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04x07 - Under Fire

Posted: 04/12/23 08:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT I look for every opportunity, like the T.



liaison thing.

Chris, Street and Tan all competing against each other.

- I didn't expect that.

- It sounds like things are already getting kind of frosty.

- Why did you both sign up for T.




- Is it a big deal?

- Keep an eye on the three young'uns.

- Will do.

38th annual master gunner is Jim Street.

Oh! Good job.

You passed.

Two cadres in two months.

That's badass.

I'm starting to smell victory.

It's my mom again.

She hasn't checked in with her P.


, and if she misses one more meeting They'll put out a warrant and revoke her.

So you leave the apartment and disappear for weeks, without a word, and start using again?

What's she on?

Took a mix.

A little of a lot of things.

You missed several check

-in appointments and were found under the influence

- of narcotics.

- You reported me.

So that you can get treatment and get better.

What kind of son would do this to his mother?

The kind that doesn't want you to die.

Well, look at you, all domesticated.

Smells good.

Maybe not as tasty as Luca's special breakfast burritos, but, uh, as long as he's in Germany, it's gonna have to do.

Oh, man, I'm running late.

Hey, would you mind plating these real quick?

I'll be right back.



Think maybe we need to stop bingeing those cooking shows.

Babe, your phone.

I think it's your mom.

Jim Street's phone.

This is a collect call from state prison inmate Karen Street.

Will you accept the charges?



Street, my name is Molly.

I'm Jim's girlfriend.

Is that my phone?

It's your mother.

Just a sec, Mrs.


Here's Jim.

Jim, what are you doing?

That was your mom.

Yeah, I know.

Why in the world would you answer that?

What if it was an emergency?

Which it was.

Apparently, she's really sick.

Says they've got her at the prison infirmary.

- She's fine.

- She didn't sound fine.

I promise you it's just another one of her scams to suck me back into her life.

Well, if you'd talked to her, we'd know for sure, wouldn't we?

You know, there's a reason that I never mention my mother to you.

I'm done with her.

She's out of my life.

I don't want her anywhere near me, and I definitely don't want you anywhere near her.

Believe me, it's for your own good.

You know, I'm gonna be late.

I'll grab breakfast at work.


Just wait a second.



Thought I was gonna be first in.

Why are you two here so early?

Wanted to get an extra workout, in case Hicks throws another fitness test

- into the T.




- Ah, you're really going all in.

I have to if I'm gonna win it.

Come on, Tan, tell me you're not hoping it's you.

Chance to spend a whole month in Europe with Luca, sharing all your SWAT knowledge.

Yeah, of course I want it to be me.

Just hoping there's still time to catch up to Street.

You think he's that far out front?

You got to figure, after winning the Master Gunner title.

Doesn't seem right.

I mean, the guy showed almost no interest in the competition

- when it started.

Now he's in the lead?

- I wouldn't count Chris out.

You bagged the climbing competition.

You already completed the sn*per cadre, the defensive tactics cadre.

I mean, I'm not putting money on it like some guys, but Wait.

People are betting on this now?

Yeah, Rocker's running a pool.

He's getting a lot of action, I hear.

Anyway, the point is, Chris is still in it.

It's probably gonna come down to her and Street.

No offense.

Yeah, right.

None taken.

Dispatch, this is Engine 127.

We are en route.

Do we have any further information

- on our structure fire?

- Negative, 127.

911 caller only reported the fire.

Hung up without giving any details.

All right, let's go.

Dispatch, Engine 127.

We are on scene.

It's just a dumpster fire.

You can cancel any further response to our location.

Look on the bright side, Cap.

We knock this down and get back to the station, still get your morning run in.

What do you say, Bradley?

We let the rookie man the nozzle on this one?

Who, me?

- You up for it?

- Hell yeah.

Why not?

All right, now, don't get greedy.

Just ease into it, okay?

Slow and gradual.


You guys hear that?

What the hell was that?


No idea.

sh**t! Get down! Take cover! Cooper!

- Captain! Cooper's hit!

- Somebody call it in! Dispatch, we're under fire! Someone's sh**ting at us! We got a man down! Need help now! Cooper! Coop! Active sh**t's got firefighters pinned down.

- One's been hit.

- Any word on their condition?

- No.

The others can't get to him.

- We know who it is?

Don't know that, either.

The sooner we get there, the sooner we'll find out.


- Everything all right?

- Yeah.

It's just more crap with my mom.

Thought I was done with all this.


I need you with us, Street.

I'm here, Hondo, 100%.

I'm gonna put us between him and the sh**t.

Damn, it's Kyle Cooper.


Can you hear me?


Hey, hey! Stay where you are! Get back! We have Cooper.


Deacon, do what you can for him.

The rest of us will take care of the sh**t.

Street, Tan, see if you can access the building from the north.

Chris and I'll try the east.

Chris, move.

You're the best LAPD could send?

All right.

You cops really do hate us real heroes, don't you?

Oh, real heroes, huh?

Think your blood loss is making you a little bit delusional there, Cooper.

Hey, stay with me.

Cooper! 20


We're on the roof, south side.

Roger that, Hondo.

We're on the east.

He's gone.

Probably bolted as soon as he saw us.

Access ladder back there must've been his escape route.

This is 20

-David to Command.

sh**t has left the rooftop.

We've lost sight of him.


Keep me posted, huh?

I'll want to know how he's doing.

You got it, Deacon.

- Captain.

- Commander.


sh**t was gone by the time we got up to the roof.

We already got a perimeter search going.

RHD's stepping in.

How's your guy doing?

I don't know.

It's bad.

Just trying to stay positive.

What the hell happened?

Dumpster fire, deliberately set.

911 call came from a burner.

And it's no accident you were lured into a box canyon between these buildings.

- What, you saying that we were

- It was a trap.

Someone's hunting the LAFD.

Just heard from Ballistics on the shell casings you collected.

No match in the system.

What about RHD?

They turn up anything on their sweep?

Eh, they uncovered an illegal grow operation in one of the neighboring warehouses.

Think maybe our sh**t could've been the lookout for that, just freaked out at the lights and sirens.

- But you're not buying it.

- Do you?

Burner phone, fire set intentionally This was specifically designed to lure and target firemen.

The question is: Why?

If the LAFD is under attack, that throws the city's whole emergency response system into chaos.

I already talked to Central.

They're gonna try to roll patrol units with every LAFD call, but with funding being squeezed, that's a big ask.

We've always had our rivalries with the smoke eaters, but at the end of the day, it's our job to protect them.

Any word on the injured firefighter?

Nothing good.

He, uh, he flatlined twice on the ride in.

They revived him, but it doesn't bode well going into surgery.

Deac, Cooper's a strong dude.

And he's a good dude.

A couple years back, he volunteered himself and a bunch of other firefighters when my church was building a Habitat project.

Made quick work of the place.

Well, we're all pulling for him, Deac.

Prayer or two couldn't hurt, either.

Amen to that.

But if he pulls through this When he pulls through this, it's gonna be because of you, man.

Do I look like a credit union to you?

You want to bet on the competition, you pay up now.




So, it's true?

You're really taking bets on the T.




You don't think that's kind of screwed


Don't get your panties in a bunch, Tan.

Just a little good fun morale booster.

Keeps everyone included.

He's not even taking a vig.

Hey, hold up.

What are the odds?

Come on, you can't get in on the betting.

It wouldn't be ethical.

You're in the competition.

Sort of.

I don't want in.

I just want to know what the odds are.

You really don't.

Street's got a little edge over Alonso, but they're both pretty close to even money right now.

All right, and where am I?

Look, you got to promise not to sh**t the messenger on this.

I don't set the odds.

The money does.

Come on, it can't be that bad.

I was strong out of the chute.

I was the early leader.

So what's the money saying?

Almost 15 to one.


- Hey, Street.

- Hey.

Hey, listen.

Early on, you mentioned your mom.

She's not still giving you trouble, is she?

- I got it all handled.

- Hey.

Talk to me.

She tried to call me this morning from prison.

Molly answered.

She didn't know any better.

That doesn't sound handled.

- Your mom still locked up?

- Yeah.

Violating parole should've been just a year, max, but she's still there, so it can only mean she's still screwing up.

You don't talk to her?


I mean, I did, early on a couple times.

But, y

-you know, it's always the same old B.


with her How she's a victim, how the C.


's or the prisoners aren't treating her right.

Nothing's ever her fault.

She's still blaming you for her being there?


She was never exactly the forgiving type.

All right, look, kid.

You know I've always tried to have your back where your mom's concerned.

Now, we banged heads over it early on, but when it comes down to it, you got to do what's in your heart.


Come see this.

Chris just found these.

It's the security footage taken near the sh**ting this morning.

This truck was circling immediately before and after the attack.

- That's not a fire department vehicle?

- Not anymore.

It was decommissioned a few years back, sold at auction.

According to the plates, the new owner is this guy.

- Robert Boone.

- What do we know about him?

- He's a wannabe firefighter.

- Wannabe?

He flunked out of the LAFD Fire Academy, three separate occasions.

Never made it past the psych eval.

Most recent fail was less than a month ago.

I'm sold.

Where does he live?

LAPD! Hands! Let's see your hands! Wh

-What the hell?

What is this?

! We have a warrant.

Who else is here?

No one.

It's just, it's just me.

- The rest of the house is clear.

- All right, check for weapons.

Have Chris and Street check the garage.


What the Is this about the sh**ting this morning?

I would never sh**t a firefighter.

I'm gonna be a firefighter one day.

You've already flunked out of the academy three times.

So what?

There's a million guys applying, only a few spots.

I just have to keep at it.

It'll happen.

What were you doing in the area of the fire this morning?

My usual.

I have a radio scanner.

I cruise around, check out fires, take pictures.

In case you didn't notice, it's kind of my thing.

How about setting fires?

That your thing, too?


I'm definitely not one of those guys.

So, what, all this is just a healthy obsession?

Profitable, too.

You know what I make selling videos like the one I was editing back there?

More than covers rent.

Trust me.



We checked everywhere.

No weapons.

No arson materials.

Copy that.

Cooper, Hauser, Bradley.

This fire That's the Station 127 guys.

It's the Princely Terrace fire.

It was horrible.

127 was the first on the scene and couldn't knock it down.

Five residents died.

There was a bunch of lawsuits after that.

Had to have been almost two years ago.

Wait a minute.

What's the date?

That was exactly two years ago today.


No such thing.

So, if this morning is tied to this fire, the sh**t is not going after all of LAFD.


Commander, looks like the sh**t is specifically targeting Station 127

- Some sort of revenge motive.

- Hondo.

Station 127 just rolled out on a reported structure fire.

911 call came from another burner phone.

- Sir, that's got to be another trap.

- Agreed.

I'll radio ahead, try to stop them from rolling into an ambush.

Your team's closest.

We're already in motion.

Dispatch, it's a huge one.

We're gonna need some more Take cover! Get in the rig! Bradley, get your guys inside.

Take cover.

Street, Tan, Chris, get eyes.

See if you can spot a threat.

- You think he's here?

- Don't know.

But we got to be safe.

The building's vacant, slated for demo.

Any harm in letting it burn?

As long as it's confined.

But if we wait too long and that fire spreads, we're gonna have real trouble.

Lot of places for a sn*per to set up.

East side of the street offers the better vantage point.

That'd be my choice.

- Damn it, we got movement.

- You see the sh**t?


In the burning building.

Number three window.

Hondo, bad news.

Burning building's not empty.

We got people on the upper floor.

- Building's supposed to be vacant.

- Must be squatters.

They're trapped.

Got to get my men in there.

No, hey.

Not until it's safe.

We get paid to get shot at.

You don't.

We don't even know for sure the sh**t's here.

That call could've come from anyone.

I'm not letting those people burn.

Hauser, maintain your distance.

We don't know what we're dealing with.

Tan, hold up.

We got movement.

Possible bogey.

Brick building, nine o'clock.

Broken window, top floor.

Captain, hold up.

We got eyes on the sh**t.

This is 20

-David to Command! We are taking fire! Roger, 20


Rolling back up.

Air support is inbound.

Chris, take cover behind that van.

- Work suppression.

We'll cover you.

- Roger that.

Tan, get us in there! Go! Go! You got it, boss.



The sh**t dropped back.

He left the window! All right, let's go, go.

Get us in, now.

sh**t's perch has to be up there, somewhere on the right.

He could be anywhere now.

Deac, you and Street work the windows.

Tan, you're with me.

This is it.

This is where he was.

Hondo, sh**t's not here.

Must be on the move.


We got a rabbit! Deacon, we got eyes.

He's running.

LAPD! Stop! Deacon, he's on the ground floor.

You and Street try the front stairs.

- Tan.

- Already on it.


Hondo, you smell that?


Don't move.

Get your hands up.

Hey, come on, come on! No! Don't try it, Hondo.

Come on.

This place is a maze.

Got to be a dozen routes out of here.

- Son of a bitch slipped us!

- Hey, it's still a win.

We saved the 127 guys from walking into an ambush.

Yeah, we won this battle, Hondo.

That's him.

Got some stubble now, lost some weight maybe, but that's definitely our guy.

His name's Adam Max.

Based on your tip about the Princely Terrace fire, RHD started digging.

They didn't have to go deep.

Max's wife and child were two of the fire's fatalities.

And obviously he's decided that Station 127 is responsible.

Well, he filed a lawsuit after the fire, but he didn't go after the landlord or the insurance companies like the other victims.

He filed a wrongful death suit against the LAFD.

Wrongful death?

I don't get it.

Neither did the jury, apparently.

He lost the lawsuit.

Just exhausted his appeals about two weeks ago.

So now he's trying to find another way to make Hauser and his men pay.

Well, the only address we have on record is the Princely Terrace apartment building.

- That's just an empty lot now.

- Social media?

Yeah, we just started looking.

A lot of hate there, but nothing that points to where he's living.

Hold on.

He's references a grief counseling center, Vista Madera.

If he spent time there, maybe they know how to find him.

All right, take Street and go.

Sir, he's got to know that we can ID him now.

He's either gonna disappear Or accelerate his att*cks.

I'll talk to Emergency Management, have Station 127 stand down.

Now, we can invite Captain Hauser and his men into SWA for protection, assuming you have no objection.

- Not at all.

The more the merrier.

- All right.

It's a little bit of an oversimplification maybe.

People handle grief differently.

We don't all progress the same way, at the same rate.

I'm guessing Adam Max would be an example of that?


Adam was stuck in the anger phase, intensely.

- Are you still working with him?

- No.

I had to ask Adam to stop coming around.

He was a detriment to the others in group session.

Yeah, denied them an opportunity to heal.

How do you mean?

Well, he would monopolize the time, ranting endlessly, blaming the firemen for his family's death.

Look, I can't imagine the horror of what Adam went through.

I mean, coming home to find his building on fire, the firemen retreating with his family still inside.

I see a lot of pain here.

What Adam was dealing with was much deeper, much darker.

And I can only assume since leaving that he's gotten much worse.


Coffey, it is very important that we find Adam as quickly as possible.

Any idea how we do that?

Any clue where he might be living?


I just assumed he was living in that RV.

- He had an RV?

- Yeah.

I mean, I walked him out to the parking lot a few times, mostly just to get him out of the building.

It was clear that he was living out of that thing.

Hey, Tan the man.

Hey, Luca.

What's up?

You know I always love seeing your face, but I got some local PDs about to drag me out to the brat house.

Yeah, all right.

Yeah, some other time, maybe.

No, hey.

Uh, I got a second or two.

What's up?

It's about the T.




Oh, dude.

You know I have no say in who's gonna be my partner out here.

That's all Hicks's call.

I know.

It's just, man, I

-I feel like I've been kicking ass on SWA for a long time now.

Is Hicks really gonna make his pick based on these last couple weeks?

On some stupid competition?

Well, yeah.

I mean, that's kind of the point of the whole thing.

Look, I already talked to Hondo, so I know what's up.

You're not out of it yet, okay?

You just got to make your mark in the time you got left, that's all.

Hey, sorry, man.

My German bruders are here, so I got to go.

Just put yourself out there and get yourself noticed, okay?

- All right, good luck, bro.

- Tschuss.

So, what you think?

Your first taste of Guate


Amazing, right?

You guys are blowing my mind right now.

This is from your food truck?

You own it?


-Squad does, yeah.

All partners.

Talk at the fire station's always been that firemen have the best food.

I mean, cops

- You know, they don't

- Let me guess.

We're just the coffee and doughnut clowns?

Don't worry about it.

We know how much smack you talk about us.

- Plus, we give as good as we get.

- Oh, do you?

Sergeant David Kay.

I need you over here front and center.

- Come on, man.

- What's this about?

- No idea, I swear.

- All right, everybody.

Listen up.

I got something to say.

Just got word from a nurse friend over at Holy Cross.

Kyle Cooper is out of surgery.

He's doing well.

- Yeah!

- Doctors expect him to make a full recovery.

And there's more.

According to the docs, Cooper wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for Sergeant Kay.

All right, Deac.

All right, Deac! All right, all right.

That's enough, that's enough.

I'm sure the surgeons deserve the real credit.

- Way to go, Deac.

- Yes.


It's nice to see our two departments getting along for once.

What's up?

Don't tell me you're already missing our usual rivalry.

Just thinking about the Princely Terrace fire.

You know, you can be a hero

- 99% of the time

- Yeah, but it's that one percent that keeps us up at night.

I'm the one that made the call.

I pulled my guys out.

Left Adam Max's family inside to die.

That building was coming down.

All the major structural support was starting to collapse.

You protected your men.

It's a brutal call, but it's the burden we bear.

I ordered them out even though I could still hear people screaming inside.

Cooper took a b*llet this morning.

It should've been me.

Hey, hey, come on.

Don't even begin to go there, you hear me?

Commander, Captain, you have a phone call.

It's Adam Max.


Max, this is Commander Hicks, LAPD SWAT.

I have no interest in talking to you, Commander.

I'm calling for Captain Hauser.

I know he's there.

I'm here.

I'm listening.

You're a coward, Hauser.

Same as you were the night that you let my family die.

But that won't stop me.

Now, if you and your men are gonna hide in your little bunker, then all of LAFD is fair game, you understand me?

It's open season, and their deaths are gonna be on your hands, just like the deaths of my wife and my daughter.


Max, if we could just

- just talk

- No.

No more talk.

Court testimony, depositions I heard it all.

The time for talk is over.

- It's time to act now.

- Mr.

Max, whatever you're planning to do, it's not gonna bring your wife and daughter back.





Tan, you got anything?

The call pinged off three different towers in the North Valley.

He's in motion.

Could be on the 5, maybe the 210.

We roll units, he'll be ten miles down the road by the time we get there.

Tell Hondo I want all teams on standby, ready to roll.

We'll monitor Fire Dispatch.

That's the best we can do right now.

There's no way you can protect every firefighter

- in Los Angeles.

- No.

There's not.

What happened?

The Sylmar station got a call from a rideshare driver.

Said he pulled over because his passenger was in labor.

When the paramedics and firefighters showed up,

- the car exploded.

- It's another trap, only he's changed his game.

Firebomb instead of a r*fle.

Calling the station directly instead of 911.

I feel like we're falling behind rather than catching up.

How bad?

Two more firemen injured.

We're lucky it wasn't worse.

Talked to CHP on scene.

That expl*si*n was designed to throw burning gasoline, incinerate anyone in its radius.

He wanted to see firefighters burn.

- All on my account.

- Hey.

This isn't on you.

I wish that were true.


- What's up?

- I know you're busy, but I called the prison to check on your mom.

You did what?

She wasn't lying, Jim.

I talked to a doctor.

It's something with her liver.

They're transferring her to a hospital for tests.

- It's bad.

- Molly, I told you, I want nothing to do with her, okay?

You know our history.


-her drug abuse.



And every one of those things is consistent with her being abused.

Do not go making her a victim.

Babe, she is a victim.

I deal with women like your mother all the time, their lives destroyed by the trauma of being abused and never getting help.

20 years ago, she needed treatment, and all she's had is a life of black eyes

- and incarceration.

- So, you're saying this is my fault for having her locked up again?


But, Jim, this is the woman who gave birth to you.

And dragged me through hell every day since.

She betrayed me, lied to me.

She stole from me.

She almost cost me my career at SWAT.

I really can't believe you're taking her side on this.

I'm not taking sides.

Well, don't you think maybe you should be?

You know what?

I can't do this right now.

I'm at work, okay?

I just can't do this.

Come on, let's see it.





Come on, baby, let's go.

You got this.

Not a chance.

He can't touch my record.

- Come on, let's go.

Let's go.

- Is that it?

Hey, don't listen to them, all right?

Five more.

- Is that it?

- Let's see it.



Winner and still champion! Bradley.

Where's your captain?

Not sure.

Haven't seen him.

Anybody know where Hauser is?

Well, Deac, what's going on?


I think Hauser's gone and done something stupid.

- What do you mean?

- Deacon went back into Adam Max's social media and found a reply to one of Max's rants.

It's from Captain Hauser, posted 15 minutes ago.

"I'm the one you're angry at.

Let's talk in person.

" He gave Max his number, and now he's gone.

Ah, he's gonna give himself up hoping to save his men, for God's sakes.

I'll start a trace on Hauser's phone, send you the tracking information.

I'm surprised you had the guts to show up.

Given your track record.

- I came because I needed to apologize.

- Apologize?

You think there's some version of this where I forgive you?

You let my wife and my little girl

- burn to death.

- You're right.

And every day, I've wanted to tell you how sorry I am, but the city wouldn't let me.

Liability, they said.

Adam, I am so sorry that we couldn't save them.

- "Couldn't"?

- That we didn't.

That I didn't save them.

But if we had tried, my men would have died, too.


It's too late for excuses.

It was too late the moment that you let them die.


What do you want from me?

Over there.



Okay, just just calm down.

We're close.

Within 50 feet.


Where the hell is he?

Try calling him.


-David to 20


Hondo, slow your roll.

We're already here, and Hauser's gone.

Look, Adam, this isn't gonna accomplish anything.

Just shut up and go.

Come on.


Open it.

Come on.

Come on.

Get in the chair.

Come on.

Put these on.

Put them on.

Cuff them behind your back.

You know, I've spent countless hours imagining what you must've gone through.


You can't.

You can't imagine.

See, you let my family die, and now you're gonna die.


You're gonna burn.

You're gonna burn just like they did.


Roll out! Let's go! Someone just triggered a GPS PASS beacon outside the Station 127 firehouse.

It's got to be Hauser.

Copy, Commander.

On our way.

That's got to be Max's RV.

Position of the GPS beacon puts him in that trailer right there.


Chris, Street, flank from cover on the left.

Tan, up on the roof, get me eyes.

Let's move.

Adam Max! This is Sergeant Harrelson, LAPD.

Cover! Cover! Go away! I smell gas again.

Come on now, Adam.

Don't be stupid.

- You got no way out of here.

- What makes you think I'm looking for a way out?

Captain, it's Deacon! Are you in there?

I'm here! Don't know how much longer, though.

Take cover! Deac, we can't risk a shot from here with Hauser inside.

Anybody got an angle on the sh**t?

Negative, Hondo.

There's too much smoke.

We can barely make out the trailer.

Hondo, trailer's got a skylight on top.

If I can get down there, might give me access.


That's a no

-go, Tan.

Too dangerous.

You'll have no cover.

Hey, whatever your plan was, it's not happening.

Let's figure out a way to end this peacefully.

Hey, I need you guys to fall back.

- Screw that.

Our captain's in there.

- Listen to me.

We got an active sh**t, all right?

This is real.

Fall back! Move! You're gonna have to let us get him.



We're running out of time.

Hondo, Tan dropped down.

He's on the trailer.

Tan, report! I'm good.

Getting eyes inside.

He's got a trap door.

Adam escaped! He's on the run! Chris, Street, stay on Max.

We'll move on Hauser.

He's on the east, between the containers.

- Captain.

Captain Hauser!

- In here! Hurry! Deac, we need a hose line.

Give me that line! It's over, Adam.

Drop your w*apon and come on out.

There's no need to die here.

No need to keep living.

Ease it open gently.

Aim for the base of the flames.

Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Don't worry.

Cut me a path, Deac.

Chris, between the containers.

- You hurt?

- No, no.

All right, come on.

Let's get you out of here.

Let's go.

Crazy day, right?

Yeah, that's, uh, one way of looking at it.

Dude, you dropping on that trailer Was pretty stupid.

So many ways that could've gone wrong.

I know.

I owe you both an apology.

It's all right, man.

You're just lucky it worked out.


This time.

Speaking of apologies, you figured out how you're gonna make it right to Molly yet?

How I'm gonna make it right?

I'm not the one who needs to apologize.

Look, I got out of there as fast as I could, but I heard enough to know, you You've got some fences to mend.

Okay, then you also heard how she totally went behind my back with my mom.

Her horrible motive being what?


The fact that she gives a crap about women who've had a messed

-up life?

- So now you're all over me, too?

- No, but my point is, your mom screwed up a lot of stuff in your life.

My mom screwed up everything in my life.


So you're gonna let her ruin this thing with Molly now, too?

Deac said you wanted to see me.

I'm guessing it's about my performance today?

Where in your training did you get the idea that it was acceptable to expose yourself to unnecessary risk, directly disobeying my instruction?

- What do you think?

- Hondo, you don't have to finish.

I mean, you can beat me up if you want I deserve it but I already know how badly I messed up.

I just I let this T.



competition get in my head.

Tried to make my mark, get noticed.

Oh, you got noticed.

Guess I just lost my way.

There's no excuses.

That's why I'm gonna go to Hicks and tell him to remove my name from consideration.

I'm dropping out.

Tan, you're not someone I worry about as far as procedure and execution.

So I'm assuming that we're never gonna have to have this conversation again.

No, we won't.

Thanks for coming.

I, uh wasn't sure you would after today.

I'm here, so So, let me start by saying I'm sorry.

I was a total ass, and, uh, I shouldn't have gone off like I did.

It's just when I turned my mom in and got her locked up again, I convinced myself that it was the right thing, that she needed help.

But I wrestle with that.

You know, maybe I just did it to make my life easier.

So, between the call today, and

-and then you telling me that she's sick, I guess I just couldn't deal.

You know, you still have time to fix things with her.

That's just it, though.


-I'm not sure that I want to.

Listen, Molly, I know that you lost your mother, and how devastating that was for you, but it's just not the same situation for me.

So you're just gonna do what?


Leave her alone to die?


Hey, wait, wait.

Listen, listen, listen.

There is so much that you don't know about what happened between my mom and me.

Jim, I've asked.

A thousand times.

And I shut you down every time, I know.

But if I can't talk to you, who can I talk to?

Could you just stay just

-just for a little while?

And I will try to explain it all to you.



I would k*ll for one of those right about now.

Well, that's what I was betting on.

Comes at a price, though.

I need the truth.

You giving yourself up to Adam Max.

How much were you planning to sacrifice?

It wasn't a su1c1de mission, if that's what you're asking.

You sure about that?

I understand there's no limit to what either of us would do for our people.

I just want make sure you weren't trying to punish yourself in the process.

Princely Terrace fire was two years ago.

I think it's time to move on.


Wasn't kidding when I said I'd k*ll for a coffee, though.

You should probably hand it over.

Hey, he's been asking to see you.

Hey, Cooper.

How you feeling?

Uh, got to be honest.

Hurts like hell.

Talked to the doc.

Heard you're gonna make a full recovery.

Guess I really owe that to you, Deacon.

Yeah, I wish I knew how to tell you just how grateful I am.

All right, stop.

I did what anybody would've done.

You would have done the same for me.

No, don't be so sure.

After all, he is LAFD.

I had the guys bring you something.

It's in the bag there.

Oh, ho.

That's the real deal.

Heard you even handled a hose today.

Only a two

-inch line at 50% pressure.

But you're one of us now.

Hell of an honor, receiving one of those, Deac.


Thank you.

That, uh, means a lot.

- Yup.

- Now, uh, just get yourself better, all right, so I don't have to put this on and do your job for you.
