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04x04 - Memento Mori

Posted: 04/12/23 08:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT Did you know Tan and Street were signing up?

Why did you both sign up for TLI?

I told you guys two weeks ago I was going for it.

Is it a big deal?

I don't love competing against my teammates.

You're not seriously worried about beating them, are you?

I know how good they are.

Tan's got one more cadre than me.

Street's been central to huge undercover ops.

They don't feel like friends right now.

I'm looking at early parole, man.

I thought you had six, seven more years at least.

I gotta go before the board in two days.

That's why I called you here.

You want me to speak on your behalf.

I just got out of class, and got a collect call from prison.

- Your pop.

- Yeah.

He said he might be getting out early.

He said you're gonna help him with his parole hearing.

I am not gonna speak on his behalf at the parole hearing.

Leroy, I wish you luck, man, but you're gonna have to do this thing without my recommendation.

Yo, we ain't done, man.

Do not enter off Bruckman.

Take Anza Drive to the back entrance.

Roger that.


Come on.

Good job.

Man, I don't know.

You worried you hit a curb or something?

I think you're good.

- Yeah.

Wasn't he five seconds under?

- I didn't notice.

Some of these evaluators are hard


No telling what they're gonna deduct points for.

You passed.

Told you.

Way to crush it.

Told you.

- Attaboy.

- Not bad.

Not bad?

Two cadres in two months?

He's making the TLI competition a real contest.

I'll worry about my own stuff.

Is something going on with her?

You better get with the program, player.

TLI's mine.

I'm starting to smell victory.

All right, all right, all right.


That's all you got?

You afraid to talk a little trash now?

Like I said, congratulations.

Damn, it's about time you woke up, youngster.

Hey, don't forget you got that Junior College Expo today.

Yeah, everything I need I got; It's in my bag.

All right.

Hey, Pops, you still good to drive him, right?

- I sure am.

- All right, cool.

My team's running point at the Rhodium memorial tomorrow, which means things could get a little crazy.

It says here that they're selling tickets to this woman's funeral?

Yeah, everything sold out in under a minute.

Yeah, there's not a lot of seats available.

Everybody else has to watch the procession from the street.

27 years old.

What a shame.

I also read something that said if she would have took a yearly physical, they could have caught the heart defect that k*lled her.

It's not weird for you?

You know, guarding Rhodium's memorial?

Especially with everything she said about the police.

You know, D a lot of people are saying a lot of stuff about the police lately, and a lot of it is true.

As long as I keep doing things the right way, and I make sure the cops I work with do, too, and we stay true to the community, I just don't let it bother me.

And as far as Rhodium, I heard some things.

But it just makes me think that she must have had reasons to feel the way she did.

You expecting somebody?


You look surprised.

I heard you got out.

Yeah, yeah, no thanks to you.

I just thought you might call first, that's all.

You gonna invite me in or what?



Ha ha.

You're looking good, boy.


What, Hondo got you hitting the weights?

- A little bit.

- A little bit.

Yeah, yeah, I see a little something there.

You wouldn't know it to look at us now, but, uh, I taught Hondo everything he knows about lifting.


Harrelson, it's good to see you.

I heard about the cancer.

Keep up the fight.

Oh, don't worry, I ain't got no quit in me.

Yeah, I know, I know.

So you just got out a couple of days ago, is that right?

Yeah, yeah, I would have come right by, but, uh, they had me doing orientation at the halfway house, you know.

You got time for a bite?

Right now?

I asked you, not him.

Leroy, Darryl's got a college expo today at 11:00.

Well, that sounds like that gives us plenty of time, then, to grab a little breakfast.

All right, well, listen, if you can get him back by 10:00 so Pops can get him to that expo, then I guess it's cool.

Ten's kind of early, man.

I mean, where's this expo at, Arizona?

Look, bro, uh this is my first chance in years to spend time with my son as a free man.

Leroy, you two are gonna have plenty of chances to get acquainted.

If things go well at that expo today, you might be getting lunch with him in a college cafeteria next year.

Hey, my friend T.


is also going to the expo, too.

I bet he can swing by and pick us up wherever we're at.

There you go.

All right.

All right, but don't you be late.

All right, I won't.

I promise.

I'll meet you there and I'll drive you back home.

I'm just gonna go get my stuff.

All right.

I'll be out front.

All right.

I'll be seeing you around, Hondo.



This Rhodium memorial's got everyone's eyes on us, which means we're gonna have to deal with more politics than usual.


-profile event.

I get it.

Good, 'cause Rhodium Spender's mother's coming here at 1:30, and I need you and Hondo to do some hand


My plate's full.

We gotta do a final walk

-through of the procession route, but we should be back by then.

Look, there's a lot of people wondering how the LAPD's gonna treat the family of someone as hard on the police as Rhodium was.

Commander, you know that we're taking this as seriously

- as we would any event of this scale.

- Yeah.

I know that, but not everyone does.

Millions of people are gonna be watching this on television.


They'll see us at our best.

We do checks on any of these second

-story locations?

Rocker's team's handling it.

All right, let's get confirmation.

Anybody on the route with higher than ground

-floor windows.

I'm on it.

Street, there's still a lot of cars in the no

-parking areas.

Tows are coming tonight.

Think anybody would be stupid enough to go after this memorial?

- L.


loves Rhodium.

- There's a lot of people still pissed off about what she did on that show.

Can you blame 'em?

Giant screen on stage showing all the names and photos of unarmed people k*lled by the police.

She could have at least had half the screen showing the names of police officers k*lled in the line of duty.

Aw, come on, Deac, name a celebrity who doesn't get on a soapbox now and then.

More like jumped on the bandwagon.

Not a word until the protests, and then it's all about defund the police.

Maybe she wasn't saying defund the police before, but she definitely spoke out against bad police sh**t.

And she put her money where her mouth was.

Did a lot for the neighborhood after she made it.

Not to mention her music's awesome.

There's a reason the crowd's gonna be huge.

All right, guys, come on.

That's enough.

Everybody's had their say.

Deacon, Chris, help me check the outer perimeter.

Tan, Street, check the exit routes.

So, dude, what's up with the TLI competition?

I didn't see the spark in your eye this morning

- at the motor pool.

- Is this you talking more trash?

No, for real.

How come you're acting like you don't care if you win or lose?

Well, I mean, losing TLI wouldn't be the worst thing that ever happened to me.

Hondo, I found something.

- Is that what I think it is?

- AR


They probably hid it here ahead of time because they knew they couldn't get it past the checkpoints tomorrow.

Is this the only one?

It was so well hidden I almost missed it.

Could be more out there.

Last thing the city needs right now.

Yeah, well, it's not gonna happen on our watch.

Get some unis up here to help clear the rest of the areas, then meet me back at HQ.


-David requesting backup officers at our current location.

A week before Rhodium's death, she had to reschedule a meeting with community leaders in San Diego due to multiple b*mb threats.

Now, San Diego PD wasn't able to pinpoint a specific computer, but they were able to trace the threat to an IP address right here in Los Angeles.

Tan's working with our tech guys to see if they can find anything San Diego missed.

Not a smoking g*n, but at least it's something.

What about the AR


Equipped with brand

-new mounting bracket, specifically for an M203 grenade launcher.

Grenade launcher?

My God.

M203s are illegal in California, so he either bought it out of state or was able to find a local seller willing to skirt the law.

Now, Chris has a CI in the weapons surplus world, so she's working that angle.



I'm Commander Hicks.

These are Sergeants Harrelson and Kay.

Sergeant Harrelson's team is, uh, running point on security for Rhodium's memorial.

Please, call me Jillian.

And you can call my daughter Monica.

Rhodium was just her stage name.

It's the name of one of the rarest elements on Earth.

And it's worth three times as much as gold.

That's right.

When she was just ten years old, soon as she learned about rhodium in school, she said, "That's what I'm gonna call myself when I'm a famous singer.

" Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Jillian.

Now, our plan was to walk you through the security arrangements for tomorrow, but the situation seems to have changed.

Yes, I was told there's been a credible threat.

I'm not surprised.

Monica inspired a lot of people, but she also pissed a lot of people off.

Any recent threats to your daughter or her fans?

She got a box of threats a day.

Well, that's exactly the kind of information we need, especially anything that stood out.

If you'd like to step into my I'm sorry.

I have a question.


Sergeant Harrelson, your team is handling my protection tomorrow?

Yours and everyone else's, yes, ma'am.

And is Sergeant Kay part of your team?

Yes, I am.

Is there a problem?

Three months ago, Monica was speaking at an event in Hollywood, and her usual security team wasn't available.

We tried to hire your company.

You turned us down.

Said you couldn't in good conscience work for someone who said the things she said about the police.

So if you need to excuse yourself now, I'd understand.

That won't be necessary.

I can assure you that Sergeant Kay will not let his personal feelings get in the way of doing his job.

He's one of the best men I've ever had under my command.

I see.

Well, is there somewhere I can sit while I detail our most recent death threats for you?


We can use my office.

Right this way.

By the way, it's not like I was their only option.

Deacon, just try to look at it from Jillian's perspective.

Rhodium made a stand about police brutality, but not all police, Deac.

In her mind, if you got a problem with that, then maybe you're part of the problem.

I'm part of the problem?

It's not just that.

It's this whole "defund the police" nonsense.

Not exactly the thanks we deserve for going out there and risking our lives every day.

And to her, it might be just something that she's chanting, but a thing like that changes the way people look at us.

It makes our job harder.

And I hear you, and that is one truth.

There's also another truth, man.

We got g*ns on our hips.

We got the power to end a life.

Look, maybe it doesn't hurt to have some people out there holding us all accountable.

Are you trying to calm me down or

-or make me angrier?

Deacon, you and I both know that sometimes we get asked to take on problems where there's no one right answer.

What Rhodium was talking about is maybe some things can be solved without a g*n.

I don't like the mom implying that I won't go out there and do my job tomorrow.

Take a b*llet just like anybody else.

Okay, so then you get out there and you prove her wrong.

Without the taking the b*llet part.

Looks like Tan and Street might have found something.

Let's move.

We've been looking into the list of threats that Rhodium's mom got us; Good number of them link back to the Blue Boys.

Yeah, I've heard of them.

Can't stop talking about how much they love the police and happy to break the law to prove it.

The Blue Boys doxed Rhodium a while back.

They found her home address, put it out on the Internet so all the haters could send nasty stuff right to her front door.

Plus, you might have noticed the murals of Rhodium that have been popping up all over the city.

These guys are defacing them as fast as they can find them.

It's a pretty big leap from vandalism to threats to sh**ting grenades at a crowd of innocents.

Well, a lot of times, groups like this have rogue members who don't feel the group's extreme enough.

There's a new mural nearby.

Somebody put it up on the Blue Boys' social media site this morning.

We figure we camp out on it, maybe we see who stops by.

Keep me updated.

I got everyone with a city hall e

-mail address all over my ass.

It's days like these I wonder why I ever put on a shirt and tie.

Man, whoever did this one a real fan.

They combined the outfit she wore on her first tour with the necklace from the cover of the Anasazi album.

You know I'm not gonna stop asking, right?

About the TLI competition.

What's your problem?

It's the Chris thing.

Dude, are you serious?

She was mad for, like, a minute.

She's onto trying to whup our asses.

- You should try to do the same.

- I don't think she's over it.

You heard her.

To her, it's like this huge betrayal that we signed up.

And now we're all competing against each other.

I mean, team morale is just more important to me than winning.

I think you're looking too much into it.

But, hey, if your heart's not in it, you know, pull your name, make it easier for me to get that "W.

" Check it out.

I don't think they're here for selfies.

Hey, what up, fellas?

Nice mural.

You guys looking to touch it up or something?

Afternoon, Officers.

I imagine you already know what we're doing and why we're doing it.

Someone put a lot of effort into painting this thing.

If they weren't breaking the law when they painted it, we're not breaking the law painting over it, so So, you guys just hate Rhodium so much that you spend your free time going around, destroying other people's art?

She was the one spreading hate.

For people like you.

You're holding back the jungle, Officers, and I salute you.

Any Blue Boys you know of who might want to do more than just paint over murals?

We don't really have members.

We're decentralized.

- Really wish I could help.

- Yeah, yeah, sure.

You parked in the red zone.

I'll just call the tow.


Hold up, man.

- I got to be at work in an hour.

- Yeah, hold on.


Uh, I need a tow truck right away.


There's one guy.

I never met him.

We kicked him out, by the way.

But he was real angry about tomorrow's memorial.

- What's his name?

- I only know his screen name.

Could probably find out more from the site admin.

Sounds like a plan.

Santa Monica Community College actually seems pretty cool.

I liked a lot of the colleges, though.

All right, well, listen, kid.

You know, Santa Monica would be great for online classes, but I don't know if you're gonna like that commute.

You'd have to get up before I do.

You think I'm

-a be taking morning classes?

Not your little sleeping ass, no.

What happened with your pop?

- How'd that go?

- Uh, it was okay.

- He seems good.

- He didn't keep you, though?

You made it to the expo on time, right?

Yeah, yeah.


-It's all good.

Darryl, he is your father.

And you know I respect that.

It's just you've accomplished so much over the last couple years.

I just don't want to see anything get in the way of continuing that progress.

Look, look, I

-like I said I know.

I know.

It's all good.

I got it.

All right, I got to jump.

I got to finish this paper, all right?

All right, you take care of that homework, kid.

I'll see you tonight.

All right.


What's up?


So we looked into the IP address that the Blue Boys gave us for the guy they kicked out of the group.

Turns out it's the exact same IP address that made the threats against Rhodium's activism summit in San Diego.

- Did you get a name?

- Paul Garcia.

And get this.

His twin sister She was a sheriff's deputy k*lled in the line of duty last year.

Makes sense why he would have an ax to grind with Rhodium and her fans.

Paul Garcia also used the same IP to reserve an Airbnb, tomorrow, just outside the procession route.

Nice work, Deac.

Let's get the team.

Already getting tac'd up.

LAPD! We have a warrant! Give me two.

Give me two.


All right, spread out and Upstairs.

Tan, cover the front door.

Come on.

Two, two, two, two.

- Paul Garcia!

- Going down.

Paul Garcia, stay right there.

I said stay right there.

That's 20 feet down, man.

She doesn't deserve a parade! I hear you, but just come back over here, and we can talk about it.

My sister's the one who deserved a parade.

It's idiots like Rhodium that get people like my sister k*lled! You're gonna get yourself hurt, man.

Okay, okay.

Your sister was k*lled in the line of duty, right?

Protecting innocent people?

You think she'd want the folks tomorrow at the memorial to get hurt?

- Of course not.

- All right.

Then why don't you go back inside and let's talk about the g*n you planted at the bluff.

The g*n?

What g*n?

The other two banners are a little bit more X

-rated One for each front

-facing window.

He was gonna unfurl them simultaneously as the procession was passing by.

San Diego PD's gonna take him into custody.

They want to charge him for making the b*mb threats.

Told them to make sure that he talks to a mental health professional.

Kid needs help.

Yeah, well, it still doesn't get us any closer to finding the person that hid that AR

-15 out there.

Chris, what's up with that CI of yours?

Still haven't heard back.

You know what might light a fire under her ass?

Passes to the memorial.

I know how that sounds, but it's the hottest ticket in town.

Bartering with funeral tickets?

And if we had a suspect, I'd tell you hell no.

You tell your CI, if she gets something that pans out, I'll get her front row seats.


Yeah, I got your chicken.

I didn't order any chicken.

Got the wrong address, sorry.

This is unit 2B, right?

Yeah, but I didn't order any chicken.

You probably

- Whoa!

- Against the wall!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Don't say a word!

- Don't say a word!

- Whoa! Easy, man.

Don't sh**t, okay?

Take whatever you want, okay?

- You can take my

- I said shut up! Come on.

You want some more coffee?

Yeah, a little bit.

Pop, how late was he?

About an hour.

An hour?

So, on top of lying about being on time, he missed half the expo?

Damn it, I thought he was serious about this.

Been a long time since he spent time with his father.

I know he's got mixed feelings, but there's a part of him that's curious, and he knows you're trying to keep them apart.

You know, I ain't gonna lie.

Half of me wants to tell him that he can't see Leroy, but The other half doesn't want to keep a teenage boy from his father.

Darryl has come so far.

I can't just sit back and let Leroy ruin that.

You're always the one that's telling me, don't look at things so black and white.

Maybe it's not "don't let him see Leroy" or "let him see Leroy.

" Maybe there's another way.


All right, great.

Bring him in.

Well, the memorial tickets did the trick.

Chris's CI came through?

Got the name "Frank Espinado.

" Local g*n dealer with access to grenade launchers.

Apparently he's got relaxed standards when it comes to waiting periods.

Chris is picking him up now.

All right, that's great.

Jillian Spender just showed up.

Hicks wants us to update her on our progress.

So you still don't even have a suspect?

Or know whether this person has a backup plan to hurt my family or my daughter's fans?


Not yet.

But we are following several leads.

And we are more than capable of protecting you and everyone at the memorial.

We have no plans to cancel or delay it.


I'm not interested in running from threats.

That's not what Monica was about.

She faced adversity her whole life.

Saw things she never should've had to see.

Jillian, I know your daughter didn't talk about it publicly, but I think I know what you're referring to.

The boy's family asked her to keep it as private as she could.

But it's the reason she felt so strongly about holding police accountable.

What exactly happened?

If you don't mind talking about it.

Monica was 15.

She was just singing in the church then.

This was before her first record deal, so we were still living in public housing.

She was outside the building with Walter, her first boyfriend.

Some police rolled up.

They were looking for someone and Walter "fit the description.

" Boys were still sagging their pants back then, and Walter reached down to pull them up.

Just habit.

They said they thought he was going for a g*n.

Shot him five times.

He lived.

Sort of.

He's been in a vegetative state ever since.

That's terrible.

I've got kids; I

-I can't imagine something like that happening to one of them.

I'm sure your kids aren't the kind these things tend to happen to.

Police figured they were guilty of something soon as they saw them.

Just because of where we lived.

Monica saw how police treated her different once she was famous.

Way different.

We were the same exact people.

Just had nicer cars.

I heard Monica paid to get Walter

- the best housing in the city.

- And the best doctors.

Soon as she could afford to.

That's the kind of girl she was.

Why people loved her.

And that's why we're not gonna let anything ruin her memorial.

As you can see, I run a legal business and keep meticulous records.

Yeah, I'm looking at your meticulous records right now, Mr.

Espinado, and you've got a record for the purchase of that AR

-15, coupled with a mounting bracket for an M203 grenade launcher, only the name and the address listed here, it's, uh, it's fake.

Makes me wonder about the other names in that book.

Any of them real?

All I can do is enter the information I'm given.

There's a waiting period for these g*ns.

You had plenty of time to check out the information before the buyer took delivery.

You'll have to give me a day or two to look into it.

Yeah, well, we don't have a day or two.

We need a name or a description of the person that bought that stuff and we need it right now.

- I can't recall.

- You know what I recall, Mr.


When we picked you up this morning, you were selling a g*n to someone in your garage.

I'm a g*n dealer.

I sell g*ns for a living.

Pretty sure California law says g*n dealers can only do business in buildings designated in their license.


My house is on my license.

Can I go now?

Your garage isn't connected to your house.

So technically, it's a separate building.

- For real?

- Mm


You're gonna charge me with that?

Why shouldn't we?

Let your expensive lawyer battle it out with the D.


This kind of garbage is why people put down fake names.

When it comes to the Second Amendment, there's always a loophole to take your rights away.

Nice try, but I'm not playing.

All right, the person that bought that grenade launcher is looking to k*ll people.

And I'm guessing you don't want to be connected to something like that.

How do I know you're not lying?

Cops lie all the time.

Look, we're talking about someone turning today's memorial into a bloodbath.

- You mean the Rhodium thing?

- Yeah.

The Rhodium thing.

Oh, hell no.

My daughter and grandkids are going to that.

Give me a pen; I know his real name.

He's bought from me before.

His name is Mitch Anderson.

Five years ago, his father, Rick Anderson, died in a sh**t with sheriff's deputies.

He was under house arrest, he tampered with his ankle monitor.

When deputies arrived, he opened fire.

I remember this.

Mitch Anderson showed up in the middle of the standoff.

Tried to rescue his dad and almost hit an officer trying to run through the barricade.

And he's already out of prison?

Plea deal.

He only did four years.

As soon as he was released, he filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the county.

A judge dismissed it pretty fast.

All right, so he's got beef with L.



What's that got to do with him sh**ting up Rhodium's memorial?

Well, we haven't figured that out yet, but what he's got planned is much worse.

He recently purchased an M203 launcher specifically because it's compatible with SIP grenades.

- Willie Pete.

- Willie Pete?

It's white phosphorous.

It's napalm on steroids.

That stuff goes through cement like butter.

We think Anderson could really get his hands on that stuff?

Most countries aren't using white phosphorous grenades anymore, but I have heard about old stashes turning up from time to time.

And it only takes one.

The memorial procession starts in two hours.

And until it does, I want every officer under my command out there looking for Mitch Anderson.

All right, previous addresses, girlfriends, ex

-girlfriends, known associates, the works.

We're on it.

You know, I'm not some crazy wacko with a death wish.

I plan on being around for a while.

Cops they always say that you can't get away, but if you know how to live off the land, there are guys Actual t*rrorists even They don't catch them for years.

What I'm trying to say is I'm not gonna hurt you.

I need you around.

You tell them how good I treated you and you tell them why I had to do all this.

You know how much they're spending on this dumb

-ass memorial?

City and county combined, it's more than three million.

It's crazy, right?

My dad he got a thousand

-dollar fine for P.


That's public intoxication.

He goes to jail for 30 days.

They added late fees for the time that he was inside.

Late fees.

You believe that?

Put him on house arrest when he gets out, they bill him another thousand dollars for the ankle monitor.

And they tell him that he's gonna go back to jail if he doesn't pay the bill on time.

He decides that he's gonna get drunk one day, starts calling, texting me while I'm at work.

Telling me how he's just gonna cut the damn thing off his ankle and dare 'em to come and bring him in.

Idiot, right?

Idiot! And I didn't make it home in time to stop him.

You know, the city the cops, they can k*ll my dad for a few thousand bucks but they can spend millions for a funeral for some singer?


Hold still.

Sunil, it's Gabby from next door.

I didn't see you go for your run this morning and I saw your car in the garage so it doesn't look like you went to work, either.

Just making sure you're all right.

Hey, Gabby! I'm fine.

Just not feeling well.


-I think I might be contagious so can't come to the door, okay?


Were you home last night?

I saw a man coming in and out of your place with some bags?

Oh, uh, my brother's in town.

Uh, he's just staying with me, that's all.

Your brother?

Uh, uh, my step

-brother! I

-I'm good, please.

Gabby, I

-I really I really need to rest up and get ready for the, uh, for the Madden tournament this weekend.



Well, holler if you need anything.

Okay, sounds good, Gabby! I will, thanks.

You know, there's something wrong with grown men who still play video games.

Shows a lack of maturity.

Almost time.

Let's go.

Come on.

We love you, Monica! How we looking, Deac?

Nothing yet.

With the range of that grenade launcher that Mitch Anderson's using He could be way out of our sight and still hit the procession; Yeah, I know.

Tan, any word from HQ?

They're sending me every patrol call within a quarter mile as they come in.

It's a lot to sort through.

Let me know if you hear anything.

Wait, hold on.

I might have something.

911 call from ten minutes ago.

A woman's worried her neighbor's being held against his will.

What makes you think he's connected to our guy?

A second

-story condo It's been a while since I did this kind of math, but I'd say from that balcony, it's pretty much a perfect trajectory to hit the procession at multiple points.

That could be something.

You and Deac check it out.

In the meantime, I'm changing the procession route so it doesn't go anywhere near that location.

Yeah, roger that.

Back up, back up, back up! Incoming! Two o'clock! Go, go, go, go! 25

-David to 20


Suspect fired at us and retreated back into the residence.

Copy, 25


En route.

What's going on?

Is everything okay?

They're just doing their job.

Help! Help! Help! It's 25


We got the hostage.

Suspect escaped on foot.

Thank God.

Did you guys get him?

Not yet.

Is it just the one guy?

White, wearing a blue hat.

Kept saying how cops k*lled his dad.

This him?

That's the guy.


-How'd you guys know to come?

Did Gabby call?

One of your neighbors called 911.

It's got to be Gabby.

When she came and checked on me, I told her I was playing a Madden tournament.

But she knows how much I hate sports.

He left the grenades.


He's got more.


-He's got a whole other bag he took with him.

Did Mitch say anything to the hostage about where he's headed with those grenades?

No mention of a secondary target.

But the hostage said that Mitch kept talking about disappearing in the wilderness for a while.

They found his SUV full of brand

-new camping and survival gear.

Griffith Park?

It's right there.

How long does he think he can hide there?

That park's 4,000 acres.

There's a hundred ways in and out.

People have disappeared in there for weeks.

Procession goes right by one of the trailheads.

Mitch could still be planning to use a few of those grenades before he takes off.

We gotta get there fast.

Let's move.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

There you go.

Mitch Anderson! On the ground! On your knees, now! Move, move, move, move, move! Down on the ground! I said down on the ground! Mitch! Do exactly what I say.

You get back! I said get back! Don't you come any closer! Take it easy, Mitch.

Nobody's died yet.

Nobody died?

My father died! For $2,000! And none of these people had anything to do with that.

Yeah, no, I know.

They're all here for this funeral that you paid millions for.

How much did they k*ll my father over?

! I hear you, man.

But it's tough to have this conversation when you're pointing a g*n at an innocent person.

If you got a problem with us, take it up with us, not her.

- Oh!

- He's running! Move, move, move, move! LAPD! Get down! Everybody down! Grenade! Get down! Get down! Hey.

Go! Go! Go! Get out of here.



Move! Deacon Stay there, stay there! Don't move.


I was hoping we'd catch you.

Well, I'm just trying to get home.

Have a meal with my family.

I don't want to keep you, Sergeant, but I want to thank each one of you personally.

No thanks necessary.

I'm sure the team would say the same thing.

Yes, well when we first met, maybe I could've given you the benefit of the doubt.

Well, after what your daughter saw happen to her boyfriend, I can I can understand why you didn't.

See, I

-I forget, sometimes, that not every police officer that wears that badge holds himself to the high standard that we do here at SWAT.

And I don't think I said this, and I should've: I am truly sorry for your loss.

Just heard you're going for master gunner.


I figure, let all the others walk into their eval with Hicks bragging about how many cadres they got.

Anyone can earn a cadre.

One only person in all of SWA gets to be master gunner, so Hey, uh I know we got off on the wrong foot with the TLI competition.

And you probably noticed that I haven't been busting my ass for this the way I normally would.

But that's not me.

And I can't do that anymore.


No one asked you to.

Not technically, no.

But the way you've been acting lately says plenty.

I am not mad at you and Tan for entering the competition.

I'm not.

Just treating you guys like what you are.

For the moment, anyway.

You you're the ones that I need to beat.

You're in the way of something I really want.

Some people can compete one minute and be palling around the next, and And that's not you.

I get it.

Once the competition's over, though After I smoke your ass?


Maybe things will go back to normal.


Stevens has had master gunner locked up for the last three years.

If you can't dethrone him, you're back to square one.

Well, go big or go home, right?

Looks like you're going home.

I've been the only one here

- for, like, an hour.

- Wow.

A whole hour?

I'm so sorry for being late.

Hey, it's all good.

I just got home myself, actually.

Have you eaten yet?

Just picked up some grub.

Uh, I can eat.

What about you, Leroy?

You want to sit down for a bite?

Oh, no, I'm good, man.

Uh Halfway house got a curfew anyway.


All right.

Hey, but listen, um, this Saturday there's a car show.

It's up in Malibu.

But, you know, Pops can't be around a lot of people till his chemo's done, so Darryl's gonna be showing off his ride.

You should come.

I mean, you wouldn't mind that, would you?

Uh, n


You want to?

- Yeah, I

-I'll see what I can do.

- All right, cool.


-a just text you after school tomorrow.


All right.

I see you, Hondo.

I see you.

Listen, I'm just trying to bring Darryl's two worlds together, man.

I raised him for two years, but you're his father.

So why make him split his time?

Put that kind of pressure on him?

We're in this together, man.


Oh, we're in this together.

Even after you left me hanging with the parole board?

- Leroy, come on

- No, no.

You you talked plenty.

My turn.

Now, you done him some good, I admit that.

I mean, he's more of a reader than he was a few years ago.

But there's a lot more than books that makes you a man.

Don't know if he can cut it out there yet.

By "out there," I really hope you're talking about college and not the streets.

Well, like you said, Hondo I'm his father.