danger.

After yesterday, I'm not risking putting you in danger the same way.

Wasn't me who had to get Narcan shoved up my nose.

I'll let you know what I find.

No problem.

Got plenty of things to do with my day.

Sorry to be so much trouble.

Hey, what's up, big man?

I'm Sergeant Harrelson, LAPD SWAT.

What's your name?


You sure about that?

You seem a little uncertain.

Anyone else here?

What about Jub Jub?

Jub Jub here?

This is Jub Jub's Fun Factory, is it not?

How 'bout Trey Mitchell?

He ever come around?

I don't think you can come in here.

It's during business hours and door's unlocked.


And if that's not good enough for you, we got a warrant.

You don't mind if we look around, right?

Yo, Theo, you ran out of toilet paper.

They never learn.

- Street, get the kid!

- 10



-David to patrol, we got a runner! Might be coming your way.

We got all exits covered! Give yourself up! Didn't look like he was armed.

- Might have weapons hidden.

- If they're using this place as a lab like they were with that warehouse, there could be fentanyl around, too.

Be careful.

I'm hitting the lights.

Chris, Tan, cover the three

-four side.


Deacon, you're with me.


Two, two, two.

Left side clear.

Right side clear.

I think he's in there.

Hold up, hold up.

We'll be totally exposed.

Got you covered.


You cover me.

Hondo, I think we got him.

Northwest corner.


Headed your way.

- He's on the move.

- We're on him! Give it up! Stop! This is everything we kept.

You probably looked through it all back when Tonya passed.

Just hoping to find something I didn't know to look for back then.

There's a new lead you're following up on.

Might be something.

Might be nothing.

Was Tonya ever tight with somebody named Trey?

Would've been a few years older.


She went on a few dates with a boy named Trey, but that was years before she died.

You think he's involved?

I don't want to get your hopes up, Mary Beth.

It's just a lead I'm helping to follow up on.

Jack, it's me.

Don't treat me like I'm some stranger you have to lie to.


I'm sorry.


-I d This is Difficult.

I know.

Of course you do.

I'm helping Bob Hicks follow up on some new leads.

The DNA suggests that this guy Trey is the one who k*lled Tonya.

Bob can't arrest him.

He's got some people following him, hoping to catch Trey in some ongoing criminal activities.

But if it's the same Trey that you're saying dated Tonya, maybe you know something that can help us speed this up.

They only went on a couple of dates.

I never even actually met him.

That's why I never mentioned him to you back then.

I only remembered the name because of a shouting match I had with Tonya when I told her never to see him again.

Why didn't you want Tonya dating him again?

He was too old for her, for one thing.

He would pull up in his stupidly loud sports car and honk his horn.

Wouldn't even come to the door.

Well, we found pictures of her in his apartment, wearing his gold chain like she was his property.

A boy in his 20s with a beachfront condo.

You think she kept seeing him behind your back?


Very possible.

It was about that time the dr*gs started getting really bad.

Those next two years were just Well you were right there with us.

You remember.


That was rough.

I'm sorry Clark couldn't be here.

He had some errands to run.

It's o it's okay.


-I I know he blames me.

If I were him, I'd find some errands to run, too.

You said this guy Trey had a beachfront condo.

You still have those photos you mentioned?

They'd be somewhere in the box.

Remember me?

Is that the guy?

Yeah, that's him.

- You find those fake oxys?

- Nothing yet.


-9 unit's on its way, but I don't think the stuff is stashed here.

They're definitely setting this place up to be their new lab.

So far, it's just equipment, chemicals.

No fentanyl, no pills.

Check out the guy's phone.

He was texting when we found him.

Several numbers, but it's all nonsense.

Got to be some kind of code.

Probably connected to the bad news I just got.

- Bad news?

- Trey Mitchell just shook his tail.

Tell me you're joking.

Oh, it gets worse.

DEA's lab called.

Based on the evidence from the warehouse yesterday, Trey's chemist has no idea what he's doing.

He cut the pills so strong that it could k*ll even hardcore users.

We're talking a 50% mortality rate, or worse.

That's hundreds of people O.




We got to find those pills.

I thought I made myself clear.

Mumford was to have no further involvement in this case.

And we haven't shared information with him since then.

But, sir, when you stopped responding to his calls, Mumford hit us up with intel I think you should hear.

All right.

Bring him in.


All right, what do you got?

Mary Beth gave me this photo of Tonya at a beachfront condo supposedly owned by Trey.

Only Tan and I did a workup on him.

The guy's never owned or rented a place at the beach his whole life.

- Cut to it.

- Based on the lifeguard stand in the photo, I figured out exactly where the condo is.

Tan traced the ownership to a shell corporation hidden behind some LLC.

Blah, blah, blah.

Point is, Trey owns a lot of places, including that condo, and none of 'em have his name on 'em.

Eight properties in L.


Trey Mitchell's probably hiding out at one of 'em with the dr*gs.

Not only that.

If you follow the trail back far enough, these hidden companies of Trey's connect up to members of the Echo Park Six.

Which gives him a pure motive for k*lling Tonya.

Commander, it would've taken us days if Mumford hadn't gotten us a head start by finding that condo.

Thank you, Sergeant.

You're excused.

Hold on a second, Jack.

That's good work.


I probably shouldn't have left the way I did earlier.

Ah I know you have to play it a certain way.

I could've been a touch more understanding, too.

Look, just so you know, I'm not trying to get back in again.

I'm staying retired.

I love being with Nikki.

You know, she's built a whole life for herself.

Some friends that she hangs out with, b

-book club,

- whatever.

- Yeah.

Guys like us?

The job is our life.


I get it.

I guess I just miss my friends.

Don't you dare tell anybody I said that.

We got to talk.

Yeah, we do.

Why'd you question my call back there?

You know what being on SWAT means.

I'll always have your back, Chris.

But I need to know you're able to have mine.

I can't be going out in the field worrying you might be operating at half speed.

Is this about earlier with the takedown, or is this about Erika?

What are you even talking about?

This has nothing to do with Erika.

Oh, you think I'm blaming you, for what happened to her?

Chris, you know what happened to Erika wasn't your fault, right?

She was there because of me.

No, no, no, she was there 'cause she chose to be there, she wanted to be.

And what happened to Erika could have happened to any one of us.

And it's no one's fault that she died but the person who pulled that trigger.

Hey, Chris, you got to get on top of this.

I've seen the way that grief eats people up.

Look when my dad died, I lost it.

I didn't know how to deal.

He had a heart attack.

They pulled me out of class to tell me.

I'm sorry.

And for the longest time, I wasn't sad.

I didn't even cry.

I was just I was mad.

I was punching


-walls mad.

And when the anger finally gave way, I still didn't cry.

I just I didn't feel anything.

I wouldn't get out of bed, I wouldn't go to school.

And after two months of this, my best friend He finally dragged me out of the house, he took me surfing.

And there was just something about, you know, being out on the water that that helped me start to process what had happened.

I was finally able to grieve.

Look, I know surfing's not your thing, but how about getting in the ring?

That's your usual go

-to, right, to let off steam?

Want to work off some of that anger on me?

Not some random Joes at a bar?


So, why am I here?

I already told you I got nothing to say.

Hey, wait a minute.

He's not supposed be in here! Shut up! I'm in charge of everyone in this building.

You kicked fentanyl in the wrong person's face, Ernie.

- I want to leave this room right

- I said shut up! I'm not in here to cut the cameras off and tell the judge, "Well, he must've tripped and fell, Your Honor.

" That's not how I run things.

But you tried to k*ll a police officer, so I'm not cutting you any deals, either.

So, I need your opinion on something.

What should I wear to your hearing?


You're gonna plead guilty and throw yourself on the mercy of the court, and I'm gonna testify at your sentencing hearing.

So what should I wear?

Now, I could go with my full blue uniform with the badge, the g*n, you know, the works.

Remind the judge I'm a cop who can handle himself.

Or maybe I go with the I don't know old

-man sweater, Dockers, maybe buy a pair of those padded black shoes you see old folks shuffling around in.

Give everyone the feeling that you tried to k*ll a guy who reminds them of their dear old Pappy, may he rest in peace.

Now, whichever one I decide on depends entirely on whether you tell me where those dr*gs are at.

What if they moved it after I got arrested?

Then I'll be shopping for Mr.

Rogers sweaters tomorrow.


And how do I know you'll hold up your end, huh?

I guess you'll have to risk it.

Just like you and Trey's customers are risking their lives when they buy your fake oxy.

Either way, you're better off cooperating.

Because if those pills hit the street, I'll make sure you're charged with m*rder one for every O.


No one without hazmat goes in until 20

-David gives the all


I don't see why 50

-Squad can't go in first.

Just looking out for my boy Rocker.

Special access to the situation room can be revoked at any time, you know.

Chris and Tan, cover the front.


-Squad's got the back door.

Let's move.

LAPD! Hands! Let me see your hands.

Down on the ground.

You really want b*ll*ts flying around in here, man?

I said on the ground.

A lot of fentanyl here, but I don't see any pills.

That vest ain't gonna do you no good when you're covered in that poison.

Now get down.

Down! Keep your hands behind your head.

Your brother and Trey Mitchell Where are they hiding?

They're in Mexico by now, bro.

- They're what?

- Left with the pills hours ago.

If Trey and your brother already left, then why are you still here?

Couldn't fit all this fentanyl in the car.

Got a friend coming with another truck.


Surveillance saw all three enter, and none of them left.

Wouldn't be the first time he beat surveillance.

Oh, so they went to Mexico to compete with the cartel on their own turf?

You think I'm buying any of this?

- You hear that?

They're in the garage.

- Street, stay on him.

Deacon, move.

Don't you move.

Got the pills.


Come on now, Trey.

It's time to get you patched up.

Some friends of mine been waiting a long time to see you take a special walk.

Left jab.

Right cross.

One, two, one, two.

That's it.

Let's go.

Keep it coming.

Bye, Deac.

Come on.

Hey, Deac.

I got a great idea for the silent auction.

Civilians love playing detective, right?

I mean, you should see the way these people go crazy for those true crime shows that Nikki watches.

So, we give these rich parents a chance to work a pretend case.

We set up a fake crime scene, we let 'em do all the detective work, they interview suspects Uh, yeah, it's a great idea, but I

-I don't have time to organize all that.

- Guess who does?

- Really?

You'd be willing to put that all together?

I got so many ideas, you're gonna have to do this next year.



- Yeah, let's give it a shot.

- All right.

- Thank you.

- All right.

I owe you.

Oh, baby, I'm cashing in.

Great to see you, Mumford.

Same here.

- Jack.

- Hey, I just saved

- Deacon's marriage.

- And solved a 15


-old m*rder.

It's a banner day for a retired team leader.

Days like this I miss the most.

Seeing the whole team work together to make it happen.

All those people in there that you and I trained.

That's why I've been thinking.

With Luca still gone, Deacon's been having to carry load training the SWAT recruits on his own.

It couldn't hurt to have an extra set of eyes on some of these training exercises.

Now, it would have to be on a volunteer basis, of course.

I'll check my schedule, see if I can carve out some time.

That's great.

It'll be nice to see you around HQ again occasionally.

I'll drink to that.

I'm buying.

Damn right.

But we got to make a pit stop first.

Hey, what's up, D?

Nichelle's not giving us the money no more, and no bank in the world's gonna give us a loan, so Well, a bank might not, but I will.

- What?

- I spoke to Nichelle.

Oh, I bet you did.

And I told her that I would put up the seed money myself.

D, I read through your proposal.

And I'll admit I was a little skeptical, but you convinced me, kid.

So, how would you feel about me kicking in enough cash to get you started?

For real?

For real, but there are conditions.

Now, for starters, while I do think you have a solid idea, it wouldn't hurt for you to get a little more knowledge under your belt to help you succeed.

And one of the junior colleges that we looked at has marketing and accounting classes

- that you should consider.

- Deal.

Oh, whoa.

Hold up.

Hold up.

I mean, what exactly are we talking about here?

You giving us a loan?

I was thinking I'd be more of a partner in the business.

You and me in business together?



Well, our customers, uh, they ain't necessarily too fond of the boys in blue.

- You want the money or not?

- Yes, we want the money.

Right, Dad?


Yeah, son.


I'm gonna go write a list of what to do next.

I'll be right back.

You think you're smart, don't you?

Smart enough.