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04x03 - The Black Hand Man

Posted: 04/12/23 08:56
by bunniefuu
- Leroy.

- Previously on SWAT I tried to keep my son out of the life, but he just keeps looking for it.

Are you ready to turn your back on all this noise and go down a different road than your daddy?

We both want you to stay here.

You're gonna have to promise to stay out of trouble.

- I

-I promise.

- Welcome to the family.

- She gonna make SWAT?

- I haven't even met her.

Maybe the next time you're headed to the range, I could tag along.

- I don't really do personal training sessions.

- Oh.

You might be good enough and still not make it.

Thanks for your honesty.

Which means you have to be the best in your class.

We can't give 'em any excuse to pass you over.


-deserved, Erika!

- Welcome to SWAT!

- Yeah.


-David, good to go.


-David, set.

On my count three, two, one.

First gunman down! Second gunman down!

- My heroes.

- Not bad for the JV team.

Rocker, if we're JV, what does that make you, Pop Warner?

Before you answer that, I think you got some paint to wash off.

Don't forget the egg on your face.

Yeah, Tan's the man! Excuse me, guys.

Tan's got fans.

Must be nice.


He's not the only one.

Molly texted, asking if we're all square for dinner tonight.

Yes, sir.

My place, 8:00.

Steaks have been marinating since this morning.

Rib eye for you, as requested.


I wanted you to know I've been seeing how hard you've been working lately and I'm

-I'm impressed.

When you're dating a woman as amazing as your daughter, it's easy to go the extra mile.

I was talking about the drill, Street.

Your team beat the scenario in record time.

Apparently, I'm gonna have to up the difficulty level.

Attention to detail under duress.

Do you see how communication helped make this op successful?

Yes, sir.

Good, watch it again.

And then watch it again.

How's this class look?

A couple promising candidates.


Why don't you tell Officer Alonso what you learned about hostage rescue today.

Efficient navigation of civilians, bad guys and terrain.

When making decisions, slow is fast.

All right, very good, thank you.

No, thank you, Sergeant.

Why'd you make him wear the cap of shame?

Well, Durham's squared away.

Cap keeps him humble.

Ha ha, my dawg! My dawg, you good?

Hey, man, yeah, yeah.

How you doing?

Oh, man, I'm good, I'm good.

- It's good to see you.

- You, too, homey.

Crazy times, right?

How you holding up with all these safety rules?

I'm maintaining, man.

I'm healthy.

I appreciate you taking time out of your schedule coming down here.

Come on, man, it's nothing.

All love.

And I figured you'd want an update on Darryl.

He's doing good, man.

He's been out there marching with the protestors.

He's also headed to court.

He's fighting for joint custody for your grandson.

And don't worry, I'm gonna get him the letters that you sent.

Hey, why don't I give them to him myself?

Yeah, man, I'm looking at early parole.

Might be as early as next week.

What are you talking about?


-I thought you had six, seven more years, at least.


I don't know.

Honestly, I don't care, man.

I got to go before the board in two days.

That's why I called you here.

You want me to speak on your behalf.

Hey, man, you got status.


Respect in the system?

They hear you say a couple of quality things about me, I'm out of here, no problem.

I can't even remember the last time we talked outside this place.

And now I get a

-a second chance to be a father to my son.

Leroy I'm happy for you.

I really am.


If I speak on your behalf I rep the LAPD, man.

That involves more than just you and me going way back.

All right, no doubt, no doubt.

You got to, you got to check with your boss, man.

Nah, nah, nah, it ain't about that, it's more than that.

I'd have to stake my entire reputation that you'd stay clean if you get out.

Which I will.

Oh, come on, dawg.

All right, I know I know you got to do what you got to do.

Just considering everything we've been through though, I mean, I I trust you got my back.

All love, right?

No doubt.

Hey, great job at the sh**t house.

Thanks, Erika.

I got to say, it's nice looking across and seeing you in a SWAT uniform.

Right back at you.

After two years of working night shift, I'm still getting used to new faces on 50


And they're getting used to mine.

Hope I can fit in.

Got to learn everything you can, move up the ranks.

How'd you do it?

I looked for every opportunity.

Like the T.



liaison thing.

- "T.




- Tactical Leadership Institute.

It's part of why Luca's in Germany.

He's working with security forces from a few different countries.

We have a competition here at SWAT.

Winner gets to travel there.

Run security exercises for a month with other anti

-t*rror1st groups.

A chance to show real leadership ability,

- set up for promotion?

- Yep, and then I also have to interview with Hicks.

He makes the final call.

I got to think you're a shoo


I like the way you think.

Just keep your head down! Go! Get in the bus! Move! Go! Go! Everybody, shut up and get to the back of the bus now! You stay right there! Sit down! All available units respond.

Hostage situation with two armed male suspects on a Metro bus.

1900 block of Magnolia.

- What do we got?

- Metro gave us access to the bus camera.

There's two sh**t and five civilians inside, including the driver.

Could breach the windows, tenderize them with stinger grenades but can't control who we hit.

Same problem with gas.

We'd have to go in immediately, but in that tight of space, there's a good chance people get hurt.

With the tinted windows on that bus, sn*pers can't get a sight line inside.

If we don't have eyes, we got to make eyes.

Street, post up.

Deacon, Chris, nonlethal, stay close.

Roger that.

This is LAPD! We need you to exit that bus and drop your weapons! You think we can't see you in there?

We can see you now! We know your plan isn't to die! You were forced into this! Chain of circumstances.

Well, circumstances are a crazy thing.

Don't force us to make yours worse!

- Don't sh**t!

- On your knees!

- Hands behind your head!

- On your knees now!

- On your knees! Drop the w*apon!

- On your knees!

- Hands behind your head!

- Don't move! 20


Suspects in custody.

Patrol spoke to witnesses.

This whole thing started with a car chase.

And then a guy in cuffs fled in a shot

-up minivan.

Before that, there were g*nshots in a neighborhood

- not far from here.

- We better check it out.

Lot of a*mo fired here.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Looks like the action started inside

- and then spilled out here.

- This place has been shot to hell.

Hondo! FBI?

What the hell happened here?

The two sh**t from the bus just told me they'd rather do time than talk to a cop.

Doubt they're gonna be much help.

Copy that.

Whatever happened in that apartment led to the chase and barricade.

Car found at the scene?

Plates were registered to the FBI.

So between this and those two dead agents Bureau's got some explaining to do.

This is Special Agent Melvin Woods.

I've known him since I was a boot and he was a junior G


What you got, Mel?

Those agents were Earl and Damon, two of my best.

I spent the last hour informing their families.

- Our sincere condolences.

- Thanks, Bob.

They didn't deserve to die this way.

I assume that apartment was a safe house.

Who was it for?

Rocco Contoursi.

He's a capo in the Venuti crime family.

My old watch commander still tells stories about them.

For years, the Venutis controlled all gambling and black hand business in L.


- Racketeering.

- They used to use extreme v*olence to collect debts When that didn't work, their specialty was armed robbery with an emphasis on m*rder.

They used to be heavy hitters, but not so much the last couple of decades.

Probably why they assigned a dinosaur like me

- to work them.

- Well, business slowed.

Mafia's influence declined.

Today, the family is on its last breath.

Hasn't stopped them from trying to reclaim their glory days, though.

But now, with two agents dead,

- they've got our attention again.

- You put the Mafia back on its heels, it makes them desperate and dangerous.

Look, if the FBI wants to cross

-swear my officers, consider it done.

Rocco was supposed to testify before a grand jury

- in three days.

- Except somebody located the safe house, k*lled those two agents, and now Rocco's in the wind.

Without his testimony, the Venuti family stays open for business.

Besides those two agents, they also shot a civilian.

They'll k*ll anybody to get at Rocco.

Well, then let's find him first.

Put out feelers at nearby hospitals.

Witnesses say Rocco was bleeding pretty badly when he fled the scene.

Maybe we can catch him looking for medical attention.

Rocco's not the boss of the Venuti family, but he's been a loyal captain for years.

His little brother Tony became a soldier this year.

Rocco agreed to talk to the FBI.

Makes him a rat in their eyes.

- Can't be many people he can trust.

- Well, the only person that he spoke to since the FBI arrested him: His ex

-wife, Gina.

They've spoken a few times, actually.

She lives in Northridge.

Trauma nurse.

Maybe he'll contact her again.

FBI safe houses are supposed to be confidential.

We checked the phone records of the only three people who knew the address.

One of them, an FBI clerk, received a call a few days ago from an illegal gambling den downtown.

Could be one of Venuti's places.

The mob controls most backroom gambling in the city.

And that FBI clerk could've leaked that info to the mob.

Let the Feds worry about their leak.

Chris, you and I'll talk to the ex


Street, you update Hondo, and check out that gambling site.


Commander, you got a minute?


What do you need?


A guy I grew up with in my neighborhood, serving a long sentence, said he's up for parole seven years earlier than expected.

Does that sound possible?

Well, the state's looking to save resources due to prison overcrowding.

The pandemic's played a role, too.

Inmates in good standing have a better chance of getting out early release.

Well, believe me, it's something we plan on keeping our eye on

- once they start hitting the streets.

- Sir, sir, it's not that.

It's not that.

He asked me if I would speak on his behalf with the parole board.

As a sergeant of the LAPD?

How do you feel about it?

Real talk?

He's the closest thing I have to an old

-school brother.

But he also made decisions that landed him behind bars.

Many times.

Yeah, serious stuff.

Well, if you're asking if I approve of you speaking on his behalf, I say this: I trust your judgment and whatever you decide to do.

But the question is do you trust your pal to stay clean?

Got it.

According to Vice, this is the spot.

It may not look it, but behind that taco joint's a mini Vegas.

Hey, what up, Chino?

Not every day you see a taco joint with its own bouncer.

Rival bangers drop weapons and beef at the door for a chance to gamble big

-time money inside.

All right, let's join the party.

I'll let the Feds know.

This is 20


We'll cover the front.

You guys enter the back.

Roger that, 20


FBI going in.

No, no, no, no, no.

Take it easy, big man.

- You reach, we teach.

- Put it on the table.


We got a search warrant.

This is the FBI.

I want everyone out.

Down on the ground.

Everyone, take a seat.

Anybody here not got a warrant?

Yeah, well, listen up.

If y'all want leniency, somebody's gotta tell me who's running this joint.

Since you interrupted my games, we might as well chat.

- Right this way, ma'am.

- Let's go.

Street, help the Feds get these guys out of here.

On your feet.

Sorry, folks, looks like today's not your lucky day.

I recognize you from Vice reports.

Lulu Wan.

I thought you ran with MTS out of Garden Grove.

Petty theft and dice games.

- That was so last year.

- You're Korean.

You're Chinese.

What of it, pretty boy?

Backroom games are Mafia territory.

How'd you get permission from the mob to run this place?

Venuti family got desperate.

They don't have the manpower to run their own businesses anymore, so they started selling their establishments to me and others.

Well, somebody in there called the Feds and got

- an address to a safe house.

- Wasn't me or my people.

Had to be Peter Venuti.

Venuti's head of the family.

Before he became the boss, he had almost 33 bodies connected to him.

Venuti still thinks the mob can make a comeback, but it's over for them.

We think he's hunting an ex

-captain of his,

- Rocco Contoursi.

- I know about Rocco.

We all work the same rackets.

He agreed to talk to the Feds.

But, uh, if Rocco's own brother wants him dead, I don't know who I can point you to.

Rocco's kid brother Tony.

You're saying he's working with Venuti to hunt down his own brother?

Nice family, right?

Deadline just passed.

They're listing all the applicants for the T.




I didn't know you made climbing cadre.

A couple years ago.

I had to crawl over Rocker to get it.


Who's coming in second to you?

Sullivan from 70

-Squad has a pretty good record in the field.

But he doesn't have many cadres, and he's terrible at interviews.

Bernard and Scura, from 40


They'll be more focused on taking each other down than winning.

Hey, hold up.

Did you know Tan and Street were signing up?


Shouldn't be a problem.

You've got seniority over them.


Albert, thank you for coming in.

Has your ex

-husband tried to contact you in the last 24 hours?

Why would Rocco do that?

There's a reason I'm an ex.

Venuti's after him.

Rocco's injured.

Might have no other options.

First time Rocco and I met was in an ICU.

He came in after some bar fight.

I'm a nurse, so I treated his injuries.

What can I say?

I got a thing for damaged guys.

But after we got married, I told him I wouldn't clean up his blood anymore.

Your ex is a Mafia captain.

Didn't that bother you?

I know Rocco has done some bad things, but for the people he loves, there is nothing he wouldn't do.

He agreed to testify against the family, didn't he?

Maybe he's changing for the better.

Do you know where he is?

You still love him, don't you?

Look, Rocco's third

-generation mob.

He's got a lot of pride.

None of us want to die on our knees.

Right now, he's out there all alone, and if Venuti catches up to him before we do, how do you think that ends?

You really think you can save him?

We're his best shot.

With your help.

That's the signal.

He's here.

Che bella.


Rocco Contoursi, LAPD.

I just want you to be safe.

- I know.

- Best for you to come with us.

Show us your hands.


Welcome to your new safe house.

A lot safer than your last one.

The FBI rescheduled the grand jury for tomorrow, so you can sit tight here until then.

Gina's a good woman.

Tell her I don't blame her for this.

But I'm not testifying.

Your deal with the FBI is hanging by a thread as it is.

I had nothing to do with those two Feds getting k*lled.

Your crime family stormed the safe house and you fled the scene.

Tell us a different story.

They tried to k*ll me, too.

- You pick up my brother?

- No.

- Tony's still in the wind.

- Find him.

Find him, and then I'll talk.

You got a lot of love for a brother who tried to

- put a b*llet in you.

- Tony's a good kid.

He's only been a soldier for a few months.

Venuti brought him to that safe house, put a g*n in his hand to k*ll me.

His own brother.

- Loyalty test.

- Tony couldn't pull the trigger.

That's why things went sideways.

One of the Feds went for his piece, everybody started sh**ting at each other.

It spilled outside.

I grabbed the car keys and split.

I don't love what I did for Venuti, but it put steaks in the freezer.

I only asked him one thing: Keep my brother out of it.

Times got hard for Venuti.

He broke his word, recruited Tony.

So that's why you cut a deal with the Feds.

I made same deal with the FBI as I did with Venuti.

Protect my brother and I'll do whatever you ask.

If you want us to save Tony, then you've got to

- help us find Venuti.

- All the federal heat on his head, Venuti's probably scrambling, trying to get out of the country.

He'll keep Tony alive as his ace card, to keep me from talking.

But once Venuti's in the clear, he won't need Tony anymore.

Venuti will be gone, and Tony will be at the bottom of the Pacific.

Hey, Mel, Venuti's gonna need cash to leave the country and lay low; That kind of ripcord costs plenty.

More than a dying family has.

All their rackets have dried up.

What about family debts?

They seem desperate enough to call in markers.

The FBI has years of the family's financial history.

I'll have my team send over everything they have.

Tan, grab Chris and Street and start digging through those files.

Organized crime.

What a thankless beat.

Surveillance, informants, auditing.

Death by paperwork.

You never really get a win.

When you do, another weed just fills in the cracks.

We got Venuti in our sights, Mel.

Now's our chance to grab this family by the whole damn root.

Hey, I just got your message, D.

You good?

Uh, not sure.

Look, I just got out of class and got a collect call.

From prison.

Your pop.


He said he might be getting out early.

He said you're gonna help him with his parole hearing.

No kidding.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know he was gonna reach out to you like that.

Um Look, um, I haven't decided whether or not I'm gonna speak at the, uh How are you feeling about the possibility of him being back?

Excited, I guess.

But nervous.

I haven't seen him in the real world since I was a little kid.

I spent the half of my life trying to be like him and the last couple years trying not to be.

But if him getting out means I can't live with you anymore, then I don't want that.

Darryl, listen to me.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm always gonna be here for you for anything you need.

And no matter what happens with your father, nothing we have is gonna change.

Know that.



Well, so far, I've found six local businesses suspected of owing debts to the mob from the FBI's files.

Three car dealerships, a winery, two nightclubs.

I got patrol units on all those spots, but there's got to be more.

Chris, anything interesting in your stack?


-David to 24


Sorry, I'm just trying to focus.

Got a lot on my mind.

Anything you need help with?

Why did you both sign up for T.




Why not?


-is it a big deal?

Just never heard you two talk about it at all.

I didn't know you had any interest.

At first, I

-I didn't.

But SWAT's never had anything like this for lower

-ranking officers.

There's only one spot.

And you want that to be you.

I told you guys two weeks ago I was going for it.

Kind of maybe remember you mentioning something.

Come on, you didn't expect to be the only 20

-Squad member up for it.

Well, I don't love competing against my teammates.

Listen, I didn't realize that it was this important to you.

I'll pull my name.


Okay, now

-now you're making it worse.

First you're pissed 'cause, what, we sign up, and now we can't drop out?

I mean,

- can't win.

- I didn't say I was pissed.

I just I don't want to win it because you dropped out.

I want to win it straight up.

Then win it straight up.

I don't get the problem here.


I don't I don't have to explain myself.

A patrol spotted Venuti at one of the businesses we flagged.

The winery.

Rocco's brother Tony is with him.


Let's go.

Tony, you begged me to be in this family.

You begged me.

And I finally give you responsibility, and you panicked.


Venuti, please.


-I didn't know you were gonna ask me to k*ll my own brother.

What do you think a soldier does?

I point, and you sh**t.

I need soldiers.

Are you still interested in being a soldier?

This is my only safe.

Let me just talk to Peter.


Peter, why are you doing this to me?

William, your winery wouldn't exist without the money my family gave you to start it.

So I'm just here to collect, all right?

I want cash.

I want all of it.

I paid you every penny I owed you plus interest.

- I owe you nothing.

- Doesn't matter.

This is all there is.

I don't have cash just lying around like that.


You want to lie to me?


sh**t him in the face.

Wait, wait.

No, no.

No, please.

Someone's here.

Pull the trigger.


- Please, no.

- Pull the trigger! Please.

Slow them down.

Come on.

Come on.

Let's go.

Street, back! Move! Last man.

Hondo, wine cellar.

Chris and Street, cover the door.

Make sure nobody but us comes back up.


Where'd they go?

There's another exit to the cellar.

Please, please, just be careful.

Anything we need to be aware of?

Venuti sold me this land to start my business.

There's tunnels underneath it.

His family used to run booze through it in the '30s.

Those tunnels ain't on our maps.

Deacon, move.

LAPD! Show us your hands.

Deacon, hold.


Tony! I can see you, kid.

Listen to me.

We talked to your brother, and he's worried about you.

All this Mafia stuff, he knows it ain't you.

My brother doesn't hate me?

But Venuti tried to get me to k*ll him.

Yeah, but you didn't.

You haven't done anything serious yet.

There's still a way out of this if you come with us.

We're not asking you to trust us.

We're asking you to trust your brother.

Come on out, man.

Can't do it.

You really want me to trust that rat brother of mine?

And his cop friends?

You tell my brother I'll never forgive him for flipping.

He's the biggest disgrace in our family since Uncle Bobby.

You tell him that.

Tac lights.

He's on the move.

I see three different exit points.

Which way did he take?

Could be any one of them.

Venuti knows we're on his tail.

Now, what's the biggest, quickest score he could go after?

Where's my kid brother?

Venuti's still got him.

Now, what aren't you telling us?

I said everything I could think of already! Once you're in, it takes hold of your life.

And I was a fool thinking I could keep Tony out of it.

No, no.

There is still hope for Tony based on what I heard.

- You talked to Tony?

- We tried to.

And we got the sense that he wanted to come with us, but then all of a sudden, he pulled a 180.

And I ain't no fool.

It was a little over



That kid never could talk tough.

He told me to give you a message.

That you're the biggest disgrace since Uncle Bobby.

Does that mean anything to you?



-After our dad died, I joined the Venuti family.

Tony was young back then.

He wanted to know where the money was coming from.

I didn't want him to know the truth, so I made up this long

-lost uncle, Uncle Bobby, who sent us money.

I said he was a congressman or something.

Now, Tony got older, figured out the truth, but it stayed a little joke of ours.

Like, anytime we see a two

-faced politician on TV, Tony would ask, "Hey, is that my Uncle Bobby?

" Tony's been by Venuti's side this entire time.

He might have just given us his next target.

- Uncle Bobby?

- No.

A politician.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Uh, I'm hitting the range tonight if you want to join.

Just need every minute of training I can get.

Is this about Tan and Street?

Come on, you're not seriously worried about beating them, are you?

I know how good they are.

Tan's got one more cadre than me.

Street's been central to huge undercover ops.

Not to mention he's dating the daughter of the guy that's gonna make the final call, you know?

They're your friends, Chris.

No matter what happens, that's not gonna change.

They don't feel like friends right now.

They're acting like I didn't tell them how badly I want this.

You mean they're men?

Sometimes we say things, we think we're being clear, and they hear something totally different.

But you already know that, so what is this really about?

I, uh We are not allowed to worry.

Not openly, anyway.

Show the first sign of weakness as a woman here in SWAT, and that's it.

We're done in their minds.

I get it.

Also, um I'm sorry I'm loading on you here, but It's okay.

Things are not great.

I'm still living at my uncle's, and it's getting harder to keep pretending everything's okay.

Street's got Molly.

Tan's engaged.

I don't know.

Maybe that's why the idea of losing to them bothers me so much.

They don't need to pretend like things are working out for them.

You remember when I was trying out for SWA and asked for your help, and you told me you couldn't?

You said that I had to push myself.

I had to do it without you.

That was SWAT Academy.

This is totally different.

I'm gonna tell you the exact same thing.

You don't need anyone else's help to beat them.

And I got plans after work.

Guess I'll see you tomorrow.

I heard you got something on Venuti's next target.

- Let's hear it.

- I went through all his businesses.

I pulled anyone with ties to political contributions.

Found this.

Meet Georgia Porter.

In the '90s, she and her husband started a string of car dealerships.

FBI believes they used start

-up money from Venuti.

Now she's a widow and one of the richest women in L.


Pulled her social media, found this.

She's hosting an exclusive fundraiser at her Bel

-Air house today for a Senate candidate, David Long.

Agent Woods just called.

The FBI fast

-tracked the warrant to the security footage of Porter's gated community.

They're transferring it now.

What's Venuti gonna steal at a fundraiser?

Security at these things is surprisingly slim.

Unelected Senate candidate is a pretty low

-risk job, but it's a black

-tie event.

A private event like this it could cost up to 50 grand a plate.

So to answer your question, these guests They'll be wearing watches and jewelry

- that costs more than cars.

- Not to mention, Ms.

Porter's worth over a hundred mill.

How much you think she got stashed at her house?

It'll be a straight smash and grab.

This is the security feed at the main gate.

These gates normally have an attendant, but I don't see one.

Roll it back.

- Stop.

- That's Venuti.

He's with Tony.

That was 15 minutes ago.

Okay, everybody, listen up.

This is how it's gonna go.

Everything you have on you, you put in those bags watches, wallets, cash, everything.

You can go to hell.

And you can come with us.

Bring her upstairs.

- No, no.

- No.

Kid, sometimes we get what we want, sometimes we don't.

And you've been such a pain in my ass, I've decided, you're not cut out for this business.

But I chose you.


You're just like your brother, and I drown rats.

Come on.

We got a safe to find.

All right, Chris, the two of you take the two side.

Deac and I got the four.

Street and Tan, sweep the house.



I see two armed men guarding the tent with hostages.

No sign of Venuti.

Someone's in the pool! That's Tony.

We got to move.



No eyes on Venuti.

But this house is massive.

We give away positions, he'll have the advantage.

Tony doesn't have time.

Initiate! LAPD! LAPD! We got to get out of here.

Little help?

Get him up.

k*ll her.

Turn him over.



Venuti's on the move out a side passage on the east side of the house.


-David in pursuit.



Venuti's in custody.

Had to come down and see the cuffs slapped on him myself.

Well, safe to say, the Venuti family is finished for good.

Well, the brass has already moved me onto new black hand syndicates.

It never really ends.

Well, I thank you.

Sometimes this job seems thankless.

I just want you to know that's not always the case.

Hey, good work, Alonso.

I heard that was a hell of a 40

-meter sprint.

It was way more than 40, sir.

See I missed out on all the fun.

What, no bad guys to chase in Berlin, huh?

Ha, hell no.

They won't let me loose on the streets in my off time.

- It's their loss.

- I see the T.




-ups closed.

Chris, Street and Tan all competing against each other.

I didn't expect that.

Yeah, sounds like things are already getting kind of frosty.

No, I see it in our drills here.

Germans want to beat the Italians who want to beat the French.

Competition has a way of sharpening steel.

- Or ruining chemistry.

- I'll keep an eye on 'em.

Yeah, I'll check up on 'em, too.

- Luca, bud, we miss you.

- Wait a minute.

You're telling me I had to travel halfway across the world to finally start feeling the love?

Hey, Luca, I don't know what's going on.

I think we're losing you, man.

You're breaking up.

Hey, Luca?

- Oh, hell no, don't even think about

- Luca, later.


Hey, Deac, seriously, though,

- keep an eye on the three young'uns.

- Will do.

All right.

Thought you had plans.

Thought you needed more range time to practice.

Look at that grouping.

My last shot was a hair wide.

Well, you're probably anticipating it, loosening your grip just a little.

Just my humble two cents.

Sorry, by the way.

I, uh I shouldn't have ghosted you in SWAT Academy.

I might have been thinking more about my own image than what you needed.

See, that's the crazy thing.

It was what I needed.

You're right.

Things are always gonna be different for us.


I needed to embrace that in order to push myself to be the best that I could be.

You taught me that.

Thanks for reminding me.

I'm gonna kick their asses.

Look, um I don't mean to interrupt your homework, uh There's something I got to talk about.

Your pop.

I want you to hear it straight from me.

I am not gonna speak on his behalf at the parole hearing.


Listen to me.


When I was your age, my two best friends never graduated high school.

I was the only one.

And my mom She was always on me about staying safe and hanging out with the wrong crowd, and, you know, I just thought she was nagging me too much, but it took me years to realize that she was terrified.

She was scared that I wouldn't live to be a grown man.

And, Darryl, you are 17 years old, and you are so close to making it.

But you make one wrong move, and your entire life is different.

You are in a phase of life, being a Black man, that is vulnerable and it is dangerous.

Wrong place, wrong time, wrong people, wrong cops, and you're dead or in prison.

You have worked too hard, and we have come too far for that.

D, I cannot gamble on you losing the progress that you've made with anyone on this planet.

Even your father.

Now, if I truly thought that he could lead a clean life, then maybe this would be different, but But you don't think that's gonna happen?

I just can't put my name on saying to a parole board that he will.

So that means he's not getting out?

I don't know.

So, it's "no," huh?

That's how it is?

Leroy the first thing the board's gonna ask me is if I think you're gonna get back to doing dirt if you get released.

- And I'm not.

- Come on, man.


You've been pulling strings from behind bars this whole time.

What you think you're gonna do when you get out of here?

Be a barber or something?

I don't plan on coming back here.

All that talk about changing the world, and you got no faith in rehabilitation.

Leroy, I wish you luck, man.

I really do.

But you're gonna have to do this thing without my recommendation.

Yo, we ain't done, man.

Sit your bitch ass down.

This really about protecting your name as a cop, or is it about keeping my boy to yourself?


You know what?

I wasn't trying to bring Darryl into this.

But you're the one who reached out and called him.

But since you're asking me, it's about both, man.

There's a version of this life where you're sitting here

- instead of me.

- Don't do that.

You made your own decisions, Leroy! We both wanted revenge for Big Darryl.

I was just the one who acted on it, did time for it, changed my trajectory.

You know people tried to k*ll me twice in here?

Meanwhile, you out there, living life, playing Daddy to my son.

Something I gave you permission to do.

And it's what's best for Darryl! All the times I had your back, and you can't do this one thing for me?

! Leroy, you're my brother.


Don't you ever call me that again.

You want to leave me in here to rot?

I will rain down smoke on your ass like you ain't never seen.

You're gonna bring threats now?


Till next time, Leroy.

Yeah, next time, bro! Next time!