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03x21 - Diablo

Posted: 04/12/23 08:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT Baby, it was a rough day.

I'm not gonna be able to make it tonight.

This is important, Hondo.

Your friends are gonna be there, and

-and your folks.

That's what this is about?

'Cause you didn't know my parents were coming?

Nichelle, sometimes I'm not gonna be able to make it to things.

I mean, if you want to date a SWAT officer, I mean, that's just the way it's got to be.

How long do you think you can keep covering up for your son's drinking and driving?

He's gonna continue driving drunk until he hurts himself or someone else.

He can punish all of SWAT to get to me.

I'm deputy mayor of this city.

You don't know much about police work, do you?

Everything that happens in an LAPD interrogation room is recorded from the moment that door opens.

You need to make this right.

And seeing Buck like that, in that dark place, made me realize how much I have to lose.

I admire the courage it took for you to tell me that.

You fail a second PFQ, department regulations has you riding the bench.

Come on, Luca! What do we got?

What do we got?

Two seconds under! You're back! I'll spare you the nightmares.

Nelo Venegas, aka El Diablo.

He's the head of El Septimo's drug cartel.

He's pretty brazen to show his face on camera k*lling law enforcement.

El Diablo released this video three months ago after a failed Federales raid on an El Septimo warehouse.

A message to the Mexican government that he and his El Septimo cartel are above the law.

He thinks he's untouchable, and in Mexico he might be, which is why he hasn't stepped foot on U.


soil in five years.

Agent Simons here and the rest of his DEA colleagues have been tracking the Septimos for a while.

And up until now we've had no idea how they've been smuggling their heroin into this country.

Fortunately, the Federale who died in this video didn't do so in vain.

Before he was grabbed, he managed to transmit some intel that shed a light on the El Septimo pipeline.

Baldwin Hills Airport?

That's right, the El Septimo cartel takes full advantage of this public use landing strip because it has no customs or control tower.

They drop their dr*gs, turn around and take off?

What about border security?

How do they even make it this far?

Apparently, thve been analyg the FAA monitoring practices, studying their radar surveillance, and they found a blind spot.

The planes cross the border way out over the ocean, but they stay low enough to avoid radar until they reach Catalina Island where they pivot, slip right through the airspace gap into Baldwin Hills Airport.

And if anyone does see them, it just looks like your average millionaire returning from a beach weekend.

When's the next shipment come in?

According to our intel, tomorrow morning a twin

-engine Navajo is gonna be landing with their monthly shipment.

El Diablo's soldiers are bringing in over a half a ton of heroin.

Our SRT team's in Phoenix right now getting prepared for a large

-scale meth bust.

Which is why I offered up SWAT to be the primary.

- Our pleasure.

- Now, El Septimo is highly trained, heavily armed, and sophisticated in countersurveillance.

Lieutenant Lynch here tells me you're the best.

That's what we need.

So we get a planeload of dope off L.


streets, and the DEA gets a few Septimos to flip on their boss.

- So what are you thinking, Hondo?

- Tomorrow morning.

That's one more day of planning than we usually get.

4:00 a.



-up call tomorrow.

- Justice never sleeps.

- Hope you weren't looking for an easy first day back, Luca.

Couldn't think of a better way to kick things off, bro.

Well, let's hope he isn't too rusty.

Oh, oh! Oh, oh, okay, okay.

- You still got it, you still got it.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

- Hey.

Jokes aside, so good to have you back.

- See y'all tomorrow.

- Dark and early.

Hey, uh, I never got the chance to tell you, but, uh, putting your career and your reputation on the line to go up against the deputy mayor that was pretty badass.

Just didn't want another drunk driver to walk free.

Standing up to the mayor wasn't just about the drunk driver, was it?

It was about your mom, the accident she got into

- all those years ago.

- Street, I We both lost parents at a young age.

I I just, I get the impulse to want to change the past.

I wish I could do it, too.

I'm just saying, I I get it.

And, uh, I'm proud of you for sticking up for what you believe in.

You should be, too.


I'm glad I caught you before you left.



Hey, listen, I'm so sorry about missing our last appointment.

What can I do for you?

We have a bunch of recruits from the Academy touring HQ tomorrow I'm talking to them about mental health resources that they can take advantage of in the LAPD.

Thought if I could get it on their radar early in their careers, normalize the discussion

- It cuts through the stigma.

- Right.

But then I was thinking it might be more effective if it came from somebody that they admire, like a decorated SWAT officer.

Only if you're willing.

No pressure.

Uh, I mean, it's one thing talking to you about this stuff in private, but I might work with these recruits one day.

You wouldn't have to discuss anything personal.

Just tell them what the services are and how they can use them.

I don't know.

Maybe find somebody else?

No problem.

Just thought I'd ask.

Say hi to Annie for me.

How you doing, Sybil?

- Hondo.


- Wow.

Looks like Othella Baker's donation's being put to good use.

Yeah, we started renovations today.

Is Nichelle around?

She is not.

Do you know when she'll be back?

Have you tried calling her?

To be honest, we had a little disagreement, and, uh it was my fault.

She's not returning my calls or texts, so I figured I'd come and apologize in person.


She was kind of upset.

Look, I don't know the details, but I know she was hurt.


I could've handled it a lot better.

So I'm here, trying to make it right.

She's been gone a week now.



You really don't know?

She's going around to nonprofits like ours across the country Chicago this week, Houston the next trying to borrow some of their more effective ideas.

She's trying to find the best way to spend the half


-dollar donation.

She doesn't want to screw it up.

All right, listen, if you hear from her, will you tell her that I'm calling, that I'd love to talk to her?

I'll pass it on.

I appreciate that.

- Take care.

- You, too.


Big man.

We're heading to the motor pool.

You ready?

You know that feeling before a raid nerves, excitement?


Last few months, I didn't know if I'd ever get a chance to feel that again.

I'm just savoring it.

Yeah, well, don't savor it too long unless you want Tan driving your ride.

Hell no.

Air Three to Command.

Visual of aircraft approaching airport.

Roger that.

We got visual.

Signal quality is spotty.

Hills are interfering with the transmission.


-David, you got incoming El Diablo's soldiers

- and the dr*gs.

Everything a go?

- Roger that.

- Luca, you good?

- Ready to rumble, boss.


-David's in position.

We got the front.

- Deacon's team's got the back.

- Wait for my command.

Plane's about ten seconds out.

Here we go.

Wait for it.

Not yet.


What's going on?

Why isn't she stopping?

It's trying to take off again!

- Hondo!

- We see it! He's not gonna make it.

Air Three, we lost visual.

Problem with the signal.

Working to get it back.

Hondo, what the hell's going on down there?

He clipped us! The wing's on fire! It looks like he's going down!

- Where?

- About a half a mile north.

Get that on the radio! Plane's about to crash in South L.


Holy hell.

Lucky it didn't take out any civilians.

Tan, Luca, clear that plane.

Chris, Street, check for witnesses.

I need another unit blocking at 48th and Western.

- Who was the first on site?

- I was.

Witnesses saw six men get out of the plane.

Four went north, two ran south, all carrying heavy firepower.

We set a three

-block perimeter; nothing so far.

Make it five.

This is 20

-David to Command.

We are setting a five

-block perimeter.

We need Mobile Command on

-site to broadcast any prowler 911 calls and pull every security cam in the area to help us narrow down the search.

All right.

Roger that, Hondo.

We're on our way.

This is R


I need all units in the area responding and a K

-9 grid search initiated.

Each handler get with a SWAT team.

What the hell happened to the mission?


-17, let's expand that grid on all four sides.

Roger that, Commander.

We have a serious situation.

Some blood in the cockpit and outside the plane, but no heroin.

If they weren't smuggling heroin,

- what were they smuggling?

- We'll figure that out later.

Right now it looks like we got six Septimos at large in this neighborhood.

Chris and Street, you partner with K


See if they can pick up a trail on Stockwell Avenue.

We know at least one of them is injured, so keep your eyes open for blood.

Luca, Tan, we got to get you a block east.

Deacon and I will follow a street over on Vesta.

We'll sweep from south to north.

Becker's team is en route.

They'll start on Segundo and move south towards us.

If the suspects are in this grid, then we squeeze them.

This op ain't over until all six of them are brought in.

- Am I clear?

- Yep.


sh*ts fired in Memorial Park.

- Officer down.

- That's two blocks away.


-David en route.

Vámonos, vamos.

Move, move! We got an officer down at the south entrance of Memorial Park.

Multiple g*nsh*t wounds to the neck and leg.

He breathing?

Yeah, barely.

Hang in there, buddy.

We got you.

We got you.


-David has eyes on active sh**t.

Hispanic male, dark clothing.

- What's your name, Officer?

- Gretchen.

Gretchen Willis.

We were outgunned.

There were four of them at one point.

Three ran off.

- Which way?

- I didn't get eyes.

Had to duck for cover and wait for you all.


You did the right thing.

Hey, he needs an ambulance.

It could be a few minutes before we stop the sh**t

- and clear the area.

- That's too long.

Hondo, we got to get this guy to a hospital! I can get him there.

I can do it.

All right, help him.

We'll cover.

Load and go to Black Betty.

Move, move.

Luca, let's go.

We got to end this.

Hondo, you got a shot?


Not from this angle.

Civilians behind him.

Call in the K


How's he doing?

He's losing a lot of blood! Hurry! Chris, Street, provide cover fire.

I think he's out of a*mo.


-9 unit.

Send your dog.


-9's on the move.

Stop resisting! Stay down! Stay down.

Secure the K


Turn around! Hands behind your back! Suspect one in custody.



Stay with me.

Stay with me.

Almost there.

Officer Gatens.

Officer Gatens! Just hang on! I'm getting us there, man.

He's not breathing, Luca.

Hey! Hey, you can slow down.

He hasn't had a pulse in a minute and a half.

He's gone.

- Officer Willis.

- Hey.

Uh, what hospital did you take my partner to?

I want to see him.

This is gonna be really hard for you to hear.


My teammates, they rushed him to the hospital.

He fought till his very last breath.

Officer Willis said there was four Septimos when her and Gatens arrived.

The others got to be close.

You take Chris and the K

-9 and see if you can pick up a trail.

Deacon and I will search from a block east.

- Guy just k*lled a cop.

- Hey.

Stay focused.

We still got five Septimos on the loose.

Wait a minute.

Hold on a second.

Hey, guys.

Check this out.

What do you got?

Right there.

The tattoo from El Diablo's video.

Our suspect's got the same one.

La Mano.

- You said "La Mano," as in

- Manuel Reyes.

El Diablo's personal bodyguard?

That's right.

And he is never not by El Diablo's side.

What are you saying?

El Diablo is here?

If La Mano was on that plane, El Diablo was, too.

He's on U.




Roger that.

Rocker's squad arrested two more Septimos.

He's sending photos.

Three out of the six are now in custody.

Now, as far as we know, the remaining three have not escaped the perimeter,

- including El Diablo.

- El Diablo coming here, risking capture by U.


authorities, it's out of character.

I'll let you ask him why when we bring him in.

Hold it.

Got him.

That's El Diablo with the red striped jacket.

Where's that location?

77th Street seven minutes ago.


-Commander to SWAT team, patrol units.

Suspects were last observed crossing 77th Street.

Heading north.

Sending descriptors now.

Look how they're moving.

The last three guys regrouped.

It's like they know this area and have a plan.

Yeah, they're heading somewhere specific.

Well, there's more than a few public use landing strips in the L.



The Septimos use Baldwin Hills because it's near one of their main distribution hubs.

Meaning El Diablo could have an entire network of allies close by.

Who's the head of El Septimo's distribution in South L.



Well, it used to be a guy named Bernie Guzman, but he spent the last six months in California State Prison in Lancaster.

We're still gathering intel

- on who replaced him.

- You think we could flip Bernie?

DEA already tried.

No dice.

If we can figure out who El Diablo's new L.


connection is, maybe we can figure out where he's going and get ahead of him in case he manages to slip our perimeter.

All right.

Find him.

He found something.




-9 found what appears to be El Diablo's jacket.

We're in an alley between 67th and 68th.


-17, conduct a thorough search of that area.

All teams stand by for backup.



Can't be out here.

- You live back here?

- Yeah.

This is my house.

Have you seen anyone coming through here?


I'm sorry.

I don't want to be involved.

Hey, wait, wait, wait.

If you saw anything, you tell us right now.

These men are extremely dangerous and have already shot people in your neighborhood.

You need to talk to us right now.

All right, look, I don't know if it's anything, but I did see somebody come running through here a couple minutes ago.

All right?

He had a g*n, so I waited him out, but I have no idea which way he went.

Was he wearing this jacket?

Yeah, I think so.

- That's it?

- That's it.

All right.

Thank you.

Stay inside your house till we clear the area.



We have a witness saying he saw an armed suspect at our location matching El Diablo's description.

Sounds like El Diablo might have ditched his two friends to keep a low profile.

Hondo, you and Deacon head one street north to 67th.

Chris and Street, keep an eye on 68th.




Code 6 on the east alley behind 815 Gorham Avenue.

Suspects headed down this alley could be hiding in tents.

Send a team to the front of the house.


Sending backup.


Hey, hands where we can see them.

Hey! They're high as hell.

Have you guys seen anyone come through here?


Look, stay here.

I'll clear.

- Don't you go in there.

- Ma'am, sit down.

Sit down.

Hey, buddy.

It's okay, my man.

Come here.

Come to me.



No Septimos, but we need transport for one male

- and, uh, one female.

- Where's my mom?

And a child seat for an approximate three





- for Child Services.

- Roger.

Patrol will meet you at the corner of 80th and Gorham.

All right, that was Lynch.

Good news and bad news.

Bad news is we still don't know why El Diablo's here.

Good news, Lynch has a line on Bernie Guzman's longtime girlfriend, Rosa Montez.

Got an address?

Patrol car's on the way to pick her up now.

LAPD! Open up! Uh, it's okay.

I am fine.

We need to search your house.

Open the door! It's okay.


Sir, is your family here with you?



-I'm alone.

You can trust us.

Why don't you finish questioning?

I'll move on to the next house.

Roger that.

All right, just a couple more questions, and I'll be on my way.

This is 20

-David, Code 6.

Possible suspect inside home on 68th Street.

Making entry.

LAPD! Police! Hands where I can see 'em! Walk back towards me slowly.

Keep coming.

All right, stop.

Face the wall.

Down on your knees.

Keep your hands up.

Put your hands on your head.

Go, go, move.

You good?


Cuff this son of a bitch.

It's all right.

I'm police.

You're safe.

You're safe.

It's 20


Two suspects in custody.

Is one of them El Diablo?

That's a negative.

He's still out there.




-David to Command.

Rest of this block is clear.

No sign of El Diablo.

I'll shift you one block west.

Take the south end.

Rocker and Stevens will take the north.

Chris and Street, anything on 68th?

No sign of anyone so far.

Still making our way down the block.

Roger that.

We have five Septimos in custody.

Only El Diablo left.

Let's tighten up the perimeter and smoke him out.

Rosa Montez?


What's this about?

Your boyfriend Bernie Guzman.

What about him?

Are you aware that Bernie is a member of the cartel El Septimo?

He's pretty high up, too.

Sold El Septimo's dope all over South L.


- News to me.

- So you wouldn't happen to know who took over for him after he went to prison?

- How would I know that?

- Yeah, I figured as much.

Bernie hasn't told you anything.

I'll probably have better luck with the blonde he's sweet on.


- Blonde?

- Yeah.



- You're full of crap.

- What?

You thought you were the only one making conjugal visits to Bernie in Lancaster?

I have an ID here you might want to look at.

I heard you were the jealous type.

- What's her name?

- How about this?

You tell me who is heading up South L.


for El Septimo, and I'll tell you who she is.

Name for a name.

Yeah, Rosa, this guy screwed you over.

His name is Jorge.

The new guy Jorge Valdovinos.

Anything else?

- Address?


- Uh


I never met him.

I just heard Bernie mention his name a few times.


Hey! What's her name?

The blonde bitch?

Oh, there's no blonde.

I made that up.

But on the bright side, your boyfriend's faithful.

Jorge Valdovinos, L.



Loosely affiliated with Los Huesos until they were taken down.

Looks like he shifted allegiance to El Septimo and runs South L.


for them.

- Last known address?

- Still searching.

I'll send it over as soon as I get a hit.


- Any luck?

- Says he didn't see anything.

He's been cooped up inside since he saw LAPD.



-David tracking possible suspect.

Gray hoodie, Van Ness and 70th.

He just went into that complex.

Suspect has entered apartment complex at 9510 Van Ness.

We're checking it out.

Commander, we got a hit.

Jorge has a car registered to an apartment inside the perimeter.

I'm sending the address over now.

Van Ness and 70th?

That's where Chris and Street are.



No sign of him here.

All's clear.

Chris, Street, El Diablo has back

-up at that location.

- ¡Vámonos!

- Fall back now! Now! Get out of there now! 26


We are under heavy fire!

- At least a half

-dozen suspects.

- 20

-David en route! 22

-David on the way! I'm out.

Switching to secondary.

I think I winged El Diablo! He's alive.

They're on the move.



El Diablo with another suspect headed for the stairwell on the north side of the building.

45 seconds out! Just hang in there.

Cover! We got to go! Go, go, go.

Go, go! Right! Right! Right! Let's go! Running low.

Switching to secondary.


Chris, get down! Let me see.

You're good, you're good.

It just hit your vest.

Come on.

We got to move.

We can't stay here.

Come on! On your feet.

Get on one knee.

It's okay.

Stay down.

Stay down! Here, take it.

Come on, let's go.

Come on.

Come on.

We got to move.

We can't stay here.

Let's go.

How many did you count?

Come on.

Come on.

Watch it.

How many did you count?



Nine with El Diablo.

- All right.

- I

-I got two.

Me, too.

I got two.

That's five left.



30 seconds out.



We're looking for an exit down the south hallway.

Chris, come on.

Come on! Damn it! Take cover.


Move, move, move.

Is there anyone else inside?

Just my daughter.

Okay, get her and yourself in the bathroom, lock the door, stay in the tub and stay low, all right?


Thank you.


There's four of 'em.

They're checking out the apartment down the hall.

We can't stay here.

Puts too many civilians at risk.

As soon as they come out, we engage.


No, you You were hit.

Stay here.

Street, I'm fine.

All right.

They're coming.

Chris, Street, talk to me! Coming out! Welcome to the party.

Are you all right?

Do you need a medic?

I'm fine.

Caught one in the vest.

- Chris?

- The op's not over.

This is 20

-David to Command.

- We got Chris and Street.

- Roger that.


-David squad and patrol have the building surrounded.

No sign of Diablo.

I got El Diablo in the leg.

- He was bleeding pretty badly.

- All right, let's move.

Tan, Luca, El Diablo must still be in the building.

See if you can get a visual from the roof across the street.

Roger that.

We're heading over.

Looks like he's on the north side, second floor.

Roger that.

No sign of him, Hondo.

Hold it.

Tan and Luca, second floor, third apartment

- from the east side.

Roger that.

- Go.

Chris, Street, get her out of here.

Let's go.



¡Idiotas! I have to go now.

LAPD! Drop your g*n.

I won't say it twice.

All right, I'm putting it away.

One step further, I sh**t.

We don't want anyone else to get hurt.

Tell him to drop his g*n! Hondo, I got a shot through the window, but my backstop isn't clean.

Listen to me.

We want to end this peacefully.

Nobody else needs to die today.

It's too late for that.

Tell us what you want.

Car full of gas?

Another plane?


You think I'm stupid?

No, no, no, no, no, this won't end the way you want.

Still not clean.

- Come on, man.

- There's got to be something.

A little more.

Some reason you've come here after so long.

What do you want?

I want you to remember.

When it happens, when the city goes up in flames remember I tried to stop it.

When what happens?

I'm clean.

Code 4.

Suspect down.

Hostage is safe.

Simons and the DEA are gonna interrogate the Septimos in custody and go through El Diablo's burner phone, try to piece together why he came stateside.

Must have been something big to draw him out of hiding after all these years.

What do you think he meant "Remember I tried to stop it"?

Stop what?

I'll shake some trees, see what I hear.

Do that.

What's wrong?

I don't know.

I just got a feeling this isn't over yet.


How you doing?

You know, Gatens wanted to be SWAT one day.

Bet he would've made it, too.

Maybe it's not my place, but I know today was a really hard day for you.

One that you you might have trouble processing.

We have a doctor at SWAT Dr.

Wendy Hughes and she's

-she's good.

Maybe when the time is right, you

-you might consider talking to her about all this.

Appreciate it, but I'll figure it out on my own.

Sound like me.

I tend to bury all my feelings.

Until recently, they, uh they all caught up.

And I talked to her, and I don't know.

Might help.


I'll think about it.


I'm so sorry.

Rough day.

Yeah, rough damn day, man.

You sure you missed all this?


Missed you guys a lot.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Did you speak to them already?

I was just about to.

I'll do it.

I didn't mean to pressure you yesterday.

- I know.

I want to.

- You sure?

You said it could make a difference coming from me.

You really believe that?

- I do.

- Then, yeah, I'm sure.

Now I'm sure you have a dozen questions about SWAT, and I'll be happy to talk tactics and training in just a minute.

But first, I want to talk about something else, something I wish I'd paid a little bit more attention to when I was in the Academy.

In this job, you are going to see things you wish you wouldn't.

You're gonna feel things you wish you hadn't.

For a long time, I, uh I ran away from getting any kind of help.

But now that I am open to it, the hope is that's it's it's gonna make me a better officer.

Better husband, better father.

So if you ever feel yourself struggling, just know, the LAPD will have your back.

Certainly has mine.

Good night, Hondo.



Thanks for picking up.

Sybil told me you stopped by yesterday.

I did.

I did.

I The changes look like they're gonna be amazing.


I hear you're quite the traveler now.

Yeah, well, that donation comes with a lot of responsibility.

I'm trying to do right by these kids.

Oh, come on.

Come on.

I know you will.

Look, um I was hoping to tell you this in person, but Nichelle, I am so sorry about the way I handled things the last time I saw you.

That's not how I want to be.

And I know I upset you.

I'm not upset, Hondo.

It just clarified things.

You sound so far away right now.

That's because I am.

We're in different places.

We want different things.

It's not a crime.

It's just sad.

I really am trying to be someone different.

I hope you get there.

But for now, my focus has to be on something else.

Listen, I have to go.

I've got people here waiting to talk to me.




Got a nice bruise?

Badge of honor.

Damn right.

Tell me something.

In this job, we get shot at, we get injured.

Come face


-face with cartel bosses and their hit men.

Are we crazy for signing up for this?

Yeah, probably.

Almost every SWAT op would be the scariest day of most people's lives.

We're not most people.

You and me we already experienced our worst day when we were kids.

Can't argue that.

Probably what led us here.

Always trying to save the next kid.


Sometimes I wonder, though.

If my life would have been better if I'd had normal parents, normal childhood.

Maybe, but then you would have never met me.

Well, that's one way of looking at it.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Thought you left.

I guess I wasn't ready to go home just yet.

You good?

I'm trying.


Save something for tomorrow.

I always do.

Good night.